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In The Ten Ring 06-05-2015 08:59 PM

Re: What did you do to your truck today? Chapter II
My helper (dad) came over and we removed the grill cowling.

We also began removal of the inner fender from its mount to the core support BUT those bolts are in very bad shape. Dad was in a hurry to get home so I stopped wrestling the rusty bolts and just soaked them with ZEP Twister, which is a great breakfree penetrant.

I have also learned that my grill cowling probably needs to go to the media blaster and paint shop along with the other parts.....lots of surface rust on the underside. *I guess trucks are like houses: you need to double any renovation estimate!

But, now the the cowling is off, I won't need any more help removing the fenders other than God, helping with those rusty bolts!

Here's a pic. I couldn't get it rotated.

VWNate1 06-06-2015 01:37 AM

Re: What did you do to your truck today? Chapter II
Ofttimes striking a rusty bolt immediately after soaking it with your favorite penetrant helps wick the liquid on my shocking it....

In The Ten Ring 06-07-2015 02:52 AM

Re: What did you do to your truck today? Chapter II

Originally Posted by VWNate1 (Post 7200069)
Ofttimes striking a rusty bolt immediately after soaking it with your favorite penetrant helps wick the liquid on my shocking it....

Great advice! Thanks.

Yesterday, I removed the passenger inner and outer fenders. What a job! Rust issues force me to use a Dremel tool to cut the inner off the core support but the rest wasn't too bad, except for I didn't know where all the core support-to-fender bolts were. Oh and my bumper got into the way! I may remove the bumper before it's over with.

I removed the fenders as a unit and then actually got most of the remaining bolts out to separate the inner from outer fender. Only 1 bolt broke off and 1 bolt I cut with a reciprocating saw then broke it off.

Econman 06-07-2015 06:29 AM

Re: What did you do to your truck today? Chapter II
I worked on some piddly stuff..

Attached my Lokar detent cable to the tranny and snugged down the cooler line fittings.
Tapped and plugged my oil filter adapter.
Gapped the spark plugs and put them in.
Installed a new brass vacuum hose fitting in the intake for the brake booster.
Wasted time (unsuccessfully) looking for a coolant temp sensor that's 3/8 thread with the button tip.

jethro5333 06-07-2015 07:34 AM

Re: What did you do to your truck today? Chapter II
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new wheels for my 67 and sound deadener for the floor before new carpet

Econman 06-07-2015 07:57 AM

Re: What did you do to your truck today? Chapter II
Would love to see what those Tahoe wheels look like on your 67! Be sure to post pics when you get them on...

VWNate1 06-07-2015 09:44 AM

Tail Gate Lettering

Originally Posted by ole dollor (Post 7196986)
Nate you can buy the tail gate letters for about $7.00 a set. looks like the original ole dollor has them ...Don

Too late ! I didn't want decals , I wanted it painted like original , he painted it but was a bit sloppy .

C'est La Vie , non ? .

hamjet 06-07-2015 09:49 AM

Re: What did you do to your truck today? Chapter II
4 Attachment(s)
Cut up a valve cover to adjust the lifters while engine is running so oil does'nt get all over, plus to watch the push rods to make sure they are rotating ok,( that was painful cutting up one of these covers), started cleaning the secondary 2 bbls for the 3x2 setup, so far it runs good on my home made redneck engine stand.

VWNate1 06-07-2015 09:55 AM

Re: What did you do to your truck today? Chapter II
A Painter's tip for W.Brown :

When re painting with the backlight and windshield in place , , raise up the outer lip of the old rubber & tuck some electrical wire or 1/4" nylon rope underneath it ~ this will hold it up so your sanding , blocking & so on , will " feather " and remove that nasty old lip of built up paint etc. , leave it there when you paint too and remove it (CAREFULLY !) a few days after you paint it , this makes the edge looks nice and smooth , even with nasty old dried up rubber , helps prevent leaks and makes it easier to replace the rubber later when you get sufficient $ to buy new rubber and glass.....

This is one old Used Car Lot trick I learned to make turds look much better....

Removing the door handles , always is another simple thing that will pay HUGE dividends later when the new paint doesn't chip/peel 'round then handles in a year .......

Your truck is looking good .

10 Ring ~ you're truck is actually rather rust free ~ the core support & inner fender rust is common due to battery leakage even here in the Desert , keep at it .

