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jaros44sr 10-15-2013 01:37 PM

Re: Project; Divorce Therapy ( 72 SWB 4x4 )

Originally Posted by CUSTOM/10 (Post 6316363)
There has been about 5 years that I was watching your build and may others, while mine sat idle ! So I know the feeling very well. Sometimes other things take priority, babies, bills, life..... But sooner or later the time comes around and the project is back in front.

Everyone else’s builds inspired me, so I just kept collecting the parts and biding my time !

So thanks to everyone for the inspiration!

X2, well said.....and yes i am jealous also

CUSTOM/10 10-15-2013 01:47 PM

Re: Project; Divorce Therapy ( 72 SWB 4x4 )
Thanks Jim !!!

CUSTOM/10 10-15-2013 08:06 PM

Re: Project; Divorce Therapy ( 72 SWB 4x4 )
Today Steve ( The body guy ) stopped over and picked up the bed floor. This is the most questionable piece of the truck. Not that it's rotted, but it is bent and has some dents. There are no issues with rust through, but the rear sill is bent and twisted, and the floor is bowed from front to back. ( Sway Back ) He's going to spend some time with it to determine if it's worth his time ($$$ for me)
to fix it or should I buy a new one or go with a wood floor. I would love the looks of a wood floor, but it will cost more to go that route than buying a new metal floor ! I'm hoping he can fix mine reasonably !!!

Green Hornet 10-17-2013 07:41 AM

Re: Project; Divorce Therapy ( 72 SWB 4x4 )
Very nice project!!! Beautiful truck.

Bishops Trucks 10-17-2013 07:53 AM

Re: Project; Divorce Therapy ( 72 SWB 4x4 )
It's been awhile since I checked on your build. It sure does look great. Looks like the finish line is just around the corner.

CUSTOM/10 10-17-2013 07:57 AM

Re: Project; Divorce Therapy ( 72 SWB 4x4 )
Thanks guys !!!

Jim I hope just around the corner is next summer..... Would love to be cruising around, and maybe stop in at a couple of meets to show it off. It's been a loooong time coming !


Bishops Trucks 10-17-2013 08:04 AM

Re: Project; Divorce Therapy ( 72 SWB 4x4 )
It will be a real head turner Gary. I'm still in the process of fixing a few frame issues on mine before I finish the disassembly of it and get it blasted. If work ever pics up and the wife stops making me spend my free time working on the house, maybe I can have mine back on the road by mid summer. Keep up the good work Gary.

Low Elco 10-17-2013 08:28 AM

Re: Project; Divorce Therapy ( 72 SWB 4x4 )
They can be fixed. Yeller's floor had stuff done to it I still can't explain. I had a chunk of floor I sawzalled out of a 71 LB in a salvage, so I used that to fix the 7 holes, some large. (Fist sized) Used the spotweld cutter and cut the rear sill and 3 crossmembers out, then used a sledge and some 6x6 wood chunks to straighten it, then welded 'er all back together. Can't tell anything ever happened, especially after the bedliner. Doooo Itttt! Truck Is lookin' great!

CUSTOM/10 10-17-2013 11:52 AM

Re: Project; Divorce Therapy ( 72 SWB 4x4 )
Steves got the floor, I know he could fix it, but it's also a matter of man hrs/$
vs buying new. We shall see....

I was lucky as far as the frame goes on mine, no issues, this is by far the best frame I've ever seen, still had a lot of the factory paint on it. It was hard to believe that someone stripped this 55,000 mile truck down for it's parts... WTF ??? I've spent that last few yrs collecting the best stuff I could find / afford to put her back together ! Someone must have been
:smoke: Dope ! "LOL"

Bishops Trucks 10-17-2013 04:00 PM

Re: Project; Divorce Therapy ( 72 SWB 4x4 )
Dope :smoke: does make for a lot of WTF? moments. Lol

cmabolt 10-18-2013 07:38 AM

Re: Project; Divorce Therapy ( 72 SWB 4x4 )
Looks Great Gary. Now if I could just use your neighbor body guy, I could lend you my friend the garage door guy. :lol: But seriously, truck looks great! Congrats on the paint. It's all gravy from here on out.


CUSTOM/10 10-18-2013 10:19 AM

Re: Project; Divorce Therapy ( 72 SWB 4x4 )
Thanks Chris !

I hope your right about the rest being gravy, but somehow I doubt it... :lol:

I will have to deal with the garage door soon, it's a bit cramped in there with the body & chassis sitting side by side...... :crazy: But I do still have things to do before I put the body on the chassis. Plumbing & the TBI motor has been removed and I need to get the 383 finished up and in the chassis.

I have 2 friends currently wanting Steve to paint thier project now.


