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FrankieD 01-07-2013 04:05 PM

Re: Project: Crew'd Attitude

Originally Posted by Devillusion (Post 5510892)
Well, if the weather holds out for another day I'm planning on getting out to the boneyard to find me some much needed parts to finish off the thoughts running around in my head. The voices are telling me that I need the following:

Front and rear 59' Impala bumpers (coincidentally goes with the dash)
55' Bel Air steering wheel (later to be replaced with a smaller reproduction version)
early to mid 50's GMC or Chevrolet tailgate for just the center section to graft into the OBS gate.

Or at least that is the plan.......

What do you guys think? GMC or CHEVROLET insignia on the gate? Going with the GMC grill I believe (or at least that is what I bought...hahaha), but could easily remove the badging I guess.

Just noticed that the GMC is chained down pretty funny

Devillusion 01-08-2013 04:09 AM

Re: Project: Crew'd Attitude
Never noticed that till you mentioned it.......lmao! Nice.

aggie91 01-08-2013 10:05 AM

Re: Project: Crew'd Attitude
there are no tail lights either...

FrankieD 01-08-2013 01:30 PM

Re: Project: Crew'd Attitude
There is also a padlock at the bottom of the door, must be to keep the Bears out. Looks alot cleaner with out tail lights

truckzilla 01-08-2013 08:59 PM

Re: Project: Crew'd Attitude
All signaling must be the ol' hand signal method! Them Californians, what will they think of next!:lol:

FrankieD 01-09-2013 09:13 AM

Re: Project: Crew'd Attitude

Originally Posted by truckzilla (Post 5804990)
All signaling must be the ol' hand signal method! Them Californians, what will they think of next!:lol:

I am sure it works great in freeway traffic at night :-o

truckzilla 01-09-2013 02:07 PM

Re: Project: Crew'd Attitude
:lol: Or in rush hour traffic while trying to hold a beer in the other hand!

Devillusion 06-16-2013 01:51 AM

Re: Project: Crew'd Attitude
Finally pulled it back into the shop today after a long break.....really am finding it hard to get the incentive to get back into it. Have no drive at this point....not sure why. Kind of starting to wish I had of left the dash stock, would have been driving it by now. Maybe it is time to move on to a different project and just sell this one. Really not sure why my interest has taken a jump off the cliff......Maybe time will change my attitude towards it, really hoping so.

Gordonr1973 06-16-2013 12:22 PM

Re: Project: Crew'd Attitude
Don't sell it yet....fiddle with it a bit more.

You have too much of your own personality in it. If it was a factory restoration with no mods, yeah go and sell it as it could be replaced easily.

This truck you made one of a kind!!

Devillusion 06-16-2013 02:19 PM

Re: Project: Crew'd Attitude
yeah, I hear ya. My one other option is a 2wd blazer that a buddy has (no idea of deep down condition), but would be an option to swap everything over. Hoping it is just a slump and will shake out of it over the next week or so. Might just need to assess the work needed left to do and get organized. Not like me to give up on something like this so....will give it some time.

Devillusion 06-21-2013 02:39 AM

Re: Project: Crew'd Attitude
Decided to make myself get back into the swing of things, and not sure if I am headed in the right direction anymore. Got the front bumper 80% done, but what I had in my head makes the truck appear higher than it really is, not sure if the rollpan in behind it will help or not. Might revert back to another idea I had for the stock bumper.

What I did was take two stock bumpers and split them down the center of the bolt holes, then welded the two tops together again. End result was to have a "camaro" style skinny bumper to just change things up a bit....but not 100% sure I like it now. Not the end of the world by any means, just want to figure it out before I narrow the bumper a bit as well to bring it in tight to the fenders.

Maxxd07 06-21-2013 07:05 AM

Re: Project: Crew'd Attitude
That bumper turned out sweet! I would think with the grill and roll pan on it would look dam good.
Posted via Mobile Device

FrankieD 06-21-2013 08:06 AM

Re: Project: Crew'd Attitude
I know what you are going through I have fallen into the same hole I haven't done any thing with mine this year eather, just don't have the want besides working on my new 95 burb plow truck. But what the heck it's a project, no due date on projects and it dosen't cost anything for it to sit can always come back to it later.

Devillusion 06-21-2013 09:12 AM

Re: Project: Crew'd Attitude
My only concern is the fact that the roll pan may not completely cover the frame. Will be giving it some thought in the next couple days.

...and ya, you have a point with the project and time lines....I just want everything done two days ago is my problem, always has been hahaha.

Gordonr1973 06-22-2013 11:48 AM

Re: Project: Crew'd Attitude
Could you extend the roll pan down and swoop it so its an easy transition?

I'd keep the new bumper --- you can always change it back if you don't like it.

