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lyrikz 12-11-2008 02:44 PM

Re: My build. Project Karma. 71 stepside.
Now, here is where it gets interesting. I didnt realize how HOT headers got. YA, they get hot.. Very hot. So before i started it i spent some time nicely routing them and making hold downs to keep them from touching the headers.. You can see the aluminum piece here in the pic.

Then i added my pretty wire connectors.

So, we have everything ran, and here is the video of the start up that followed... I was planning on runnin it for 20-30 mins on the first start up... Needless to say, that didnt happen.

lyrikz 12-11-2008 02:53 PM

Re: My build. Project Karma. 71 stepside.
After it started and ran for two minutes, you notice the smoke. Well, i spilled some oil on the drivers side header. I thought i had it all cleaned up.. Well, i didnt.... 20 seconds after the video shuts off, the left side of the truck shoots flames 3 feet in the air. Needless to say i was FREAKED. We did have an extinguisher ready and it was quickly put out, but i was just stunned. I felt like it was the end of the project... Everyone else didnt think it was any big deal. After a few hours and 10 beers later i realized that there was almost no damage. Just some dirt..... Here is the after pics.

I also noticed that my wire holders melted, and this melted.

Thats the fuel filter.... It had a hole in it when we shut the truck off and was leaking gas.... I moved that and also pulled all the spark plug wires and put some cool tape on em just to keep the temps down.

I then proceeded to take 2 of engine break in.

This time it ran and we didnt have any issues... I shut it off about 5 minutes later because the fan i was using to keep the engine cool wasnt sufficient enough...

I have now wrapped the headers in header wrap, wrapped a few other lines with some 1200 degree cloth to keep things even cooler. I installed dual flexalite fans and should have the remainder of the break in finished this weekend.... Then the cab goes on and start to get that primed and ready for paint so we can start putting it back together... The bed is still in the process of being taken care of also...

my67chevytruck 12-11-2008 03:15 PM

Re: My build. Project Karma. 71 stepside.
trucks looking good bro!

Ol'Rover 12-11-2008 04:14 PM

Re: My build. Project Karma. 71 stepside.
its coming together very nicley!

nuke1 12-11-2008 11:53 PM

Re: My build. Project Karma. 71 stepside.
very AWESOME, i have burnt many a plug wire in my day, plus other things, breakins are always nerve racking, glad to hear her run


B17CRX 12-12-2008 12:26 AM

Re: My build. Project Karma. 71 stepside.
Too bad you didn't have the fire on tape, I would have freaked out as well , but it would have been cool to see. lol

When did you want to put the cab back on?


lyrikz 12-12-2008 12:49 PM

Re: My build. Project Karma. 71 stepside.

Originally Posted by B17CRX (Post 3023265)
Too bad you didn't have the fire on tape, I would have freaked out as well , but it would have been cool to see. lol

When did you want to put the cab back on?


Very very soon.... I have to install 2 heat shields, then install the passenger side header, and two air valves and the cabs ready... So, sunday is still looking good... Thats all out the window though if it snows.

lyrikz 12-15-2008 11:48 PM

Re: My build. Project Karma. 71 stepside.

Originally Posted by lyrikz (Post 3023908)
Very very soon.... I have to install 2 heat shields, then install the passenger side header, and two air valves and the cabs ready... So, sunday is still looking good... Thats all out the window though if it snows.

Well, it did snow.. ahah. that didnt stop me from doing the final break in. She fired right up, no issues. Sounded REALLY good. Finally got to hear it idle alng with rev it up a bit. I didnt idle it long, just for a few seconds to set the idle... Still need to do timing and that portion is done...
Here is the vid of the final break in....:devil:

I also installed my two heat shields. i installed one and left one of them off. I wanted to make sure they actually did something. After it was done running i laid a piece of plastic on the muffler and it melted almost immediately. I laid another piece of plastic on the heat shield side and it was absolutely fine. Also, the header wrap worked wonders also. At idle i can hold the header. About 30 seconds after you shut the vehicle off i can hold my hand on the header. I have a hard time holding my hand on the valve cover 30 seconds after it shuts off. The new fans i installed worked perfectly.....

I then welded the tabs on the muffler.

