Re: 1968
George, it's taken me two days on and off of reading to get all the way through your build thread, and what a trip it has been! You've really done some amazing work, and I have really enjoyed all the pictures and details you've posted along the way. Keep up the good work!
I have a love/hate relationship with sandblasting myself. I love the results, hate doing it, and it sounds like from what I've read that you've nearly sandblasted two whole trucks on and off over the duration of the build, you have my respect! |
Re: 1968
Re: 1968
Today I finished the drivers side rear fender. Shot some white primer on it also. Now it is stored in the mother-in-law cottage untill needed for the fine tuning next month. I finshed cutting the 4x4 hole in the cross member for the exhaust pipe to go thru. I think I will be putting a 4 inch pipe on the cut off spot. 4 inch round and 1 inch long. Brian gave me that idea and I like it. It looks like it will dress up the hole a little and add some support there also. I am thinking about buying a stand alone sand blaster. A small one so I can do small parts. Without getting the blaster and hoses out all the time and account the lost of sand everywhere.
A friend came over the other day to borrow something and gave me a 1972 4x4 running truck. Don't know right now what I am going to do with it. I might use it as a everyday runner and keep patches for week ends. Just a thought. Here are some small parts that I recieved today. I hope to start rebuilding the vent windows in the morning. |
Re: 1968
It's been a while since I've been on here, but, to no surprise, it looks like you're still plugging along at quite a quick pace on Patches, George. Sorry to hear about your friends. Strokes are scary things, and hopefully that works out OK. Death isn't quite as scary as long as you know where you're going, but is still rough on those left behind.
I've only read the last few pages, and it looks like there are quite a few more to catch up on, so I'll check back in when I get a little more time and catch up. |
Re: 1968
Where did you get that wiring diagram..:chevy: truck is looking good.
Posted via Mobile Device |
Re: 1968
Re: 1968
Re: 1968
I tried to build my vent windows todat and I failed. My hands are not as strong as they once was. My hands want let me do the rubber in the frames. So, I have to get my Son over one day and let him do it. He is strong as a bull and has a grip like a vise. He is a EMT so I have to wait untill he has a day off.
Re: 1968
Keep at it, George. Hope you are relaxing on this Sunday.
Re: 1968
Re: 1968
I got my new front turn signal lens and holding rings for the head light today. stayed in side again today.
Re: 1968
I hope the tooth lets up a little, George.
Re: 1968
Re: 1968
Today I didn't do anything on the old girl. Just looking for parts and selling parts on the parts board.
Re: 1968
Today I went out to the shop and I couldn't believe my eyes. The vent windows was still in the same place where I left them. No one went and finshed them for me. So, I started replaceing the rubbers and ribbits and before I knew what happened it was finished. I only got one side done. But at least it is finished. There are a few scratches on the frames. So I will have to touch them up. I painted the lower part that fits in the door black to cover the scratches. It is below the top of the door anyway.
Tomorrow I will be going to get a few parts from a friends house. head light switch wiper switch vent window frame set of horns ing. switch and dash with gages After I get back I need to re-install the e-brake cable that I removied when cutting the holes in the cross member. If I have enough time I need to clean up the shop it is a mess. |
Re: 1968
The vent window looks good! I've spent the last two days cleaning up the colossal mess in my own work shop. It's amazing how fast the clutter and dirt pile up!
Re: 1968
I'm glad to see you are getting the door glass done, here pretty soon you will have all the glass in the truck.
Re: 1968
Re: 1968
I was going to work on the truck today but got side tracted. I started putting plywood on the exterior wall of my shop extention. I got tired of looking at it un -finshed. Then I will install hardee board siding over the plywood. So I will be working on the shop for the next couple of days. Unless I get side tracted again.
Re: 1968
Re: 1968
I finshed putting up the plywood around the shop. Monday I will install the door and then i can get back to the truck.
Re: 1968
That's good, George. Gotta take care of the shop!
Re: 1968
are you still coming to Fl. this month
Re: 1968
Nothing done on the truck today. rain off and on all day long. So I worked on getting the shop fixed back up.
Re: 1968
PS, the vent windows look good! |
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