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special-K 08-31-2007 11:09 PM

Re: WTB magazine ad

Originally Posted by 70cst (Post 2336824)
Ok I will give my .0000000000000000000000000000000000000002 cents worth. A lot of the antique malls have dealers that sells old magazine. I would stop in a few and see what comes up. Another might be in Hemming classifieds. It might take a little longer but just think of the hunt. Good Hunting!!! :exit:

That`s where I`ve looked,the few times I`ve had a chance in the last....8 months he`s been looking.I`ve run across alot of other cool stuff in the meantime,no regrets.It`s all about the hunt,eh?I found a cherry`61 JC Whitney,among other things.

Asa,I`m lovin`every minute of it.If I find this you`ll owe me a batch of margaritas....well 1/2.:lol:

special-K 09-02-2007 08:05 AM

Re: WTB magazine ad
Just chiming in to say I was loading groceries in my passenger side when I saw something familiar out the corner of my eye in the car next to me.On the back seat was what appeared to be a stack of these ads.I found out who`s been hoarding these!I sat and waited until these two young thugs came to the car and got in.When I asked about the ads,they just sped off.I pursued them and in no time we were flying.We sped down this road at I high rate of speed,never glancing at my speedo for fear of losing control at such a dangerous speed.Up ahead I saw a large arrow pointing right with 15 mph posted below indicating a very sharp curve and this guy wasn`t letting up!I backed off,then braked hard going into a skid.As I slowed to a safe speed I watched in horror as I watched this Civic launch off the curve into oblivion.I stopped and searched to no avail.The car had vanished!!!Dumfounded and amazed I stood there on the side of the road pondering what had just occured and questioning if this happened at all.Just then,a sweet medium red w/white top shortbed came pulling up with this wide-eyed guy sweating and holding a death grip on his wheel.He jumps out and asks,"Did you see a Civic with two thugs drive by here in a few seconds ago?"My jaw dropped as a looked at him and asked,"Are you Asa?"He took his stare from looking ahead at that sharp turn,looked me in the eye and said,"Who the hell is Asa?"


see ten 09-09-2007 05:11 PM

Re: WTB magazine ad
A guy told me he had one under the seat of his truck. Said he remembered seeing it the last time he drove it.

special-K 09-10-2007 08:12 AM

Re: WTB magazine ad
GOOD ONE!!!!:sexy:
He better put the wheels back on it and drive it outta there before it starts going downhill.The sun is playin`he!! on that paint.

55chevy 09-10-2007 08:58 AM

Re: WTB magazine ad
Hmmm, I have a small stack of truck ads at home, that one looks familiar. I have always thoought of putting some on Ebay, just think how special that ad will be when you hafta pay big bucks for it? LOL j/k, I will try to remember to look after work, but I'm pretty forgetful.

Chevy454 09-10-2007 09:41 AM

Re: WTB magazine ad
Do you know what magazine (or even better, which issue?) that ad was in? I have a friend that deals in old magazines/ads, and at last count had 100,000+ of them, and has them inventoried...lemme give him a shout!

Chevy454 09-10-2007 10:29 AM

Re: WTB magazine ad
Ok, spoke with my buddy, and he knew the ad, but was pretty sure he did *not* have it at this time...but, he said he *did* have some other '72 truck ads...anyone interested in those?

special-K 09-10-2007 11:51 AM

Re: WTB magazine ad
Sure,he could sell it all here I bet.I buy them.But,if I find the one he`s looking for I`ll give it to See Ten.

I did find this one thumbing through some old ads at an antique shop.Thought the truck was purdy dang kewl,so I bought it:

see ten 09-16-2007 09:59 AM

Re: WTB magazine ad
That's pretty sweet!

I thought about just going Camaro!

special-K 09-17-2007 07:44 AM

Re: WTB magazine ad
Gittin` it,ain`t he?That nose is up in the top picture.I like those first 2nd gennies.I`d didagree on tranny,though.Gotta have me some Muncie!!
It may be as hard to find the car to match the article as the ad is hard to find matching your truck.But,any dark color will do.

396 in`71?:confused:I know they still called the cars SS396,but still weren`t admitting they were 402s,I guess.

see ten 09-23-2007 09:09 AM

Re: WTB magazine ad
I'll just dial "magazine" in to my trusty ol nav system and see where we end up!

special-K 09-23-2007 11:39 AM

Re: WTB magazine ad
Hey,that`s "OnDash"!

earl87gta 09-23-2007 11:42 AM

Re: WTB magazine ad
I looked through all my old mags and I dont have one 72 all stop at 70 and then start back up at 75.

see ten 09-23-2007 10:00 PM

Re: WTB magazine ad
I spent a couple hours today at an antique mall thumbing through magazines. It's a lot more like work than it sounds like! I saw a lot of car ads but not one truck! Oh well.............On with the hunt!

xshadow 09-23-2007 11:02 PM

Re: WTB magazine ad
so see much $$$ is one worth to you?
I may have to start looking harder for one

special-K 09-23-2007 11:06 PM

Re: WTB magazine ad
Paper cuts make it a rough job.

earl87gta 09-23-2007 11:54 PM

Re: WTB magazine ad

Originally Posted by xshadow (Post 2371900)
so see much $$$ is one worth to you?
I may have to start looking harder for one

Ya if we find one how much are we supose to pay for it for you?

see ten 09-24-2007 05:17 PM

Re: WTB magazine ad
I really don't know what the ad would be worth. I did a quick scan on ebay and most of what I was seeing was anywhere from $2.50-$15.00. So I guess since this ad doesn't seem to be turning up I would pay more. How much more? I dunno!? I guess $5.00-$30.00? I mean I seriously doubt I'm going to drop a C note for it or anything like that, but I really would like to have this ad at a reasonable price. If anyone here spots one and feels that it's priced reasonable grab it up! I'm not going to leave you out to dry on it. If by some strange coincidence more than one person shows up with one on the same day, I'll pay you both! It seems like way back towards the beginning of this thread someone else had also asked for a copy. I'm sure I could sell one to them otherwise I guess I would then have a spare!:lol: If the ad never turns up again I guess it was just not meant to be:( . Thanks for the support fellas!

tys toy 09-24-2007 06:36 PM

Re: WTB magazine ad
Saw your post here. A friend of mine sells car ads out of magazines. Hes got to have it. He seems to have everything else. I will let you know asap.:)

xshadow 09-24-2007 09:17 PM

Re: WTB magazine ad
there are two antique malls not far from me. I remember one has some magazines. I'll try to stop by there and see what they have over the weekend.

special-K 09-24-2007 09:24 PM

Re: WTB magazine ad
The funny thing is,when this ad turns up,I doubt it would be any more than any other simular ad.If there does end up being two ads at once,I`d buy one.
Since they made one for at least one issue of one magazine there were thousands made.
I wonder if you could have some ad dealers be looking for you.

see ten 09-30-2007 05:14 PM

Re: WTB magazine ad
One of my buds said to go look in the trunk of his old merc.

special-K 09-30-2007 10:01 PM

Re: WTB magazine ad
You had to roll it over to get in the trunk,huh?

CG 10-01-2007 12:11 AM

Re: WTB magazine ad

Originally Posted by special-K (Post 2382463)
You had to roll it over to get in the trunk,huh? that was funnny :lol:

earl87gta 10-01-2007 12:35 AM

Re: WTB magazine ad
I started replacing 50ft of sewer pipe this week at the house and I didnt see it in there maybe Ill find it in the walls when I remove the dry wall this week.

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