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72LoBurb 12-12-2006 01:59 PM

Re: Project Lemon Drop: anything but stock!

Originally Posted by BigSky71 (Post 1940020)
I cannot believe no one called you out on the dog sweater :lol: ! QUOTE]

Oh be my guest, but you need to talk to the dog your self! No need for alarms on my shop;) Just food once a day. Almost forgot it's a down jacket!!

LFD Inc.

Where's the snow?...I don't see no snow!(I wish we didn't have any)
You live in Cali, what does a dog need a jacket for?:lol: My hound stays outside at -20C without any "clothing"!

Keep the updates coming.

Rokcrln 12-12-2006 05:34 PM

Re: Project Lemon Drop: anything but stock!

Originally Posted by Rokcrln (Post 1940083)

Where's the snow?...I don't see no snow!(I wish we didn't have any)
You live in Cali, what does a dog need a jacket for?:lol: My hound stays outside at -20C without any "clothing"!

Keep the updates coming.

Simple he sleeps inside and by keeping a jacket on him when it is below 35* it helps keep him from shedding as much. Also did I mention my wife is pregnant and I was not going to argue!:lol:

LFD Inc.

BigSky71 12-12-2006 05:50 PM

Re: Project Lemon Drop: anything but stock!

Originally Posted by 72LoBurb (Post 1941345)
...Also did I mention my wife is pregnant and I was not going to argue!:lol:

Ah, the bottom line; do what the pregnant lady says and everything will be just fine! :)

72LoBurb 12-13-2006 03:42 AM

Re: Project Lemon Drop: anything but stock!

Originally Posted by 72LoBurb (Post 1941345)

Simple he sleeps inside and by keeping a jacket on him when it is below 35* it helps keep him from shedding as much. Also did I mention my wife is pregnant and I was not going to argue!:lol:

LFD Inc.

I understand my brother says "happy wife, happy life!"
From what I remember of pregnant women:crazy:'s been over 12 years since I was in close quarters with a pregnant, mood swingin':whine: , craving driven.... btw, did I mention she's been my ex for 11 years(did that sound bitter??):lol:

Rokcrln 12-19-2006 08:49 AM

Re: Project Lemon Drop: anything but stock!
Plus in the years that I have had him l have never lost a single things to thieves heck even the cops ( I do work for the local PD) will not come back with out ringing first! All this cost me is some food once a day and a warm place for him to sleep:metal:

Up date time on the project! The owner came by and checked out the full mock up and approved everything so it is no time to blow it all apart and start to finish it up. I just wanted him to see and approve the body lines, door and hood gaps and that sort of thing. Last night I pulled off the doors and welded up all the mirror holes as well as a few on the inside that were added for speakers. Tonight I will bump out those areas and start blocking out the doors so they are ready for paint. Then off comes the hood to get finished up and then fenders and so on. I hope to have it ready for paint in about a month.

LFD Inc.

Rokcrln 01-07-2007 05:59 PM

Re: Project Lemon Drop: anything but stock!
4 Attachment(s)
I know its been awhile! Here are some current pics of the body work being done. Doors are ready for priming and blocking as is the hood. I am replacing the front lower corner of the pass fender due to rust and filling all trim holes. I have started the cowl as well and it should be done tonight along with the fender. I hope to get to the drivers side fender and grill this week and get it all primed up for blocking next week end. Then the cab can come back off and I will finish the bed mods and be ready for paint.

LFD Inc.

PS. So where is this global warming I keep hearing so much about. Sunny California at a nice warm 38* this morning!

Rokcrln 01-07-2007 06:05 PM

Re: Project Lemon Drop: anything but stock!
3 Attachment(s)
You know it sure would be nice if body filler dust could be re-used! You put on a Gal and sand back off 15/16th of it then sweep it up and thru it away:(

LFD Inc.

68GMC454 01-07-2007 06:53 PM

Re: Project Lemon Drop: anything but stock!
looking good..and why are you crying..38 degrees,,thats a heat wave,,lol,,i started ar 16 this morning,,and it has finally got up to 29...good work though...

Rokcrln 01-07-2007 08:43 PM

Re: Project Lemon Drop: anything but stock!

Originally Posted by 68GMC454 (Post 1975034)
looking good..and why are you crying..38 degrees,,thats a heat wave,,lol,,i started ar 16 this morning,,and it has finally got up to 29...

Utah! Hello what do you expect! I'm in Cali I should be getting a SunTan this time of year:lol:

LFD Inc.

