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DeadheadNM 09-17-2011 10:56 AM

Windshield gasket blues: Precision supplies Steele and possibly Soff Seal
The windshield gasket in my K10 installed this spring was leaking and had to be replaced. This install took two trips to the glass shop, two windshields, and two gaskets for use with new 71-72 trim. The installer said he never wanted to see my truck again.

On the recent attempt I went with new 70-under trim with the deeper channel and the correct Precision gasket all from a board vendor. My glass is FY.

After four hours at a different glass shop I’m now worse off. The seal is again bunched in the corners. The trim won’t rest in the channel near the upper corners. The glass guys think the 71-72 trim would be easier to work with and I will go with this on the next attempt.

Thinking the Precision gasket ($37) was part of the problem I contacted Steele Rubber Products ($73) and Soff Seal ($88). The Steele rep said Precision supplies their gaskets. The Soff Seal rep told me they do not manufacture windshield gaskets for 67-72 trucks but couldn’t (or wouldn’t) tell me their supplier or if these were US made like their other products. I assume the Soff Seal product is not US made and it may in fact be coming from Precision.

I suspect the reason these installs can be so problematic is a combination of thinner glass and repro trim/gaskets that don’t fit quite as well as OEM.

Lee H 09-17-2011 11:58 AM

Re: Windshield gasket blues: Precision supplies Steele and possibly Soff Seal
Thanks for taking the time to post this. I'll be dealing with this soon. Please keep us updated on your progress and the final solution.
Posted via Mobile Device

leddzepp 09-17-2011 12:01 PM

Re: Windshield gasket blues: Precision supplies Steele and possibly Soff Seal
Yes, thanks for posting this. After seeing this, and member Into69z having similar problems with his new windshield/seal, I am leaving my original alone :lol:

vectorit 09-17-2011 12:11 PM

Re: Windshield gasket blues: Precision supplies Steele and possibly Soff Seal
My burb windshield leaks from the glass channel (new rubber and glass), and the new '70 K10 has the original glass in it still and it leaks. One of the top things I wanted to get done on the '70, was to get the windshield addressed but after reading this I am now hesitant...

Hopefully someone will give advice on what's the best, as far as rubber gasket to use.

william-theglassman 09-17-2011 12:28 PM

Re: Windshield gasket blues: Precision supplies Steele and possibly Soff Seal
i have done so many windsheilds in the older ford and chevy trucks ,used all brands of glass and gaskets and had only a few that give me trouble .chrome and without chrome i always get em in without any foul language or throwing tools or walking away from the job for a breather .they are just not that bad.

leddzepp 09-17-2011 12:36 PM

Re: Windshield gasket blues: Precision supplies Steele and possibly Soff Seal

Originally Posted by william-theglassman (Post 4904032)
i have done so many windsheilds in the older ford and chevy trucks ,used all brands of glass and gaskets and had only a few that give me trouble .chrome and without chrome i always get em in without any foul language or throwing tools or walking away from the job for a breather .they are just not that bad.

I wish you lived in So Cal :smoke:

william-theglassman 09-17-2011 12:57 PM

Re: Windshield gasket blues: Precision supplies Steele and possibly Soff Seal
LMC and precision gaskets work fine for me.I my opinion pilkington glass is the best although quality control is pretty much gone with all brands .all the pilkington windshields are a little thicker ,closer to oem ,and fit the gasket better but the others will work.first off i lay the windshield on my glass stand and clean it .then inspect the gasket (actually got one once that was glued twisted ,i thought that was kinda funny) .next install the gasket on the windshield and adjust it so the corners are straight and not pointing inward or outward.then remove the old glass ,either push it out rolling the inner lip while applying pressure pushing out trying not to break the glass (i hate to vacuum ).if i cant push or it has chrome i have to save i ues a utility knife and carefully cut the inside lip thenremove rubber and glass together.then install chrome on rubber that is already on the glass . tape rubbern n chrome to glass real good .that helps tokeep it together when installing .install a small rope in the lip of the rubber that goes on the pinchweld .the rope needs to be pencil size or smaller . smaller works good with new gaskets .thicker for older ones that the groove doesnt close up to good after you take them out.i reuse the old gasket a lot too.i have a suction cup on the inside so i can pull on the glass even when i have a helper . use soapy water when ever possible on rubber and pinchweld sometimes i rub the soap right on the rubber to help it slide in . .i usually start the rope in the middle on the bottom. make sure the windshield is lind up and keep checking it as you are pulling the rope . if you need to you might have to pull it in circular motion in the corners . also helps to have someone on the outside pushing it in . take your time dont get in a hurry . or make friends with a good glassman .they are not all hackers .a few of us still take pride in our work. GOOD LUCK.

william-theglassman 09-17-2011 12:59 PM

Re: Windshield gasket blues: Precision supplies Steele and possibly Soff Seal

Originally Posted by leddzepp (Post 4904040)
I wish you lived in So Cal :smoke:

i do have family there

DeadheadNM 09-17-2011 02:51 PM

Re: Windshield gasket blues: Precision supplies Steele and possibly Soff Seal
William - thanks for the detailed info!