Low Elco 06-23-2013 07:15 AM

Re: Project: Crew'd Attitude
If the roll pan works... I like the bumper!

Jonboy 06-23-2013 09:39 AM

Re: Project: Crew'd Attitude
You could have the pan cover the front of the rails, then taper back to the fenders. I could see that working out, and looking good.

Devillusion 06-28-2013 01:45 AM

Re: Project: Crew'd Attitude
Well, decided for now I have more than enough on my plate to get done on this thing so I made the whole bumper issue a bit more simple for now. Didn't want to add on another full custom addition....having trouble staying on track as it is. Might revisit the idea at a later date.

For now I narrowed the stock front bumper 1.5", and pushed it back towards the grill 2"....made a bigger difference than I thought it would. Worked well and went easy. Decided against shaving the bumper bolts as well....kind of like them for some odd reason. Bumpers will get a colour match to the truck, or a stock silver colour if I could find the code.

Low Elco 06-28-2013 10:21 AM

Re: Project: Crew'd Attitude
Argent Silver

Devillusion 06-29-2013 12:58 AM

Re: Project: Crew'd Attitude

Originally Posted by Low Elco (Post 6146666)
Argent Silver


Might go with body colour though...depends what I end up doing with it when all is said and done. Patina or all white from front to back....depends on my mood...lmao.

Devillusion 07-22-2013 04:12 AM

Re: Project: Crew'd Attitude
So, on goes the CCSB 2wd project as planned. Been making some good progress on it the last couple of weeks.

Wiring 90% completed, HVAC installed (just have to finish defrost vents), trimmed and narrowed the factory front bumper, ebrake cables made/installed/and working, brakes bled and working, truck is running on it's own power again (no more pushing in and out of the shop...thank christ!), grill assembly installed, fuel tank installed, all new looms under the hood along with shortening and lengthening of wiring harness to clean things up a bit till the LS swap is in sight.....even took it for a tour down the road the other day.

kikkegek 07-22-2013 12:42 PM

Re: Project: Crew'd Attitude
yeha man! good to hear! nice job!

Devillusion 07-23-2013 12:16 AM

Re: Project: Crew'd Attitude
Glove box door modified, fitted and installed today and trying to work out one electrical gremlin I am having with the heater....found the problem just can't find the female end of where this male end is supposed to meet up on the drivers firewall. Looked EVERYWHERE.....needs a keyed power source and could just tap into something but that isn't how I like to do things as a rule. Going to have to truck over to a buddies place and have a look at one that is unmolested for a guide. Has me stumped. Also got the screens adhered to the underside of the defrost holes in the dash, turned out great....exactly how I was hoping. Will throw up some pics when I get a chance, can't find the USB for the phone as we speak....darn kids!

It is the green wire that runs from the A/C and heater harness on the passenger side firewall and goes across to the drivers side with the A/C wires for the compressor. Meets half way with a connector that takes the two lime green wires and puts them to one....and has a male plug on the end. But do you think I can find the recieving end? Uggghhhhhh.

aggie91 07-23-2013 09:17 AM

Re: Project: Crew'd Attitude
I am really liking what you are doing to this one. I would love to do a CCSB someday. Hope you find that cable so we can see some updated pics.

Devillusion 07-30-2013 11:32 PM

Re: Project: Crew'd Attitude
ok...well PROGRESS! Finally figured out what the wire was for...not what I was It was actually for the high idle solenoid on the carb versions. And coincidentally when I powered it up it back fed to the heater fan and ran it when in A/C modes, but not on vent/heat. So the search continued....

Started tracking down the whole circuit from start to finish and found a brown wire under the dash that was "unclaimed" power but found another brown wire with a different connector though coming from the main harness...tried it regardless...worked perfect. Checked out a few other harnesses I had laying around and sure enough they changed the plugs on the main harness for the newer models...that is what had me stumped all this time I But anyways, swapped out the plug...plugged her a boss!! All working and in good order, one more thing off my list of to do's.

Did some measuring for backspacing etc for the front as I want to keep it 8 lug if possible....not sure if I can manage it or not. Trying to figure out if a 1/2 ton front is narrower or can I get narrower control arms? Things to figure out yet....might have found an option for 20 and 22" steelies though....muaahahaha. Just ironing out the details and price.

bbbc10 07-31-2013 01:16 AM

Re: Project: Crew'd Attitude
looks good!!!! digging the bed rails! and im picking up a set of 22" steelies ;)

Devillusion 07-31-2013 05:22 AM

Re: Project: Crew'd Attitude

Originally Posted by bbbc10 (Post 6197761)
looks good!!!! digging the bed rails! and im picking up a set of 22" steelies ;)

caddy take offs? or 8 lug? Could never find a lead on 8 lug versions till the other day.

truckzilla 07-31-2013 07:10 AM

Re: Project: Crew'd Attitude
It's a coming! Keep after it.

