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mr.mud1 09-19-2022 04:23 PM

Re: 1972 Cheyenne Super coming apart to go back together
1 Attachment(s)
well finally today a little good news.we loaded up this morning,after getting the word from the body shop to bring the truck and headed out for a little road trip a couple hours away and dropped it off.i think he's going to get right at it tomorrow and get this show on the road.

CG 09-20-2022 09:34 AM

Re: 1972 Cheyenne Super coming apart to go back together
Fingers crossed for you. I hope it goes better this time or you are going to have to learn to paint. You have the paint stripping down =)

mr.mud1 09-20-2022 08:10 PM

Re: 1972 Cheyenne Super coming apart to go back together

Originally Posted by CG (Post 9126006)
Fingers crossed for you. I hope it goes better this time or you are going to have to learn to paint. You have the paint stripping down =)

yes sir.we sure are hoping for a better result.the paint rep guy recommended this fella,said he's real good,real busy and probably not cheap.that's isn't good,good isn't cheap.i told him yesterday when we dropped the truck off,that i wanted him to paint it like it was his.if he found anything he wouldn't be happy with,fix it.i looked around his shop while we were there,pictures all over the place of his handy pic was a 53 pale yellow 53 Cadillac was spectacular,said he worked on it for 2 years.i'm glad i wasn't paying that bill?i do know how to paint but no place to do it although i was considering building a temporary paint booth before i found this guy doing it'll all work out.take care.Greg

mr.mud1 09-20-2022 08:21 PM

Re: 1972 Cheyenne Super coming apart to go back together
2 Attachment(s)
well i dropped off my truck yesterday at the body shop and this morning he sent a couple pictures of what he was at today.he may have made more progress but this is all i got today.he did say he's taking the bed off and putting it on his rotisserie.this is getting serious?he's a little concerned about the color.i have the 465 paint code number and the paint store can mix that code but it's off a bit.the paint rep guy said it's because the formula is 50 years old,products change over the years and behave differently than back in the day.if it's off a smidge on the outside it won't much matter but he has to paint in on the top of the rockers and he wants it to be as close as he can make it to the rest of the original paint in the door jamb.we'll see how it goes.more news as we go.

mr.mud1 09-21-2022 06:24 PM

Re: 1972 Cheyenne Super coming apart to go back together
3 Attachment(s)
a little more progress although the painter sent these pictures first thing this morning so i'm sure it all looks different now by day's end.the inside of the bed is in primer as well as the wheel tubs i can see and i assume the tailgate too?can't wait to see what the pictures show tomorrow?it's a pleasure to see someone work who is good at what they do.i'm sure the outcome at this paint shop will be far superior to that mess i got in May?stay tuned.

Chevys4life 09-22-2022 01:12 PM

Re: 1972 Cheyenne Super coming apart to go back together
It looks like you are going to get a good job this time!!!!

mr.mud1 09-22-2022 01:35 PM

Re: 1972 Cheyenne Super coming apart to go back together

Originally Posted by Chevys4life (Post 9126854)
It looks like you are going to get a good job this time!!!!

yes sir.i haven't seen any update pictures since these yesterday morning.i don't want to pester the guy but anxiously waiting for the next update.he's not close so i can't just drop by but that's ok.i'm sure we're in good hands soon as i get more info,i'll update this for anybody interested.thanks,take care.Greg

Richard 09-24-2022 02:36 AM

Re: 1972 Cheyenne Super coming apart to go back together
Awesome to see you are moving forward again! Had a great day myself working on my truck.

mr.mud1 09-24-2022 09:39 AM

Re: 1972 Cheyenne Super coming apart to go back together

Originally Posted by Richard (Post 9127396)
Awesome to see you are moving forward again! Had a great day myself working on my truck.

yes sir,thanks.i am watching what you're doing with your truck too.i checked with the painter to see if he had anymore progress to report but nothing new since wednesday.i don't know but i think he had something else to work on later in the week.that's'll get done.we are getting hammered with Hurricane Fiona now so i have lots to worry about.i looked out this morning at first light,my wife's new greenhouse is gone?the power has been out since 11:00pm last old truck is safe and sound at the paint shop although i just saw on the news,the town where it is,got hammered'll all work out.take care.

