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Classic Heartbeat 04-18-2013 01:25 PM

Re: Someone in Everett, WA.
I am all about justice. Like in my previouse post I am out $376.00. I will hold back one more day, actualy untill noon tomorrow. If I do not have my satisfaction by then, it will be time to blow up his phone. I will be done with it, I won't care what happens to the guy or his phone. I will probably continue to harrass him, but I will not hold back what I say or text. The law will not do anything for me, with budget cuts and layoffs, even if they were inclined to help me I would be so far back on the priority list that I wouldn't be able to see daylight.
But I will tell you, You guys make me proud to be a member of this site and honored that you have my back.. I know for a fact, I wouldn't want to be on the other side of this situation. :metal: :lol: WES

Tinkermc 04-18-2013 01:55 PM

Re: Someone in Everett, WA.
Oh Wes we've got your back alright I was ready to call again now but you gave him until tomorrow so I will honor your decession. After that it is purley GAME ON !!!!!

Ol Blue K20 04-18-2013 02:02 PM

Re: Someone in Everett, WA.

Originally Posted by Tinkermc (Post 6019786)
Oh Wes we've got your back alright I was ready to call again now but you gave him until tomorrow so I will honor your decession. After that it is purley GAME ON !!!!!

:agree: He has a temporary reprieve on my end, Wes, just let me know. My kids and their friends went after him too..:lol:

KEL 04-18-2013 02:24 PM

Re: Someone in Everett, WA.
He is probably trying to run his tinker-toy construction
company from that cell phone, and you guys have essentially shut him down.
Posted via Mobile Device

Classic Heartbeat 04-18-2013 03:05 PM

Re: Someone in Everett, WA.
Like I have said befor.... You guys ROCK! :metal: WES

eightbanger 04-18-2013 03:34 PM

Re: Someone in Everett, WA.
You've been holding back Wes? you don't want to know what I've called him then...:lol:

D.PASSMORE 04-18-2013 03:59 PM

Re: Someone in Everett, WA.
Wes, You and I have been on this board and having fun with these old trucks for quite a while. I can say that I have lost more than $376.00 over the years, between bads deals and "not as described" parts. Just thankful, it wasn't more than that. As for retribution - seems karma works well. It always comes back around. :ito:

westong 04-18-2013 04:13 PM

Re: Someone in Everett, WA.
Just got off the phone with him...he said he was sending your money out tomorrow. I said my cousin is a navy diver and lives in Everett wash and could bring him the rest of the cash for the blazer and load it up. He kinda backed track at that point and started getting pissed off. All in all.we actually talked about 10 mins he acted like he was drunk or high. He said he had connections and everybody that was calling him was going to be in trouble. I told him to please call the police and give them all the info about the transaction. He didn't seem to think that was a good idea. I was polite and to the point about not screwing my buddy and do the right thing. He agreed and said he would...good luck..and I'm your buddy Ray..
Posted via Mobile Device

eightbanger 04-18-2013 05:39 PM

Re: Someone in Everett, WA.

Originally Posted by westong (Post 6020029)
Just got off the phone with him...he said he was sending your money out tomorrow. I said my cousin is a navy diver and lives in Everett wash and could bring him the rest of the cash for the blazer and load it up. He kinda backed track at that point and started getting pissed off. All in all.we actually talked about 10 mins he acted like he was drunk or high. He said he had connections and everybody that was calling him was going to be in trouble. I told him to please call the police and give them all the info about the transaction. He didn't seem to think that was a good idea. I was polite and to the point about not screwing my buddy and do the right thing. He agreed and said he would...good luck..and I'm your buddy Ray..
Posted via Mobile Device

Well done sir!

drunkbus 04-18-2013 05:41 PM

Re: Someone in Everett, WA.
Did you ask why he has to wait until payday to send "YOUR" money back to you?

leddzepp 04-18-2013 06:04 PM

Re: Someone in Everett, WA.

Originally Posted by westong (Post 6020029)
he acted like he was drunk or high.
Posted via Mobile Device

Wes's money already went up his nose.
Posted via Mobile Device

KEL 04-18-2013 06:18 PM

Re: Someone in Everett, WA.
Arrangments could be made to take it out of his a$$
Posted via Mobile Device

KEL 04-18-2013 07:23 PM

Re: Someone in Everett, WA.
By the way, that was just a joke !
Posted via Mobile Device

Sillyoldman 04-18-2013 07:26 PM

Re: Someone in Everett, WA.

