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67 cst swb 03-16-2015 06:34 PM

Swap Meets... remember when...
Remember when swaps meets were good?
I am not saying that there aren't good swap meets or great things to be found at swaps meets anymore.
But, remember the days of people taking there stuff to a swap meet to sell it for a price that would make everybody happy. Now it seems as if 80% of the sellers are in the swap meet business. The few things I have thought about buying recently were not worth the price.
tach dash = $300 (Pomona)
15x8 truck rallye no caps, no rings = $40 each (Pomona)
AM radio (unsure if it worked) = $75 (Pomona)
3.08 non-posi 5 lug 71-72 rear end, weeds hanging on it = $350 (March Meet)
71-72 stock spindles = $150 (GoodGuys Scottsdale)
Box sides, longbox cut to shortbox still needed a little work = $500 each L/R (Pomona)
15x8 - 6 lug rallyes = set of 4 no caps, no rings, needed painting = $150 (March Meet)
stock 2bbl intake = $75.00 (GoodGuys Scottsdale)
heater controls with 1 lever broken = $100 (Pomona)

When I load up stuff to take to a swap meet. I plan on not coming home with it. Some of these guys travel around from swap meet to swap meet with all the same stuff at every stop.
And... swap meets have become FLEA MARKETS for trinkets... wood coat racks and birdhouses made out of license plates and rusty beat-up Tonka trucks that are missing a wheel.
20-25 years ago, it took me all day to go thru a medium sized swap meet, because everything was interesting and at a good price. Now, I feel like I have to breeze past 4 sellers that are selling flea market goodies to get to the guy with automotive related stuff only to find he wants $$$ for that $$ item.

Ok, rant over.

P.S. The one Pomona Swap Meet I went to, it rained until 9:00am so maybe a lot of sellers stayed home.
P.S.S. Maybe I am just getting older and crabby.

HSRACER 03-16-2015 07:04 PM

Re: Swap Meets... remember when...
I remember those days. Does that make me old and crabby too?

HeavyD 03-16-2015 07:22 PM

Re: Swap Meets... remember when...
Agreed most are full of trinket stuff and bald tires, a rusty hood hinge..

Best one I have personally seen was in Portland..tons of stuff. Could have spent 10k im sure.

shawno72 03-16-2015 07:24 PM

Re: Swap Meets... remember when...
"Those days" weren't that Long ago. So even some of the youngsters should remember that.

Mapearso 03-16-2015 07:59 PM

Re: Swap Meets... remember when...
I have pretty much stopped going. Too many vendors selling trinkets and new items. No longer able to find any good used parts, at least here in SoCal. I hope someone can tell me I'm wrong!!!

68bowtie 03-16-2015 08:08 PM

Re: Swap Meets... remember when...
SOOOOO true!!!! ebay is bad too. full of nothing but overpriced vendors. don't get me started i like to complain... :devil:


Originally Posted by 67 cst swb (Post 7093067)
When I load up stuff to take to a swap meet. I plan on not coming home with it.

this is how i price parts. i would rather get 75% of value and move 95% of it than list everything at 150% of value and sell only 10% of it.

1968aj 03-16-2015 09:26 PM

Re: Swap Meets... remember when...
you can thank the internet. everybody sees old vehicles and parts at high prices.they don't understand that most of this stuff is not selling at these high asking prices. there are some old trucks on craigslist that seem like they have been listed for years.

oldertruckfan 03-16-2015 09:57 PM

Re: Swap Meets... remember when...
yup. I agree. Every time I go to the meets, I hear the same old line from the vendor. " well I checked the internet before I came out and THATS what these parts sell for" I pass by a LOT of vendors just because of this. I still go to the swap meets though, mainly because there's still a few honest folk out there that have good stuff at a reasonable price.

sstaten69 03-16-2015 09:59 PM

Re: Swap Meets... remember when...
That and those dumb show on tv where they build a car in 30 min and sale it for way too much money. Not to many people sale parts to help a guy out they just want to get rich...