In The Ten Ring 06-07-2015 12:38 PM

Re: What did you do to your truck today? Chapter II

Originally Posted by VWNate1 (Post 7201110)
A Painter's tip for W.Brown :

When re painting with the backlight and windshield in place , , raise up the outer lip of the old rubber & tuck some electrical wire or 1/4" nylon rope underneath it ~ this will hold it up so your sanding , blocking & so on , will " feather " and remove that nasty old lip of built up paint etc. , leave it there when you paint too and remove it (CAREFULLY !) a few days after you paint it , this makes the edge looks nice and smooth , even with nasty old dried up rubber , helps prevent leaks and makes it easier to replace the rubber later when you get sufficient $ to buy new rubber and glass.....

This is one old Used Car Lot trick I learned to make turds look much better....

Removing the door handles , always is another simple thing that will pay HUGE dividends later when the new paint doesn't chip/peel 'round then handles in a year .......

Your truck is looking good .

10 Ring ~ you're truck is actually rather rust free ~ the core support & inner fender rust is common due to battery leakage even here in the Desert , keep at it .

The longer I am on this site, the more I want to rebuild the entire truck myself out of fear the hired man won't know these tips!

Thanks VWNate....yes that passenger side was bad and every bit as bad as I feared. I actually figured it was break apart where the bolts go when I took it off and it did just that (stoved in). I have a NOS outer, Key Parts inner, and OEM core support ready to go to the blaster and paint shop.

aod92 06-07-2015 01:58 PM

Re: What did you do to your truck today? Chapter II
1 Attachment(s)
I know it's not much but I added arp hardware to my 12 bolt. I think these small changes make a big difference.

stepsider 06-07-2015 06:41 PM

Re: What did you do to your truck today? Chapter II
Took off my back bumper on my stepside & painted it black, Wanted to know my rear end ratio so I pulled the diff cover, To my surprise I have a posi. After counting the teeth & doing the math, it turns out to be a 307. New gasket & posi oil & I'm ready to go. :gmc2:

Econman 06-07-2015 07:14 PM

Re: What did you do to your truck today? Chapter II
Today, I primed the oil pump... turning the crank 1/4 turn every 3 mins.. with 10w-30 conventional oil and Lunati break-in additive..

Installed a new coolant temp sensor..

Installed a new Pertronix stock-look dizzy.. (but forgot to buy the new coil with it. lol)

In The Ten Ring 06-07-2015 09:01 PM

Re: What did you do to your truck today? Chapter II
I'm kind of at a "stopping point" as my favorite Chem professor would say, so I just cleaned up on the wire wheel and NAPA Rust Treated all of the bolts from the cowling and fender removal. Of all the fender bolts removed yesterday, only two won't be used again (threads rough).

CST10 06-07-2015 09:23 PM

Re: What did you do to your truck today? Chapter II
Changed the coil in old Owen.

VWNate1 06-08-2015 09:01 AM

Re: What did you do to your truck today? Chapter II
Econman :

You needn't buy a $uper $pendy ignition coil from Pertronix but you absolutely -MUST- read the instrucxtions ans match the resistance of what ever coil you do use , to whet the directions say ! it varies upon with Ignitor setup you buy ~ some are designed for 8 ~ 11 VDC voltage , other are designed for straight 12 volts and failure to match the oil will cause failure, this is the reason some complain Ignitors are no good ~ not because they're bad , because they fail to personally check ~ even if you buy the $pendy $pecial (B.S. BTW) Petronix coil , TEST IT before installing it ~ .

The best igniton coils will be epoxy filled , NAPA's excellent Epoxy filled coils are affordable and last forever but you can use the old crappy coil lying in your junk box as long as it's tested and has the correct resistance .

I wish I could give back even 1/2 the help and good advice I find here.....

Econman 06-08-2015 09:20 AM

Re: What did you do to your truck today? Chapter II
Thanks, Nate.

The feedback I've gotten is to use the 1.5 ohm coil..

In The Ten Ring 06-09-2015 02:34 AM

Re: What did you do to your truck today? Chapter II
A power failure killed my chances to make the night before's dream come true of running electrolysis on a bracket (I did dream that!) so all I did was see if my rubber spray fixed the leaking electrolysis tub. Well, no, actually! However the leak slowed to a mere 1/4 of an inch of water level per hour so that will work fine.

I hope to run it today.

I did get in a price check on media blasting and I hope to get my parts over there on Wednesday.

VWNate1 06-09-2015 09:21 AM

Re: What did you do to your truck today? Chapter II
Never mind ' feed back ' ! READ THE INCLUDED INSTRUCTIONS then choose , test and use the correct coil .



