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Re: Danny Boy is BAACK! w/ '55 Big Window
I’ll start assembling the bed by the end of next week, then it goes back to the painter’s to have the rear fenders and hood installed. At that time any and all little chips/glitches will be fixed.
Since I had so much trouble with the windows and messed up the paint I’m a little reluctant to do the bed......we’ll see... |
Re: Danny Boy is BAACK! w/ '55 Big Window
good luck
Re: Danny Boy is BAACK! w/ '55 Big Window
That sucks. Don't worry it will all work out. What if you used painters tape around the edges would that have helped? I know it's a little late now.
Re: Danny Boy is BAACK! w/ '55 Big Window
I DID use painter’s tap around the window. THREE layers and I still managed to scratch it. DAMMIT!!!
Re: Danny Boy is BAACK! w/ '55 Big Window
the painters tape always seems to pull up paint if it gets nicked. i had the same problem with my dads car when i was putting the motor in.
Something less adhesive with more cushioning would be optimal. |
Re: Danny Boy is BAACK! w/ '55 Big Window
10 days and no update ?
Re: Danny Boy is BAACK! w/ '55 Big Window
I can see you dancing about and quoting Daren Macgavin playing the father in "A Christmas Story". I to have done the dance when things don't go as they should. I just learned that painters tape isn't a that great. Got figure something else. I just stinks to have to touch up paint, oh well, you so close to the time you can walk out the front door strool to you freshly finished Tk and go for a joy ride, just for the heck of it. Strong work Dude, I can see your pain..... NC |
Re: Danny Boy is BAACK! w/ '55 Big Window
19 day's and no update !
What's happening Dan ? |
Re: Danny Boy is BAACK! w/ '55 Big Window
Hi Glen,
Been interviewing for a consulting job about 250 miles away from home so not a lot after the windows. BUT, I’ve been sanding/finishing the bed wood. Finally got sick of wet block sanding with 800 grit and hit them with 320 grit on my palm sander. Worked great. Flattened the film great, put the 7th (or is it 8th?) coat yesterday. Laid down amazingly well though I’m sure it cost me a few mils. Tomorrow I’ll likely hit it with 1500 or 2000 and polish with car wax and be done. THEN I can start assembling the bed. |
Re: Danny Boy is BAACK! w/ '55 Big Window
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In progress. Not much extra room between inside of tires and bed wood. Maybe 5/16” but it’ll be ok (I hope! Lol)
Damn, sorry for the sideways photos. You get the idea though. |
Re: Danny Boy is BAACK! w/ '55 Big Window
Wow, wood looks really nice.
Re: Danny Boy is BAACK! w/ '55 Big Window
Dan, when you put the side panels on, that is going to be tight. You may have to run a 1/4" spacer behind wheel...Jim
Re: Danny Boy is BAACK! w/ '55 Big Window
that's what I was just going to say, spacers would fix you up as long as the tires have room on the outside against the fender and the wheel studs are long enough, or swap the studs as well.
nice job on the wood, you're not gonna want to put anything in the box now, lol. |
Re: Danny Boy is BAACK! w/ '55 Big Window
Hi guys! Thanks for the responses and suggestions.
I bought the wheels without considering their offset because they were DAMN cheap on Craigslist. But they did end up costing me to make some repairs and have them re-polished. I actually prefer gray spokes but before I invest more money for a more correct offset I need to get the bed and fenders together so measurements will be accurate and the fenders are still at the painter’s. My current concern is there are no holes in the bedwood and it’s obviously finished. I will have to be VERY careful to avoid chipping the finish - I plan to drill through masking tape then VERY slowly pull the tape - suggestions welcome. OFFSET WASHERS - What is the purpose of them, anyone know? Once I get all the wood in hand tight, all squared up, tailgate in with no binding, THEN I’ll pull the boards to measure locations for the main mounting bolts & gas filler. I plan to drill the main bolt hole then trace the offset washer location and very carefully drill the recess for them with a spade bit. BUt I still don’t understand why they had to be offset. Other suggestions how to do this? The truck is going back to the body shop Friday for the hood to be fitted. I hear that is quite a job to get right. Hopefully |
Re: Danny Boy is BAACK! w/ '55 Big Window
you could try tape and a forstner bit instead of a spade bit, less trauma to the wood but a bit more work to get the hole in the right spot with an offset washer. check out the mar-k instructions for a better description.
http://www.mar-k.com/_assets/images/...s_3-8_ofst.pdf or here for pics and description. older truck series but same methodology https://talk.classicparts.com/thread...ed-wood.12180/ the offset washers are used for the bed to frame bolts so the washer jams in the hole it is recessed into as the bolt is turned. the bolt has a back like a carriage bolt has and the washer has a square hole to accept the bolt. the washer is set down into a shallow hole in the wood, when you tighten the nut up under the floor the bolt can't turn because the washer jams in the offset hole. I think this is how it works anyway. |
Re: Danny Boy is BAACK! w/ '55 Big Window
Bed wood looks great Dan!!
