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joe231 07-12-2009 11:40 PM

Re: Finally "Silvers" build thread!! ('78 swb 2wd silverado)
Nice work!!

that is one sexy frame!:sexy::thumbs:

JohnC 07-13-2009 07:51 AM

Re: Finally "Silvers" build thread!! ('78 swb 2wd silverado)
Looks awesome man!!!!:metal:

nlped 07-13-2009 03:57 PM

Re: Finally "Silvers" build thread!! ('78 swb 2wd silverado)
Wow, just read this whole thing and I must say that it looks GREAT! You are making great progress too. Keep it up.

nlped 07-13-2009 04:34 PM

Re: Finally "Silvers" build thread!! ('78 swb 2wd silverado)
Is it just an illusion or is the frame slightly bent on the foward passenger side? I'm sure it's just my imagination, but I was curious.



menace121978 07-13-2009 04:45 PM

Re: Finally "Silvers" build thread!! ('78 swb 2wd silverado)
the frame is upside down in those pics and the frame is bent like that from the factory for the big cat. converters they used to use i think. i have checked under alot of trucks and they are all the same. (i was worried too!)

nlped 07-13-2009 05:10 PM

Re: Finally "Silvers" build thread!! ('78 swb 2wd silverado)
Cool! I just wondered. It does look great though!

ndametz32 07-13-2009 05:46 PM

Re: Finally "Silvers" build thread!! ('78 swb 2wd silverado)
Everything is looking awesome man!

menace121978 07-13-2009 06:08 PM

Re: Finally "Silvers" build thread!! ('78 swb 2wd silverado)
hey, thanks a ton guys!

next is front rotors, bearings, seals, calipers, bolts, pads, rubber hoses, prop. valve and the brakes will be done. (of course after a few hours of sanding and grinding!:lol:) then front shocks and steering gear box. then she'll be back to a rolling chassis again. ;) (after i finish polishing and sanding the slots)

good times!!!!!!

bigbadjohn84 07-13-2009 06:29 PM

Re: Finally "Silvers" build thread!! ('78 swb 2wd silverado)
SWEEEET!!! man that looks great! did you use a factory switcher for the dual tanks or what? on my 83, it has been sitting for a loooooong time and I was thinking of replacing it. just curious to see what others use in that dept. :metal:

LiveAnimals 07-13-2009 07:56 PM

Re: Finally "Silvers" build thread!! ('78 swb 2wd silverado)
Welcome Back from the well needed vaca

menace121978 07-13-2009 08:57 PM

Re: Finally "Silvers" build thread!! ('78 swb 2wd silverado)

Originally Posted by bigbadjohn84 (Post 3410325)
SWEEEET!!! man that looks great! did you use a factory switcher for the dual tanks or what? on my 83, it has been sitting for a loooooong time and I was thinking of replacing it. just curious to see what others use in that dept. :metal:

i just took my orig. one to napa and they matched up with (i think) a universal one. thanks for the compliments!!


Originally Posted by LiveAnimals (Post 3410488)
Welcome Back from the well needed vaca

hey animal!! thanks man... been off work for a knee surgery since june. i think the doc is going to send me back to work next week. so its back to reality.:waah: had a great time in fort bragg and the goat was a monster on hwy 20! couldnt find his limits!:lol:

we need to have a get together sometime soon!! :chevy:

LiveAnimals 07-13-2009 09:52 PM

Re: Finally "Silvers" build thread!! ('78 swb 2wd silverado)
Sounds good Dennis

menace121978 07-16-2009 06:00 PM

Re: Finally "Silvers" build thread!! ('78 swb 2wd silverado)
:devil:boy is it hot out there!:devil: today i bought napa premium front rotors, loaded calipers w/ new pins, brake hoses, spindle hub nut kits, bearings, seals, and dust covers. (not sure if the dust covers are going to fit.) the calipers and rotors are going to match the rears real nice once i test fit and grind them (calipers) down smooth. i got one rotor painted today and one brake hose on. i'll post pics later tonight. need to get them all together so i can see if i need to grind anything down to get the slots to fit w/ the drop spindles.

all i need now is new prop valve, steering gear box and front shocks. and this baby will be ready to roll down the driveway!:metal::smoke:

JohnC 07-16-2009 06:06 PM

Re: Finally "Silvers" build thread!! ('78 swb 2wd silverado)
Awesome man! :metal:

80chevyshortbox 07-16-2009 06:29 PM

Re: Finally "Silvers" build thread!! ('78 swb 2wd silverado)
man thats sweet. it looks so good. i cant wate tell its on all 4s agen its gona looks so awsome also the rims are looking amazing they really shine now.

menace121978 07-16-2009 06:37 PM

Re: Finally "Silvers" build thread!! ('78 swb 2wd silverado)
thanks guys!