Originally Posted by Classic Heartbeat (Post 6019239)
I got a text late last night saying he would western union me the money by noon this Friday. I asked him why wait untill then, when he could do it now and be done with it? His responce was he had to attend his father's funeral today and he doesn't get paid untill friday. I don't know what to believe. I checked on-line obituaries from the Everett Harold for anyone with his last name and found none. I guess we will see. WES

I'm sure he was adopted:lol:

Sillyoldman 04-18-2013 07:31 PM

Re: Someone in Everett, WA.

Originally Posted by westong (Post 6020029)
Just got off the phone with him...he said he was sending your money out tomorrow. I said my cousin is a navy diver and lives in Everett wash and could bring him the rest of the cash for the blazer and load it up. He kinda backed track at that point and started getting pissed off. All in all.we actually talked about 10 mins he acted like he was drunk or high. He said he had connections and everybody that was calling him was going to be in trouble. I told him to please call the police and give them all the info about the transaction. He didn't seem to think that was a good idea. I was polite and to the point about not screwing my buddy and do the right thing. He agreed and said he would...good luck..and I'm your buddy Ray..
Posted via Mobile Device

:metal: LIKE^^

PAWS 72 04-18-2013 08:42 PM

Re: Someone in Everett, WA.
Wes i called him last nite also but he didnt answer.went to voice mail.
I let my police scanner play thru the voice mail.maybe he will get the message

Tinkermc 04-18-2013 09:08 PM

Re: Someone in Everett, WA.
Kel .... are you sure? Ha..Ha..........

Classic Heartbeat 04-18-2013 09:45 PM

Re: Someone in Everett, WA.
I am sure that he has figured out by now that he messed with the wrong people.. :lol: I haven't heard a thing from him since the text last night. WES

Square_78 04-19-2013 07:29 AM

Re: Someone in Everett, WA.
Why don't you go there with a couple guys and a baseball bat and get your money back? I doubt he's going to pay you on Friday... He obviously tried to scam you. What actually happened to the blazer? Did it even exist??
Posted via Mobile Device

D.PASSMORE 04-19-2013 09:14 AM

Re: Someone in Everett, WA.

Originally Posted by Square_78 (Post 6021391)
Why don't you go there with a couple guys and a baseball bat and get your money back? I doubt he's going to pay you on Friday... He obviously tried to scam you. What actually happened to the blazer? Did it even exist??
Posted via Mobile Device

Not to say this isn't a bad idea, but the question you would need to ask yourself is: Is this punk worth me sitting in jail for a period of time and much would a lawyer cost me to get out of this mess. Small claims is the way to pursue this deal. ;)

Tinkermc 04-19-2013 01:49 PM

Re: Someone in Everett, WA.
For me I do not call the cops, I am a retired cop and know the workings, courts are nice but I am more of an instant
gratification guy myself.
That said what's going on Wes? High noon has passed is it time to blow up a phone?

KEL 04-19-2013 01:56 PM

Re: Someone in Everett, WA.
We are east coast
There os a time difference
He still has a few more hours to get his "call from the governor" !
Posted via Mobile Device

cheyenne shortstep 04-19-2013 02:33 PM

Re: Someone in Everett, WA.
Violence is not needed, these type of people are usually not tough guys. Intimidation works wonders, I have had to physically collect on debts such as this and have not ever had to resort to anything more than a heavy suggestion of getting violent. You could always take his television, I don't know why but people pay at the threat of taking their T.V.. Especially as you are walking out the door with it.

Classic Heartbeat 04-19-2013 02:37 PM

Re: Someone in Everett, WA.
Well one of you guys received a phone call from Scott a few minutes ago. Scott has had so many calls he couldn't remember witch number is mine...:lol:
Anyway he is supposedly at the western union outlet now. He called for whatever info he needed from me. I called him and got the voice mail, so I had my wife text him my information. He hasn't called me back, so once my wife gets to work she will check the western union outlet at her store and see if the money is there. If not, theres a hangin to be done!! er I mean phone blowing up. It takes Beth an hour to get to work so stay tuned. WES

Ol Blue K20 04-19-2013 02:52 PM

Re: Someone in Everett, WA.

Originally Posted by Classic Heartbeat (Post 6022012)
Well one of you guys received a phone call from Scott a few minutes ago. Scott has had so many calls he couldn't remember witch number is mine...:lol:
Anyway he is supposedly at the western union outlet now. He called for whatever info he needed from me. I called him and got the voice mail, so I had my wife text him my information. He hasn't called me back, so once my wife gets to work she will check the western union outlet at her store and see if the money is there. If not, theres a hangin to be done!! er I mean phone blowing up. It takes Beth an hour to get to work so stay tuned. WES

:devil:Just let me know when the fun begins!!:devil::lol:

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