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chevybuilder18 02-25-2013 04:18 PM

Re: 78 silverado stepside her names 'Quicksilver'

Originally Posted by mccurrkm (Post 5911948)
I may have missed it but I think you said you were going to make your own harness. If you need a harness I have a complete harness off my 2005 HD with 6.0 and 4l80e. It has the fuse box and all. It was in the truck I bought and gutted and it was running...I just went with a custom harness to make the wiring a little cleaner and save time.

Oh id love to have it!! Ill PM you for the details, but i dont wanna get your hopes up. as you can see, ive aquired a 5.3 liter for $250 with a computer for 50 bucks.. so im on a strict budget. since the transmission wont fit in my buddys nova, he gave it to me just for helping him get the vortec out of the van it was in, then i poked my eye out getting the wires disconnected.. ahh man. So im more or less a Jew when it comes to money. :lol:


chevybuilder18 02-25-2013 05:27 PM

Re: 78 silverado stepside her names 'Quicksilver'
Well ill have the new tail lights on soon. the LEDs are going on. but unfortunately the snow is on the ground... and i dont feel like getting sick again. so ill wait out this weather intill i can lay on the ground and do some must needed rewiring. then ill move on to new tie rod ends, which are acting wierd since ive dropped the vehicle. wish me luck. Ill talk to you all next month, hope you all progress. :smoke:

77ChevySharkBite 02-26-2013 10:26 AM

Re: 78 silverado stepside her names 'Quicksilver'
Hey man little news is just as good as big news, hope you get everything all figured out on the truck man! and yeah that's why I "love" Texas is because we don't have to worry about snow, we just have to worry about rain lol

chevybuilder18 03-08-2013 03:10 AM

Re: 78 silverado stepside her names 'Quicksilver'

Originally Posted by 77ChevySharkBite (Post 5913799)
Hey man little news is just as good as big news, hope you get everything all figured out on the truck man! and yeah that's why I "love" Texas is because we don't have to worry about snow, we just have to worry about rain lol

Hey you jinxed yourself. seen you guys got plenty of snow;)
And now that its melting prafusely i can get on my back and do the wiring... safety first tho, i dont need more things in my eye so ill have to be carefull on the rusty parts..
another thing is making me question the engine i currently have. it has a wierd looking flex plate with some curves sticking out where the bolt holes are.. i dont understand this. i have the 4L80 E trans and its got a six bolt patern, but the flex plate i have has only three... Can someone explain this to me please?

77ChevySharkBite 03-08-2013 10:05 AM

Re: 78 silverado stepside her names 'Quicksilver'
Nah man, I didn't get any snow that was probably North Texas, I'm in South Texas I'm close to the Gulf of Mexico, all we got where I live is a lot of rain. But now were having a weather change....oh the joys of living in Texas haha

chevybuilder18 03-21-2013 05:08 AM

Re: 78 silverado stepside her names 'Quicksilver'
:banghead::thud: Im going nuts... I need to work on this truck! I havent even gotten to put the LEDs on because of cold weather. thank god i will be able to on the first of April, im getting some money, so i can patch it up and get the 5.3 in asap. i have a couple clues as what to do for wiring since i dont have the ECM connectors and fuse box. Plus its very much hacked up

77ChevySharkBite 03-21-2013 08:56 AM

Re: 78 silverado stepside her names 'Quicksilver'
Hope the weather clears up fast for you bro!! Nice, glad to hear about your progress you can do it man!! :metal: I can't wait for you to get that 5.3 in there I'm anxious for you :lol:

rs74 03-21-2013 09:31 AM

Re: 78 silverado stepside her names 'Quicksilver'
Hey I know what you mean by the weather. I live just short of 2 1/2 hrs south east of you in Marshall. It has been spitting snow off and on this morning. Didn't anyone tell mother nature that it was spring?

chevybuilder18 03-23-2013 04:52 AM

Re: 78 silverado stepside her names 'Quicksilver'