70c/10barebone 01-07-2007 10:20 PM

Re: Project Lemon Drop: anything but stock!
83* today in Tampa maybe you should move next door to my house. I know my truck could sure use those skills.:lol:

65-72 chevytoys 01-07-2007 11:00 PM

Re: Project Lemon Drop: anything but stock!
I just read this whole thread and all I can saw is wow. Kevin you do excellent work. I can't wait to see it finished. I have a yellow truck and have to agree on the paint the corvette yellow is too dark or orange. I like the lighter yellow and that is close to the color I plan on doing my truck.

Rokcrln 01-07-2007 11:20 PM

Re: Project Lemon Drop: anything but stock!
3 Attachment(s)
Well I am done for the night! Time to head down to Cold Stone:hm:

I sure think these trucks look better with smooth cowl's:metal: It might look like alot of filler but it is only 3/32 at the thickest. I use different color harders to keep track of how much is going on and off per cote.

LFD Inc.

YRU351 01-08-2007 12:17 AM

Re: Project Lemon Drop: anything but stock!

i am gonna shave my drip rails, fire wall, do trailer fender tubs and some of the same stuff as you on my 70... after i convert it to a shortbed and put a different bed on it...

Hart_Rod 01-08-2007 01:52 AM

Re: Project Lemon Drop: anything but stock!
1 Attachment(s)

Originally Posted by Rokcrln (Post 1975494)
Well I am done for the night! Time to head down to Cold Stone:hm:

I sure think these trucks look better with smooth cowl's:metal: It might look like alot of filler but it is only 3/32 at the thickest. I use different color harders to keep track of how much is going on and off per cote.

LFD Inc.

You shaved everything else, I can't believe you didn't shave the factory speaker grill,:lol: .

jugernot 01-08-2007 04:37 AM

Re: Project Lemon Drop: anything but stock!

Originally Posted by Hart_Rod (Post 1975792)
You shaved everything else, I can't believe you didn't shave the factory speaker grill,:lol: .

We left the center speaker grill for the center speaker, like the surround sound system at home. Who doesn't enjoy the opening sound effect at the movies from THX. I crank my system until the windows shake.

Its looking really good. I think I can see a little light at the end of this nightmare.

BP68 01-08-2007 08:48 PM

Re: Project Lemon Drop: anything but stock!

Originally Posted by Rokcrln (Post 1975494)
Well I am done for the night! Time to head down to Cold Stone:hm:

I sure think these trucks look better with smooth cowl's:metal: It might look like alot of filler but it is only 3/32 at the thickest. I use different color harders to keep track of how much is going on and off per cote.

LFD Inc.

Could you please post more pics of how you went about shaving the cowl.

Did you just cut out the vents and weld in a filler?

Also, how did you mount it along the windshield since the screw holes are gone?

Niiiiiiiice build, keep up the good work.

67Fleet 01-08-2007 09:13 PM

Re: Project Lemon Drop: anything but stock!
Cowl looks great Kevin. Mine's at the bodyshop right now, but I'm going to incorporate the ridgeline of the hood into the cowl before he finishes it. Like that red Blazer that was posted on here about a month ago. I loved the look of that.

Hey, if you don't mind, can you do a quick write-up on what it takes to weld up a fender cup? My cup should be here in a couple days and I'm sure it isn't as easy as you made it look.

Rokcrln 01-09-2007 05:48 PM

Re: Project Lemon Drop: anything but stock!
4 Attachment(s)
I had about an hour today to play so I built some extentions for my Tip & Flip dolly to double as a paint rack. This will make it so much easier to paint all sides of the doors and fenders and it holds them in the mounted position. I can't tell you how many times I have seen guy paint doors and fenders laying down flat then when they hang them on the car they just don't look right. You need to lay down the paint on the panels as they will be on the finished car. Here are just a few pic for ideas. These arms just slide out and wil stay up in the rafters untill the next job. Well worth the time spent!
As soon as my "Prep All" come in I can wipe them all down real well and shoot on the first cote of block primmer and start sanding:metal:

LFD Inc.

Rokcrln 01-09-2007 06:01 PM

Re: Project Lemon Drop: anything but stock!
Ok Cowl questions~
What I did was bolt the cowl back on the cab (do not install any windshield screws) and weld a filler piece over the vents first then after it was welded all the way I flipped it over and removed the vents. I did it this way because the cowls are so flimsy (SP) it would have just warped every which way had I just cut out the vents and welded a piece in. As for the missing screw holes their is not much you can do about them so what I fould worked out well was to add another screw inbetween each one on the front edge and I also reworked the windshield edge abit so you have to kind of strech the cowl out to put it on. This helps keep the center from flopping but it is still not as good as the stock set up. I am guessing at about 80mph you might see it flutter just a bit but it should not affect any thing.