Chucks72Longbed 03-16-2015 10:14 PM

Re: Swap Meets... remember when...
One of the main reasons it's better if we buy and sell with only members. I am old and grumpy and I know it!!

flashed 03-16-2015 10:24 PM

Re: Swap Meets... remember when...
We just had a great swapmeet near here 2 weeks ago and my stuff was selling even before I could get it off the truck and set up .The table I brought was never used as I was too busy selling but I had good stuff and good prices .I made good money and cleaned my shop too. I need to purge some more .

Crazyduck 03-16-2015 10:47 PM

Re: Swap Meets... remember when...
I always talk down the high priced sellers. Most of them are willing to work with you.

teeitup 03-16-2015 10:59 PM

Re: Swap Meets... remember when...
I still sell alot at swap meets, I like the one and only one I set up at. But after its over I'm done for a week or so. 30 hours from when I leave till I get home, wore out. Loading up, driving there, setting up, pricing, selling, sleeping in truck, selling, then load up, then drive home

MARKDTN 03-17-2015 07:48 AM

Re: Swap Meets... remember when...
I agree to some degree, but when I go as a vendor once a year (Nashville AACA) everybody wants my good stuff for so cheap it hurts. Also, it's all older people. The young ones seem to only buy lights and flea market stuff. I try to bring bigger stuff that is hard to ship on Ebay and rarer stuff that is harder to describe on there. There are times I sell stuff cheap so I don't have to lug it home, but I can sell it for scrap value with way less hassle, so try to at least make a reasonable offer. Just a few examples: Had a 427 steel crank, std/std-the good stuff. Lugged it around for several years and finally sold it for $75. Had a '74 pickup 454 complete except rods, apart, would have cleaned up at .010 over. All I could get was $200. Had a set of 461X small block heads. Nice looking clean, been off a car since the '80s-all I could get was $80-and he wanted a free set of cheap valve covers thrown in. Had a box of HEI distributors(5-6 in there), guy offers $20 for the box-no thanks! I guess what I am trying to say is that when you go to buy you have to realize that I spent $100 or so to be there so the first parts I sell just pay booth space. Plus I had to lug all that stuff out and display it. Be reasonable. I don't want to hit a home run on every sale, but I don't want to strike out on every one either.

67 cst swb 03-17-2015 09:39 AM

Re: Swap Meets... remember when...

Originally Posted by MARKDTN (Post 7093810)
Just a few examples: Had a 427 steel crank, std/std-the good stuff. Lugged it around for several years and finally sold it for $75. Had a '74 pickup 454 complete except rods, apart, would have cleaned up at .010 over. All I could get was $200. Had a set of 461X small block heads. Nice looking clean, been off a car since the '80s-all I could get was $80-and he wanted a free set of cheap valve covers thrown in. Had a box of HEI distributors(5-6 in there), guy offers $20 for the box-no thanks!

First let me say... I am headed to your area for my next swap meet. Wow! that is some good stuff.
Second... as an example. There were a pair of 461 heads (not 461X) that a guy had in Pomona and again in Bakersfield at the March Meet. They had no valves, uncleaned, just bare heads... $400
same guy had HEI distributors for $60 w/o cap/rotor, $75 with cap/rotor

I didn't notice anything sold or gone from his stuff from when I first saw him in Pomona to when I saw him at the March Meet.

I still kinda like the Denver Swap Meet in February (its indoors). I bought a PERFECT Pass Side 68 front fender for $40.00 and that is what he wanted for it, I didn't even negotiate... I just said SOLD.
The only issue with that Swap Meet is sometimes the 400 mile trip can get sketchy from SD to Denver in February. It still has a lot of trinket stuff, but the size and quality make up for it, oh and indoors in Feb.

jhwkns 03-17-2015 09:52 AM

Re: Swap Meets... remember when...
I can't believe the prices anymore. 67-72's are nonexistent in Vegas junkyards. All of this proves the growing popularity of these trucks. We all wish we could turn back time once in a while, but isn't that what goes on when we sit behind the wheel?

Pomona used to be fun 10 or more years ago, but eBay killed that. I haven't gone for a while.