mr.mud1 09-28-2022 07:29 PM

Re: 1972 Cheyenne Super coming apart to go back together
5 Attachment(s)
well this has been an eventful of Nova Scotia,New Brunswick,Prince Edward Island,Quebec and Newfoundland all got pounded with Hurricane Fiona.unbelievable damage in alot of places.we had a new greenhouse i had built for my wife in the spring,blow away but some folks perished,some lost homes,everything they owned,one little 4 year old boy wondered away from his parents in the back yard while they cleaned up debris,a huge group of folks,police,search and rescue,firemen,military and regular folks searched and they found him ok, a mile and a half from home,15 hours later.the little guy was alone in the woods all we were lucky although we haven't had power since last Friday night,just coming back along with the internet this evening.out off of Sable Island off the coast here,there are scientific measuring bouys placed there that track ocean currents and other things,well they measured waves 100 feet high and 100 MPH winds?glad i wasn't out truck is of course,at the body shop but they suffered flooding in his community(not the body shop,thankfully) but no power for a few days.he's back to work and sent me a few pictures of parts finally becoming green again.he said this was 2 coats,a 3rd still to come but no new's all good.making progress.take care.

mr.mud1 10-02-2022 11:20 PM

Re: 1972 Cheyenne Super coming apart to go back together
4 Attachment(s)
a little more progress and a few more pictures from the body shop where my truck is.i doubt i'll have it back by Friday but that's ok.we will be leaving early Saturday morning for a drive to Medina,Ohio to visit friends we did see every year,either they'd come here or we'd go there.we haven't seen them since covid and now the man is dying with cancer.this won't be a fun trip but he wants to see us and want to see them but i'm sure there will be some tears shed.i know it'll be hard driving away.i talked to the painter about the mess he's inherited from a poor paint job someone else did in May,i asked if he'd worked on the screwed up paint line where the green meets the white on the back of the cab where the stainless moldings are.the bonehead who painted it,put the tape line above the studs that hold the molding clips,so high that the molding won't cover the tape line?he said he hadn't worked on that yet.too many other screw ups to fix but i know he'll get'er done.more news as we go.

Richard 10-03-2022 01:18 AM

Re: 1972 Cheyenne Super coming apart to go back together
Progress looks good. Sorry to hear about your friend. Bless you for your compassion to the friend and family. I know how hard it is, but our love to others can lift us up in spirit.

mr.mud1 10-03-2022 05:40 PM

Re: 1972 Cheyenne Super coming apart to go back together

Originally Posted by Richard (Post 9130124)
Progress looks good. Sorry to hear about your friend. Bless you for your compassion to the friend and family. I know how hard it is, but our love to others can lift us up in spirit.

thanks Richard.i appreciate the kind words about our friends.i'm not looking forward to going under these circumstances but you gotta do what you gotta do.they'd do it for us if the shoe was on the other foot.maybe when we get back,my truck will be ready to pick it up.take care.Greg

mr.mud1 10-05-2022 11:53 PM

Re: 1972 Cheyenne Super coming apart to go back together
5 Attachment(s)
some more progress at the body shop,he sent a bunch of pictures today but for some reason,most of them are so small,they're hard to see but it looks like there is new green paint everywhere,how many coats i don't know but now working on the white that is as messed up as the green was.i asked if he had worked on the white/green part line at the back of the cab below the rear window?the make-believe painter clown that did it in May,made the tape way above the molding clips studs so now the stainless moldings won't cover the tape line?great work from someone who is supposed to know better?evidently not.anyway this fella said he hadn't worked on that problem yet,too many other screw ups to fix?it'll be interesting to see how he fix's that?it is a treat to see nice work though,everything is covered,papered off,the way it's supposed to be with the paper going right down to the shop floor.i wouldn't have the overspray mess i have and a motor to pull out to repaint orange along with everything black to repaint black,if the original guy did it correctly?more upates as i get info from the bodyshop.

mr.mud1 10-15-2022 09:14 AM

Re: 1972 Cheyenne Super coming apart to go back together
4 Attachment(s)
we were away for a week for a run to Medina,Ohio to visit a sick friend.the truck is still at the paint shop,i haven't seen it yet but here a few pictures the painter guy sent.i'm excited to finally see it again after paint work by a man who knows what he's doing,for a change?maybe next week i'll be able to go get her and bring her home?
sorry for the sideways pictures?they aren't sideways on my end and i'm not smart enough to fix them??