Fender cup ?'s~

Yes it is not real easy but it is not that hard ether. I the biggest problem I found was that it was short along the body line from fender opening to were it meets up against the grill. Now it might only be the tri plus repo cup but I was not real happy with it. If this truck was going to get a front roll pan this would not have worked. But since it is getting a bumper in front you will never know. It is not a big differance but I would say it was about 3/16 short and that was after reworking it as much as I could. With a front bumper this entire area is tucked under the top edge of the bumper so the important area to line up is the wheel opening edge so it flows right with the rest of the opening. I will get a pic to show you what I am talking about.

LFD Inc.

Rokcrln 01-09-2007 06:12 PM

Re: Project Lemon Drop: anything but stock!
4 Attachment(s)
First two show the cowl and how it should look under when done and also the extra mounting holes in front.

The fender cup pics are not as bad as it looks, it is just hard to shot pics with your left hand when you are right handed:lol: It is only off alittle more than have of what it looks like. In a perfect world it should be flat against the tube steel. But like I said with a bumper on you can never see this area and with a roll pan it would still work but you would have more work to do to get this gap filled in. The red line shows the cut line I used. I find it alot better to weld along an edge when ever you can to help keep things from warping as much.

Hope this answers your questions.

LFD Inc.

67Fleet 01-09-2007 09:40 PM

Re: Project Lemon Drop: anything but stock!
Cool, thanks for taking the pics. That helps me with the fender cup a lot. I'll also be running a front bumper so as long as I get it lined up for the wheel opening I can live with it being off up front.

Rokcrln 02-03-2007 10:20 PM

Re: Project Lemon Drop: anything but stock!
4 Attachment(s)
Well it has been about a month now since any work was done on this project. The temps have just been to cold to do any body work but it is starting to look up for next week:metal: I also just started building my convertable paint booth so I will be able to heat things up a bit and keep any dust down to a very small amount if any at all. My shop is not insulated and the rafters have alot of nooks and cranys for dust and dirt to hide so what I am doing is taking a 16x24' section and plywooding off the rafters. I am then building one solid wall that the filters will be mounted in and in the other corner will be the fan to suck out all the paint fumes. I got the ply up today and one cote of primmer on and I will get the finish bright while paint on it in the morning and start building the wall. The other three walls will be 10mil visquene (SP?) attached at the ceiling and floor. I am installing a few more lights and I will also be filling any cracks in the floor before using a two part epoxy paint I have. This should really make it alot easier to keep things clean and give me a booth for alot of projects that are starting to line up after this one is complete. I have 6 of my own to paint one of these days and three customer builds lined up so it should come in handy.
Keep in mind this entire shop is only set up temporary for now because I will be adding a second story (25"x45') in a year or so then it will get set up right. I will have all of the major fabrication being done up stairs and just the needed tools down stairs for building the vehicals.

Anyways I just wanted to update things as they will be starting back up this week and the owner will be comming over next Sunday to help with all the block sanding...

LFD Inc.

gferris5 02-05-2007 11:06 PM

Re: Project Lemon Drop: anything but stock!
Great work as usual, I always check your threads as soon as I log in. I'd also like to compliment the way you handle the write-ups, your technical writing is excellent.

Okay, boring question: Home-made paint booths can be kind of scary. What sort of spark arresting precautions are you taking? Car Craft built a spray-booth out of somebodys garage and it had about 5 different things that could throw off a spark if there was any kind of accident. Yikes. Also, do you have a supplied air system? What about when you are welding and sanding bondo, or messing with lead(!)? My body shop teacher had a saying, "there's a reason you don't meet many old bodymen."


Rokcrln 02-05-2007 11:38 PM

Re: Project Lemon Drop: anything but stock!

Originally Posted by gferris5 (Post 2019021)
Great work as usual, I always check your threads as soon as I log in. I'd also like to compliment the way you handle the write-ups, your technical writing is excellent.

Okay, boring question: Home-made paint booths can be kind of scary. What sort of spark arresting precautions are you taking? Car Craft built a spray-booth out of somebodys garage and it had about 5 different things that could throw off a spark if there was any kind of accident. Yikes. Also, do you have a supplied air system? What about when you are welding and sanding bondo, or messing with lead(!)? My body shop teacher had a saying, "there's a reason you don't meet many old bodymen."


I need to check into the lights abit more but everything else is covered. Yes I have a full freash air set up for painting and for welding and bondo work I always wear a filtered half face mask. And I like doing the tech writing but my spelling sure does suck! Oh well you can't be good at everything:lol:

LFD Inc.

Rokcrln 02-09-2007 09:36 PM

Re: Project Lemon Drop: anything but stock!
5 Attachment(s)
More light at the end of the tunnel. Parts are now ready for our block party on Sunday. Block sanding that is:lol:

LFD Inc.

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