It was great to see you at the March Meet, and again Sunday in Vegas. We found out we still may get into the Nationals and run T/D. I'll let you know.

Cash3481 03-17-2015 10:41 AM

Re: Swap Meets... remember when...
I went to my first swap meet as a seller in February here in Wichita. I had 2-10X10 units side by side and let a friend bring his stuff to sell too. I have to be honest ... Like most below I didn't load it to bring it home and sold about $1000 for the 3 day event.(truck money) Mostly I sold grills, fenders, hubcaps and trim. Lots of people seem to think the price you give is a starting point.
Here's a few things to ponder when going to a swap meet...
1. I'm not saying you shouldn't get a good deal but to arbitrarily cut anything your told in half is insulting to the seller. If people would have an idea what they think is a fair price for something and plan to pay that it would make for a better transaction for both buyer and seller.
2. Remember, the guy selling had to take the parts off the truck, keep them or clean them up, load them and unload them at the meet for you to even consider buying them. That should come with a little consideration.
3. Selling junk is still junk! If your looking at decent parts that are usable remember that when you negotiate the price.
4. If your looking at a good original paint sheetmetal and the price is the same as a new fender the seller knows that. I sold fenders for $75-$100 each and sold almost everyone I took.
5. I don't make a living at parting trucks but it does fund my other truck purchases. If people want these swap meets to thrive like they used to we need to make it worth these peoples time to prepare for the meet, food, pay for the space, their gas and their time.
6. Keeping these few things in mind has made me also rethink the prices that I charge and rethink what I will pay for items I see.
I've been going to swap meets since the 80s and haven't really internalized the process (or my position on it) until last month when I sold at my first meet.
I love this board and still believe its the best way to sell and buy for the money.

special-K 03-17-2015 10:43 AM

Re: Swap Meets... remember when...
All the newbies bring in all the profiteers and many f those are newbies. There are actual businesses, formal and sideline of different natures, then there are those who would have been fellow enthusiasts selling off spares that are now business wannabees. For the first two the swap meets are just one way of selling their stuff. Guys like Randy earn their profit by investing in trucks, tearing them down, and hopefully selling enough off it to make all that worthwhile. They have to have a place to do it, store trucks, store parts, a trailer, etc. The full time businesses have all the obvious overhead. The profiteer is someone who has nothing special going on and simply buy what you or I could nd put it out there for more. That's how the prices have climbed. The same part selling for more and more. You look at what parts cost in catalogs over the same amount of time considered here and you will find stability. Guys like Randy have raised there prices to keep in line. Of course they sell for the going rate...say over the last year. But, what the profiteer bought from Randy* last year is selling for more this year.

* Sorry buddy, for using you so much as the example. See it as a compliment. You have the trust of the members and make a good example

Coley 03-17-2015 10:45 AM

Re: Swap Meets... remember when... experience at them is quite a bit different I guess....that being very positive.
The Portland Swap Meet is coming up and in the past three years that I've gone I've found some great deals on truck parts. Last year I paid for my complete trip there by buying and selling approx. 5-6 items that were among the parts I brought back.
I really enjoy that swap meet and it is really overwhelming in a good way....for me and my buddies its a 'dream marathon'. Walkie talkies on, good shoes, bit of stretching and lets get at '
However you have to be a very skilled hunter.
You can tell the hobby/truck dealer guys in a heartbeat and they have lots of truck stuff and they want full retirement money for use them as reference only. I like walking through their booth tho' holding a great truck find (steering wheel/correct carb/door panels) and having them ask about it..."yeah, got it for $15" that part.
The real deals are found hidden in the other booths....and there is a boat load of great truck stuff hidden around but you have to stretch out and find out.
I still love the swap meet format and a very big part of that is 'the buzz' the people, the hunt, the opportunity, the whole dynamic.
I think that will be what helps them survive even if they go through a phase of 'die back' for a while....they will arise because people generally want to be around people.
My two bits.
all good

michael bustamante 03-17-2015 11:04 AM

Re: Swap Meets... remember when...
here in nm, we do have alot of traveling sellers and some vendors but i really enjoy our swap meets, both selling and buying. i always meet some good ol guys and when i sell i always seem to end up bar b q'ing with the neighbor. dont get me wrong, some parts are really overpriced but there always the fun of haggling and swapping and bullsh!^^*$%