:uhmk: |
Re: Danny Boy is BAACK! w/ '55 Big Window
Thanks dsraven, thanks JJ!
That’s a simple reason for the offset washer I’d not considered. So it was just to facilitate assembly at the factory by one man. Interesting. Yes, ok on the Forstner bit. I’ll go buy a new one so it’ll be very sharp and cut s l o w l y! Wish me luck! |
Re: Danny Boy is BAACK! w/ '55 Big Window
I think you will need more space between bed and tires.
Re: Danny Boy is BAACK! w/ '55 Big Window
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I've got 1/2" on mine. 11" tire in the 12" opening.
Re: Danny Boy is BAACK! w/ '55 Big Window
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Thanks guys.
I was working on the bed wood today and I pulled my rear wheels off so I won't have to work around them when I get to installing the bed sides. Once that's done I'll stack some washers between the rims and the hubs to determine just how much of a spacer I will need to clear the tires. I think 1/4" should do it but I won't order any until the fenders are on too. I keep thinking about whether I'll use welt or not because it never came on these trucks when new. But, trucks were the bottom of the bucket in those days. They got nothing more than necessary to get them sold. So I keep thinking with this attempt at a nice build maybe I will use it. There are SO many variables putting the bed together, so many bolts, and every part depends on every other part to go on square and flush. I've got all the wood in loosely bolted down. Tomorrow I plan to install the bedsides and tailgate, check for "square-ness" and tail gate gap from side -to-side before doing final drilling of the eight main frame bolts with offset washers. I also bought a new 1-1/2" Forstner bit, tested it on scrap and the fit around the offset washers is perfect. |
Re: Danny Boy is BAACK! w/ '55 Big Window
2 Attachment(s)
Thursday, April 25, 2018
Just a status update: I got all the wood in only to finally realize I couldn't put nuts on the bed strip carriage bolts above the gas tank - DUH! So I have to pull it all out, remove the tank - and of course I just added 5 gallons to it - DUH x 2 - then reinstall the wood and re-mount the gas tank on the bottom of the lower frame flange instead of on top of it. I'm not sure if the weight of the fully loaded gas tank will be too heavy for the bolts with flat washers and I don't want to find that out later - so I'll use a continuous 1/8"x1" wide metal bar as a "washer." I will also have to spot weld nuts on the flange as I won't be able to reach the nuts after the wood is back in. Yikers! MAN, it just seems like one thing after another. The rear cross sill was the only thing still needing final paint so I returned that back to the painter today. It'll be ready next week. Then the bed sides, fenders & side steps can be installed finally. PS: Apparently every time I actually do something on the truck I am required to slightly screw it up as you can see in the pictures, I allowed the Forstner bit to wander some because oak is apparently a LOT harder than the fir I practiced on (I was trying to keep from drilling the counter sink too deep). I have since finished it to match but it's still visible. If I filled it, it would be MORE visible so I will live with it until later when I can mill one replacement board myself. Damn. |
Re: Danny Boy is BAACK! w/ '55 Big Window
One step forward , two steps back ... put your right foot in and shake it all about ...
As for the tank , why not hold it up to the bottom flange and mark the holes , then drill and drop in the bolts through the flange and weld them . Then when you install the tank you will have studs ready to receive the tank and strap , lock washers and nuts . The bolts can stick down an inch and a half or more without a problem. The wood looks great ! |
Re: Danny Boy is BAACK! w/ '55 Big Window
I feel your pain.
Had to redo my hood set up numerous times before I got something that worked . Kim |
Re: Danny Boy is BAACK! w/ '55 Big Window
Thanks Glen, I'll do exactly this. Kim, I feel for you. I can just imagine what installing my hood and grille will result in - UGH. |
Re: Danny Boy is BAACK! w/ '55 Big Window
Danny / all
I thought I would post how I machined my bed wood to have the recess for the offset washers and get a near perfect result. Short story- use hole saw in scrap wood as a guide for a router bit. Long story 1. Drill the hole for the carriage bolt in the correct location on your bedwood. 2. Made a jig for the washer recess: scrap piece of 3/4 wood 4" x 12"- approx Find a hole saw with the correct size for the washer Drill scrap wood / jig with the hole saw. Exact location is not critical just centered in the jig. back to the bedwood use the washer to align with the bolt hole drilled in the wood and use a pencil to trace the outline of the washer. Note the washers are eccentrics so I made sure to orient all the outlines of the washer on the wood with the eccentric facing the same direction. Use the jig and clamp it to the bed wood, aligning the whole in the jig with the pencil outlines. Clamp the jig to the bed wood. Use a router with flush cut router bit with guide bearing to use the jig as a perfect circle guide. https://www.amazon.com/Freud-Bearing...rds=router+bit Of course you have to set the depth you want. So this might be over kill but it took only a few minutes to make the jig and I had perfectly routed round washer recesses. |
Re: Danny Boy is BAACK! w/ '55 Big Window
^^^ Good suggestion but too late for me.
