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highperf4x4 11-18-2009 06:48 PM

Re: Project NOT4SLE
Wow, don't get over do it there brother! :lol:

Looks like alot of fun. It's getting cold outside here. You still have enough good weather to stick with it over there?

vegaschevy 11-18-2009 06:53 PM

Re: Project NOT4SLE

Originally Posted by highperf4x4 (Post 3627219)
Wow, don't get over do it there brother! :lol:

Looks like alot of fun. It's getting cold outside here. You still have enough good weather to stick with it over there?

it actually does get cold here. we dont get snow cause we have no such thing as moisture here :lol:

it will be a bit chilly in the next few weeks and even more so for a couple months after that, but hopefully i can get it done before the end of the year.

joe231 11-18-2009 06:55 PM

Re: Project NOT4SLE

Originally Posted by highperf4x4 (Post 3627219)
Wow, don't get over do it there brother! :lol:


Travis, are you hitting the bottle early today :devil::mm:

highperf4x4 11-18-2009 07:01 PM

Re: Project NOT4SLE

Originally Posted by joe231 (Post 3627238)

Travis, are you hitting the bottle early today :devil::mm:

No, I gave that up when they said that Nitrous was bad for your nasal passages................

I'm just sayin.....................

SCOTTMO 11-18-2009 07:27 PM

Re: Project NOT4SLE
Did you have snail motorsports do your powder coating ?
I think i refered them to you long time ago

vegaschevy 11-19-2009 05:17 PM

Re: Project NOT4SLE

Originally Posted by SCOTTMO (Post 3627287)
Did you have snail motorsports do your powder coating ?
I think i refered them to you long time ago

no, It was a gate place needing side work

vegaschevy 11-20-2009 02:48 PM

Re: Project NOT4SLE
Got my shipping conformation for my Radiator Delivery. It should be here on Tuesday.
My radiator barely dripped any antifreeze when I first started running it. but after about a week the hole must have stretched out a bit and it went to a cup every 50 miles or so. Well now it is up to a bunch more!!!!
I had emailed the seller engineered-products a few times, then got caught hunting but finally got the radiator ordered and on its way. In the meantime two other members also ordered the radiator. I think they are not even close to mount it up so I will be the first to see if it fits with the smaller radiator mounts or if we will need the 4 core mounts and what modifications might be needed to make this thing work in our c10. :metal::metal:

chevy_mike 11-20-2009 03:51 PM

Re: Project NOT4SLE
Awaiting pics. LOL :D

highperf4x4 11-20-2009 05:17 PM

Re: Project NOT4SLE
Ship it to my house and I'll let you know how well it fits in the truck.

And dude........... HOW MUCH??????

vegaschevy 11-20-2009 05:52 PM

Re: Project NOT4SLE

Originally Posted by highperf4x4 (Post 3630607)
Ship it to my house and I'll let you know how well it fits in the truck.

And dude........... HOW MUCH??????

$230 shipped to my door

Rokcrln 11-20-2009 08:16 PM

Re: Project NOT4SLE
You sure have one great pile of parts stacking up. Their is a cure for that called INSTALLATION fallowed by many pics!

LFD Inc.

CheyenneShop 11-20-2009 11:18 PM

Re: Project NOT4SLE
WOW, your parts pile looks like my Christmas list. Love what your doing with this build, can't wait to see how she looks with all those parts installed.

How did your hunting go?

vegaschevy 11-21-2009 12:07 AM

Re: Project NOT4SLE
Hunting went really good, we went 4 for 4 between all of us.

The parts pile is getting completed. in fact I believe it is almost complete. I wanted to be sure I had everything to do the suspension in a few days.

The plan is to pull the front end apart, send the control arms off to the powder coater to be blasted and powder coated. Pull the wheel bearings and run to the bearing house and get the Timkin replacement bearings. Get the front cleaned up and some paint or something on the frame. then get the bed off and get the rear completed. When the rear is done Ill be installing new bed pads for the bed to sit on.
Then the front should be ready to be reinstalled.