Originally Posted by Econman (Post 7202194)
Thanks, Nate.

The feedback I've gotten is to use the 1.5 ohm coil..

Econman 06-09-2015 09:39 AM

Re: What did you do to your truck today? Chapter II
Just as I will and always do...

Thanks again.


Originally Posted by VWNate1 (Post 7203381)
Never mind ' feed back ' ! READ THE INCLUDED INSTRUCTIONS then choose , test and use the correct coil .


bowman39 06-09-2015 09:46 AM

Re: What did you do to your truck today? Chapter II
2 Attachment(s)
Started removing my firewall

Saclandman 06-10-2015 12:29 AM

Re: What did you do to your truck today? Chapter II
1 Attachment(s)
Found a leak in my radiator. So, being the industrious person that I am, said to myself, "screw it. Imma fix dis mah sef." More is always better, right? And sandles are always a good choice when soldering over a concrete floor. The resulting splatter burns are fantastic.

In The Ten Ring 06-11-2015 07:19 AM

Re: What did you do to your truck today? Chapter II
I started wearing safety glasses anytime I was under a truck when I got a piece of rust in my eye. I stopped wearing flip flops when I missed a step and folded my toenail back 110 degrees. If you value your feet (and your survival) stop wearing those deadly things. Lecture ends.

I hope you got your radiator fixed. More is better....just ask your wife/GF. :lol:

Yesterday I hauled my NOS fender, NOS outer rockers, and OEM core support to the media blaster. I managed to forget to take the grill cowling so I'll have go back again! :dohh:

I have been running electrolysis for 48 hours on a bracket. It's taking forever but that bracket has sections that are down to bare metal. The process will continue.

jessemthompson 06-11-2015 08:58 AM

Re: What did you do to your truck today? Chapter II
I started laying out my BP auto wiring harness for my LS swap. Hope to make some serious progress throughout the weekend.

stepsider 06-11-2015 05:31 PM

Re: What did you do to your truck today? Chapter II
3 Attachment(s)
Got up this morning, (Retired) What can I do to my Stepside, How bout some end caps for the bed. Took about 3 hours (have cable TV in my garage could have don it faster) Told my wife long time ago, to keep my happy buy my tools. My nipples still get hard everytime I walk past the tool Dept in Sears. To much information !!!

VWNate1 06-11-2015 05:48 PM

Re: What did you do to your truck today? Chapter II
Well done sir ! .

chvtrkman 06-12-2015 11:50 AM

Re: What did you do to your truck today? Chapter II
Well, first off I don't get on here much at all anymore.. work keeps me busy and the wife's "honey-do" list keeps getting things added to it faster than i can knock off the old items.. Haven't even touched the '69 in a long while but I decided to pull the heater box out of the '78 DD and discover what caused my heater to stop working last winter. I suspected from the awful "aroma" that came out of the defroster vent that a rodent (and maybe his buddies) made a nest in there, but after i got the box out from under the dash, surprise ! ... no nest. Next on the agenda is remove blower motor/fan assembly and hope to solve the mystery aroma.. but... the sky clouded up and i thought rain was immanent, (is my spell check working?) so closed 'er up til tomorrow.

3drburb 06-13-2015 11:03 PM

Re: What did you do to your truck today? Chapter II
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From this, to this.

Saclandman 06-13-2015 11:43 PM

Re: What did you do to your truck today? Chapter II
1 Attachment(s)
Drove it.

In The Ten Ring 06-14-2015 12:06 AM

Re: What did you do to your truck today? Chapter II

Originally Posted by Saclandman (Post 7208949)
Drove it.

I don't care WHO says WHAT: long wheel base trucks look better than short wheel base trucks.

(And stepside lwb trucks look the best!).

All I did today was get up into my dad's attic and find the 1967 hood cowling I have up there and yes, it has an antenna hole although the hole looks to be a "redneck hacked hole." I'll get my cowling blasted and if it's destroyed in the process then I'll have another look at this one and depending on how that goes, maybe buy one from a board member. The attic cowling is however, very rust-free.

