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Vic1947 03-12-2018 03:08 PM

Re: Crusty Rusty Leaky Squeaky 67 Step
1 Attachment(s)
When I got up this morning, I sat on the edge of the bed for a long while and Kathy asked if I'd had a rough night. I had and proceeded to tell her I was ready to throw in the towel and move on. But after moping around for awhile, I called GM Powertrain again and got yet another tech. He, like the others, said they weren't supposed to help customers. After whining about the expense of this package and how it's promoted as "plug and play" it got sort of tense, but he finally said that they see this problem a lot and it's always because the user has the wrong plug in the tailshaft sender. I was surprised because the VEH SPD plug in the ECM harness was nowhere near long enough to reach the trans. But he swore that was what needed to be hooked up.

So I took a deep breath and isolated the twisted pair from the sensor going into the TCU and snipped them. Then spliced the ends coming from the tailshaft sender into the VEH SPD wires out of the ECM harness. And, by golly, that did the trick. I now have a working speedometer and more importantly, the transmission shifts thru all 4 forward gears and the speed displays on the laptop calibration software. I can now start reassembling all the stuff I had to take apart while troubleshooting. Thanks to all for bearing with me while I wandered around in the fog and for all the suggestions.

This whole thing with the GM techs reminds me of a Brit talking to an American. They're both speaking English... but not really.

Jason7121 03-12-2018 03:24 PM

Re: Crusty Rusty Leaky Squeaky 67 Step
Glad to hear you got the issue fixed Vic. Did that correct your flickering engine light as well?

Ol Blue K20 03-12-2018 03:32 PM

Re: Crusty Rusty Leaky Squeaky 67 Step
Glad to hear it's figured out. You have a lot more patience than I do.

Xeen 03-12-2018 04:16 PM

Re: Crusty Rusty Leaky Squeaky 67 Step
OMG I would have been madder than all hell if after all that I found out that the correct plug was too short to reach the transmission and it wasn't mentioned in the instructions, I would have went ballistic on GM and chewed so much ass they would have had to bolt on a new ass afterwords.
I'm glad someone finally helped you even if it was reluctantly.
Chin up Vic you are on the home stretch now.

Vic1947 03-12-2018 05:01 PM

Re: Crusty Rusty Leaky Squeaky 67 Step

Originally Posted by Jason7121 (Post 8210002)
Glad to hear you got the issue fixed Vic. Did that correct your flickering engine light as well?

Nope, but my buddy Mike is coming over tomorrow with the good scanner. I'm sure if there's a computer issue, it can find it. But I'm inclined to think it's noise since it seems to increase with engine speed. If the scanner comes up empty, I may try a noise filter on the circuit.

Vic1947 03-12-2018 05:14 PM

Re: Crusty Rusty Leaky Squeaky 67 Step

Originally Posted by Ol Blue K20 (Post 8210005)
Glad to hear it's figured out. You have a lot more patience than I do.

Lemme tell ya, I was nearing the end of my rope. ;)

Originally Posted by Xeen (Post 8210041)
OMG I would have been madder than all hell if after all that I found out that the correct plug was too short to reach the transmission and it wasn't mentioned in the instructions...

They could have done a lot better job of explaining that part of it on the I-sheet. I guess if you've done a C&C swap like this or work with crate setups at a dealer, you'd be more likely to understand the jargon. When I run across something new, I usually wind up going WTF is that? Then googling it, only to find that ten different people refer to it in five different ways. The good news is that it's working and I can move on to other stuff. Only seven weeks to the LMC C10 show.

Aberdare 03-12-2018 05:39 PM

Re: Crusty Rusty Leaky Squeaky 67 Step
Good to hear that you've sorted out the speedo issue without having to resort to banging heads against walls (including your own). So, the GM Tech had the audacity to actually say to you "We're not supposed to do this, but..." ?

If I had a GM Employee stating that to me... I'd be having a one-sided conversation with his manager, as the guy is packing up his desk. That kind of NEGATIVE customer Service would have me madder-than-a-hatter, well that kind of Customer Service doesn't happen if you want to keep customers... Just saying.