actually i have been working on that same rim some more (everytime i go out to smoke in the mornings with lots of :mm::lol:) and its "almost" flawless. the 1st pic was pretty forgiving there were alot of scuff and scratch marks from the die grinder but they have been coming out w/ mothers and 600grit and then 1000g and then 1500g. the mothers mag polish is the key ingredient. only 3 to go LOL

80chevyshortbox 07-16-2009 06:46 PM

Re: Finally "Silvers" build thread!! ('78 swb 2wd silverado)
lol almost done now. if you put as much time into all of them as you did to the one they are gona look brand new.

menace121978 07-17-2009 08:30 PM

Re: Finally "Silvers" build thread!! ('78 swb 2wd silverado)
small update and pics as promised...
heres that same wheel been working over
new hardware, bearings,calipers,rotors
rotor all painted
rubber hose

menace121978 07-17-2009 08:36 PM

Re: Finally "Silvers" build thread!! ('78 swb 2wd silverado)
had to do a little grinding on the upper spindle ear where the caliper bolt on so the rim would clear
caliper all sanded smooth on the front painted and installed
and wheel #2 all sandblasted and scrubbed down and bolted up for now

joe231 07-17-2009 08:45 PM

Re: Finally "Silvers" build thread!! ('78 swb 2wd silverado)
:cool: and :sexy:

:metal: :metal: :metal:

menace121978 07-17-2009 08:46 PM

Re: Finally "Silvers" build thread!! ('78 swb 2wd silverado)
couple more photobucket missed... the fuel sending unit socks finally arrived today so i got them installed and all the fuel lines buttoned up(unless i end up w/ a LS motor)
and last one just a full frame shot
i'll finish the driverside front brakes tomorrow morning. its a lot of grinding and sanding to do when its 107 outside and probably hotter in the garage. and i'm still waiting on the brake hose for the driverside from napa.

glock35ipsc 07-17-2009 10:37 PM

Re: Finally "Silvers" build thread!! ('78 swb 2wd silverado)

Originally Posted by menace121978 (Post 3417752)
(unless i end up w/ a LS motor)

Sorry, sorry, sorry, sorry, sorry, sorry, sorry, sorry, sorry, sorry, sorry, sorry, sorry, sorry, sorry.........

glock35ipsc 07-17-2009 10:38 PM

Re: Finally "Silvers" build thread!! ('78 swb 2wd silverado)
BTW, the chassis is looking K I L L E R!!!!!

BruthaMan 07-17-2009 10:38 PM

Re: Finally "Silvers" build thread!! ('78 swb 2wd silverado)
Very nice attention to detail! Brake setup looks fantastic!

nlped 07-18-2009 07:22 AM

Re: Finally "Silvers" build thread!! ('78 swb 2wd silverado) sweet!

JohnC 07-18-2009 07:49 AM

Re: Finally "Silvers" build thread!! ('78 swb 2wd silverado)
:jdp: Man that looks AMAZING!!!! I can't wait for you to get to the rest of the truck. If it turns out anything like the frame it is going to look killer!!!!!!

menace121978 07-18-2009 08:41 AM

Re: Finally "Silvers" build thread!! ('78 swb 2wd silverado)

Originally Posted by glock35ipsc (Post 3417979)
Sorry, sorry, sorry, sorry, sorry, sorry, sorry, sorry, sorry, sorry, sorry, sorry, sorry, sorry, sorry.........

:lol: no biggie buddy...i am just going to need your phone # for my wife so she can tell you whats on her mind!!


Originally Posted by glock35ipsc (Post 3417986)
BTW, the chassis is looking K I L L E R!!!!!

thank you! i really apprieciate it.


Originally Posted by BruthaMan (Post 3417987)
Very nice attention to detail! Brake setup looks fantastic!

thanks bruthaman! its turning out pretty good so far!!


Originally Posted by nlped (Post 3418355) sweet!

thank you!


Originally Posted by JohnC (Post 3418372)
:jdp: Man that looks AMAZING!!!! I can't wait for you to get to the rest of the truck. If it turns out anything like the frame it is going to look killer!!!!!!

john thanks buddy. yea me too! the rest of the truck will be the same. i figure i'm about done w/ the easy stuff. its going to get down to the nitty gritty pretty soon. most of the time and money is going into whats left. motor/trans/ and the body work. so i'll slow down a bit and make sure anything and everything i do is right. so far the only weak spot in the build is the damn rearend which haunts me everyday just thinking about it. (should have found a 12 bolt/ with posi) but oh well i'll come back to it worst comes to worst.

JohnC 07-18-2009 10:05 AM

Re: Finally "Silvers" build thread!! ('78 swb 2wd silverado)
Yeah you can always change out the rear end!

