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T-P Auto 09-09-2014 11:24 PM

Re: The "Frankenstine" build;
5 Attachment(s)
Hello Again;

Well have been doing a lot of work on the project;
I got the (BIG) dents out of the front hood.
Got the hood set on the cab.
Try to set the front radiator support in n under the hood.
Looks like I may have to extend the hood about 4".
Can move the fenders forward that much to make them centered on the front wheels.
Plus with the cab so low on the frame the front fender are very close to the road(clearence).
There are several pic of what I'm talking about.

T-P Auto

T-P Auto 09-09-2014 11:27 PM

Re: The "Frankenstine" build;
4 Attachment(s)
Hello Again;

More pic;

T-P Auto 09-20-2014 06:57 PM

Re: The "Frankenstine" build;

Well I'm back on here again.
I had to take some time off to get my leg worked on.
Had to get a New socket made.
So I was not working on the project.
I hope to get started on the project again next week.

T-P Auto

Advanced Design 09-20-2014 07:58 PM

Re: The "Frankenstine" build;
Heal fast and looking forward to more updates!

T-P Auto 09-20-2014 10:24 PM

Re: The "Frankenstine" build;

Thanks AD

T-P Auto

oldman3 09-20-2014 11:13 PM

Re: The "Frankenstine" build;
Hey Tim, wondered why we hadn't hear from you lately. Take care of yourself...Jim

T-P Auto 09-21-2014 01:56 PM

Re: The "Frankenstine" build;
1 Attachment(s)

This is for;
AD n oldman;

Here is thereson that I was off site for a few days.
I fell n broke the leg 9yr ago.
Have had artifical leg for the past7yr.
Have new sockets made this past month.

Here is pic of what I'm talking about.

T-P Auto

T-P Auto 09-21-2014 02:04 PM

Re: The "Frankenstine" build;
4 Attachment(s)
Hello again;

Back to work on the project.
Looks like the fenders n hood will work.
I will just have to set the radiator in at n angle to clear the hood.
Looks like I have about 5" of clearence with the radiator at an angle.
Going to use elect fans so should be enough room.
Will have to make NEW mounts for the radiator to the frame, as well as to the inter fenders.
Here are some pics.
I like the 14' wheels much better then the 15' wheels.
Just give me the rake n stance that I thinks looks better.

T-P Auto

oldman3 09-21-2014 06:57 PM

Re: The "Frankenstine" build;
Tim, was not aware of the leg condition. You haven't let it stop you from doing anything, so keep on going buddy....Jim

T-P Auto 09-21-2014 07:53 PM

Re: The "Frankenstine" build;


I live alone so I just made up my mind after two yr of being in a cast n wheelchair.
I would not heal,keep getting infect,found out that my body as rejecting the metal in my leg.
So i talked to a DR n set up a date to have the lower left leg removed.
I was up on a artifical leg 90 days after operation.
Been going eve since.
It just show that a person can do anything that they want if they want it bad enough.

T-P Auto

flashed 09-21-2014 08:04 PM

Re: The "Frankenstine" build;
WOW ,you are amazing and great attitude .

T-P Auto 09-21-2014 09:21 PM

Re: The "Frankenstine" build;
2 Attachment(s)
Back to the project;

The 1st pic is the old body view;
The 2nd pic is the new look;
The new look was before I though about the front end clip.
So how I have to do some rework to get the panel off the front of cab.
So do have my work set out for me to get the ft fenders back on the project.

T-P Auto

Advanced Design 09-21-2014 09:48 PM

Re: The "Frankenstine" build;
Love the determination Tim! Great example for rest of us. Truck is looking good.

jed971959 09-22-2014 01:48 PM

Re: The "Frankenstine" build;
hope new leg fits good .I got the same thing but on the right side going on 33 years now
hope you get driving the truck soon

T-P Auto 09-22-2014 02:41 PM

Re: The "Frankenstine" build;
Hi jeb971959;

Thanks for the reply;

We just do the best we can with what we have to work with.

I drove the truck back in Aug for my B-day.
Then I got to looking n thinking that a front clip wouls make it look a lot better.
So found a front clip for 200;

The problem is that most of this trucks were set 5" above the frame for clearence of running boards.
I set my body just 2" off the frame to get the lowered look that I wanted.
Now the problem is that front fenders are very close to the ground when set at normal placement.
I spent yesterday working on the inter fender(DS) to get clearence on the frame.
Looks like I will have to set the radiator in at n angle to let the hood close.

More looking n thinking on my part.
I just now that the next one will be a lot easier to do.