I should be getting to it next week or the following week. Once completed all the steering and suspension will be brand new! should drive pretty good.

I am thinking I want to find a sway bar for the front to also install at the same time.

CheyenneShop 11-21-2009 12:19 AM

Re: Project NOT4SLE
Congrats on the hunts:ito:

I would recommend the sway bar too - I know ECE has a good one.

I'm curious, did you talk to Nate about going airbags, with just a schrader valve? This way you will have your bags in place and really you can set your ride height to where ever you want it? The only reason I ask is cause I was up there the other day and he mentioned it, regarding one of my trucks and it made a lot of sense!

Either way love your ride!


vegaschevy 11-21-2009 01:27 AM

Re: Project NOT4SLE

Originally Posted by theCheyenneShop (Post 3631208)
Congrats on the hunts:ito:

I would recommend the sway bar too - I know ECE has a good one.

I'm curious, did you talk to Nate about going airbags, with just a schrader valve? This way you will have your bags in place and really you can set your ride height to where ever you want it? The only reason I ask is cause I was up there the other day and he mentioned it, regarding one of my trucks and it made a lot of sense!

Either way love your ride!


I did not, I have had it cross my mind from time to time recently though.

I want a muscle car look though, 8.5 front 10" wide rear. Dont know how that would work with airbags.

I figured I would lower it a bit, keep the nice muscle stance with it a little lower! However, airbags are TOTALLY GREEK to me. Maybe someone else can help with some info!

I did talk to him about a second truck and chassis I want to do. 4 link, dropmember etc. LOL

VA72C10 11-21-2009 01:46 AM

Re: Project NOT4SLE
Basically if you want it at one height all the time, buy four bags, four bag fittings, and four schrader valves....pump up the bags to desired height and ride.

If you ever want to go lower, let air out.....if you want/need to go higher or tow/haul something, add air

vegaschevy 11-21-2009 02:10 AM

Re: Project NOT4SLE
Ive thought about it, trust me I have. Maybe I hold just hold off another couple months on doing my suspension and order up some bags :metal:

There is a lot of mods to go along with it though. I have to weld plates etc right?

ripdog28 11-21-2009 02:27 AM

Re: Project NOT4SLE
Stay with the static IMO, bags make a truck look good when slammed but your stopped. you can not drive around slammed. plus it is a lot more trouble.

VA72C10 11-21-2009 03:07 AM

Re: Project NOT4SLE

Originally Posted by vegaschevy (Post 3631315)
Ive thought about it, trust me I have. Maybe I hold just hold off another couple months on doing my suspension and order up some bags :metal:

There is a lot of mods to go along with it though. I have to weld plates etc right?

If you're not looking to totally slam it, you can get the plates and cups for the front or plates like I did (top and bottom) and they just bolt on...

On the rear, they go directly in place of the rear springs. The hardest part would be drilling the holes in the rear frame for the schrader valves/bag bolts and that's not bad.

vegaschevy 11-21-2009 08:52 PM

Re: Project NOT4SLE

Originally Posted by VA72C10 (Post 3631345)
If you're not looking to totally slam it, you can get the plates and cups for the front or plates like I did (top and bottom) and they just bolt on...

On the rear, they go directly in place of the rear springs. The hardest part would be drilling the holes in the rear frame for the schrader valves/bag bolts and that's not bad.

Or i could make a little progress, get it on the road and go from there :lol:
Im so excited to get the drivetrain refreshed, and then get wheels and tires on it. Not to mention get a complete front end sheet metal installed.

highperf4x4 11-21-2009 11:15 PM

Re: Project NOT4SLE

Originally Posted by vegaschevy (Post 3632225)
Or i could make a little progress, get it on the road and go from there :lol:
Im so excited to get the drivetrain refreshed, and then get wheels and tires on it. Not to mention get a complete front end sheet metal installed.