I suggest you post a separate technical DIY thread with a good title and include pictures. Someone who hasn't done theirs yet will get the benefit of it. Thanks for thinking of me/us just the same, Dan |
Re: Danny Boy is BAACK! w/ '55 Big Window
Dan, are you able to mount tank from bottom of frame rails with U nuts attached to bottom rail? These are what my tank from No Limit came with and I used.
Cheers, Jim |
Re: Danny Boy is BAACK! w/ '55 Big Window
Saturday, Cinco de Mayo, 018
Journaling this just so I will remember what a total PAIN IN THE BUTT installing my bed has been. Short version, the bed wood has been on and off the truck twice so far and may come off again tomorrow. Today I thought I FINALLY had everything ready to install the bedsides - which are absolutely perfect to me. My son-in-law came over to help me lift each into place. I had the bolts in position, Never Seize on them, wrenches at hand etc. The front aligned perfect with the front bed panel. The bolt holes at the rear of the bedside did NOT match up! GRRR. Off by almost a full bolt diameter even though the bedside itself was up against the oak! Installation cancelled for today. I had somewhere I had to be at 4:00pm Tomorrow I will attempt to remove just the outer side boards to see if the bedsides will then mate up to the rear cross sill. If not the wood all has to come off again - #@*!&%. If it does and I tighten everything up minimizing the tolerances at each board & strip MAYBE the last side board will fit. If not I will consider my options carefully but wil probably have to rip a narrow strip off both side boards and refinish the boards edges. UGH UGH UGH! |
Re: Danny Boy is BAACK! w/ '55 Big Window
2 Attachment(s)
Sunday, May 6, 2018
Two outer boards removed easily. S-I-L and I got the bedsides on in a couple minutes, no scratches (YIPPEE!), bolts aligned easily. Never really like seeing the lock washer & nut at front bed side corners so I decided to try chrome acorn nuts. Bought the traditional pointy ones and I'm not sure how I feel about the look. They makes some flat ended ones...may have to swap them eventually. Opinions welcome. Now I have to cut the bed fill door into the wood & center strip correctly. this will be a case of measure THREE times, cut once with fingers and toes crossed. |
Re: Danny Boy is BAACK! w/ '55 Big Window
2 Attachment(s)
After the measure THREE times, drill a 1" hole and look to see if you are centered where you need to be, if you are off you can correct it. I decided to go with a fender door, instead of a bed fill, this is out of an 89 Ford Aerostar, has the same reverse curvature only needing an 1/8" rework. |
Re: Danny Boy is BAACK! w/ '55 Big Window
Fender fill looks really good. I wanted to do that too but at the time I had sen way too much up to then and decided to let it go. I kinda regret it now but oh well. yours looks great.
Re: Danny Boy is BAACK! w/ '55 Big Window
Yours is coming along really nicely, a few bumps but it is really coming together! Hopefully mine will be on the road, unpainted, but on the road!
Re: Danny Boy is BAACK! w/ '55 Big Window
Looks good Dan...Jim
Re: Danny Boy is BAACK! w/ '55 Big Window
Thanks Jim,
Trying to get it done enough to take it back to the body shop later this week for the hood to be fitted and repair on the interior window where I spewed it up! Tomorrow is really all the additional time I can spend on it before it has to go for awhile. |
Re: Danny Boy is BAACK! w/ '55 Big Window
I dont mind the acorn nuts, looks like something you would really only focus on if you were staring at it. |
Re: Danny Boy is BAACK! w/ '55 Big Window
nice touch.
Re: Danny Boy is BAACK! w/ '55 Big Window
Dan truck is looking good. I think the Acorn nuts look good. I getting ready to start my bed wood and getting it in. I've
been told to put a plexiglass bed floor, I thought a tilting one I could open at a show. |
Re: Danny Boy is BAACK! w/ '55 Big Window
Thanks so much, Mike.
If your rear suspension and frame are worthy of being under a plexi floor they must be REALLY great looking - huge congrats! I don’t know anything about how that would be done, hinged, lifted or secured but would you cut in slots for faux bed strips? Use a tinted plexi to coordinate with your paint? I can think of lots of ways to potentially customize it with details. It’s going to look SO great. Please post detailed pictures. |
Re: Danny Boy is BAACK! w/ '55 Big Window
Just a status update:
Shortest possible version is that I continue to screw up! I have to lift the entire bed enough to tighten the fuel lines. I was so focused on getting the strips over the gas tank tightened and the electrical connections right that I put the fuel lines on then didn't go back to tighten them - DOH! I'm just a dumb**** anxious to get my truck drivable with no one to blame but myself, dammit!! Anyway, I am hatching a plan (hopefully this isn't yet another dumb move) that won't require me to find four friends to come over and fully remove it. I am thinking of temporarily replacing the through-frame bolts with large eyebolts, then use my engine lift to pick it up 1 ft. I can then tighten the fuel lines, double check the strip bolts, then lower it back on the frame with minimal disturbance. |
Re: Danny Boy is BAACK! w/ '55 Big Window
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