T-P Auto

OrrieG 09-23-2014 02:10 PM

Re: The "Frankenstine" build;
Sounds like a good solution, make sure you do not create any opportunity for air locking the cooling system.

ghettoluxury 09-23-2014 02:23 PM

Re: The "Frankenstine" build;
The hood looks much better. It must have taken some a lot of work to get those big dents out.

T-P Auto 09-23-2014 06:27 PM

Re: The "Frankenstine" build;

It was the only way that I can get the fenders n hood to line up with the cab so low.
Plus - I will have to wait till next month to order the radiator from "Speedway".
Before I can make any type of brackets to hold the radiator frame on the frame.


It took me about 2days to get the dents out of the hood,using a body hammer n dolly;
I also welded(wire feed) up the fenders n the hood.

Thanks to both of you for the post reply.

T-P Auto

T-P Auto 09-25-2014 08:20 PM

Re: The "Frankenstine" build;
5 Attachment(s)

Well I got to work on the project again this week some.

As you will see the project set on 2-2x12 on the d/s .
This make up so the drop in my floor, n lets the truck set level.
I got the hood n fenders mounted on the cab-(pic)
Have a small problem with the ps fender/hood.
The hood was bent/sprung so when I welded the brake back to gether on the hood I did not know this.
So how it looks like I may have to cut a relief cut to get the hood bent back some more.(pic)
See the painted area of the hood.
Plus I will have to change out the bolt in the hood for flat heads to let the hood n fender set together.
I got both fenders mounted on the cab n the hood closes.
So I will not have to extend the hood.
With the fender on the cab I only have 5" of road height at the bottom of the rear front fender, (pic)
At this time I'm sure just what to do for a radiator.
I'm giving the 22" tall x 18" wide radiator some more though.(it might be to long0
Thinking about getting the inter fenders cut to fit then bolt the fenders n inter fender together.
Looks like the fender to fender opening will be about 50"w.

Will let you all know what I do on a radiator later.

T-P Auto

T-P Auto 09-25-2014 08:24 PM

Re: The "Frankenstine" build;
2 Attachment(s)

Well I also do work on small engines to help make extra income. (pic)

T-P Auto

Advanced Design 09-27-2014 07:59 AM

Re: The "Frankenstine" build;
Good progress on the truck Tim. Have never seen a mowing deck like that one. Self propelled with a chain drive too. Cool.

T-P Auto 09-27-2014 08:18 AM

Re: The "Frankenstine" build;

It was a tough one to get running.
The chain drive is slow.
8hp motor pulls it fast as you want to walk or faster.

The truck is coming along.
Try to set the hood n fenders together to see how much room I have for the radiator.
Will have to work on the ps of the hood to get it to match the fender better.
Will have to also trim on the back side of the front fender for some road clearence.

T-P Autp

T-P Auto 09-29-2014 07:45 PM

Re: The "Frankenstine" build;
Hello ;

Well got back on the project today.
Worked on getting the fenders set to the inter fender on the driver side.
Looks like I will have to do some trim work on the fender mount hols to give me some forward movement to match the hood when closed.

Still working on where to set the radiator n just what size(LxW) to set under hood n between fenders.

This is looking like a time comsumming problem.

Once I get the inter fenders mated to the outer fendesr and both set on the cab n frame then I can work on the radiator size to fit the opening.

The p/s inter fender is going to also take some time as I have to work around the battery box.

A lot of sitting in cutting an reset several times.

T-P Auto
Have had the d/s on n off 3 times today.;)

T-P Auto 10-03-2014 10:15 PM

Re: The "Frankenstine" build;
5 Attachment(s)
Hello again;

Well got back on the project.

1; Got the fender n inter-fenders mounted; it only took r&r the inter-fenders about 3 or 4 time per side. (pic0

2; Made a front fender to fender cross brace to find out the clearence for a radiator. (pic)

3; Looks like it will take a 22" wide X 19" tall radiator.

4; the bottom square tube will be the lower radiator mount.(pic)

5; The cross brace will be the upper radiator mount. (pic)

6; The fender to body clearence on the ds is not good, The clearence on the ps is good. (pic0

7; The ground clearence on both side of front fender to ground is only about 4.5" (pic)

8: Added a panel to the front of the rear fender (pic) made to look a lot better. (pic)

9; Also moved the battery up & in to clear the hood hinge on the ps.

10; Mocked up the radiator just to see if hood will close (pic)

T-P Auto

T-P Auto 10-03-2014 10:19 PM

Re: The "Frankenstine" build;
5 Attachment(s)
Hello again;

More Pics

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