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dtlilly 06-21-2004 01:30 PM

Just Out Of The Hospital...Lucky To Be Alive!!!!
I was having chest pains last week. Worse with deep breaths, coughing and sneezing. I was continuely short of breath too, I would get winded easy. So Thursday night I went to the VA Hospital emergency area. They decided to check me in after chest x-rays.

They found in the left lung a spot. They also found localized pheumonia.

The spot was from what they called a pulminary embolism. A PE is a blood clot that traveled to the lung and got stuck there. It was most noted by a dead area of the lung from being starved of blood and oxygen.

The pheumonia is a bacteria, and it formed around the PE area, as well as in the plurial wall.

They gave me a full gammot of tests, cultures, samples, shots, dyes, scans, and diagnosis.

They couldn't find where the blood clot went, so I was placed on blood thinners and clot disolving IV fluids, as well as 3 "super anti-biotics".

My lung function has improved and my white blood count is stable, and the pain is less, so they released me to my own bed (thank god :D )

I must remain on oral anti-biotics for 10 more days, and give myself shots in the stomach for blood anti-clotting for 3 more days. They require me to come back this afternoon for a heart stress test, and back for x-rays and CT scans of the lungs on July 1st.

I am so glad things worked out as they did. It could have been just as easy for the blood clot to go to the heart instead of the lung. I must take it quite easy now for the next 2 weeks, as the pheumonia can come back easily, and if it does, it comes back worse. Also, I have to be carefull of getting any cuts, as the blood thinner will cause me to bleed much worse. I feel lucky to be able to say hi to everyone here.

Slams_58 06-21-2004 01:36 PM

OMG sorry to hear all this Don. I'm so glad to hear you're alright. i'm also glad to hear you're listening to your doc and taking it easy! Get yourself better! Take care, Darlin!!!!!! :)

Liz 06-21-2004 01:39 PM

damnn dt.. I wish you the best :) now for the told ya so.. I TOLD YOU TO GO TO THE DOCTOR 4-5 MONTHS AGO DAMNIT ;) rest up feel better and don't make me find you and kick your everlovin butt.........

COBALT 06-21-2004 01:42 PM

Wow. Glad you're ok. That usually kills people.

Palf70Step 06-21-2004 01:43 PM

Glad your doing better. It's always hard to hear about that. God speed with your recovery!

krue 06-21-2004 01:44 PM

We'll say a prayer for a speedy recovery man! Glad it's no worse than it was.

gr8scott51 06-21-2004 01:53 PM

I won't yell atcha. You'll serve as a good warning to all the other guys that won't go see a doctor when they aren't feeling so hot.

I'm glad you are feeling better.

ChrisK10 06-21-2004 01:56 PM

Close call man! Glad you're OK! :)

junkyardjohn 06-21-2004 02:58 PM



busterwivell 06-21-2004 03:27 PM

Man, you make me think I should go see a Doc! Rest easy DT!

TsgtE662 06-21-2004 03:32 PM

Some people will do anything for a vacation!! lol

Glad you'll be okay.

Now take it easy and find that remote and plant yourself on the couch. Milk out all the TLC you can.

barn9 06-21-2004 03:54 PM

That sounds a little scarey to me, gald you're OK. Take care of yourself. And don't be hitting on the nurses, you're sick you know! LOL!

cdowns 06-21-2004 04:25 PM

hope you have a full and speedy recovery!!!

your vets hospital sounds ALOT better for service than the ones down hear in florida, a case like yours they usually treat post-mortem

CEDJUNIOR 06-21-2004 04:29 PM

Wow dude. I'm glad you're ok. That was a close one!

DennyB 06-21-2004 04:33 PM

Wow DT!
Glad your doing ok!
Sounds like "someone" is on your side.
Now to catch up with everything on the board :lol:


Yukon Jack 06-21-2004 04:38 PM

Glad you caught it and got in immediately. Yikes!

Alexis 06-21-2004 05:42 PM

so tell us. How were the nurses? :p Hope you get better man!

dtlilly 06-21-2004 05:43 PM


Originally Posted by MHC
... now for the told ya so.. I TOLD YOU TO GO TO THE DOCTOR 4-5 MONTHS AGO DAMNIT ;)...

For those that don't know, Liz did tell me a while ago to get to a doctor. I was telling her on chat one night how I was having intermittent chest pains, and how I was always feeling tired. Like most bull-headed men, I ignored the symptoms and concerns. The problem eventually subsided, except for being tired all the time.

Here is my assumption of what happened. I went to Egypt on Dec 11, 2003 and returned on Jan 6, 2004. I believe that during the return trip I developed a condition called "deep vein thrombosis" (a clot that forms in the legs from prolonged lack of activity and cramped airline seats). The clot made it's way to my lung, which is where I initially was having pains in February. I believe the clot eventually either disolved on it's own, or moved to another unknown location. Either of those two cases, there was already the damage to the tissue of the lung wall from loss of oxygen and blood, which made the lung at risk for infections or bacteria.

Fast forward to 1 month ago. I drove for 11 hours from Memphis to Milwaukee, thus creating another blood deep vein thingy. This one was much bigger or worse than the last, thus resulting in the complications I experienced.

I'm not a doctor, nor do I play one on TV ;)

One thing I do know is that men are stupid. We all have to act real tough. We are too proud to recognize that when we have a problem, we should seek help. It's not a laughing matter, nor should health problems be taken lightly. We need to seek medical opinions, and if they turn out to be a false alarm, at least we would be around to laugh about it. I think too many men die needlessly, because we have to show our immortality (our stupidity), to our mates.

Busterwivell, what ever problem you are refering to, yes...get your chevy truck loving @ss in and see a doctor...or I'm going to get Liz after you...and she don't play fair when she is pissed ;) ;)

BOSS 06-21-2004 07:01 PM

DT glad you found it in time.What you say will make alot of us think,I personally havent been to a dr in about14 years,maybe i should schedule a app.

beautimus 06-21-2004 07:52 PM

wow don, thats a close call
man, all i can tell ya is god loves you man, those blood clots ain't nuthin to play around with. pneumonia ain't much better. i know it can make you have pains that feel like a knife is twisting between your ribs on every breath. but i am glad you are okay. these folks are giving you good advise man, take your time and let yourself get better.
you only get to go around once, make the ride last as long as possible.
get well soon, Tony

68C15 06-21-2004 10:08 PM

WOW!!! what a wake-up call! by all means take care of yourself. your gas tank can wait if you want. get some rest, but not too much. dont want another one forming.
side note; both my dad & fater in law died from ignoring early signs of cancer. not a happy thought at all.
those clots can be nasty. trust me, I know. has to do with good friends mom.
count your blessings. find a nice barstool & spend some liesurely time in shop staying lightly active.

BillGent 06-21-2004 10:11 PM

Wow. God bless you DT. Very glad you are around. Will keep you in my prayers.

weasel29gm 06-21-2004 10:11 PM

DT,glad you caught it.

70ChevyLongbed 06-21-2004 11:06 PM

Glad to hear you are okay Don. Rest up, my friend :D

Mike76251 06-22-2004 07:38 AM

Man.......that was close!
Glad you found it before it found the ole' heart.
Hurry up and get well and make sure you are getting enough vitamins so you can help build the immune system.
Good Luck,

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