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Blaze 10-20-2003 10:53 PM

fastbagged68 bill turner did say it was a 2'' drop kit that he was sending to me .
Do you think that i shoud order his lower
control arms or should i try to mod my
DJM control arms.

thanks blaze
:canada: :bowtie:

grnddwn 10-21-2003 02:04 AM

Those hood hinge Ideas look good. I'm not real excited about cutting into my firewall again though

phantom dually 10-21-2003 06:36 AM

So are you saying your arms wouldnt clear the tire or wouldnt adjust in like mine do?? Thanks

Slammed67 10-21-2003 12:58 PM


For anyone considering doing this....You will need to change things with ANY adjustable suspension...It's not a Bell Tech static drop you can install on the weekend in your driveway....If you want to drop your truck without altering other things, call Early Classic.... Otherwise, wipe your bleeding, whining clit and modify. IT"S ALL WHAT LOOK YOU WANT!!
Do you kiss your mom with that mouth??? Oh, and if you know a woman that has a bleeding clit, she should probably go see a doctor because that isn't a normal condition ;)

I completely understand that adjustable suspensions require modifications. I've done a few of my own.......My $60 cross member modification . Yes I know it doesn't "lay frame" or have rack & pinion, but that wasn't what I was trying to accomplish (a low ride height and the front wheels are centered unlike most bagged trucks I’ve seen). Turner is selling parts that supposedly make the necessary modifications to "lay frame". However, everyone here that is using his parts has to modify his modified parts. I'm just saying that I'd be pissed off if I had to go through all that trouble to install a "kit". ECE started out as a small operation also, but their stuff in engineered to work...... and it does. I understand Bill is a "nice" guy and owns a "small operation" but that doesn't mean squat if his stuff doesn't work like it's supposed to. Kudos to you all that are trying to make it work and I look forward to seeing your finished products.

wdz28ss 10-21-2003 02:45 PM

Slammed67, I have not needed to modify Turners parts. Although I have modified my truck to allow his parts to work... ie- notching the front of the frame for the rack and pinion rods. Sure, one will probally need to trim off the rod ends and rack ends to make the rack work, but you're putting a mustang rack on and connecting it to a chevy tie rod ends. Dimensions are different between a chevy full size truck and a mustang II. Besides, the "rack kit" that Turners sells works as it's supposed to. There is a issue with the upper arms and alignment, but i talked to him and he's fixing mine.

Sure, I had to send my arms back to Turner and have them shortened, but I'm doing something that he has not. If I would have wanted to lay frame with a 28" tire, I would be done and everything worked out just fine.

wdz28ss 10-21-2003 02:49 PM

[QUOTE]Originally posted by Slammed67

Do you kiss your mom with that mouth??? Oh, and if you know a woman that has a bleeding clit, she should probably go see a doctor because that isn't a normal condition ;)

I think i took care of this, afterall, I caught you eye without calling your name out ;)

phantom dually 10-21-2003 06:13 PM

Talked with Bill today and clarified a few things. First of all all of his products have been tested and are in use to date. Turners only sells and recommends a max of a 1.25 crossmember drop. He will make a crossmember that is more than 1.25" but WARNS people that you will need to do alot more mods than that which are required with the 1.25". This meaning that the R&D development of this product has only been tested with the 1.25" member. The upper arms that some have had problems with maybe a issue with some. I did not have this prob. Wayne is going with a taller tire (22's) in which he stated he wanted to do and understood that Turners has never tried this with clearance research. Wayne is having is arms shortened and the trac width modified for the bigger wheels and they would have worked with the 20's if he had gone that route. The point to me ranting here us that some people may want to check the whole story before down playing another guys parts. His parts DO work for what he says they will. All major problems that have been found are because we are trying to get that extra 1/4" out of things and mod past there original design. Bill has tried to access the page but has not been able to post. I still like the guy!! Very honest business man in my opinion.

fastbagged68 10-21-2003 06:33 PM

Phantom well put. I email Bill and he was going to come on to this board. I am not complaining I new getting into this I was doing a 2inch notch due to my frame sit lower then my body unlike on the trucks. Also I knewI was going to run a good size tire. Bill is a very cool guy. I have only had one problem with and that is the upper control arms were not place in the gig right when one of his fabricator welded up y brackets. I can fix the problem with about an hour of work! When all said and done my suburban is going to get a tons of looks so I all this work is worth it!

