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exmonkeypunk 08-03-2008 03:21 PM

Sears...... (Rant)S
So, i drive down the road to the local Sears to exchange some socket wrenches for fresh new ones. I get to the store, exchange my wrenches and confirm with the guy that i could also exchange old sockets and extensions.
I drive back home, find the sockets and extensions i want to exchange, drive back to the store, and the guy tells me that my socket set is an old one and they don't make them in sets like that anymore. The new sets don't start at 10mm, they start at 8mm. So if i want to exchange my sockets, i need to go back home and find Craftsman 8 and 9 mm sockets.... I half pissied drive back home and check my stash of sockets... I found a 9mm but I don't have an 8mm in Craftsman or in 3/8" sizes.... I drive back to the store with just the 9mm socket and the rest of the set and the guy says he cannot do anything without a complete set. I explain to him that the set i have is a complete set and it's not my fault that sears decided to change what's called a "set"... I bought it as a set and i'm wanting to exchange it as a set. I then asked if he could just exchange it and give me individual sockets, stating that i don't need the crappy grey plastic holder anyways, he said that the only way he could do that would be if i brought in individual sockets. Then i emptied the set of sockets onto the counter and said "there's individual sockets"... The guy still would not exchange them, so, i grabbed a bag, put the sockets into the bag, mumbled on how ****ty the service there was, and how Matco was gonna get my business from now on and left the store in a blaze of 16" tire smoke. So now, when i take my tools to work tomorrow, i'm gonna have to use my crappy worn out 12 point sockets instead of some nice newly exchanged 6 point sockets.... I'm upset. I almost wonder if this guy is completely wrong.

FRENCHBLUE72 08-03-2008 03:30 PM

Re: Sears...... (Rant)S
Dude thats nothing if I want to exchange a socket,broken breaker bar,screwdriver,or anything else they have to send them off and I get nothing untill they come back. Now if I drive 30 miles away to the other sears they exchange them right there and send you on your happy little way..

Thealien 08-03-2008 03:47 PM

Re: Sears...... (Rant)S
Sears is not the company it once was. The squeeky wheel does get the grease.

exmonkeypunk 08-03-2008 04:17 PM

Re: Sears...... (Rant)S

Originally Posted by FRENCHBLUE72 (Post 2833931)
Dude thats nothing if I want to exchange a socket,broken breaker bar,screwdriver,or anything else they have to send them off and I get nothing untill they come back. Now if I drive 30 miles away to the other sears they exchange them right there and send you on your happy little way..

I used to only buy Craftsman tools because i'm a mile down the road from Sears and it was easy to exchange as needed, now, i think i might just buy tools off the truck from the higher priced Matco, snap-on, and Mac.
Craftsman prices are so competative compared to the big three, but, i know that any hand tool i buy off a truck, the guy will be in once every week, and they'll trade it right up. This has discouraged me from dealing with Sears. In my opinion, they owe me a quarter gallon of gas for wasting my time and 1/32 of tread on the rear tires for the burnout their poor service caused me to do... lol.
I'm gonna let the Tool truck guys know about this tomorrow. Maybe they'll give me some deals to keep my business. This whole deal reminds me of when Dave Thomas died and Wendy's fries got cold, or when Sam Walton died and Wal-Mart turned into Wal-junk. Ever since Craftsman started being sold at K-Mart, it all seemed to go downhill.
I know that Snap-On is foreign now, i'm not sure about Mac or Matco..... I will NOT buy foreign tools from anybody anymore.

Save American jobs, Buy American.... My grandfather used to shout this at me all the time growing up, now the man drives a Toyota...... I will not settle for less. Not this day in age anyways.

Shane 08-03-2008 04:45 PM

Re: Sears...... (Rant)S
Snap On is NOT foreign ... MAC on the other hand is owned by Stanley ... yes, the same Stanley that sells those Chinese-made craptastic black and yellow things that look similar to tools at your local Wal Mart.

exmonkeypunk 08-03-2008 04:47 PM

Re: Sears...... (Rant)S

Originally Posted by Shane (Post 2834025)
Snap On is NOT foreign ... MAC on the other hand is owned by Stanley ... yes, the same Stanley that sells those Chinese-made craptastic black and yellow things that look similar to tools at your local Wal Mart.