Louisvillekytruck 10-15-2022 10:58 AM

Re: 1972 Cheyenne Super coming apart to go back together
Looks great

McDeezl 10-15-2022 02:35 PM

Re: 1972 Cheyenne Super coming apart to go back together
The photos so far look awesome and I'm sure the up close when you get to see it will be icing on the cake. You sure deserve it after all the time and heartache!

mr.mud1 10-15-2022 07:12 PM

Re: 1972 Cheyenne Super coming apart to go back together

Originally Posted by Louisvillekytruck (Post 9134165)
Looks great


Originally Posted by McDeezl (Post 9134211)
The photos so far look awesome and I'm sure the up close when you get to see it will be icing on the cake. You sure deserve it after all the time and heartache!

thanks guys,i appreciate has been a struggle but we'll win in the end.i was going to stop into the paint shop yesterday driving home from Ohio to actually see it but he told me he was leaving Friday for a weekend away with his wife in Maine,good for them but i was anxious to see my truck,worse than a little kid waiting for Christmas??maybe this week coming,i'll finally be able to go get it and bring it home.can't wait to see it and not looking forward to pulling the motor back out for repaint and everything else under the hood but has to be's all good.

mr.mud1 10-16-2022 09:35 PM

Re: 1972 Cheyenne Super coming apart to go back together
3 Attachment(s)
a little more progress,i heard from the painter tonight and he is pretty well finished.i will be going to get my truck as soon as he gives me the word.he did send a few more pictures tonight.i think it's looking pretty good,can't wait to see it in person and get her home.

GSFMECH 10-17-2022 01:35 AM

Re: 1972 Cheyenne Super coming apart to go back together
Very very nice

mr.mud1 10-17-2022 08:25 AM

Re: 1972 Cheyenne Super coming apart to go back together

Originally Posted by GSFMECH (Post 9134715)
Very very nice

thanks Mike,you have a very nice truck yourself.i plan to go get mine from the paint shop someday this week and get back to work on seems like so much wasted time since may when the first joker painted it and made such a mess.
take care.Greg.

mr.mud1 10-17-2022 11:16 PM

Re: 1972 Cheyenne Super coming apart to go back together
5 Attachment(s)
tonight my truck finally came home.i'd like to get right at it tomorrow to pull it apart but i'll be in a dump truck instead hauling gravel,maybe in a day or two,we'll get at it and make preparations to pull the motor back out.nice to have her was late when i picked it up,almost out of day light and dark for sure when we got home so the pictures aren't great,but it's here and looks very,very nice.

DANTIP 10-18-2022 09:31 AM

Re: 1972 Cheyenne Super coming apart to go back together
Clever way to hang/hold the tailgate during painting!! Locking pliers are the BEST!!

mr.mud1 10-18-2022 07:18 PM

Re: 1972 Cheyenne Super coming apart to go back together
5 Attachment(s)
nothing much changed today,i was dumptruckin all day but i took a few more pictures this evening when i got home,maybe here's a few better pictures.i plan in the next few days,to start on getting the front clip off and the motor out so i can repaint everything under the hood spoiled with overspray from the first wanna-be a painter.the fun and excitement just never ends

tutone 10-19-2022 06:56 AM

Re: 1972 Cheyenne Super coming apart to go back together
Looks like this guy did a good job. The truck looks like it should. Very nice

Happy_dan 10-19-2022 07:14 AM

Re: 1972 Cheyenne Super coming apart to go back together
It will be awesome when you are done!