Originally Posted by 77ChevySharkBite (Post 5961092)
Hope the weather clears up fast for you bro!! Nice, glad to hear about your progress you can do it man!! :metal: I can't wait for you to get that 5.3 in there I'm anxious for you :lol:

hey im rooting for it too! man people need to take another look at these 3rd gen motors.
Found out what kinda engine im working with. youd be surprised how big the intake runners are for just this stock 5.3. Lol i hope you stick to getting the 6.0 cause they have 210 cc intake ports. mine has 200 cc intake ports. the only difference is i have the 706 heads 9.49:1 comp ratio and eighth digit of the vin on the truck it came out of was "T' so that means LM7. these have 1.89 intake valves and the bigger 4 inch bore 6.0 has 2 inch valves. heard alot of good things about them, i could actually bore my 5.3 to a 5.7 like an ls because its iron, but i dont believe ill have to do that. im really glad i switched to the dark side :devil:


Originally Posted by rs74 (Post 5961145)
Hey I know what you mean by the weather. I live just short of 2 1/2 hrs south east of you in Marshall. It has been spitting snow off and on this morning. Didn't anyone tell mother nature that it was spring?

O i know right? stuffs wacky around Illinois right now, 33 degrees out and its in the middle of the day and suns shining. FML :tms:

chevybuilder18 03-23-2013 05:01 AM

Re: 78 silverado stepside her names 'Quicksilver'
2 Attachment(s)
haha that funny image with the big motor is just for laughs

the orange truck is what im aiming for, except satin black and a silver paint of some sort to bring it out. ive also thought about white as a third transitional stripe or something to show some remarkable influence to the paint and how it would look, something nice but comfortable

77ChevySharkBite 03-23-2013 09:14 AM

Re: 78 silverado stepside her names 'Quicksilver'
That's a great goal bro!!! My only advice with your paint scheme is be careful with it, something I would consider doing maybe is looking into have some white pinstriping done or silver, I know whatever you do it'll look awesome!!!
Posted via Mobile Device

JRANGER 03-23-2013 11:15 AM

Re: 78 silverado stepside her names 'Quicksilver'
purty!!! Now back to work!!!! "CRACKS DA WHIP" lol

chevybuilder18 03-25-2013 11:56 AM

Re: 78 silverado stepside her names 'Quicksilver'

Originally Posted by 77ChevySharkBite (Post 5965323)
That's a great goal bro!!! My only advice with your paint scheme is be careful with it, something I would consider doing maybe is looking into have some white pinstriping done or silver, I know whatever you do it'll look awesome!!!
Posted via Mobile Device

yea probably stick with the silver, satin black two tone look.


Originally Posted by JRANGER (Post 5965485)
purty!!! Now back to work!!!! "CRACKS DA WHIP" lol

I have 12 inchs of snow on the ground:sumo: lmao

77ChevySharkBite 03-25-2013 12:01 PM

Re: 78 silverado stepside her names 'Quicksilver'
grab a shovel and move it build you own little area :lol: jk man

yeah a foot of snow sounds like it sucks! it's a tad bit chilly down here right now.

Yeah man that paint scheme will look good, and yes do satin, I've heard if you do like a matte black if you have oil on your hands or something and touch the paint you wont be able to get it off.

chevybuilder18 03-25-2013 12:26 PM

Re: 78 silverado stepside her names 'Quicksilver'

Originally Posted by 77ChevySharkBite (Post 5969768)
grab a shovel and move it build you own little area :lol: jk man

yeah a foot of snow sounds like it sucks! it's a tad bit chilly down here right now.

Yeah man that paint scheme will look good, and yes do satin, I've heard if you do like a matte black if you have oil on your hands or something and touch the paint you wont be able to get it off.

yea lots of oil to be had on that truck. It sucks wish i could just yank my bed off, my cab and the front clip and redo everything like that but i dont got a garage to do it in. but im hell bent on yanking everything off and restoring it off the frame.:devil:

77ChevySharkBite 03-25-2013 12:29 PM

Re: 78 silverado stepside her names 'Quicksilver'
Just be patient one day you can, just remember our trucks take time to be built not overnight, just stick with it I know you can do it man! Just when you go do something give it everything you got and then when it's done find your next project to do.
Posted via Mobile Device

chevybuilder18 03-26-2013 11:19 AM

Re: 78 silverado stepside her names 'Quicksilver'
your right and the snows starting to melt. i wish i had extra hands, id think id have the 5.3 along with my 4L80E in their by the 3rd of April of coarse id start on the first. but since i dont, ill most likely get it in by the 7th :metal: patience is on my side. and then my bro in law has a chicago electric dual flux mig welder. will work be done? i think so ;)

77ChevySharkBite 03-26-2013 11:25 AM

Re: 78 silverado stepside her names 'Quicksilver'
NICE!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! :metal: we almost bought a mig welder but when we started to think about it, it wouldn't be that useful as I don't do a lot of welding nor does my dad, and I don't think either of us knows how to use one properly lol so no worries.