I know my post is beating a dead horse but the whole deal is getting pricey and many other board members have had similar problems. I'd like to dial in the best combo of glass maker, gasket brand, and trim style/source.

The guys in both shops were older and experienced with the techniques to insert our glass (one owner has a 71 Blazer). The first guys used WD40 to lube the gasket. The second guys tried water soluble KY jelly and silicone spray, started from the bottom center and worked outward. The trim was the major hassle. Both said the top and side pieces kept popping out near the upper outer corners and this was with both styles of trim.

I've booked a Saturday appointment in two weeks and this time I'm staying to help. I'll take some pics and get back to y'all.

Meanwhile, anyone with a NOS windshield gasket to sell send me a PM LOL!

71 super 09-17-2011 03:12 PM

Re: Windshield gasket blues: Precision supplies Steele and possibly Soff Seal
The precision gaskets are hit and miss- the problem I believe is the repop trim. case in hand, I used 67-70 precision gasket, let it get warm in sun and use OEM windshield- went in with one try- this was my first windshield ever! #2 Again precision but used repop 71-72 trim- trim was twisted and would not stay in the channel once the glass was started. I purchased a set of 67-70 trim (precision brand and the correct precision gasket for the year trim) and it too went right in. By now thinking I have the cat by the tail. But in the words of Mark twain "a man hold a cat by the tail is about to learn a lesson the only way he can" . I went to install windshield in 71 red and white truck, I used trim purchased from truck shop- counter part sh*t and the corresponding gasket again counterpart sh*t, trim would not lay flat,looked like crap and put the windshield in a bind enough to crack the thin aftermarket glass. On to round two, bought rubber and trim for 67-70 and another glass, the seal was precision but the trim was another brand. Seal fit well trim fit like crap but better than the counterpart stuff and the glass is in. The reason for bunching of the trim is from being slightly off center. Some stock trucks were the same way. My 4x4 did not bunch, my bb truck was bunched innitialy and settled out, the 68 never bunched at all and the red/white 71 bunched in both upper corners. My advice - use precision gasket and either OEM trim or if you must use Precision trim, everything els is purely a waste of money and nothing more than scrap. Another piece of advice use the 67-70 version of both as the lip is deeper and is easier to seat than the shallow 71-72 trim and it seems to be more forgiving as well. Good Luck.

Stricklinator 09-17-2011 04:11 PM

Re: Windshield gasket blues: Precision supplies Steele and possibly Soff Seal
Now I'm dreading this. My windshield has about a foot long crack on upper, passenger side. The rubber looks perfect and doesn't leak though. Maybe I will put replacement off until the very end?
Posted via Mobile Device

into69z 09-17-2011 11:07 PM

Re: Windshield gasket blues: Precision supplies Steele and possibly Soff Seal

Originally Posted by leddzepp (Post 4903997)
Yes, thanks for posting this. After seeing this, and member Into69z having similar problems with his new windshield/seal, I am leaving my original alone :lol:

UPDATE: I had my windshield ( ppg) and rubber (precision) replaced in April by Safelite-they showed up with three guys and spent about an hour or so and just as they finished, they broke the shield. They came back in a couple of days and did the job again-the first time they started at the bottom to the top-the second time they started at the top and worked down. The trim was a pain but it got done. Safelite uses a sealer to ensure everything is water tight.......well they missed a spot and I had them back yesterday to get it fixed. It should be good to go from now on. One of the major reasons I went with a national chain store like this is they have a lifetime warranty on the install and leaks. Cost was $233.00( I provided the seal).

The safelite guy told me they once put 4 shields in one truck cause they kept breaking them. He says he hates these type of installs with the trim in the rubber. Good Luck.

william-theglassman 09-18-2011 08:58 AM

Re: Windshield gasket blues: Precision supplies Steele and possibly Soff Seal
i still cant believe all the trouble other shops have installing these windshields . i love doing them .i would do them all day if i could .many that i have done were by myself without a helper too.but i love my job too ,and have a great boss.

Indyuke 09-18-2011 10:43 AM

Re: Windshield gasket blues: Precision supplies Steele and possibly Soff Seal
^^ I'm with you. The first time I did a windshield, it bunched up on the ends and wouldn't seal right... kept leaking. That was with OEM windshield and LMC gasket. Second attempt was with a precision gasket and OEM windshield. The wife and I had it completely installed within 20 minutes, and I am not joking about the time. We had 1/4" nylon rope and installed the windshield dry, no lube anywhere.

We had such good luck with the windshield, that we decided to do the back window right after. No problems, and we even used an LMC gasket for the back. A very thin bead of clear sealant around the edges and no leaks so far. And I live in rainy washington.

KEL 09-19-2011 08:45 AM

Re: Windshield gasket blues: Precision supplies Steele and possibly Soff Seal
Is there a trick to getting the trim back into the rubber ?
I have the rubber on the "new" windshield, but I feel like
I am going to bend the trim when I start trying to get
the trim into the gasket. The windshield is sitting on a
couple of saw horses right now.

