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VA72C10 08-20-2011 01:15 AM

Re: "Rice Rocket'

Originally Posted by oldblue1968chevy (Post 4854697)
thanks jonathon!

in your stash of parts you dont have a fuel regulator ya wanna sell do ya? or a timing light (you have EVERYTHING else lol)

sorry...need my adjustable timing light and don't have a fuel the past I've gotten them fairly cheap from a parts' store (mr gasket) try ebay also...

oldblue1968chevy 08-20-2011 11:42 PM

Re: "Rice Rocket'
Ordered a fuel regulator, curve kit for HEI, and an adj timing light from summit this AM

thats the light I got..

anyone wanan buy a nearly brand new timing light i got all the paperwork etc on it, used it probably 3 times just standard light make me a offer or a trade

BMERDOC 08-20-2011 11:54 PM

Re: "Rice Rocket'
I've seen this thread 100 times and never bothered to look at it. I didn't realize it was your thread!! When I have more time I'll read through it. BTW, Your Dad was right. C10s are waaay more fun than a Toyota!!

oldblue1968chevy 08-25-2011 08:30 PM

Re: "Rice Rocket'
3 Attachment(s)
Well, got the correct licence plate lamp bulb installed and cover installed.

Timing light adv came in the mail along with my fuel regulator im really hoping i can get it running/starting much better sometime in the near future.

Im having all kinds of heck with the regulator, if the dang edelbrock pump wasnt so expensive id've went that route

Anyway, took a pre asvab test last nite at the recruiters, I need to do some math/algebra practicing before I take the practice/real test again.

Going to try to do the last picture (captnfabs) but without the soldering...(If I can find a stupid fitting that I need)

Next tool im buying is a quality double flaring kit

thirdstreettito 08-25-2011 09:52 PM

Re: "Rice Rocket'
Progress looks good! How hard was the ASVAB compared to say, the End of Grade tests?

oldblue1968chevy 08-25-2011 10:20 PM

Re: "Rice Rocket'
asvab made alot more sense..if that makes sense lol

probably easier and not as much BS trick questions etc

thirdstreettito 08-25-2011 10:35 PM

Re: "Rice Rocket'
Sweet, I'm joining the ARMY, so it's nice to know...

oldblue1968chevy 08-25-2011 11:11 PM

Re: "Rice Rocket'
Have you taken the asvab yet? what did you make?

oldblue1968chevy 08-26-2011 08:50 PM

Re: "Rice Rocket'
Made a bracket for my regulator today, pix tonite if i remember, i wore rubber crocs on cement all day, bad idea lol

thirdstreettito 08-26-2011 10:11 PM

Re: "Rice Rocket'
Lol no, I asked you how hard it was so I would know. I still have to lose 100lbs.

Hubscrub 08-26-2011 11:00 PM

Re: "Rice Rocket'

Originally Posted by oldblue1968chevy (Post 4866669)
Made a bracket for my regulator today, pix tonite if i remember, i wore rubber crocs on cement all day, bad idea lol

Crocs i hate when the wife wears them:lol: I wore work boots on cement from 5am to 3:30pm today;):lol:

oldblue1968chevy 08-26-2011 11:34 PM

Re: "Rice Rocket'
thirdstreettito- you should be able to at least take some pracitce tests at the recruiters or maybe take the real test? Have you went and talked with one yet? Just how big a boy are ye? I was barely big enough (scrawny)

Nate-I would've much prefered boots today I believe lol

oldblue1968chevy 08-27-2011 12:27 AM

Re: "Rice Rocket'
2 Attachment(s)
got carb plumbed (notpictured) in hard line, not sure about pump to reg. witha filter..might cheap temporarily and use rubber lol

oldblue1968chevy 08-27-2011 12:27 AM

Re: "Rice Rocket'
And i think i'll trim the top point in it going straight up

oldblue1968chevy 08-27-2011 12:28 AM

Re: "Rice Rocket'
And regulator will have line to carb comming out the top and going along the valve cover

thirdstreettito 08-27-2011 07:42 AM

Re: "Rice Rocket'
John, I'm 315lbs and 6' 3.5". Everyone says I dont look it, but I'm also always clothed(lol). I have to lose 100lbs the online recruiter said, when I get some gas money I can make it to the real recruiter, he's 40mi away. I cant wait, I also have to pass the fitness test, I'm going to shoot for Army Ranger scores(they arent much higher), that way I make sure I pass with flying colors, instead of barely passing.

oldblue1968chevy 08-27-2011 11:06 AM

Re: "Rice Rocket'
I hear the far away lol

thirdstreettito 08-27-2011 01:01 PM

Re: "Rice Rocket'
Yeah, you probably get worse mileage than me as well.

oldblue1968chevy 08-27-2011 05:01 PM

Re: "Rice Rocket'
About 11 im in the process of a tune up and fuel reuglation correction


Anyone know how to attach radio delete to a cut dash with out the clips? :) i'll figure something out..gonna try to finish my pressure regulator too

slick copper 08-27-2011 10:53 PM

Re: "Rice Rocket'
On the radio delete plate, maybe JB weld? Or some other form of adhesive?
Wanted to say too, nice looking engine! Don't think I'd seen a pic of your engine before. I like the newer plastic cover on top of your air cleaner, cool idea! :metal:

oldblue1968chevy 08-28-2011 12:49 AM

Re: "Rice Rocket'
plastic cover?...

It looked alot better before it was my 1st yours looks better actually. One day i'll pull it and reseal it etc repaint and make it/keep it nice its a dd so impossible to keep nice/clean offroading/dirt/gravel/fields etc

I treid gorilla glue but got impatient..will have to try jb weld epoxy i started a thread in the big board so maybe someone posts with ideas

pix tom. after church

just got back from gfs relatives homade drive in theatre in the STICKS hubscub you think im in the sticks...they have a huge screen and speakers and NO ONE is aruond to hear/see it lol

Hubscrub 08-28-2011 08:24 AM

Re: "Rice Rocket'

Originally Posted by oldblue1968chevy (Post 4868446)
plastic cover?...

It looked alot better before it was my 1st yours looks better actually. One day i'll pull it and reseal it etc repaint and make it/keep it nice its a dd so impossible to keep nice/clean offroading/dirt/gravel/fields etc

I treid gorilla glue but got impatient..will have to try jb weld epoxy i started a thread in the big board so maybe someone posts with ideas

pix tom. after church

just got back from gfs relatives homade drive in theatre in the STICKS hubscub you think im in the sticks...they have a huge screen and speakers and NO ONE is around to hear/see it lol

Ha, i like it to a point but i like to be private and still able to get somewhere quicker like near a good highway i went to my cousins graduation in cullman county al one time several years ago and we drove a good way out of town boy that was the worst sticks i remember:lol: very small senior class.

oldblue1968chevy 08-28-2011 10:10 AM

Re: "Rice Rocket'
actually this was closer to manchester than my house..just further in the sticks, if that makes sense lol

oldblue1968chevy 08-29-2011 12:08 AM

Re: "Rice Rocket'
Got my pressure regulator installed tuned. Starts alot better idles alot better (before youd have to go WOT for 3 miles before it would stay running) idles MUCH better and starts alot faster. Now I gotta get the timing squared away...

I DO have pictures but I got a new phone and im still learning...and the camera had dead batteires earlier

still thinking of how to mount radio delete and wondering why cigar lighter delete wont stay in the hole (hole too big or cigar lighter too small lol)

Anyone measure their cigar lighter hole for me with some calipers and give me the measurements?

67chevy1series 08-29-2011 01:26 AM

Re: "Rice Rocket'
john how is the spot and the trim coming?

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