I'm getting cam for my truck!! ahhh it's about to be 1 nasty 305!

chevybuilder18 03-26-2013 11:35 AM

Re: 78 silverado stepside her names 'Quicksilver'

Originally Posted by 77ChevySharkBite (Post 5971951)
NICE!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! :metal: we almost bought a mig welder but when we started to think about it, it wouldn't be that useful as I don't do a lot of welding nor does my dad, and I don't think either of us knows how to use one properly lol so no worries.

I'm getting cam for my truck!! ahhh it's about to be 1 nasty 305!

Comp cams XE265 ;)
those with a set of 416 heads ported... and a comp ratio of 9 to one.. 300 hp would be easy cooking. but the thing is going much higher with it. idk how youd go about it. id look it up, its been awhile since ive looked into these types of numbers for the 305

77ChevySharkBite 03-26-2013 11:38 AM

Re: 78 silverado stepside her names 'Quicksilver'
Actually I'm getting the comp cam Thumpr :devil:

here's the specs for it.

chevybuilder18 03-26-2013 11:47 AM

Re: 78 silverado stepside her names 'Quicksilver'

Originally Posted by 77ChevySharkBite (Post 5971981)
Actually I'm getting the comp cam Thumpr :devil:

here's the specs for it.

Haha yea that looks good. one time i screwed up and bought the BMT, its the Big Motha thumpr, come to find out it was seriously uninclined for what i wanted it for. it had to have a 3000+ stall and a whole bunch of other things. ive learned a lil since then. did you know they have the heart shaped 305 vortec heads for 305s?

77ChevySharkBite 03-26-2013 11:49 AM

Re: 78 silverado stepside her names 'Quicksilver'
Haha yeah, that big motha thumpr is just too much haha, the thumpr i'll be squeezing by with my 305 haha I need to buy a stall converter, and some new springs before I throw it in there that way. the 305 heads max lift is .480 you can I'm at a .479, so I'm riding that line pretty fine haha

chevybuilder18 03-26-2013 12:03 PM

Re: 78 silverado stepside her names 'Quicksilver'

Originally Posted by 77ChevySharkBite (Post 5972002)
Haha yeah, that big motha thumpr is just too much haha, the thumpr i'll be squeezing by with my 305 haha I need to buy a stall converter, and some new springs before I throw it in there that way. the 305 heads max lift is .480 you can I'm at a .479, so I'm riding that line pretty fine haha

id suggest buying some roller tipped rockers to go with, (the rockers that came from factory were 1.4 ratio rockers bringing lift down) and some screw in studs. and you could do a lil filing on top of each one of the valve guides, which your probably gonna need with those rough castings.. factory wasnt always perfect. but the new valve lift and such. your gonna need em filed so your new valve seals will work. sometimes .009 thick valve seals can be ruined quicker by floating valves. remember. a .010 of an inch is a mile in a engine

77ChevySharkBite 03-26-2013 12:07 PM

Re: 78 silverado stepside her names 'Quicksilver'
Well I'm looking at getting new heads anyway so I might hold off putting it in until I get new heads, because I heard people just running stock heads just putting lifters and spring, and them being fine. But yet again I rather be safe than sorry too you know?

chevybuilder18 03-26-2013 12:11 PM

Re: 78 silverado stepside her names 'Quicksilver'

Originally Posted by 77ChevySharkBite (Post 5972036)
Well I'm looking at getting new heads anyway so I might hold off putting it in until I get new heads, because I heard people just running stock heads just putting lifters and spring, and them being fine. But yet again I rather be safe than sorry too you know?

i may be wrong, but thats just hypothesising and i agree hole heartedly. my uncles done some pretty wild stuff with these small blocks. like reusing a big cam in another one, even though myth is you never do that. because itd eat the cam up. but he did. that was one wild camaro 350 swap! it was quick lol

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