Joe Pass 03-17-2015 11:59 AM

Re: Swap Meets... remember when...
At the Pleasanton Goodguys swap meet, I was required to get a "Tax ID" from the local government to claim my sales for tax purposes before I could sell there...The process was about like applying for credit at a bank....Its taking the purpose out of making back some money on parts you probably already paid tax on....I'm not talking about the Vendors but the regular guys like me trying unload left overs :waah:

Bowtiguy 03-17-2015 12:40 PM

Re: Swap Meets... remember when...

Originally Posted by Joe Pass (Post 7094127)
At the Pleasanton Goodguys swap meet, I was required to get a "Tax ID" from the local government to claim my sales for tax purposes before I could sell there...The process was about like applying for credit at a bank....Its taking the purpose out of making back some money on parts you probably already paid tax on....I'm not talking about the Vendors but the regular guys like me trying unload left overs :waah:

TAX stuff is also hitting Ebay. I 've been a member since 2000. As of last fall, They wanted a picture of my Photo ID, verified address and my SS# or they would limit my Paypal account...which they have. I can no longer can add funds to paypal from my bank. Whooopie.

BUT, they also can not report my "sales" of used stuff to the IRS ( mostly bicycle parts , baby stuff these last few years and what ever else is taking up space). I haven't sold a single truck part on E-bay but I've sold plenty of high end C6 corvette parts ( when I had one), an 04' CTS-V and my 94' B4C Z28 a few years back. I'm sure the IRS would like to get a cut on the $1XXK total sales I've had over the last 14 years.:devil:

Ebay wants to be Amazon. they will continue to increase fees ( currently 13%) until Joe Blow can no longer sell his unused circular saw and suzie homemaker can't unload baby clothes.

I look forward to finally having a vehicle old enough to make swap meets fun in my area.

GOPAPA 03-17-2015 01:03 PM

Re: Swap Meets... remember when...
I agree with Heavy D ,,I have met quite a few guys from Canada that hit this Swap meet every year and buy and take it back home with them,,

I have been to this one they have in Portland Oregon a few times and I have each time seen a lot of real good buys .

bs46488 03-17-2015 02:44 PM

Re: Swap Meets... remember when...
I'll throw in junkyards/pick-n-pulls under this same rant.

I tried to pull a hydroboost off of a 88-92 silverado the other day. They wanted $150 (plus tax) for it.

I ended up buying one off rockauto, shipped to my door for cheaper than that.

67 cst swb 03-17-2015 03:10 PM

Re: Swap Meets... remember when...

Originally Posted by bs46488 (Post 7094334)
I'll throw in junkyards/pick-n-pulls under this same rant.

I tried to pull a hydroboost off of a 88-92 silverado the other day. They wanted $150 (plus tax) for it.

I ended up buying one off rockauto, shipped to my door for cheaper than that.

OH YEA!!!!!!
Don't get me started on Salvage Yards.
I needed a grey/slate arm rest only for my 2003 Tahoe. The guy (a good friend on mine) said "we don't have any... only complete seats".
So I replied... Bullsh!t If you let me walk out there (which they aren't suppose to let you anymore) I bet I can find one within 10 minutes. So, he reluctantly let me... and sure enough, right there in row 13 and the 4th vehicle down was a Tahoe, hit in the drivers side. Drivers seat twisted and folded in half, but the grey/slate arm rest was perfect. so I cut thru the material, popped it out and walked back up front with the armrest.
Don't remember what I paid for it.
But... It seams if your not a body/repair shop calling on the phone to a salvage yard, they aren't interested in whatever it is you need anymore.

I am not real sure, but I think our local salvage yard start at 75% of dealer prices for their used stuff. Their theory is "where else are you going to get it?"

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