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fine69 03-28-2004 12:11 AM

I hope that the shindig is bigger this year. My Ammco lift will be functional. We can all stand around and look at the rust underneath our trucks. WITHOUT bending over. hehe

Longhorn Man 03-28-2004 12:54 AM

and I thought I was the only one looking forward to it... ;)

jamie72 03-28-2004 01:52 AM

so mike when is this years get togeather going to be????? i got to get it marked on the gotta go list.

weasel29gm 03-28-2004 02:22 AM

Yea count on me hopefully I'll drive the 69!!!

jewels. 03-28-2004 03:45 AM

wow - this thread just wont die! ;)

fine69, if you have a get-together in addition to this years board meet, you can count me there! woohoo!!! i'm ready for another cross country trip!

for everyone else.... if you would like to have a copy of the pics in this thread, jsut PM me with your email address..... because the link to the pics will no longer work..... (i graduated from purdue, so they took my student server rights away)....

be forewarned, the file with all the pics is pretty big, so please know your limits on email sending.....

or, if you would prefer, just come into the chat room in the evenings (i'm usually there)... and ask me to have you download them.... i can set up the server in five minutes, and you can get them very quickly


;) jewels.

Longhorn Man 08-30-2004 11:24 PM

heh heh heh...bump, since I just PM'deveryone on this thread...I figured I'd bring it TTT so they can see that they said they'd be here. ;)

jewels. 08-31-2004 03:36 PM

well, jeesh! if you gonna bump it, at least put a link to the new post! ;) j/k, andy.....

but for all of you ppl who arent familiar with the infamous Ohio Board Meet, come join us this year! its a blast!

the info for this year's meet is HERE (clicky)

are you comin? huh? are you? are you?

;) jewels.

Longhorn Man 08-31-2004 03:54 PM

OK, then here is another thread where I am PIMPIN THE OHIO MEET ;) :burnout: :metal:

wxman1 08-31-2004 07:43 PM

Ok....what gives!

I've tried 2 different computers. Two different operating systems and 3 different
browsers. The pics posted by Dmurphy68 don't show up and the pics posted by
Jewels don't show up. The ones posted by OhioDan and Huck show up fine.
Is there a trick to this?

Mt Juliet

dwaite72lnghrn 08-31-2004 07:48 PM

Pict's were pre board upgrade. A lot were lost.

jewels. 09-07-2004 09:06 PM


Originally Posted by wxman1
Ok....what gives!

I've tried 2 different computers. Two different operating systems and 3 different
browsers. The pics posted by Dmurphy68 don't show up and the pics posted by
Jewels don't show up. The ones posted by OhioDan and Huck show up fine.
Is there a trick to this?

Mt Juliet

Jim, I'd be happy to email you a .zip file with all of the Ohio Board Meet pics in it if you are still interested. Beware, the file is 8MB. (Large!) Just PM and let me know.
;) jewels.

Huck 09-07-2004 09:20 PM

So Jewel's---your location shows Kansas City------are you there or are you in Ky. When are you heading up to Mike's?-----Saturday? Is Josh coming with you?

jewels. 09-07-2004 09:45 PM


Originally Posted by Huck
So Jewel's---your location shows Kansas City------are you there or are you in Ky. When are you heading up to Mike's?-----Saturday? Is Josh coming with you?

Oh bummer! I was hoping no one was gonna ask that question! I was putting off declaring whether I would be there in hopes that luck would change.

But first.... Yes, I have relocated to Glasgow, KY, right next to Josh (Blue_71). I'm havin the time of my life down here. Lovin every minute of it. I think I have landed a job at a local technical university teaching some ProEngineer, AutoCAD and CAD classes... but we are still working out some details there.

Josh and I both want to go to Mike's, but its the worst time right now. We are right in the middle of harvest, and as luck would have it, we are very short-handed at the moment. Saturday is reserved strictly for bringin in the crops. Stinks, eh? Josh has even been leaving school to try and help out with it all. We both want to come. We have even been debating which truck to take, or whether to bring both of them again. But its not looking promising at this point. In fact, its looking rather dismal. :P I would love to ditch out of it, but I cannot. These are my friends and family. I'm too obligated.

So, I suppose unless you hear differently, you will probably have to count us both out. Please take lots of pics, and make sure to photoshop both Josh and I into some of them (as if we attended in spirit) ;) (giggle).

Josh and I will have to come up and visit you soon, Huck. I'm sure that he will come up with a truck parts 'reason' to make the trip sometime soon. He is crazy when it comes to trucks. Hmmm, I think I'm counting a total of eight trucks he owns now, and a junky car too! And, I think he just landed a free tailgate tonight too. I'm JEALOUS! he he!

Ok, well, you guys have fun! And take lots of pics!
Hope to see you again soon!
;) jewels.

Dean 09-08-2004 06:56 AM

Hello Jewels!!! That location doesn't sound bad especially since you are closer to the home of the Corvette!

Too bad I you won't be able to make it. I was looking foreward to seeing the little red truck.

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