I have some Snap-on tools that say china or taiwan or something on them.

EDIT: i was wrong.... All my Snap-on tools are made in this country.... It was my Mac 1/4 inch air ratchet that states "Japan" on it...... Two words that i don't wanna see together, "Quality" and "Japan"......
Here's a pic if anyone can make it out.

The Craftsman socket wrenches i exchanged for today still say USA on them. So, i guess i could always still use them, just not from that location anymore. If you can't tell, i'm trying to boycott foreign made tools and parts and general items if i can help it. Minus the Sony camera that took the picture. lol.

Shane 08-03-2008 05:06 PM

Re: Sears...... (Rant)S
the best way to exchange at Sears is to take only 2-3 items per trip then go to the rack and find you replacments THEN take them to the counter with the old/broken ones.

This method has never failed me.

P.S. Sears will normally only replace due to failure ... NOT wear. Snap On and Mac is the same in my area.

bad6772 08-03-2008 05:09 PM

Re: Sears...... (Rant)S
I.R makes ALL of Macs Air Tools........Not just some of them ALL.........My brother in law was a Mac dealer for 15 years....And Shane is right, Stanley owns Mac.....Snap on tools are made here in the U.S....Although most if not all Bluepoint (Snap-On) is make overseas......Matco.......I have no idea......

ed2552 08-03-2008 05:09 PM

Re: Sears...... (Rant)S
I'm not against foreign made stuff, i'm against inferior stuff. If i can buy a craptastic camera for $200, or buy a very similar foreign made thing with better build quality and parts foreign, then they will get my business, but if i can buy the same quality, it is american, hands down

exmonkeypunk 08-03-2008 05:09 PM

Re: Sears...... (Rant)S

Originally Posted by Shane (Post 2834060)
the best way to exchange at Sears is to take only 2-3 items per trip then go to the rack and find you replacments THEN take them to the counter with the old/broken ones.

This method has never failed me.

P.S. Sears will normally only replace due to failure ... NOT wear. Snap On and Mac is the same in my area.

There's my issue.... The sockets weren't "broken".... But, they we worn out and slipped alot... Mainly, i wanted to switch over from 12 point to 6 point so i didn't have as many slip out issues.
I was thinking maybe i'll just wait a few days and try again assuming someone else might be working.

ed2552 08-03-2008 05:10 PM

Re: Sears...... (Rant)S
EDIT: Ok, maybe try again, or just buck up and buy some new ones and keep the old ones

piecesparts 08-03-2008 05:14 PM

Re: Sears...... (Rant)S
REMEMBER SEARS is owned by K-MART and that was the first real sign of how screwed up this country is becoming. I agree that if you purchased a Sears set years ago and now Mister "I don't have a clue" is telling you that he cannot exchange them for you, then go to the Manager and find out what the policy really is and hold them to that much. You may decide that it is better to just throw the useless sockets at them and go to a store that sells S-K tools or a Snap-on dealer. I like Snap-On, but I hate their prices. Most of my wrenches are S-K now.

bad6772 08-03-2008 05:18 PM

Re: Sears...... (Rant)S
ED....makes a good point...........Quality is first for me.......If it comes form be it......If its from America......Thats fine too......I bust my Arse for my money and i want to best product and price when i spend it.....

exmonkeypunk 08-03-2008 05:29 PM

Re: Sears...... (Rant)S
I only purchased the Craftsman brand hand tools because they advertised a lifetime replacement guarantee.

S-K tools sell around here i think at harbor freight..... A shop i used to work at used them and they were just fine.
I don't mind spending good money on tools, but, if i might get any guff trying to exchange them, that's grounds enough for me to boycott buying any new ones from the company.... LIfetime means lifetime, not 5 years.
One of the socket wrenches i exchanged today was a model the guy said they haven't made in 8 years, but i still got a brand new up to date model.
The problem i also have with snap-on, Mac, and Matco, is the prices...
It costs like 8 times as much for their wrenches as it does for Craftsman, but, since i have an account with Matco, i can make payments on the tools i choose to buy. I have about 3 grand worth of a list of tools to get tomorrow that would take me forever to get one by one with each paycheck.
I'm assuming that Matco products are made in America.... ANybody have any input on that one????

