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samlsn 05-13-2016 05:54 PM

I think my mechanic burned me please advise
Hi guys, I recently decided to swap out my old single pattern "962" cam for a comp xe-262. I thought I'd do it myself but thought better at the last minute and hired a local machine shop instead. A week later, when I pay the 2,600 bucks and start to drive home, I don't get half way before the oil pressure drops to just above the zero mark and at the same time the temp gauge pegs high so I pull the somofa***** off the road and call the tow truck.
My question to smarter, cooler heads than mine is weather they should take responsibility? They are not accepting any part of it. I know there's some important details missing like the condition of the motor before this event, blah blah, it had under 20,000 on a fresh rebuild but the old cam had two wiped lobes.
Basically, isn't there a hundred things they could have gotten wrong that could cause this?

mongocanfly 05-13-2016 06:00 PM

Re: I think my mechanic burned me please advise
1st thing I see wrong is paying $2600 for a cam swap...holy crap...2nd without tearing into the engine there's no telling what other problems you have..3rd if you had 2 wiped out cam lobes you may have had other issues before the cam swap..

samlsn 05-13-2016 06:03 PM

Re: I think my mechanic burned me please advise
They replaced the valve guides after finding they had too much play so it wasn't all for a cam. Also got a starter and other unrelated stuff

crazy longhorn 05-13-2016 06:08 PM

Re: I think my mechanic burned me please advise
Sorry dog....the wiped lobes tell the story? You already had metal in the oil? No way would I guarantee that job (they should have stated that up front), but you knew of the problem ? Longhorn

samlsn 05-13-2016 06:10 PM

Re: I think my mechanic burned me please advise
It was running fine, I drove it there

BossHogg69 05-13-2016 06:45 PM

Re: I think my mechanic burned me please advise

Originally Posted by crazy longhorn (Post 7592179)
Sorry dog....the wiped lobes tell the story? You already had metal in the oil? No way would I guarantee that job (they should have stated that up front), but you knew of the problem ? Longhorn

x2 - two lobes gone and all that metal went through the engine. No way to get it all out for sure without pulling it completely apart. Not saying they didn't do anything wrong, but it's going to be next to impossible to get them to accept responsibility if this is actually the case. I really can't believe they agreed to do the work and NOT pull it apart.

What's the rest of the story - starting with the original cam going flat?

cableguy0 05-13-2016 06:56 PM

Re: I think my mechanic burned me please advise
Should have been an engine rebuild not a cam swap/. Your old cam killed the engine. Did they advise you that its a stupid idea to ignore the pile of metal that was spewed through the engine and just continue with the cam swap? As soon as that cam came out with wiped lobes they should have stopped and called you to get the go ahead to yank the engine and rebuild. The metal dumped by your old cam wrecked the bearings. You not knowing there was an issue means the metal was likely in the engine for a long period of time destroying bearings and machined surfaces. Basically they should have refused to continue work without doing it properly but ultimately your last cam is probably responsible for the current issue.

storm9c1 05-13-2016 07:54 PM

Re: I think my mechanic burned me please advise
Wish I had better news, but I agree with everyone else. Wiped lobes means a teardown. Block needs flushed. For the money you paid, they should have called that out. So if anything, I'd bring that up with them on that (I'd say they are the experts and you are just learning, might make them feel better rather than you sounding like a know-it-all). Any shop worth a darn should stand behind their work, at the very least, they should have advised you properly when you went in with a wiped cam. So they didn't do any test drives? What about break-in? Did they at least do that? You didn't say, but I assume it's flat tappet because roller cams rarely go flat.

Clyde65 05-13-2016 09:18 PM

Re: I think my mechanic burned me please advise
Imo, they own it! Since they went as far as they did without refusing to do the job(reputable shops would not touch unless rebuild) or having you sign away the responsibility, basically insisting they do what you want and YOU take the responsibility, then imo they own it. By doing the cam and other engine work they are saying everything else is acceptable. Just my .02.

truckster 05-13-2016 10:09 PM

Re: I think my mechanic burned me please advise

Originally Posted by samlsn (Post 7592185)
It was running fine, I drove it there

No offense intended, you may have driven it there but it wasn't running fine if it had two wiped lobes.