To be continued.:chevy::chevy:

lyrikz 12-15-2008 11:50 PM

Re: My build. Project Karma. 71 stepside.
I also finished installing my front air valves for my air ride...
THis coming up weekend i will be installing the cab and going from there. Dont really know what to do. Startin to get a bit overwhelmed with all the body work left....

I plan on spending a full day here really soon and just grinding the heck out of the cab so i can put the whole thing in epoxy. Once i do that i will be ahead of the game. Right now i cant get my garage any warmer then 45 degrees so i wont be painting in there any time soon...

nuke1 12-16-2008 12:08 AM

Re: My build. Project Karma. 71 stepside.
looking mighty fine, she sounds really good!

Rack Man 12-16-2008 12:20 AM

Re: My build. Project Karma. 71 stepside.
Awesome Vids....Starting em for the first time is really exciting (and scary)....Can't wait until I get to fire mine for the first time!


lyrikz 12-16-2008 12:23 AM

Re: My build. Project Karma. 71 stepside.

Originally Posted by Rack Man (Post 3030065)
Awesome Vids....Starting em for the first time is really exciting (and scary)....Can't wait until I get to fire mine for the first time!


Yes. it was scary.. Cause i was just so nervous of something else catching on fire.. Now that the engine is running, i need to get this thing on the road...

Its tough. I literally work on it 1 hour or so a weekend.. Just hard getting time when there are soooo many kids... Not only do i have my 3 but, then im watching my brothers plus the 2 my wife watches.... Gets tough.

mrmojo32 02-10-2009 10:56 PM

Re: My build. Project Karma. 71 stepside.
Hey Lyrikz... I wanted to give ya an update on the 250 that came out of your truck. It is still running great and gets around 20mpg in town with the 3speed standard and 3.73's. :) I am getting rid of the 72 it is in so there will be a new owner soon but I wanted to let you know it sure has been a great running motor for me.

Good luck with the big block. :)

lyrikz 02-10-2009 11:41 PM

Re: My build. Project Karma. 71 stepside.

Originally Posted by mrmojo32 (Post 3137056)
Hey Lyrikz... I wanted to give ya an update on the 250 that came out of your truck. It is still running great and gets around 20mpg in town with the 3speed standard and 3.73's. :) I am getting rid of the 72 it is in so there will be a new owner soon but I wanted to let you know it sure has been a great running motor for me.

Good luck with the big block. :)

Good to hear I really liked that motor. It sat and fired right up. I had one issue with it once where it died when you put the clutch in.. Come to find out, my freakin gas tank was full of crap. The fuel filter was clogged. ahaha.

My 454 is doing good. Put the cab on this weekend. Need to notch teh bottom of the cab to clear the driveline. ahaah

mrmojo32 02-10-2009 11:47 PM

Re: My build. Project Karma. 71 stepside.
In fact, that's the only problem I ever had with it. I had to change the whole tank out though to stop getting rust. :) I am about to see it but before it goes I will take some pics of in the truck and post em for ya.

lyrikz 02-10-2009 11:48 PM

Re: My build. Project Karma. 71 stepside.

Originally Posted by mrmojo32 (Post 3137191)
In fact, that's the only problem I ever had with it. I had to change the whole tank out though to stop getting rust. :) I am about to see it but before it goes I will take some pics of in the truck and post em for ya.

LOL. It died on you to??

lyrikz 02-16-2009 01:38 AM

Re: My build. Project Karma. 71 stepside.
Kind of an update. I installed the cab (1 step forward) and then found out that my driveline is to high and it hits the cab, and the exhaust doesnt fit. (two steps back)

I went in today, removed the exhaust, removed the custom tranny crossmember and notched the ends. Lowered the tranny to wher eit should be and now with the vehicle totally aired out with weight on the rear, the driveline is | | that close to the cab. Doesnt get any closer even if you bounce hard on the truck.

I am not going to reinstall the exhaust until the truck is done. If you go back and check the pics i have the mufflers right under the cab and i think its going to be to hot there. I will have some more pics tomorrow of everything i did.

nuke1 02-16-2009 02:11 AM

Re: My build. Project Karma. 71 stepside.

