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BMERDOC 08-11-2011 05:41 PM

Project Cheap Thrills!
Ok. So I decieded to start a build thread. I shoulda done this long ago but oh well.. Here are some of the threads that got me to this point:

And finally...

And so it continues...

BMERDOC 08-11-2011 05:53 PM

Re: Project Cheap Thrills!
2 Attachment(s)
So up to this point I had a truck that jerked and sputtered at times. 68C15 asked me about the HEI wire in my last thread about my cars breaking down. I researched a little and knew it wasn't a big gauge wire. Stopped by Auto Zone on the way home for lunch and bought a 8' length of 10g red wire and some connectors. I got home and installed it as threads had directed others to. I then removed the fuel filter and found it almost full of the residual nastiness that was in the lines. I stopped at NAPA on the way back to work and bought two filters. The truck didn't stumble on the way to work but its got me there before with out messin up but I do believe that this was my fix. Here are some pics.

BMERDOC 08-11-2011 06:00 PM

Re: Project Cheap Thrills!
4 Attachment(s)
After all that I feel that its good and fixed!! I put more miles on it in one test drive than I ever have at one time and its a Beast! I have 8* advance, 21 in.hg. and 650 rpm idle. It runs perfect right now, knock on wood.
Replacing all those parts made an improvement each time. Adding the coil changed the volume of the exhaust as well as the "chop" it sounded very confident. When I got back to the shop I put it on the alignment rack, adjusted the passenger door and some other things.

stsalvage 08-11-2011 06:03 PM

Re: Project Cheap Thrills!
that Yellow wire most of the time is Black.That is for the voltage drop when you run points.But if you Buy the new engine harness from M&H and ask for the HEI set up use only the Purple wire and just tape up the yellow wire

BMERDOC 08-11-2011 06:09 PM

Re: Project Cheap Thrills!
I intend to remove and clean up that harness. All those wires in the back ground will be sorted and the new wire will be added into the harness. Thanks for the tip!

VA72C10 08-11-2011 09:45 PM

Re: Project Cheap Thrills!
Subscribed to the build :chevy: Glad to hear you've got it running better :metal:

BMERDOC 08-11-2011 09:51 PM

Re: Project Cheap Thrills!
Hey Jonathan!! Bring yours up here and I'll align it for free so we can post the readings! Lookin great. Shall we hit the sports park before the close of Summer? Lets elbow our way in and give them something to think about over the winter!!!

oldblue1968chevy 08-11-2011 10:36 PM

Re: Project Cheap Thrills!
I think its awesome you have the ol chevy truck in the BMW shop..

You do work @ BMW right? Glad to hear ya got er fixed!!!!

BMERDOC 08-11-2011 10:40 PM

Re: Project Cheap Thrills!
Olblue I'd love to talk in person. Pm me and we'll chatt! I've been at the same dealership for years. I went to BMW because I love Hot Rods. PM me and we'll talk!

oldblue1968chevy 08-11-2011 11:01 PM

Re: Project Cheap Thrills!
Whats up with the

BMERDOC 08-11-2011 11:09 PM

Re: Project Cheap Thrills!
Just tryin to meet everyone!!

VA72C10 08-12-2011 12:08 AM

Re: Project Cheap Thrills!

Originally Posted by BMERDOC (Post 4840489)
Hey Jonathan!! Bring yours up here and I'll align it for free so we can post the readings! Lookin great. Shall we hit the sports park before the close of Summer? Lets elbow our way in and give them something to think about over the winter!!!

I appreciate the offer :metal: I'll definitely take you up on that....but it's in body shop prison right now :D And after that I'm thinking of putting the lowering stuff on I'd do that before an alignment....maybe we could have a shop day and lower both trucks :metal::chevy:

sean1969c10 08-12-2011 06:40 AM

Re: Project Cheap Thrills!
Congrats on the trouble free long test drive BMERDOC!!! She looks good sittin' in that BMW shop!!!!!!

BMERDOC 08-12-2011 09:06 AM

Re: Project Cheap Thrills!

Originally Posted by BMERDOC (Post 4840687)
Just tryin to meet everyone!!

Sorry, re read it and it did read funny, no emergencies here!

BMERDOC 08-12-2011 09:29 AM

Re: Project Cheap Thrills!

Originally Posted by VA72C10 (Post 4840843)
maybe we could have a shop day and lower both trucks

Lowerin it is high on the list of priorities! I wanted to add my homemade lowering blocks out back to level it out but the measurements I got were wrong! I heard 5/8" by 3" wide, turns out they are 3/4" by 3.5" Looks like I gotta reorder the u bolts.

The truck is right at home in the shop and well recieved! One of the guys even dusted off his Bronco and brought it to the shop and if you look in the back ground of one of my picks you will spot the Square Blazer in the background.

oldblue1968chevy 08-12-2011 11:10 AM

Re: Project Cheap Thrills!
I noticed the squarebody too

Yeah it sounded like an emergency PM.. :lol:

VA72C10 08-12-2011 07:35 PM

Re: Project Cheap Thrills!

Originally Posted by BMERDOC (Post 4841201)
Lowerin it is high on the list of priorities! I wanted to add my homemade lowering blocks out back to level it out but the measurements I got were wrong! I heard 5/8" by 3" wide, turns out they are 3/4" by 3.5" Looks like I gotta reorder the u bolts.