The shop should have refused the job. They should have told you it was a bad idea and the engine needed to be torn down. If they didn't, you may have a case for claiming negligence on their part. For $2600 you should have had a rebuild.

nonstop 05-14-2016 01:04 AM

Re: I think my mechanic burned me please advise
A few things stick out to me - 20000 miles on a complete rebuild, and it needs new valve guides? Two flat lobes? Did they show you the old cam? I find it quite coincidental that you bring it in for a new cam and just by chance the old one has two bad lobes! Agreed with what was said above about the shop needing to take responsibility after agreeing to do the work and not notifying you.

68gmsee 05-14-2016 09:54 AM

Re: I think my mechanic burned me please advise
I don't completely agree with the "all your fault" comments. For $2600 the engine should have been not only completely gone over but guaranteed for life! (well not quite).

Irregardless of previous condition, for that amount of money that engine should have been like a new one. And from what I understand, it overheated and didn't even make it home after you picked it up.

Something's not right or I'm not understanding the whole story.

GM-power 05-14-2016 03:04 PM

Re: I think my mechanic burned me please advise
Whew that is steep, did you get a documented receipt? It's gonna have to be torn down. Since your not experienced, take it a reputable shop (alittle more $$) have them inspect the motor and find the failure. Of what they did wrong or what they didn't install etc.. get a written estimate and take it to the other shop along with pictures and tell them what's going on. If they don't want to help you out then you'll have to figure out any further action to take. Unless the paper (if they gave you any) Clearly state they are not liable for it once it leaves.

Eddie H. 05-14-2016 03:49 PM

Re: I think my mechanic burned me please advise
I'm still trying to figure out the $2600 for a cam change? A new crate engine is $1500 plus
8 hours labor to install it. With new belts, hoses, fluids, and misc you would still be in the $2500-$2600 range. As soon as they found the wiped cam lobes, they should have stopped and offered you the options of rebuilding or replacing the engine.

truckdude239 05-14-2016 09:28 PM

Re: I think my mechanic burned me please advise
Wow 2600 buxs i would have never paided that heres a 383 stoker for like 3400 buxs

samlsn 05-14-2016 10:27 PM

Re: I think my mechanic burned me please advise
That's a good point about the comparison in price to a new crate motor, damn. They did break in the cam, although they couldn't get it to turn over right away. Lot's of vrrr vrrrr vrrrr. And get this: I was there waiting to take it home when they broke in the cam, no shop owner in sight, and two days later after it tanked and I towed it back, the owner called me to tell me the bad news about them not taking any responsibility, and lied to me saying he was there when they fired it up to break in the cam and said it turned right over and I let him finish his point and reached through the phone to slap him for lying and he couldn't finish the conversation soon enough. Started mumbling and stuff.

truckster 05-14-2016 11:22 PM

Re: I think my mechanic burned me please advise
To answer your original question, yes, your mechanic burned you.

At this point you might want to consider a crate engine. But don't have the same shop install it.

Captainfab 05-14-2016 11:45 PM

Re: I think my mechanic burned me please advise
I don't know what the laws are in Ca, but I would look into taking them to small claims court. Charging $2600 for what they did is outrageous. Especially with what the end result is. As was already stated, you should have had a complete new crate engine installed with a warranty for that price.

slepysal 05-15-2016 01:37 AM

Re: I think my mechanic burned me please advise
Get a hold of The California BAR and file a complaint.

Get a hold of the better business bureau
I would talk to the owner and let him know that you will get a lawyer.

'63GENIII 05-15-2016 02:30 AM

Re: I think my mechanic burned me please advise
Just had all of my machine work on a 454 done by a reputable shop up in Burlingame for 1400 including all bearings, rings, gaskets and nice valve job. All good name parts. Cam was 1200. 2600 for a complete new engine if I assemble. If I wanted it assembled add another 300. Yes, I hate to say it but you were taken. Guys like the one you just dealt with are what made me find a good machine shop and learn how to build my own engines 30 years ago. Tuition paid. Got tired of getting burned. In that time, Ive only found 2 machinists that are honest, reasonable and really good at what they do. I do pay for it but I also never have problems with their work.