Once again - glad you got it sorted out!

rustytruck50 03-12-2018 06:04 PM

Re: Crusty Rusty Leaky Squeaky 67 Step
Great news, Vic!! It frustrates me to no end when I'm looking for info on something like that, I know people who know technical things like that and I either get a deafening silence or get dealt the "I have the info & knowledge, but for some reason I feel like being a jerk and I'm going to dangle it in front of you, taunt you with it until you pay me exorbitantly and or you get exasperated and leave" card....I've never grasped that kind of customer service.

swamp rat 03-12-2018 11:15 PM

Re: Crusty Rusty Leaky Squeaky 67 Step
Knowing I'd be no help at all I bit my lip on the sideline hoping this would all get sorted out, what an ordeal to say the least, Glad your getting back on track!

sduckworth13 03-13-2018 12:01 AM

Re: Crusty Rusty Leaky Squeaky 67 Step

Originally Posted by swamp rat (Post 8210449)
Knowing I'd be no help at all I bit my lip on the sideline hoping this would all get sorted out, what an ordeal to say the least, Glad your getting back on track!

I’m with you Mike. I’m happy you got it all figured out Vic.

Low Elco 03-13-2018 08:06 AM

Re: Crusty Rusty Leaky Squeaky 67 Step
Cue the Halleujah Chorous! Yaay Vic! Time to lay some rubber!

knomadd 03-13-2018 06:03 PM

Re: Crusty Rusty Leaky Squeaky 67 Step
That's great news, Vic! I'm glad you didn't throw in the towel. Now that it's operational, you'll likely be pleased with the end result, so hang in there. You're almost at the end of the tunnel (I was going to say done, but lets face it, they're never really "done").

Vic1947 03-13-2018 08:20 PM

Re: Crusty Rusty Leaky Squeaky 67 Step

Originally Posted by Aberdare (Post 8210102)
... So, the GM Tech had the audacity to actually say to you "We're not supposed to do this, but..." ?

Yes they did, Abe, and not just one but all three. It's like as soon as they found out I wasn't a dealer or certified independent shop, the wall went up. They have a code you have to put into the automated phone system. If you don't have a code, you use a generic 999999 entry. So they probably know from the get go that you're on the outside looking in.

Originally Posted by rustytruck50 (Post 8210121)
...I've never grasped that kind of customer service.

Me either, but it's very frustrating. All they had to do was to say, "There are two plugs that will fit the sensor on the tailshaft. One comes out of the TCM harness, the other is out of the ECM harness. If you have a Supermatic 4L65E, use the one from the ECM harness... not the TCM harness." It took three calls and a large helping of sarcasm to get that info.

Originally Posted by swamp rat (Post 8210449)
Knowing I'd be no help at all I bit my lip on the sideline hoping this would all get sorted out, what an ordeal to say the least, Glad your getting back on track!

Thanks, Mike, what matters is knowing all the guys that follow this thread have my back. :metal:

Originally Posted by sduckworth13 (Post 8210486)
I’m with you Mike. I’m happy you got it all figured out Vic.

Thanks, Scott. I may call to see if you can drop by this weekend to help put the hood on. I have a funeral to attend on Thursday, so I'll lose a day, but if the truck goes back together quickly, I could possibly be ready.

Originally Posted by Low Elco (Post 8210593)
Cue the Halleujah Chorous! Yaay Vic! Time to lay some rubber!

You bet, Chip. It sounds like it would do so with ease. I need to get the fan control module back from Derale. It's not working so I sent it to them on Monday. They should have it tomorrow and do some forensics. Hopefully it will be back soon. Not that I think I need it as cool as it is. Even without the fans running, the temp hasn't climbed over 195.

Originally Posted by knomadd (Post 8211027)
That's great news, Vic! I'm glad you didn't throw in the towel. Now that it's operational, you'll likely be pleased with the end result, so hang in there. You're almost at the end of the tunnel (I was going to say done, but lets face it, they're never really "done").

True that about never being done, Duane. I'm feeling pretty positive right now. Mike came over today and put the GM Tech 2 scanner on the OBDII port and all the live data and history showed no issues whatsoever. Still don't understand the flickering MIL on the dash, but it's low priority at the moment. I calibrated the speedometer today using the instant cal feature. With the C&C transmission software communicating with the TCM, I set the correct gear ratio and tire size into the calibration file. I then put the trans in 3rd gear and set the virtual speedo on 30mph. Pressed the calibration button for two seconds and voila! the Classic speedometer read the same as the virtual one. Upshifted to fourth and compared speeds at 65mph and they were the same. With the speed around 50mph, I set the cruise control and it worked like a champ. So I'm in the process if buttoning up the interior again and getting back on the punch list.