SBTork 07-18-2009 10:22 AM

Re: Finally "Silvers" build thread!! ('78 swb 2wd silverado)
i'd run the 10 bolt until it breaks. You left it open so it should be hard to break. Congrats on the steady progress, you're going an excellent job. I hope you go with an LSx engine, they're lightyears ahead of the gen 1 sbc V8's, awesome power and great mileage. All that means to me is something I can and actually want to drive. Don't get me wrong, the gen 1's are great engines, they're just so outdated by todays standards. I just recently pulled the trigger on a 5.3 from a guy I work with. I got it for a great deal so I could not pass on it. I have a 350 from my '86 C-10 for free, but it needs gaskets and I would like to put new valve seals, a cam, valve springs, blah, blah, blah. It would wind up being about the same $$. That and I need a new fuel system either way.
And I know at this point it's going to feel like taking one step forward and two steps back, but it's a lot easier and more cost effective to do it now, and actually drive the truck than to do the gen 1 and change it after a year of not driving it. I've ran it through my head a lot lately because I am in the same situation as you. I have a painted frame sitting in the garage and a cab and box that needs bodywork and paint, suspension is about to go back together. I feel like it's now or never for the LSx conversion, engines are cheap and conversion parts can be made or had cheap if you're looking in the right places.
I refuse to give you my phone number :lol:

ndametz32 07-18-2009 10:55 AM

Re: Finally "Silvers" build thread!! ('78 swb 2wd silverado)
That looks awesome man! Can't wait to see all the wheels mounted up!

menace121978 07-18-2009 05:13 PM

Re: Finally "Silvers" build thread!! ('78 swb 2wd silverado)
progress.... whooo hoooo she rolls!!
driverside all buttoned up.
wheels all sandblasted and ready for sanding through the grits and polishing.

menace121978 07-18-2009 05:26 PM

Re: Finally "Silvers" build thread!! ('78 swb 2wd silverado)
these are of the new brake line and how i ran the line. needed a little bending to run along the spindle. another member is having trouble with this hope these pics help.

thanks for the comments guys! sbtork and bob, wish me luck tonight. i'm going to break the news to amy about what drivetrain is going in!! the hook is going to be.... "its going to end up costing about $1000 LESS than if i went w/ building my block up and buying a 700r4." and..... "its all their fault" as i point to the computer and your names!!:lol:

seriously though, i have made up my mind. im just going to need your guys help and advice. and if anyone has a parts list handy i'm gonna need that too. THANKS EVERYONE!! i love this place, Dennis

Dusty4x4 07-18-2009 05:26 PM

Re: Finally "Silvers" build thread!! ('78 swb 2wd silverado)

JohnC 07-18-2009 06:19 PM

Re: Finally "Silvers" build thread!! ('78 swb 2wd silverado)
:thumbs: AWESOME man! Congrats on getting to this point. It has been great watching this thing progress! Can't wait for the next phase!!

Hey if you need a fall guy I'm here for ya!:metal: I don't think she can make it to Oklahoma that fast. Can she? :exit: :haha:

Keep it going man!!!!!!

menace121978 07-18-2009 06:26 PM

Re: Finally "Silvers" build thread!! ('78 swb 2wd silverado)
:haha: no but she can fill up a mailbox pretty fast! (just ask my buddy on ls2gto forums) :lol: j/k

thanks john its a good feeling. shes still sitting out in the driveway for the neighbors to see what ive been up to. i keep going out and walking around her!;)

JohnC 07-18-2009 06:40 PM

Re: Finally "Silvers" build thread!! ('78 swb 2wd silverado)

Originally Posted by menace121978 (Post 3419021)
:haha: no but she can fill up a mailbox pretty fast! (just ask my buddy on ls2gto forums) :lol: j/k !



Originally Posted by menace121978 (Post 3419021)
thanks john its a good feeling. shes still sitting out in the driveway for the neighbors to see what ive been up to. i keep going out and walking around her!;)

With a big smile the whole time right? :lol: I wouldn't blame you I would too!

MoFaster 07-18-2009 07:05 PM

Re: Finally "Silvers" build thread!! ('78 swb 2wd silverado)
Congrats man!!!! I just spent an hour reading this entire thread and I cant see how you truck could look any better than it does right now. Keep up the amazing work. Im really looking forward to tha body Im sure it will be just as nice. :metal::metal::metal:

SBTork 07-18-2009 07:14 PM

Re: Finally "Silvers" build thread!! ('78 swb 2wd silverado)
Awesome, it's good to see it onto more fun stuff. Im glad you're going LSx powered. I think you're going to like it and im sure Amy will too once it's on the road and gets the same or better mileage as the GTO.
There is a guy, Ron, goes by the name 1BADC10 on and a fistful of more guys that have done this on there message board along with people here too. I know Ron has helped me a lot with my research. If you need anymore info or ideas just let me know I'd be glad to share the little I know :lol:

joe231 07-18-2009 07:21 PM

Re: Finally "Silvers" build thread!! ('78 swb 2wd silverado)
Very cool!!!

menace121978 07-18-2009 08:59 PM

Re: Finally "Silvers" build thread!! ('78 swb 2wd silverado)
:thumbs: thank you joe! sbtork im going to check out that site. thanks man

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