On the blocks and bolts...have you priced them online? I think I got a set for 60 shipped to me. Instead of paying to have them re-made...

Or, if it's cheaper for the blocks and u-bolts I might be interested in a set as well so maybe them making two at once would keep the cost down? Are you doing 2" drop blocks?


Originally Posted by BMERDOC (Post 4841201)
The truck is right at home in the shop and well recieved! One of the guys even dusted off his Bronco and brought it to the shop and if you look in the back ground of one of my picks you will spot the Square Blazer in the background.

Very cool! :chevy:

BMERDOC 08-12-2011 07:59 PM

Re: Project Cheap Thrills!
I checked online and every one of the ready made kits were almost $100 after shipping. Two 2" square tubing sections were $5 a piece and the u-bolts were $27 shipped. One thing I like about the blocks is that they are steel and not aluminum. As far as fab was concerned, the shop I bought the tubing from cut them to length for me and one of the guys at the shop has a drill press at home so he drilled the holes. I'll reuse the blocks and drill the correct holes on the opposite sides. There is not enough material cut out of the wrong holes to worry about integrity. I'll just consider them speed holes!!!

How long will your truck be in prison?

VA72C10 08-12-2011 08:43 PM

Re: Project Cheap Thrills!
So is it hollow tubing? I've heard concerns of that collapsing under the weight...

As far as prison...I can take it home whenever....but realistically it'll be a few weeks minimum. Monday is my next day working on it. Hopefully can get the other rocker done and the cab supports welded on. Then, it'll be cab corners and floor patches....then some work to the bed and both doors....And if he is willing I might start sanding it down and see how much he'd charge to spray it if I can get my front clip together in time...

Frkypunk70 08-12-2011 08:48 PM

Re: Project Cheap Thrills!
What drop are you planning on for the front?
Posted via Mobile Device

BMERDOC 08-12-2011 10:28 PM

Re: Project Cheap Thrills!
It is tubing but it is vey thick wall so I'm not concerned about it collapsing. After you finish up the body we'll lower and align your truck.


Originally Posted by Frkypunk70 (Post 4842155)
What drop are you planning on for the front?
Posted via Mobile Device

Ultimately I'd like a 4/6 drop but since I'm on a budget, until I make a noticeable improvements on the entire scope of the project I will be cutting a coil off the front springs so it will basically be a 2/2 drop for now. I've got a line on some 3" drop springs for the rear but the guy may be using them on his project so I'm not sure.
I'd like to swap in the 73-87 front crossmember so I don't wanna upgrade the spindles or anything else on the current crossmember . I'd like to find a cheap beater 73-87 that has a v8/auto, p.s and p.b. so that I can scavenge all that stuff off of it. My unicorn would be an 88-91 Suburban because I'd like to do a Square short/fleet one day but only if I could add that front clip.

Frkypunk70 08-12-2011 11:05 PM

Re: Project Cheap Thrills!
Well... I have some really nice 3 " CPP drop springs if you need a good deal. I personally would do drop change in geometry. Just my opinion.
Posted via Mobile Device

BMERDOC 08-12-2011 11:23 PM

Re: Project Cheap Thrills!
I think I know the answer to this but are those springs for the front? I intend to do the suspension correctly when the time comes. I want it to handle really well. Hopefully when this "economy" thing is behind us this truck will not be a budget build anymore.

Frkypunk70 08-12-2011 11:48 PM

Re: Project Cheap Thrills!

Originally Posted by BMERDOC (Post 4842389)
I think I know the answer to this but are those springs for the front? I intend to do the suspension correctly when the time comes. I want it to handle really well. Hopefully when this "economy" thing is behind us this truck will not be a budget build anymore.

I understand that. I want my next project to handle like a vette, but reliable enough to drive cross country. It's just something I've always wanted. Oh yeah and look cool doing it. Unfortunately my under six figure income does not allow it.:smoke: well like cash said one piece at a time.
Posted via Mobile Device

BMERDOC 08-13-2011 06:07 PM

Re: Project Cheap Thrills!
5 Attachment(s)
So I feel good enough about the drivability of the truck that I thought I would look closer at the body.
I went to Lowe's and got a coupla long sponge sanding blocks and made my way around the truck. Umm....yeah this ain't gonna be easy. After my initial scuff up I started on the roof beacause of all the surface rust. I started scraping the caulk outta the gutter thinkin it was just gonna pop out. Wrong! That stuff is in there. What do I use to loosen it? I scrubbed the entire roof with a wire brush then blew it off with my leaf blower (my only compressed air at home :waah: ). I scrubbed it with the sponge and back and forth between tools. I finished off with some Loctite rust converter until I can remove the rest off the caulk and address the dog sh*t roof repair done previously. The paintless dent removal guy at work is gonna fix a lot of the dings and drag dents but I will have to eventually do some patch repair.
I have settled on a temporarily permanent paint color...Flat white. All my cars have been dark and white was high on my list so I wanna shoot it and see how I like it. I do intend to rattle can it for now and after some body repairs and plug welding I will shoot it with some reduced Rustoleum Flat White in the quart can

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