AKC 03-13-2018 09:17 PM

Re: Crusty Rusty Leaky Squeaky 67 Step
Most excellent! Glad you got it going and moving on...

sduckworth13 03-13-2018 09:45 PM

Re: Crusty Rusty Leaky Squeaky 67 Step
Cool Vic. I’d be glad to assist anytime.

Low Elco 03-14-2018 08:25 AM

Re: Crusty Rusty Leaky Squeaky 67 Step
Man, that's great. Isn't the "going Forward" feeling good? Been fighting the same thing on the barn, and just rounded a couple corners myself. Onward!

Vic1947 03-14-2018 10:30 AM

Re: Crusty Rusty Leaky Squeaky 67 Step

Originally Posted by AKC (Post 8211167)
Most excellent! Glad you got it going and moving on...

Me too!

Originally Posted by sduckworth13 (Post 8211188)
Cool Vic. I’d be glad to assist anytime.

I'm counting on it, Scott.

Originally Posted by Low Elco (Post 8211457)
Man, that's great. Isn't the "going Forward" feeling good? Been fighting the same thing on the barn, and just rounded a couple corners myself. Onward!

Building a shop out back is a big project with lots of details, Chip. I'm anxious to see it when you're fully moved in and operational. You don't really want me around any kind of building construction until it's 100% finished, though. ;)

Quick note: When I contacted GM Powertrain several times over the last week, they sent me a survey via email. I filled it out yesterday and politely gave them an earful. This morning, shortly after 8AM, I received a call from a supervisor at the Tech Center. The purpose of the call was to reinforce that the techs did nothing wrong by telling me what they did. He again raised the "liability" issue as their rationale. I'm at a loss as to what kind of liability they might be exposed to by simply giving someone technical assistance, but that's their story and they're sticking to it. I did tell the guy that there seems to be a disconnect between their marketing and customer support. Maybe they should put in a disclaimer saying, "This stuff should work, but if it doesn't, you're on your own."

Xeen 03-14-2018 02:17 PM

Re: Crusty Rusty Leaky Squeaky 67 Step
Their attitude is "We have more money than you, if you don't like it sue us, we have an army of lawyers on retainer that would be more than happy to kick your ass, have a nice day." That is corporate America for you.

Aberdare 03-15-2018 08:22 AM

Re: Crusty Rusty Leaky Squeaky 67 Step

Originally Posted by Vic1947 (Post 8211513)
Maybe they should put in a disclaimer saying, "This stuff should work, but if it doesn't, you're on your own."

More like... "The Engineer who designed this is way to smart for us here at tech support to understand... so we want to make you feel stupid too, until you get mad and belittle us into doing our jobs."


Vic1947 03-16-2018 06:03 PM

Re: Crusty Rusty Leaky Squeaky 67 Step
1 Attachment(s)
The Truxedo tonneau cover went on today. Fit very nicely given all the hacks to the bed. I've got an 18" spare wheel/tire on the way which I'll bolt to the floor of the bed. It may get in the way a little bit when I'm hauling sheetrock, but I figure if I carry a spare, I'll never need it. ;)

Xeen 03-16-2018 07:47 PM

Re: Crusty Rusty Leaky Squeaky 67 Step
I'm never going to get over this whole work truck thing, it will easily win custom truck awards left and right but it's a work truck yep that's right folks a work truck. :lol:

rustytruck50 03-17-2018 02:51 AM

Re: Crusty Rusty Leaky Squeaky 67 Step

Originally Posted by Vic1947 (Post 8213452)
The Truxedo tonneau cover went on today. Fit very nicely given all the hacks to the bed. I've got an 18" spare wheel/tire on the way which I'll bolt to the floor of the bed. It may get in the way a little bit when I'm hauling sheetrock, but I figure if I carry a spare, I'll never need it. ;)

The tonneau cover really sets the truck off!
I keep seeing little details, like the rear bumper....subtle and eye catching all at the same time :metal:
..hauling're such a kidder, right?:lol:

Vic1947 03-21-2018 11:08 PM

Re: Crusty Rusty Leaky Squeaky 67 Step
5 Attachment(s)

Originally Posted by Xeen (Post 8213515)
I'm never going to get over this whole work truck thing, it will easily win custom truck awards left and right but it's a work truck yep that's right folks a work truck. :lol:

That's what I told the appraiser today and he chuckled when I said it. I'm going to have to post a shot of it with junk in the back one of these days.