mr.mud1 10-19-2022 07:31 AM

Re: 1972 Cheyenne Super coming apart to go back together

Originally Posted by tutone (Post 9135489)
Looks like this guy did a good job. The truck looks like it should. Very nice

yes sir thanks.i was driving a dumptruck yesterday and just got it home the night before so i really haven't had anytime to look very close but everywhere i have looked,it's beautiful work.the way it should be.he was telling me about all the places he found that he was repainting anyway,how the paint was flaking off as he sanded,or tape pulling the other make believe clown painter,paint off.i told him i realized how hard it was fixing somebody else's screw up but that i sure appreciate him taking this mess on.she'll be a knock out when i'm done with her.i got 2 nice emails last night from Santa Ana,Ca,one from the man,he's in his 80's now and the mans wife,who inherited the old homestead in Idaho where the truck was for 25 years.they can't believe what i'm doing with the truck and they told me how much that truck meant to their uncle and how they knew he'd be impressed.very nice to hear from them.they are searching for anything to do with that truck, or Leo Hoffman Chevrolet where it come from.i told them i'd be thrilled if they found's all good.take care.thanks.Greg

best view 10-19-2022 08:23 PM

Re: 1972 Cheyenne Super coming apart to go back together
It will mean more to you after all this work ,they don’t make them like this anymore ,and u can’t drive one and not smile , thanks for saving one

mr.mud1 10-19-2022 10:58 PM

Re: 1972 Cheyenne Super coming apart to go back together

Originally Posted by DANTIP (Post 9135209)
Clever way to hang/hold the tailgate during painting!! Locking pliers are the BEST!!

yes sir,they can come in handy at times.

mr.mud1 10-19-2022 11:00 PM

Re: 1972 Cheyenne Super coming apart to go back together

Originally Posted by Happy_dan (Post 9135492)
It will be awesome when you are done!

well i sure hope so Dan.if it doesn't,it won't be cause we didn't try??thanks for all your help.

mr.mud1 10-19-2022 11:04 PM

Re: 1972 Cheyenne Super coming apart to go back together

Originally Posted by best view (Post 9135706)
It will mean more to you after all this work ,they don’t make them like this anymore ,and u can’t drive one and not smile , thanks for saving one

it means alot already,can't wait to see it done and drive it again.hearing from the nephew of the original owner yesterday from California and him saying how impressed his uncle would be, meant alot'll all work out.take care.

mr.mud1 10-29-2022 02:48 AM

Re: 1972 Cheyenne Super coming apart to go back together
4 Attachment(s)
only a little update today.i've been busy since getting back from Ohio,working on customer cars,trying to get them done and back to my truck.i need a few friends to stop in to get the hood off with me so i can start pulling the motor out and everything else needing repaint.til some extra hands arrive,i was puttering around in the doesn't look like much but a lot of work re-installing the wheel tubs and re-bolting the bedsides to the floor,the tailgate hardware and all the sills,and going easy as to not damage new paint.the pressure.i was going to re-use all the carriage bolts but a few broke,a few bent so i did up a set of new bolts and the painter painted them all so it all went back together very see the detail this painter went through to avoid overspray is incredible.i am finding little balls of tape stuffed into theaded holes,little foam ear plugs stuffed into every bolt hole along the bedside flange where it meets the floor.molding holes in the sheetmeatl with a piece of tape on the backside.unreal but the way it should be.the first clown,wanna-be painter couldn't be bothered to throw a cover over the engine,just paint right over it and this guy is filling in every threaded,drilled hole he finds.i guess that's what separates the men from the boys?

mr.mud1 11-02-2022 07:03 PM

Re: 1972 Cheyenne Super coming apart to go back together
5 Attachment(s)
not really any great progress to report,i've been busy with putting some cars away for winter,dump truck driving and plans for digging some drainage ditches tomorrow while the weather is nice.i did round up 10 hubcaps and there's 4 in there that i can do something with.i bought a set of the decals for the black on the hubcaps and the blue bowtie from a fella in North Carolina.i may use them rather than try to mask off what doesn't want paint and repaint them.i'm a long way from needing hubcaps but i have some finally.i did have a couple buddies stop in yesterday so i took advantage of all the hands and got the hood off.i can handle it from there,i'll get the fenders off with a hand from my wife,then smooth sailing.i plan for the weekend to have everything off and out of the way in order to pull the engine out for it's new coat of paint.i think i'll be replacing the coil,distributor cap,wires and a bunch of stuff,all covered in white'll be easier to replace some stuff rather than fight to get off paint?i have noticed,every trim hole in the fenders,doors and bed sides have had a piece of masking tape on the inside to keep overspray out and these little foam ear plugs in every hole down the bedside flange where the floor bolts back to the bedsides.every new carriage bolt i pushed in,pushed out an ear plug?what a differance getting paint work by a pro who cares about his work compared to a clown who lacked the brains to even throw a tarp over a new painted engine and engine compartment??there will be more progress by the weekend.