FINE 69 11-14-2013 05:53 PM

Re: Project; Divorce Therapy ( 72 SWB 4x4 )
Wow! Just found this thread. Amazing story and progress. Kudos to you for finding something positive to put your time and money into. Glad that you got back on the saddle. The truck looks absolutely amazing. Can't wait to see the finished product.

bhammer 11-14-2013 08:58 PM

Re: Project; Divorce Therapy ( 72 SWB 4x4 )
Hi! The build looks awesome! I'm in the middle of a 72 GMC 4x4 rebuild. Hey quick question, did you re-use the original motor mount/crossmember set up or did you go with something aftermarket. I am stuck on mine, the previous owner had an Olds 455 in the truck and tossed the original crossmember, I would like to use the original, I just am having a hell of a time finding one. If you didn't re-use yours would you be interested in parting ways with it?? Thanks and keep up the build! Following this for sure....


CUSTOM/10 11-15-2013 08:39 AM

Re: Project; Divorce Therapy ( 72 SWB 4x4 )
Thanks Fine 69 !!!

My goal is to have this on the road next summer. The body shop has bed now, but he's on vacation this week. So next week there should be more progress. I've been working on small stuff like the wiper arms, wiper motor, antenna, washer nozzles, stuff under the cowl so I can get that buttoned up.
I'm haven't had much time the last few weeks due to getting ready for the winter. Fire wood, snow blower, cleaning up leafs in the yard. But all that is just about done, so I'll be back on the truck soon.

Thanks again !!!

CUSTOM/10 11-15-2013 08:49 AM

Re: Project; Divorce Therapy ( 72 SWB 4x4 )
Hey Brain;

That's funny I was just looking at your thread about your truck.... "LOL"
Sorry to see what happened to the truck, but as long as your OK the truck can be rebuilt or replaced. I did re-use my front cross member. I had 2 extra
4x4 engine cross members but just sold the last one a couple months ago. They do come up for sale from time to time. Tee it up ( Randy ) would be a good place to try as others have said. You could also put a want to buy posting and see what happens.

You can use any engine cross member from a 4x4 from 67-72, they were all the same ! ( Truck or Blazer ) So look in the Blazer forum also !


cmabolt 11-15-2013 09:02 AM

Re: Project; Divorce Therapy ( 72 SWB 4x4 )
Hey Gary. Glad your making progress with the body work. Looking forward to seeing it put together.

I am so frustrated with my paint/body situation I may just trailer mine up to your neighbor! :devil: I am definitely going to learn how to paint after all this.
I think my sanity depends on it.

Keep up the good work. I think we'll likely finish ours around the same time.

CUSTOM/10 11-15-2013 10:01 AM

Re: Project; Divorce Therapy ( 72 SWB 4x4 )
Hey Chris;

I've been lucky with this guy, there are times he has to set my project aside, but then he dedicates his time to it and really makes progress, and he's doing a hell of a job.

I painted my last 2 trucks myself, and did some painting for a friend. But I was never a professional at it, I could make it one color, but this time I wanted it really nice job done, this truck was worthy of a professional paint job.

Good luck, and hopefully we will both be finishing up and driving then next summer !


my67chevytruck 11-18-2013 01:19 PM

Re: Project; Divorce Therapy ( 72 SWB 4x4 )
Sweet Truck, great progress!!

CUSTOM/10 11-18-2013 02:03 PM

Re: Project; Divorce Therapy ( 72 SWB 4x4 )
Thanks Heath !

Well I should be able to dedicate more time to this project now that I have everything set for the winter. Fire woods all stacked, leafs are all cleaned up, snow blower is is on the tractor, so now I have some free time.


CUSTOM/10 11-19-2013 01:45 PM

Re: Project; Divorce Therapy ( 72 SWB 4x4 )
Steve my body guy called today, wants me to stop by and take a look at the floor on my way home from work to see what I think. He's been beating away at it getting it as straight as he can. This will tell me if I'm going to use the original floor or buy a new one ! If I like it then it's off to the media blaster with all the be parts !

CUSTOM/10 11-19-2013 06:53 PM

Re: Project; Divorce Therapy ( 72 SWB 4x4 )
Well looks like the bed floor is going to make it. Steve was able to get it pretty straight, and there was only one spot about the size of a dime that was rusted through. So tomorrow the bed parts are off to the media blasters.


sduckworth13 11-19-2013 08:43 PM

Re: Project; Divorce Therapy ( 72 SWB 4x4 )
That's great news to hear about the bed floor, that just means extra money for more bling :)

CUSTOM/10 11-20-2013 07:12 AM

Re: Project; Divorce Therapy ( 72 SWB 4x4 )
Oh there's always some place for the money to go, seams like I'm ordering more stuff every week.... It's never ending..... "LOL" I'm not sure if keep the old floor will be cheaper or not, between the blaster and the hrs for the body shop to straighten it out will probably cost me just as much.... :dohh:

JayB331 11-20-2013 02:38 PM

Re: Project; Divorce Therapy ( 72 SWB 4x4 )
Awesome build! Keep up the good work...and keep posting pics!!!

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