You don't need to do it all at once. :D

CheyenneShop 11-22-2009 01:35 AM

Re: Project NOT4SLE

Originally Posted by vegaschevy (Post 3632225)
Or i could make a little progress, get it on the road and go from there :lol:
Im so excited to get the drivetrain refreshed, and then get wheels and tires on it. Not to mention get a complete front end sheet metal installed.

Either way its going to look great, sorry to throw a kink into anything. I will be in the same situation static vs. bags when I drop my 68, so once I talked to Nate it actually made a lot of sense to just do the bags on schraders.

Again, like you - just wondering what the thoughts were - thanks Ronnie

vegaschevy 11-22-2009 01:39 PM

Re: Project NOT4SLE

Originally Posted by theCheyenneShop (Post 3632698)
Either way its going to look great, sorry to throw a kink into anything. I will be in the same situation static vs. bags when I drop my 68, so once I talked to Nate it actually made a lot of sense to just do the bags on schraders.

Again, like you - just wondering what the thoughts were - thanks Ronnie

Well you see, i have a rolling chassis i want to pick up this week which is a SWB no title roller for 300 bucks.
Take that frame, powdercoat it, and get all the suspension on it and then switch this truck over to it as i add the new sheetmetal to the 67 front end.

Then take the current frame and bag it and have a bagged truck. Not to mention the 4x4 that I want with a 6" lift and 37s...:metal: i have my next 4 C10s planned out.... Then their is color choice :lol::lol:

highperf4x4 11-22-2009 10:22 PM

Re: Project NOT4SLE
good lord

vegaschevy 11-23-2009 02:50 PM

Re: Project NOT4SLE
Neutral safety switch went out on the girl yesterday... The girlfriend... not the "girl" HAHAHA

Of course, it went out in park while she was driving it and i went figured it would start in neutral and thought I was good to go for a few days. Well this morning while at work it went out in neutral. She called and said she could not make it to work. Grrr went and bought a switch and it is different. It did start the truck though. Ill have to ask around on the differences if it might work.

highperf4x4 11-23-2009 09:22 PM

Re: Project NOT4SLE
I would appreciate another post when you have that info brother.

Mine has a jumper wire in it! :lol:

Slick67 11-23-2009 10:12 PM

Re: Project NOT4SLE
So many parts, so little time. We need some PROGRESS pics!!! Your parts stash is awesome.

vegaschevy 11-24-2009 05:32 AM

Re: Project NOT4SLE

Originally Posted by highperf4x4 (Post 3635610)
I would appreciate another post when you have that info brother.

Mine has a jumper wire in it! :lol:

I bought the one at Napa which worked, but had 4 more leads on it as I am assuming for a different unconfimred year. I did not want open leads on my truck under the dash. I returned the napa part and bought one at auto zone for 12 bucks and it is identical. I have not mounted it on the column yet as I have not had time today but it plugged right in and fired the truck up :metal:

On a side note Checkers/kragen/Oreilly wanted 28 bucks for the same thing.

vegaschevy 11-24-2009 05:35 AM

Re: Project NOT4SLE

Originally Posted by Slick67 (Post 3635760)
So many parts, so little time. We need some PROGRESS pics!!! Your parts stash is awesome.

Well I am just waiting on a few more things, and money!!

I am picking up a frame and A arms this week for 350 and going to take the control arms off and have them powder coated. That way I am pretty sure I can do all the suspension and steering in 3 days. That way I am not down for a long period of time.

Within a week Ill be starting on it :metal:

vegaschevy 11-24-2009 07:23 PM

Re: Project NOT4SLE
Well I was sitting here half asleep ready to think about getting some solid rest and I hear a ring at the door and See this!!!!!


Ok OK, I lied, My UPS delivery person did not look this hot... in fact, it was a guy. But he looked like santa to me.....

My Radiator showed up and of course like a kid on Christmas wanting to see what I got I opened up the box, documented the packaging and liked what I saw!!!!!