I also dipped my hood latch bracket into Evaporust and it's doing well. I find an Evaporust soak after electrolysis works amazing wonders on rusted metal.

stepsider 06-14-2015 12:48 AM

Re: What did you do to your truck today? Chapter II
After putting 4" Lower springs & 2 1/2 blocks on the rear of my Stepside this is what it came out to. 4 1/8 lower. The driver side is 1" lower than the Pass side. Drivers sit at 29" Pass at 30" When I do the front with spindles & springs, I hope that some way it fixes itself. The truck alway sat lower on the dr. side. Might have to take it to a frame shop, Will see after I do the front:waah:

chvtrkman 06-14-2015 12:57 PM

Re: What did you do to your truck today? Chapter II

Originally Posted by chvtrkman (Post 7207231)
Well, first off I don't get on here much at all anymore.. work keeps me busy and the wife's "honey-do" list keeps getting things added to it faster than i can knock off the old items.. Haven't even touched the '69 in a long while but I decided to pull the heater box out of the '78 DD and discover what caused my heater to stop working last winter. I suspected from the awful "aroma" that came out of the defroster vent that a rodent (and maybe his buddies) made a nest in there, but after i got the box out from under the dash, surprise ! ... no nest. Next on the agenda is remove blower motor/fan assembly and hope to solve the mystery aroma.. but... the sky clouded up and i thought rain was immanent, (is my spell check working?) so closed 'er up til tomorrow.

Pulled the blower motor today and sure enough, there was Mr. Mouse jammed between the fan and the housing wall. Who knows how long he'd been there. The truck is never parked for more than a week at a time, but i guess that was long enough for the critter to seek some warmth on a cold night. i know this is a common thing when a vehicle sits for long periods, just didn't think I would have it happen with such a brief time span of no movement. Now I have to try to seal up openings to heater with some wire mesh. ... Gonna be great to have heat again next winter, drove from mid January til now with no fan.

In The Ten Ring 06-14-2015 04:16 PM

Re: What did you do to your truck today? Chapter II
I forced my hood latch bracket to fit into a plastic tray, poured in a gallon of Evaporust, and forced up the level with bricks and plastic bottles. The bracket is about half way to being totally rust free. :-)

(I realize this looks crazy but it's working).

cooperhw 06-14-2015 10:26 PM

Re: What did you do to your truck today? Chapter II
5 Attachment(s)
Primed the underside of the bed while my bodyman was working over the rear fenders getting them ready for primer. Let dry a few hours and undercoated the underside of the bed. bodyman then laid down some high build DTM primer on the rear fenders, hood, grill, and cowl.
Came out real nice.
Getting the bed stuff ready for color in a couple weeks.

In The Ten Ring 06-18-2015 09:37 PM

Re: What did you do to your truck today? Chapter II
Wow, I had to go back 5 pages to find this thread! Stop the slacking guys! :lol:

I am behind: yesterday I put the last coat of paint on the newly derusted hood latch bracket. Today I paid for a Custom/10 emblem for my NOS front fender.

I also called the media blaster, my parts are ready.

OH! I had a look at my original cowling and it's really too badly rusted so I got the 1967 cowling down out of my dad's attic. If the hole for the antennae lines up with my original or the antenna fits it, I'll use it.

sk8er32283 06-19-2015 12:16 PM

Re: What did you do to your truck today? Chapter II
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finished putting together my side A/C vent speaker pods. Now to cut the dash. I am not looking forward to that. Measure 15 times and cut once will be my motto for this project. Also got the solid window with stainless installed. It looks so much better than the old slider without any stainless.
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In The Ten Ring 06-19-2015 04:24 PM

Re: What did you do to your truck today? Chapter II
Running electrolysis on the hood latch.

I also put off picking up my fenders from the media blaster due to predicted heavy rain in his area. Monday is the new date for that.

MoFormula 06-19-2015 05:22 PM

Re: What did you do to your truck today? Chapter II
Those speakers look just awesome. Great job.

sk8er32283 06-19-2015 05:34 PM


Originally Posted by MoFormula (Post 7215184)
Those speakers look just awesome. Great job.

Thanks MoFormula. It is a relatively cheap solution to my speaker problems. Now to mount some speakers with more mid range sound. I think those will go where the stock speaker used to reside.
Posted via Mobile Device

71CHEVYSHORTBED402 06-20-2015 07:12 PM

Re: What did you do to your truck today? Chapter II
Restoring under the bed while it's off. I "finished" getting the paint off the frame, though still have a little to go when the leaf springs, brakes, shocks, and exhaust come off, but it's close. Took about 8 hours with paint remover and lacquer thinner. Kind of a bear, but it's really not bad. Next weekend comes the axle and differential. After that it gets a bath and the real fun "phase two" begins.

Incidentally, this restoration business is a kind of a blast. Always something to make look new again.

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