LONGHAIR 08-03-2008 05:42 PM

Re: Sears...... (Rant)S

The Craftsman Unlimited Lifetime Warranty Policy is as follows:

If this Craftsman [hand tool]* ever fails to give complete satisfaction, return it to any Sears store or other Craftsman outlet in the United States for free repair or replacement. **This warranty gives you specific legal rights and you may have other rights, which vary, from state to state.

* The words "hand tool" are often replaced on the product's packaging with the actual name of the tool. i.e. wrench, hammer, or shovel.
** On certain products, there is an additional sentence added into the warranty noting that it does not cover expendable parts such as replacement blades for utility knives or the tape on tape measures.

I agree that they should have replaced the individual sockets that you presented, with whatever they carry as a replacement.....But, it is not their fault that you bought the "wrong" thing. Meaning that I would not take 12 point socket for a 6 point. Personally I don't think it is right to expect them to.
Their wording is a bit vague.....and I suppose that it could be argued that "you are not satisfied" with the performance of the 12 point sockets, but is that really "fair"?

exmonkeypunk 08-03-2008 05:52 PM

Re: Sears...... (Rant)S

Originally Posted by LONGHAIR (Post 2834104)
I agree that they should have replaced the individual sockets that you presented, with whatever they carry as a replacement.....But, it is not their fault that you bought the "wrong" thing. Meaning that I would not take 12 point socket for a 6 point. Personally I don't think it is right to expect them to.
Their wording is a bit vague.....and I suppose that it could be argued that "you are not satisfied" with the performance of the 12 point sockets, but is that really "fair"?

I didn't purchase the "wrong" product... I purposely bought a set of 6 point and a set of 12 point in both metric and standard sizes.
After more years of experience, i've found the 12 point sockets to strip out bolt heads easier and slip easier. The 12 and 6 point sockets cost exactly the same price.
The problem that i have, is that the guy at first said "yes, we will exchange your old sockets". Then when i bring in the sockets, his story changes to "oh, these sets aren't sold anymore"... and "now the new sets are larger with more sockets included and the 16mm isn't included in most sets".
I never asked him for "another set" even though i purchased a set, i just wanted "new" sockets that weren't gonna ruin my projects with rounded heads and busted knuckles. He gladly exchanged my 11 extensions just because they were "old". And even one of my 1/2" drive wrenches with obvious visible abuse dings from using it like a hammer.
I'm just upset that he would take all of my expensive junk for exchange, but then turn me down when i bring in 20 bucks worth of sockets.
When i go back in, i'll just simply go up and grab each individual socket, bring them up to the counter and explain what the last guy told me. If they won't take them for exchange, then i'll tell them they can keep them or toss them, cuz i don't want em.....
I have the amazing ability to hold grudges for extremely long periods of time.

piecesparts 08-03-2008 06:10 PM

Re: Sears...... (Rant)S

Originally Posted by exmonkeypunk (Post 2834089)
I only purchased the Craftsman brand hand tools because they advertised a lifetime replacement guarantee.

S-K tools sell around here i think at harbor freight..... A shop i used to work at used them and they were just fine.
I don't mind spending good money on tools, but, if i might get any guff trying to exchange them, that's grounds enough for me to boycott buying any new ones from the company.... LIfetime means lifetime, not 5 years.
One of the socket wrenches i exchanged today was a model the guy said they haven't made in 8 years, but i still got a brand new up to date model.
The problem i also have with snap-on, Mac, and Matco, is the prices...
It costs like 8 times as much for their wrenches as it does for Craftsman, but, since i have an account with Matco, i can make payments on the tools i choose to buy. I have about 3 grand worth of a list of tools to get tomorrow that would take me forever to get one by one with each paycheck.
I'm assuming that Matco products are made in America.... ANybody have any input on that one????

The S-K line in my part of the country are sold at tool stores. Harbor Freight has nothing of that line in their stores, here. Good Luck with the Sears thing. Have you guys noticed that the tool section in the Sears stores i becoming less and less prevalent. The store does have one hell of a lawnmower section, though---Nothing spells MANLY, like a lawnmower. EXCEPT MAYBE tools.