71CHEVYSHORTBED402 11-03-2022 03:30 PM

Re: 1972 Cheyenne Super coming apart to go back together
Excellent thread Greg. Shame the painter was a failure, but in the end your truck will be even better. That truck is sweet.

mr.mud1 11-03-2022 05:13 PM

Re: 1972 Cheyenne Super coming apart to go back together

Originally Posted by 71CHEVYSHORTBED402 (Post 9140448)
Excellent thread Greg. Shame the painter was a failure, but in the end your truck will be even better. That truck is sweet.

thank you sir,if i can make it 1/2 as nice as yours,i'll be happy.take care.

mr.mud1 11-08-2022 05:16 PM

Re: 1972 Cheyenne Super coming apart to go back together
5 Attachment(s)
just a little progress to report although i'm going backwards,but sometimes you have to back to go ahead,and that's certainly the case here.i have been busy with some customer cars and will be dumptrucking tomorrow but today with help of a neighbour,got the front fenders off.a pretty delicate job with all that new paint but off they came without any trouble.i have the fenders wrapped in furniture blankets and put away for now.with the fenders off,the overspray everywhere is even more evident when you're standing looking at it and i think it's visible even in the pictures?what a mess but i fixed it once,i can do it twice.i included a picture of how it looked when it went for it's first miserable excuse for a paint job in May,just as a little reminder of how good i think it did look?we'll get there again.

71CHEVYSHORTBED402 11-09-2022 10:13 PM

Re: 1972 Cheyenne Super coming apart to go back together

Originally Posted by mr.mud1 (Post 9140478)
thank you sir,if i can make it 1/2 as nice as yours,i'll be happy.take care.

Thanks, but your truck is super. Nice find and even better now, by a lot. Your block looks sharp BTW

mr.mud1 11-09-2022 11:02 PM

Re: 1972 Cheyenne Super coming apart to go back together

Originally Posted by 71CHEVYSHORTBED402 (Post 9142655)
Thanks, but your truck is super. Nice find and even better now, by a lot. Your block looks sharp BTW

thanks a million.i'm glad this truck is mine, never had one this nice.the picture of the engine looking good isn't what it looks like now,that was what it looked like before the first wanna-be,make believe moron painter got a hold of it for the first paint work in May.the picture with the white paint splattered all over it is how it looks now.that's why it's all coming apart and back out.we'll get it how it should be,just more time and elbow grease.take care.thanks and we'll be waiting to hear about yours.thanks.Greg

71CHEVYSHORTBED402 11-10-2022 02:04 PM

Re: 1972 Cheyenne Super coming apart to go back together

Originally Posted by mr.mud1 (Post 9142695)
thanks a million.i'm glad this truck is mine, never had one this nice.the picture of the engine looking good isn't what it looks like now,that was what it looked like before the first wanna-be,make believe moron painter got a hold of it for the first paint work in May.the picture with the white paint splattered all over it is how it looks now.that's why it's all coming apart and back out.we'll get it how it should be,just more time and elbow grease.take care.thanks and we'll be waiting to hear about yours.thanks.Greg

You should sue the guy.

mr.mud1 11-10-2022 05:58 PM

Re: 1972 Cheyenne Super coming apart to go back together

Originally Posted by 71CHEVYSHORTBED402 (Post 9142858)
You should sue the guy.

hi're not the first to suggest that but he's not worth my time.i'll cause him a million dollars worth of bad advertising.good enough for me and another lesson learned.i should have them all learned by now???apparently not.

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