Originally Posted by lyrikz (Post 3147403)
Kind of an update. I installed the cab (1 step forward) and then found out that my driveline is to high and it hits the cab, and the exhaust doesnt fit. (two steps back)

I went in today, removed the exhaust, removed the custom tranny crossmember and notched the ends. Lowered the tranny to wher eit should be and now with the vehicle totally aired out with weight on the rear, the driveline is | | that close to the cab. Doesnt get any closer even if you bounce hard on the truck.

I am not going to reinstall the exhaust until the truck is done. If you go back and check the pics i have the mufflers right under the cab and i think its going to be to hot there. I will have some more pics tomorrow of everything i did.

all that sounds just way too familar, onestep forward and two back, but it seems more like 5 backward

Riveted1 02-16-2009 01:48 PM

Re: My build. Project Karma. 71 stepside.
Been awhile since I read through this thread, so I don't remember if this has been covered, but what about using a heat shield type of product on the inside of the cab to keep it from getting too hot? Second Skin makes excellent products. That's what I'm going to eventually put in mine if I ever(!) get to that point.
And good idea on waiting on finished the exhaust until she's put back together fully. That's what I'm gonna do.

lyrikz 02-16-2009 03:25 PM

Re: My build. Project Karma. 71 stepside.

Originally Posted by nuke1 (Post 3147436)
all that sounds just way too familar, onestep forward and two back, but it seems more like 5 backward

Good thing is now that sure, i dont have my exhaust now, but my tranny is in the right place and the driveline doesnt touch anything. So im pretty happy about that. I can just put in a flex pipe and install the exhaust, but im going to go a different route. It was SUCH a pita to get the exhaust out of the car. I definetly didnt have it routed right.


Originally Posted by Riveted1 (Post 3148017)
Been awhile since I read through this thread, so I don't remember if this has been covered, but what about using a heat shield type of product on the inside of the cab to keep it from getting too hot? Second Skin makes excellent products. That's what I'm going to eventually put in mine if I ever(!) get to that point.
And good idea on waiting on finished the exhaust until she's put back together fully. That's what I'm gonna do.

IM going to finish the truck, then redo the exhaust. I literally only need to add a flex pipe and thats about it.. Oh, and rethink how im going to mount it to the truck. ANyways.. i will have some pics of my reverse progress later today.

lyrikz 02-18-2009 12:43 PM

Re: My build. Project Karma. 71 stepside.
Here are some pics. First is the tranny crossmember that i notched. Fits really nice now and driveline clears the cab when fully aired out.

I then moved on to mounting my air tank. I mounted the tank next to my compressors under the cab. This tank fits perfectly. You cant see it from the side. Its a 7 port, 7 gallon tank. I had to cut the mounts off and make my own, but it fits nice and snug.. Super clean... Also, i can add another tank on the other side later if i need to.
Tank in original mounts.

New mount on the front. Welded on some studs and snugged it close to the tank.

Back mount.

NEw front mount

lyrikz 02-18-2009 12:45 PM

Re: My build. Project Karma. 71 stepside.
Here is the tank mounted... Can barely see it.

Mounting hardware.

So, now i just need to add fittings and install the front valves and its ready to go.. Should have the air finished up tonight...

While working on the cab, i noticed an area that looked like rust. Now, i sandblasted the cab, then epoxied it. It sits in the garage. WHy and where would this come from? I was thinking it was metal shavings that flash rusted.. ANy thoughts?

*Dylan 02-18-2009 04:17 PM

Re: My build. Project Karma. 71 stepside.
Well, wheres that at? Humidity can cause some rust, and you might possibly have some rust on the other side of the metal and it's seeping through the crack. Is it in a spot where there's two or more layers of metal. like in the cab roof for example.

lyrikz 03-03-2009 04:14 PM

Re: My build. Project Karma. 71 stepside.
Well, im back...

Finished the air system. Love having the tank in this location.. room for another one on the other side if i need it...

Also started finishing up grinding all my welds... Patched the cab near the window... Some pinholes and what not...

lyrikz 03-03-2009 04:21 PM

Re: My build. Project Karma. 71 stepside.
I also picked a cheap 20 sand blaster. Add another 25 for the aluminum oxide and your set. This thing works AWESOME on small stuff.

I had the cab sand blasted but after a few months there are some tiny flash rust in the corner so i cant get a wire wheel in there. This works great.... Will have more pics of that soon.

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