It is rumored that the MATCO line was a take-off from the MAC tool line. We had a MATCO dealer in our area for about a year nad he gave it up,since the Snap-On line kicked his butt on sales. I have some MAC tools and they are of a good quality, but the local dealer is not very aggressive and that is his downfall.

retodd7711 08-03-2008 06:21 PM

Re: Sears...... (Rant)S
Several times I have tried to return old tools to Sears. Sometimes you get "just grab a new one off the shelf"
Sometimes you get "We don't exchange that tool" or some other crap.
I just throw it in the truck and try again next time. I've had them replace some abused, misused, wasted tools. And I've had them refuse to exchange some obviously defective tools.
Go figure?

exmonkeypunk 08-03-2008 06:26 PM

Re: Sears...... (Rant)S
i find that i break alot of the newer snap-on drill bits and sockets.
I have some older ones maybe from the late 70's up till the early 90's and they're like my tank tools. I only break them out when i really need to get something broke loose. My Craftsman tools are like the grunts of my collection... Other than the couple of Stanley screwdrivers and odd and end Taiwan sockets that seem to randomly morph into my tool box somehow.

I'm sure if Matco would give me a credit line off the truck, then snap-on would do the same. I'll find out tomorrow i'm sure. Maybe both reps will show up at the same time and i can make them battle it out to the death, winner gets to sell me tools.... May the better tool man win. GRUNT GRUNT GRUNT GRUNT (tim taylor)

Longhorn Man 08-03-2008 06:33 PM

Re: Sears...... (Rant)S
whenever you get on the tool trucks, ask to see what they may have just taken in on trade... I have saved a LOT of money that way.
Example, my tool box was 2 years old, and gently used. It listed for about 7500, i got it for 3000. A set of nice cornwell sockets, 3/8 drive, short and deep, 6 point, got the set for 20 bucks. Lots of air tools used at a great discount too.

I used to believe in craftsman, but for professional use, they pretty much blow.

Shane 08-03-2008 06:44 PM

Re: Sears...... (Rant)S
Didn't realize you were trying to swap 12 point for 6 point ... I can see why Sears said NO to that one.

exmonkeypunk 08-03-2008 07:03 PM

Re: Sears...... (Rant)S
The guy was gonna swap me for 6 point until he realized that the sets they sell now come with more sockets..... He wanted me to come back with 2 more sockets to make the set as complete as they are now.
I just wanted new sockets... 6 point or 12... just wanted new ones that weren't gonna strip out my bolts.
I have a few sets of ACE hardware's brand sockets i bought years ago in 1/4" sizes. I turned in the entire set i bought last year just because they didn't "shine" like they did when new. The old guy gladly took them and gave me brand spankin' new ones and told me to return them anytime i wasn't happy for any reason.
Maybe i should stick with ACE professional brand sockets.

Chevy Fleetside 08-03-2008 09:23 PM

Re: Sears...... (Rant)S
Ever since Sears closed their stores in San Francisco, I don't feel like driving 20 miles to the nearest Sears. I will if I do break one of my older tools but will ususally wait until I need to go that way.
I now go to Home Depot and buy Husky hand tools. I know they are not as good as when my dad bought them in the 40's and 50's but they still hold up pretty well. I just got a set of Torques from there on clearance for $16.95. The husky tools are in my bone yard box and that is where I usually use them but lately I have been opeining up that box and using them in the garage instead of walking over to my big box for other tools. I have to many rachets I think..

BarryB 08-03-2008 09:46 PM

Re: Sears...... (Rant)S
[QUOTE=piecesparts;2834075]REMEMBER SEARS is owned by K-MART QUOTE]

No they are not, neither of the stores own either of the two. It was one holding company that bought both store "names" out and decided to combine the products. It's just the name's stayed the same.
My sister is a manager here at one of the Sear's locally. So that is what I thought until I was corrected.
Oh do make a point the clerk was doing his job. He really shouldn't have been replacing the sockets to begin. If they aren't broke, you don't get new ones. Same as any of the over priced tool trucks. When I was dealing with the mac dealer. My tools had to be broke before he would replace or fix them.

Longhorn Man 08-03-2008 10:27 PM

Re: Sears...... (Rant)S
my snap on guy ALWAYS replaces tools that are worn out.

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