I took a look inside the Radiator and this is just like the auction stated, very nice inside as well

I did some preliminary measurements, mocked it up over the stock radiator and it really appears as though that this radiator will be 100% bolt in with the standard radiator in our truck.

And for all of you who think I am draggin with no time to do my suspension... I AM!!! I have had no time!
However, this as well as my Neutral safety switch will be installed tomorrow morning!!!! WOOHOO

CheyenneShop 11-25-2009 01:42 PM

Re: Project NOT4SLE
UPS by day, showgirl by night! Only in Vegas. Gives a whole new meaning to "what can Brown do for you!"!

Get to work on that thing already, don't you know we are all waiting!:lol:

gcburdic 11-25-2009 04:07 PM

Re: Project NOT4SLE
Hey....that's my UPS (Under Paid Stripper) girl..she sure gets around!!!(no pun intended:lol:)

vegaschevy 11-25-2009 09:27 PM

Re: Project NOT4SLE
SO I installed the Radiator today!

I stopped off at Socal Speed Shop and picked up a radiator cap

Then I came home and got to work on installing the radiator. It will take you about 30-40 minutes to install the radiator and get yourself back on the road.

Heres a few pics of the install. All my tranny lines, and heater hose will mount up perfectly. THis Radiator mounted perfectly. It sits in just like the factory one. Hell of an aluminum radiator for $225 shipped to your door. I had the factory 350 small radiator so anyone with these mounts can mount this right in their truck!! :metal:

Start by removing the 2 bolts that hold the fan shroud to the upper radiator mounts. Then remove the 4 bolts holding the upper mounts on

With an automatic transmission you will want to remove your lines now

Make sure to remove the upper and lower rad hoses

After that the radiator will pull right out

vegaschevy 11-25-2009 09:30 PM

Re: Project NOT4SLE
On to the good stuff!!!!

This Radiator dropped right in and mounted using my factory mounts and rubbers. I even retained the factory fan and shroud for now.

Reinstalled my transmission lines

sleepertruck72 11-26-2009 12:16 AM

Re: Project NOT4SLE
Thats a nice radiator for the price ! Nice progress on your truck :metal:
Is the radiator from a company that makes them specifically for our trucks ? or you just got lucky ?

my67chevytruck 11-26-2009 01:25 AM

Re: Project NOT4SLE
looking good.

vegaschevy 11-26-2009 10:47 AM

Re: Project NOT4SLE

Originally Posted by sleepertruck72 (Post 3640016)
Thats a nice radiator for the price ! Nice progress on your truck :metal:
Is the radiator from a company that makes them specifically for our trucks ? or you just got lucky ?

This is the radiator I purchased

highperf4x4 11-27-2009 01:59 AM

Re: Project NOT4SLE
So if you're going to switch to a 68 front end aren't you just going to have to pull this out again?

vegaschevy 11-27-2009 11:48 AM

Re: Project NOT4SLE

Originally Posted by highperf4x4 (Post 3641523)
So if you're going to switch to a 68 front end aren't you just going to have to pull this out again?

Yes, and I was trying to milk the old one long enough till i do the front end. I have the radiator core support, grill, misc stuff to mount it all up but am buying new repop fenders and cowl hood.

My original radiator was dripping about a cup off water or so every 60+ miles. Well it got worse over a few weeks and was a half gallon every 50 miles. SO I had to bump the radiator up the line as it was needed. This truck is daily driven while I do work on it.

Originally I had not planned on doing the radiator at al till much much later but she had to be done. I wanted to get all my suspension on and mounted to have a new drivable platform, then do m wheels and tires as these tires look like HELL. They are old and dry rotted. With going to 20" wheels I do not want to buy replacement tires for these wheels.

ALl in all though removal of the radiator takes less then 20 minutes to do.

highperf4x4 11-27-2009 02:03 PM

Re: Project NOT4SLE
Ok, I was just curious. I didn't realize this was a daily driver for you.

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