If you really had a wiped cam (you saw it for yourself and it not what your mechanic told you) theres almost no chance that the lower end will survive. Either find a roller crate with a warranty or a good machine shop. Either way, you're not running what you have in there now whether you try to sue or not.

toolboxchev 05-15-2016 04:09 PM

Re: I think my mechanic burned me please advise

Originally Posted by BossHogg69 (Post 7592222)
x2 - two lobes gone and all that metal went through the engine. No way to get it all out for sure without pulling it completely apart. Not saying they didn't do anything wrong, but it's going to be next to impossible to get them to accept responsibility if this is actually the case. I really can't believe they agreed to do the work and NOT pull it apart.

What's the rest of the story - starting with the original cam going flat?

1st question, have you personally seen the cam with the wiped lobes? Any reputable engine builder or qualified mechanic would have taken steps to alleviate problems.

Unless he is just a thief and like screwing with people using the law and a lawyer to hide behind.

toolboxchev 05-15-2016 04:11 PM

Re: I think my mechanic burned me please advise

Originally Posted by Eddie H. (Post 7593013)
I'm still trying to figure out the $2600 for a cam change? A new crate engine is $1500 plus
8 hours labor to install it. With new belts, hoses, fluids, and misc you would still be in the $2500-$2600 range. As soon as they found the wiped cam lobes, they should have stopped and offered you the options of rebuilding or replacing the engine.

This X2

samlsn 05-15-2016 11:00 PM

Re: I think my mechanic burned me please advise

Originally Posted by toolboxchev (Post 7593973)
1st question, have you personally seen the cam with the wiped lobes? Any reputable engine builder or qualified mechanic would have taken steps to alleviate problems.

He put the old cam and lifters in the bed of my truck, the intake lobe on one cylinder and exhaust on another ( I think #'s 7&8, all the way back of cam before dist. gear) were wiped and the lifters notched out as though they had stopped spinning

chevybuldr 05-16-2016 12:03 AM

Re: I think my mechanic burned me please advise
If you have already tried to work with him and you have caught him lying then you need to proceed to the next step. I would find another shop that is willing to put int the time to evaluate what the issue is. If they broke it in while you were waiting then they are not a good shop. That means they did not test drive it or check any of the vitals. If he is not being very cooperative with you to give back your money. Its time to ball the BAR Bureau of Automotive Repair. They will get stuff done. 2600 is not that out of hand for a bay area charge. People don't understand we live in one of the most expensive areas around. Even if you bought a crate motor you still have the expense to put it in. At 100.00 an hour on the average here, plus new parts.

Your on the right step I think you got the wrong shop. Move onto wanting your money back from them. Make sure you document everything.

toolboxchev 05-16-2016 01:05 AM

Re: I think my mechanic burned me please advise

Originally Posted by samlsn (Post 7594402)
He put the old cam and lifters in the bed of my truck, the intake lobe on one cylinder and exhaust on another ( I think #'s 7&8, all the way back of cam before dist. gear) were wiped and the lifters notched out as though they had stopped spinning

I just did a complete top end on mine over 4 years ago. A couple of the lobes were wiped, and when we pulled the lifters a few (?) had been dished. The motor was pulled and completely pulled apart. I hold no certification in engine repair and have done a couple of head replacements on vehicles.

50 K going strong, Now I had enough common sense to pull it apart and clean it, and most important in my book, replace the cam bearings which was a step up in difficultly.

I don't see how they could warranty their work with the rest of the motor being used. They will use that as a tool to defeat a lawsuit. I have a friend who works at a shop selling and installing tires had his intake replaced by the mechanic and now his lifters tick on a cold morning. He is all bent on a 200k motor. He works there.

The best vindication you will receive is when you have a hopped up motor back in there working.

Sounds to me the mechanic could very well end up a schlock.


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