D.PASSMORE 09-19-2011 09:47 AM

Re: Windshield gasket blues: Precision supplies Steele and possibly Soff Seal
I think the starting point is to install the top first, then work your way to the bottom. I've done both ways and the top corners seal better if you seat them first. Yeah, percison is by far the best available for 67-72 windshields - OE or AM.

eightbanger 09-19-2011 06:23 PM

Re: Windshield gasket blues: Precision supplies Steele and possibly Soff Seal
Good info here....look forward to the update pics D.H

webfoot 09-19-2011 06:46 PM

Re: Windshield gasket blues: Precision supplies Steele and possibly Soff Seal
I had a guy install new pilkington glass in mine for $175. I supplied the gasket. It is bunched in the corners but that doesn't bother me. My original WS trim was reused. Took this guy a good deal of time to get the trim installed. I think he installed the trim last.

My truck still had the original LOF glass and water would leak through the A-pillar onto my leg while I was driving.

leddzepp 09-19-2011 08:48 PM

Re: Windshield gasket blues: Precision supplies Steele and possibly Soff Seal
Sounds to me that the chrome trim is what makes this a difficult job...I imagine if just using a seal with no trim it would go a lot easier.

jtp67-72 09-19-2011 09:36 PM

Re: Windshield gasket blues: Precision supplies Steele and possibly Soff Seal

Originally Posted by william-theglassman (Post 4905254)
i still cant believe all the trouble other shops have installing these windshields . i love doing them .i would do them all day if i could .many that i have done were by myself without a helper too.but i love my job too ,and have a great boss.

I know who I'm using when I get to that point^^^^^..........jim

DeadheadNM 09-20-2011 12:38 AM

Re: Windshield gasket blues: Precision supplies Steele and possibly Soff Seal

Originally Posted by leddzepp (Post 4908248)
Sounds to me that the chrome trim is what makes this a difficult job...I imagine if just using a seal with no trim it would go a lot easier.


Keep that OEM trim! Or, sell it to me....

Sequoyah 09-20-2011 10:41 AM

Re: Windshield gasket blues: Precision supplies Steele and possibly Soff Seal

Originally Posted by DeadheadNM (Post 4908755)

Keep that OEM trim! Or, sell it to me....

If they can't get it straight you should talk to Sean @ Lomas glass and tint. Good guy and he does good work there :)

stsalvage 09-20-2011 02:15 PM

Re: Windshield gasket blues: Precision supplies Steele and possibly Soff Seal

Originally Posted by into69z (Post 4904863)
UPDATE: I had my windshield ( ppg) and rubber (precision) replaced in April by Safelite-they showed up with three guys and spent about an hour or so and just as they finished, they broke the shield. They came back in a couple of days and did the job again-the first time they started at the bottom to the top-the second time they started at the top and worked down. The trim was a pain but it got done. Safelite uses a sealer to ensure everything is water tight.......well they missed a spot and I had them back yesterday to get it fixed. It should be good to go from now on. One of the major reasons I went with a national chain store like this is they have a lifetime warranty on the install and leaks. Cost was $233.00( I provided the seal).

The safelite guy told me they once put 4 shields in one truck cause they kept breaking them. He says he hates these type of installs with the trim in the rubber. Good Luck.

I like his guy a easy way to do it and i'm seeing that i don't have to mess with it

sameyrasmea72 09-20-2011 03:36 PM

Re: Windshield gasket blues: Precision supplies Steele and possibly Soff Seal

Originally Posted by DeadheadNM (Post 4904218)
I've booked a Saturday appointment in two weeks and this time I'm staying to help. I'll take some pics and get back to y'all.

Meanwhile, anyone with a NOS windshield gasket to sell send me a PM LOL!

Let us know how it turns out. I have the same problem with the bunching on the insde of my little red truck. It has an original windshield with an aftermarket gasket. I would like to find another NOS gasket but it does not really bother me that much because I have dedided if it ever rains around here again I will leave my truck in the shop.

I have a NOS one for the show truck and we are having all of our glass made specially so I hope it is the same thickness as OEM stuff.

lolife99 09-20-2011 04:19 PM

Re: Windshield gasket blues: Precision supplies Steele and possibly Soff Seal
1 Attachment(s)
I talked to the guy that owns and restored this truck at Kansas Goodguys.
He says he always tried to use the original windshield gasket, that comes in the truck.
(no matter how hard they are)

He told me he always breaks the front windshield to salvage the rubber.
(Most rear glass he can get out without damaging the glass or rubber)

He said that he then put the original rubber gasket in a 5 gallon bucket of water,... with a mixture of dishwashing detergent and Tide laundry detergent.
He then puts a lid on the bucket and leaves it for 1-2 weeks.

He said when you take it out of the bucket,... it's like brand new.
Super soft and pliable.
I'd never heard of this techique.
(He told me he also restores alot of old corvettes).

Anyone else know about this?

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