Funny, I was going to do the very same front bumper mod! Great minds think a like, I've heard it said.:lol:

bbbc10 07-31-2013 09:38 PM

Re: Project: Crew'd Attitude
they are the gm take offs 6 lug never heard of any 8 lug ones

truckzilla 07-31-2013 10:01 PM

Re: Project: Crew'd Attitude

Originally Posted by bbbc10 (Post 6197761)
looks good!!!! digging the bed rails! and im picking up a set of 22" steelies ;)

How soon can you post us a pic so we can see exactly what you're gonna be using?

bbbc10 07-31-2013 10:37 PM

Re: Project: Crew'd Attitude
2 Attachment(s)
don't mean to hijack...but here is the 22" steelies

Devillusion 07-31-2013 11:43 PM

Re: Project: Crew'd Attitude

Originally Posted by truckzilla (Post 6199035)
How soon can you post us a pic so we can see exactly what you're gonna be using?

nothing for pics they don't really exist as of yet. Working with the company to try to build me a set with no design cut into them as they normally do. They are actually off road/rock crawler steel wheels but if I can get a blank set built, then mount clips for the center hub cap....should be golden. And considering doing a staggered set..20's up front, and 22's out back with massive lip and just skinny's up front.

1984chevypickup 08-03-2013 07:23 PM

Re: Project: Crew'd Attitude
This is a bad ass build like your creativity. I like one off stuff that people make to give the trucks there own style keep it up looks kilker
Posted via Mobile Device

Devillusion 08-04-2013 12:09 AM

Re: Project: Crew'd Attitude
Started modifying the defrost ducting last night. Had to stretch the lower duct to heater box area, and extend the wings to fully cover the holes I put in the dash...somehow screwed up those measurements when I built the dash...but all good, will work when done just a bit more work to fine tune it is all. Initially used some masking tape, plastic pieces from a lid I had kicking around, then the hot glue gun to get a rough shape, then some long strand fibreglass and finally this afternoon (not current pics) tossed on some fleece and resin on it this afternoon and another layer of long strand to smooth things out. List is slowly getting shorter....:metal:

Devillusion 08-06-2013 04:23 AM

Re: Project: Crew'd Attitude
Finished up the defrost/heater ducting this morning...then continued on with some finishing on door gaps, and stripped down/painted the inner fenders today as well. Turned out alright all in all....

jitteryguy 11-10-2013 11:45 AM

Re: Project: Crew'd Attitude
look'n good. I was hope'n to see the bumper used .

mattcrp1 11-10-2013 01:27 PM

Re: Project: Crew'd Attitude
I like what you ended up doing to the bumper. The narrow and tuck looks good.

Devillusion 11-12-2013 01:08 AM

Re: Project: Crew'd Attitude

Originally Posted by jitteryguy (Post 6356524)
look'n good. I was hope'n to see the bumper used .

I think it is going to a good home still, supposed to be working on a buddies 82 2wd stepside/chopped with a big block here soon, think we are going to use it on that now.

On other progress (small) doors are off again, prepared, body work mostly done, just about ready for etch primer, high build, block them out, then paint and re installation. Then cab is almost done other than filling in the cab light holes that I changed my mind on. Just not finding any time anymore with my shoulder, back and eye messed up.

Devillusion 11-12-2013 01:36 AM

Re: Project: Crew'd Attitude
Some pics......nothing serious for eye candy, but none the less.

Decided to buy new doors for the front to cut back on time....yup, didn't work so well. Started feeling out the doors and the passenger side door had a small wow in the upper panel, started dollying it out and got it better, then realized the door handle brace in behind was not welded and made the door flimsy, so tack welded it up and continued to try to work the door.....what a piece of crap! everywhere you touched it the damn thing would tin can, or bend or warp...after around 3 hours of screwing around this was my determination of body work required!

....Time for a beer! and time out for me! lmao.....but damn it felt good to let loose on that piece of crap! Damn Japanese cheep junk!

So, back to original doors! As pics show they needed some TLC from last owner leaving the big tow mirrors loose for to many years and banged em up pretty good, but still 500% better doors than the other junk.

dieseldawg142 11-12-2013 01:56 AM

Re: Project: Crew'd Attitude
yup, sometimes you just HAVE to show them parts who's the boss...
remember once a cassette was getting eaten, whipped out my knife to save it & 3 mins later i had no cassette deck or cassette tape, just a pile of busted deck on the floor. but i showed that deck who the boss was.
i just did the mirror hole drama on my crew earlier this yr. holes everywhere & ripped metal. nice job on yours

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