Blaze 10-21-2003 06:34 PM

I agree with you phantom dually.Bill turner does seem like a nice guy i only talked to him on the phone he was very helpfull .I will be geting my parts tomorrow.

thanks blaze. :bowtie: :canada:

phantom dually 10-21-2003 06:42 PM

Just like any other fab company (small) ther will be ocassional problems. Everyone makes mistakes. Bill has probably spent more in shipping products to me for free than he has made off of me buying his stuff. He has made everything right everytime even at his own cost. He has never asked for a dime extra. As far as the jig issue goes it is probably a issue that should have been checked before it left his place. It is very hard to get good help now days and from talking to Bill his place is no exception. After he eats a few $$$ on shipping and redos Im sure he will get it right. I know it really P's me off to have to do something for free but you have to stand by your work and your word. Anyone reading this I would highly recommend his products to you. Plan out your attack and be sure of what you want the first time. Call Bill at 909-652-1493 or Tell him James sent you!!! How's that for a free plug!!:p

grnddwn 10-22-2003 12:26 AM

I'm glad to see everyone is comin to grips here. I you want it to be easy leave it alone, but if ya wanna be cool you're gonna have to work for it. If it was easy everyone would do it so suck it up. tTheres no need for people to be rude.

grnddwn 10-22-2003 12:27 AM

By the way has anyone got new pics???:D

Chevy_68 10-23-2003 12:42 AM

im with grnddwn quit your grippn if you want to be different than the crowd its all based on trail and error and you see alot of it until your pleased. also wdz28ss your running the 2 inch right and do you have any other pics besides the ones posted.

phantom dually 10-25-2003 09:45 PM


N2TRUX 10-26-2003 12:40 AM

I can't believe this thread has over 5000 views. You boys get some update pics going.

I think I may go a different route for my Blazer. We are considering the Progressive Automotive front suspension kit.

You get to design it at the height you want, and it uses Corvette components....

BigChevMan 10-26-2003 12:56 AM


Originally posted by N2TRUX
I can't believe this thread has over 5000 views. You boys get some update pics going.

I think I may go a different route for my Blazer. We are considering the Progressive Automotive front suspension kit.

You get to design it at the height you want, and it uses Corvette components....

it's a very nice piece...and Bob is super helpful and very nice. I spent almost an hour on the phone with him discussing options and stuff when I had the 50. I would definitely recommend his products based on the ones I've seen

SCOTI 10-26-2003 01:02 AM

Ken, I've been considering that front end & another similar crossmember kit from FlatOutEngineering.

One thing though.... I checked out the pics on Progressives site & the blazer they did sure doesn't look any lower vs stock GM truck stuff. Granted, you get aluminum arms & R&P, but from those pics, it looks like they're all in the stock truck positioning. I asked Roger if he knew exactly how much 'kick-up' they can build into the rails & supposedly if you can plot it out on a pattern, they can build it. I'm still on the fence.........

Oh yeah, I checked out your new fenderwells & core support. Looks sweet in person.

N2TRUX 10-26-2003 02:26 AM

Roger and I haven't formed a final plan. This was the best option we found besides the Turner suspension. We both liked the looks of the Progressive suspension.

I agree the Blazer pics don't appear that low. The 90 SS truck does, but it's a custom built frame.

Unless I start over on the fenders and liners, I am rather limited on how low I can go. There are a ton of hours in the fenders, so I hate to start again.

I will have to wait till he's done his research....:mad:

phantom dually 10-26-2003 12:14 PM

Anyone ever considered using the frame from KRZ customs in California?? It look pretty sweet.

SCOTI 10-26-2003 01:28 PM

I've seen their adds & they look nice. The front reminds me of MII stuff though (which I don't care for aesthetically).

grnddwn 10-26-2003 06:14 PM

You know my truck rides great at 40 psi, Drags the front bumper onthe ground if I want it too, handles great, and the doors hit the lawn I park too close. What I'm saying is don't over htink your front suspension. Mine stock arms, Belltech spindles, 1.5 crossmember drop firestone bags.

phantom dually 10-26-2003 08:59 PM


grnddwn 10-26-2003 09:34 PM

1 Attachment(s)
got one here gonna take some more soon

phantom dually 10-26-2003 09:37 PM

Looks great!! How did the crossmember install go?? Did you make it yourself or buy it??

Captkaos 10-26-2003 09:38 PM

grnddwn THAT is a SWEET ride you have!

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