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Sharps40 06-23-2014 08:10 PM

John Lee gets a holster
for those long trips.

Smith Model 60 riding in a Texas Custom Holster. Drivers side door mount.

Secure, discrete and readily at hand.

Couldn't ask for better.

JWheeler331 06-23-2014 08:11 PM

Re: John Lee gets a holster
Nice. How hard is it to grab with your left hand against the door like that?

Sharps40 06-23-2014 08:23 PM

Re: John Lee gets a holster
That's why it has a spacer, the grab is easy, smooth and positive. Plus, allows me to stand up, holster/unholster when I get in and fumbling from the seat necessary.

They have em for dash, column mount, inside and outside the center console, etc, etc.

This particular one works for DS door, DS kick panel, inside DS side console, under dash for right hand, outside of console on PS side, etc. Plenty of options.

TJ's Chevy 06-23-2014 09:35 PM

Re: John Lee gets a holster
Now you can pull a fast one on some weirdo who asks for money from yer window. lol :chevy:

pimpston65 06-23-2014 09:58 PM

Re: John Lee gets a holster
good thing the door is all steel, magnets have a hard time sticking to bondo!!! or newer plastic ones for that matter...

siggyfreud 06-23-2014 10:07 PM

Re: John Lee gets a holster
Not sure I'd like people possibly glimpsing a gun each time the door opens or closes. Unless you're keeping it on you whenever you're not in the truck.

Sharps40 06-24-2014 05:11 AM

I open carry 99% of the time. CC occasionally. Trust me....nobody notices you are wearing a gun because they don't glimpse anything of merit beyond arms length. That's why criminals find it easy to mug and rob ya and why when someone gets run down they say "I didn't even see it coming"....folks just don't see whats going on around them! They won't see a handgun on the door either.


Originally Posted by pimpston65 (Post 6733445)
good thing the door is all steel, magnets have a hard time sticking to bondo!!! or newer plastic ones for that matter...

Yeah. Had a couple extra holes down there from an old map pocket holder thingie. Figured I'd fill one and add a couple. Speakers is next but I'll have to get a big old drill bit to make those holes.

contagious102 06-24-2014 11:13 AM

Re: John Lee gets a holster
I like it.!!

tincan1966 06-24-2014 11:36 AM

Re: John Lee gets a holster
Just glad I will never need anything like that!

Sharps40 06-24-2014 11:46 AM

Re: John Lee gets a holster

Originally Posted by tincan1966 (Post 6734148)
Just glad I will never need anything like that!

Because the Force is with you?

Not me or my GoodWife. We choose not to rely on the "forbearance of reptiles".

65 C20 06-24-2014 11:56 AM

Re: John Lee gets a holster

Originally Posted by tincan1966 (Post 6734148)
just glad i will never need anything like that!

x 2

'65 chevy lover 06-24-2014 11:59 AM

Re: John Lee gets a holster
Looks cool but, I share the same concern that someone else stated about someone seeing the weapon when I open the door like at the gas station. May not be an issue in NC. Are ya'll an open carry state? If so, understand.

Sharps40 06-24-2014 12:13 PM

NC is Gods Country for Independence, Freedom, Constitution and the Bill of Rights. If yall are worried bout seein guns....don't move here. If yall wanna be free in all the ways gaurenteed by the Founding Fathers, consider leaving where yer at. Be sure ya bring yer trucks when ya move.


Originally Posted by pimpston65 (Post 6733445)
good thing the door is all steel, magnets have a hard time sticking to bondo!!! or newer plastic ones for that matter...

No magnets....screws

1963c-10 06-24-2014 12:46 PM

Re: John Lee gets a holster
1 Attachment(s)
Here you go Rich...

Sharps40 06-24-2014 12:48 PM

Yep thats it. And we open carry without permits or CC with one and God and the Founding Fathers Love Us and bless us with health and prosperity and good weather and fishing and no snow and plenty of cold beer and less rusted trucks!

And nuclear power so the lectricity is elcheepo!

Good golly, I am insensitive....members from Commifornia, the Socialist Republics of Jersy and York and the poor suffering overtaxed masses of Marylandistan not to mention the overseas members could be in shock at this point!


Originally Posted by Sharps40 (Post 6734230)
Good golly, I am insensitive....members from Commifornia, the Socialist Republics of Jersy and York and the poor suffering overtaxed masses of Marylandistan not to mention the overseas members could be in shock at this point!

Ah well, they got trucks, they can move here.


Originally Posted by 65 C20 (Post 6734162)
x 2

Obywan wif ya too?

ol_skool_chevy 06-24-2014 01:34 PM

Re: John Lee gets a holster
In the true words of Tommy Lee jones in Lonesome Dove
"Better to have it and need it, then to need it and not have it !"

Sharps40 06-24-2014 01:36 PM


Softpatch 06-24-2014 01:51 PM

Re: John Lee gets a holster
Your Gat doesn't go on the Door

Your Gat goes under you seat or under the dash.... not on the door.
.Geez everone knows that

on the door that is soooo Hip-hop
you might as well wear it on your hip
Nice truck.!

Sharps40 06-24-2014 02:04 PM

Re: John Lee gets a holster

K98AL 06-24-2014 02:53 PM

Re: John Lee gets a holster
:devil:I like very much! I agree, lots of those freedom lovin' folks need to move to NC. Don't even THINK about moving to Oklahoma, it's way too hot, and inhabited by hostile savages.

Sharps40 06-24-2014 03:43 PM

Re: John Lee gets a holster
Ha! As long as its close by count me happy. Since I ain't got no cupholder, I use the confluence of my right hip and the seat back to balance the daily GigundoCoke while drivin and havin the Credit Card off to the left keeps it dry!

MikeS. 06-24-2014 05:42 PM

Re: John Lee gets a holster
Starting in West by God and heading South in my situation, or East for most of this fine state. We can OC on into Virginny and down with them Tarheels. I don't know about OC with them Palmetto boys but my CC card is good with them and with those Georgia Peaches and the gators in Fla.

Now then when I head West I can go all the way to my home state of Califunny before I have to disarm my person. Once I get to that border my rights are severely repressed.

Sharps40 I like what you've done there.

Sharps40 06-24-2014 10:09 PM

Re: John Lee gets a holster

tincan1966 06-24-2014 11:13 PM

Re: John Lee gets a holster
Guess I'm just not redneck and ignorant enough to feel I need to pack a gun to be " 'Merican"

Personally got nothing against guns, feel it's a privilege, not a requirement.
Responsible people with them don't scare me- the ones that "have to have them to defend God and Country" do.... Seems they're the most paranoid , of what??who knows.

To each there own, just not a big deal for me.

imjeff 06-24-2014 11:38 PM

Re: John Lee gets a holster

Originally Posted by tincan1966 (Post 6735029)
Guess I'm just not redneck and ignorant enough to feel I need to pack a gun to be " 'Merican"

Personally got nothing against guns, feel it's a privilege, not a requirement.

I guess I'm "redneck and ignorant" by your measure. Seems a bit judgmental, but to each his own. I choose to carry every day, as is my right, because I'm an American (.spelled with an "A"). I choose to carry because I have the ability and what I believe to be a moral duty. I would feel far worse if harm came to my family or a fellow citizen because I took the easy and convenient path and left my weapon at home. Carrying is not an easy or "redneck" thing, it's a responsibility thing. Apparently my military service and getting familiar with other parts of the planet have skewed my view, but there's a big difference between "paranoid" and prepared. When trouble happens the unprepared usually get called victims or casualties, but like you said, to each his own.

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