Originally Posted by rustytruck50 (Post 8213752)
The tonneau cover really sets the truck off!
I keep seeing little details, like the rear bumper....subtle and eye catching all at the same time :metal:
..hauling're such a kidder, right?:lol:

Well, believe it or not, that's what it's built for. When I need to haul something, it's all I have. Between all the race cars and my last couple of builds, I'm over having a vehicle I can't use. I promise to post photos from the road. Meanwhile, here are a few taken this evening. I have an appointment for Friday morning to get the front end aligned, the headlights aimed and a state inspection. Then it's off to the license office to renew my tags. I've ordered personalized plates that say "CRLS" so you'll know me when you see me. ;)

Vic1947 03-21-2018 11:11 PM

Re: Crusty Rusty Leaky Squeaky 67 Step
4 Attachment(s)
And here's a few of the innards...

rustytruck50 03-21-2018 11:54 PM

Re: Crusty Rusty Leaky Squeaky 67 Step
Well, I'll have a proper, cohesive response after I mop up the drool puddle!!! WOW!!!

cornerstone 03-22-2018 12:02 AM

Re: Crusty Rusty Leaky Squeaky 67 Step
My. ohhh. my.

AKC 03-22-2018 01:33 AM

Re: Crusty Rusty Leaky Squeaky 67 Step
D... d... d... d... ayam! Yeaaaaahh, boy! You should be proud of yourself.

And uh, yeah, riiiight. Sure Vic, whatever you say...

Elliot949 03-22-2018 06:48 AM

Re: Crusty Rusty Leaky Squeaky 67 Step
Congratulations Vic... She is absolutely beautiful... I will be at the house Saturday... a cruise on down and give her that real good shake down run...

saltynuke 03-22-2018 09:51 AM

Re: Crusty Rusty Leaky Squeaky 67 Step
Outstanding work Vic! Your attention to detail really comes through in this build. I've enjoying following this one from the beginning!

Low Elco 03-22-2018 01:33 PM

Re: Crusty Rusty Leaky Squeaky 67 Step
Awesome Possum! Great to see it headed for the streets! Super stoked for you.

swamp rat 03-22-2018 01:36 PM

Re: Crusty Rusty Leaky Squeaky 67 Step
Ya know that hood really looks sweet in that shot from above, nice touch!

Xeen 03-22-2018 04:45 PM

Re: Crusty Rusty Leaky Squeaky 67 Step
She's a beaut Vic you've done yourself proud.
I love the hood, it's probably my favorite customization that you have done.
I like the tailgate badge too that's cool.

Ol Blue K20 03-22-2018 04:47 PM

Re: Crusty Rusty Leaky Squeaky 67 Step
It looks absolutely stunning Vic!!!!

supercheyenne 03-23-2018 12:09 AM

Re: Crusty Rusty Leaky Squeaky 67 Step
Beautiful truck Vic. The subtle mods are just amazing.

Bennett68C10 03-23-2018 07:43 AM

Re: Crusty Rusty Leaky Squeaky 67 Step
:jdp: Truck looks amazing Vic, awesome job.

Vic1947 03-23-2018 11:43 AM

Re: Crusty Rusty Leaky Squeaky 67 Step
2 Attachment(s)

Originally Posted by rustytruck50 (Post 8218488)
Well, I'll have a proper, cohesive response after I mop up the drool puddle!!! WOW!!!


Originally Posted by cornerstone (Post 8218492)
My. ohhh. my.


Originally Posted by AKC (Post 8218510)
D... d... d... d... ayam! Yeaaaaahh, boy! You should be proud of yourself.And uh, yeah, riiiight. Sure Vic, whatever you say...

I seem to be getting that a lot. One of the hazards of project creep I guess.

Originally Posted by Elliot949 (Post 8218563)
Congratulations Vic... She is absolutely beautiful... I will be at the house Saturday... a cruise on down and give her that real good shake down run...

Hey Dan, won't have the tags on it by tomorrow, but would love to make a quick trip to check things out before the big road trip in May. I'll let you know.

Originally Posted by saltynuke (Post 8218642)
Outstanding work Vic! Your attention to detail really comes through in this build. I've enjoying following this one from the beginning!

Thanks, Shawn, I'm already having project withdrawal shakes. The shop is empty this morning with CRLS out getting the front end aligned and an inspection. Looks weird in there.

Originally Posted by Low Elco (Post 8218831)
Awesome Possum! Great to see it headed for the streets! Super stoked for you.

Thanks, Chip. Looking forward to some cruises this summer parked next to you and Vern.

Originally Posted by swamp rat (Post 8218835)
Ya know that hood really looks sweet in that shot from above, nice touch!

Thanks, Mike. Hope your weather makes a turn soon and you can get back on the rat. I'll be living vicariously thru other builds now.

Originally Posted by Xeen (Post 8218970)
She's a beaut Vic you've done yourself proud.
I love the hood, it's probably my favorite customization that you have done.
I like the tailgate badge too that's cool.

Thanks, Brian. Good talking to you the other day.

Originally Posted by Ol Blue K20 (Post 8218974)
It looks absolutely stunning Vic!!!!

Thanks, Dale.

Originally Posted by supercheyenne (Post 8219309)
Beautiful truck Vic. The subtle mods are just amazing.


Originally Posted by Bennett68C10 (Post 8219384)
Truck looks amazing Vic, awesome job.

Hey Keith, I can't wait to see how your 'burb turns out. I love everything you've done so far and have no doubt it will be one cool ride when you're done.

The trip down to NKC Brake this morning went pretty well. I stopped to top off the gas at the station and the engine stalled just as I went to pull out. It fired right back up, though, and didn't act up again. Seemed like the converter wasn't locking up. RPM was 2000 at 65 mph which seemed higher than yesterday when I drove it around the block. The guys at NKCB are swapping out the rear tires for some Nitto NT555's, so I'll have to hook the laptop back up to adjust for the increased tire diameter. I'll be able to verify TC lockup on the virtual dashboard. The PWM (pulse width modulated) fan controller seems to be working okay. It sings a little bit, but I left the stereo off so I could listen for any strange and wonderful noises.

I have to tell on myself, though. Since the first time I started the engine, it ran a little rough. When I pulled it out to take some photos the other evening, I was getting a pop, pop, popping noise thru the stereo speakers. Later in the evening, the light bulb went on in my head and I went back downstairs and lifted the hood. Sure enough, the plug wire on the back cylinder was hanging down. (You can see the tip of the spark plug in the photo near the red arrow.) I remembered I'd removed it when I was fitting the modified brake lines to the MC but never put it back on.

Thought maybe that might clear up the MIL issue, but it didn't. Somewhere I read that the MIL gets 12V from the ECM when the engine is running and 0V when sending a code or the key is on with the engine not running. However, I haven't been able to find that blog anywhere. If that were true and there was a small differential between the ECM signal and alternator voltage, it could account for the dim LED glow I'm seeing. Anyway, it's not a big issue as it's not really noticeable when driving down the road.

Jason7121 03-23-2018 07:53 PM

Re: Crusty Rusty Leaky Squeaky 67 Step
The mil light gets ign power from an ign source and the ecm controls the ground side of the light. Truck looks great and I'm sure it runs even better.

builtbyKane 03-23-2018 10:02 PM

Re: Crusty Rusty Leaky Squeaky 67 Step
Job well done. I really enjoyed your problem solving skills through out the build. I'm sure it's helped several of us out.

tune_1 03-24-2018 09:43 PM

Re: Crusty Rusty Leaky Squeaky 67 Step
Vic the truck looks great.

Don't let the thread die, it would be great to know how it used and the enjoyment you get from it.


cornerstone 03-24-2018 10:29 PM

Re: Crusty Rusty Leaky Squeaky 67 Step

Originally Posted by tune_1 (Post 8220797)
Vic the truck looks great.

Don't let the thread die, it would be great to know how it used and the enjoyment you get from it.


What he said!

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