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1FaastC10 06-02-2004 10:45 PM

to all of you who i have offended
i would like extend my sincerest of apologies i was not aware that my sarcastic attitude was such a severe problem here on the board. i know i have the attitude, but i only had one or two people who actually called me on it. so i took it as if it weren't that big of a deal, although i was working on it, just not as hard as i should have been. apparently it was a much bigger problem than i realized, and there are more than just two of you who were offended. after the episode last night, i talked to a few of my close friends about it. they confirmed that not only was it a problem on the boards, but a problem in real life as well. they were afraid of how i would take it if they were to speak up about it. now that it has been brought to my attention how severe the problem us, i will be working extra hard on it. if in the future an occasion arises where you are offended by one of my posts, please don't hesitate to PM me and let me know about it. i've just begun a journey down a long difficult road, and i wont be able to make it without everyone's help.

Slams_58 06-02-2004 10:47 PM

That's ok Jeremy... we still love ya! :D:D

N2TRUX 06-02-2004 10:56 PM

Do y'all feel the love in this room? I feel it! Jeremy you and I have already talked about this in the past. I'm glad things worked out and you were responsible enough to swallow you pride and take the right steps to get back on track with everyone.

Good luck with finding you way down the right right path in life. It's narrow, dimly lit, and very easy to slide off of. If you look in the right direction the light becomes much brighter..... :cool:

73_K5_girlie 06-02-2004 11:06 PM

I must've missed all the drama or whatever, but i will say that Jeremy made a comment that i guess some poeple could have taken wrong ,or as off color, about my truck being saggy in the rear (which it is, lol) and although being the only chick in a bunch of guys all my life, I do not offend easily, he sent me a PM explaining that he didn't mean it as offensive... I thought that was cool, most people don't think twice about the comments they make to people they don't know, especially online. Maybe i just have the same dry sarcastic sense of humor, but I just thought I'd tell you all that, and it was a few days ago before whatever "the episode last night" was. Sorry Jeremy if I ruined your image with the guys by showing your sensitive side, lol, I just thought people might want to know...

1FaastC10 06-02-2004 11:07 PM

ok Ken, enough with the love stuff, ok, you're starting to scare me. :lol:

thanks for all your help man! :cool:

1FaastC10 06-02-2004 11:11 PM

Mindy, not a problem about "ruining my image", truth be known, there's a real person behind the tough guy image Ken mentioned earlier.

guys, dont let her fool you. she's a young female 4wd truck enthusiast, i was just aying that stuff to score brownie points. j/p :p

swervin ervin 06-02-2004 11:15 PM

Good deal. Believe you me, I've been known to have a bad attitude. A lot of times, or in my case, things that happen in life trigger these attitudes. We have to take a step back and look at it from the outside. This to me seems like the only logical way to diagnois the problem. I'm sure you will work this out.

73_K5_girlie 06-02-2004 11:18 PM

guys, dont let her fool you. she's a young female 4wd truck enthusiast, i was just aying that stuff to score brownie points. j/p :p[/QUOTE]

And it all woulda worked if you hadn't just blown it by tellin me that! :lol:

PHOENIX 06-02-2004 11:35 PM

I guess I missed what went down too.
Jeremy never caused me any problems and I have seen him post things that some may not find appropriate but I have seen many people do that. If people have been complaining I guess you need to change it. Good luck and try not to get kicked off the board.

bigblock73 06-02-2004 11:45 PM

Smart Move Jeremy. Like I said in my E-mail, I know there is good in there just have to find it and use it. :D

Glad you are back anyways, you can E-mail me any time you need to.

1969 GMC 06-02-2004 11:54 PM

[devil's advocate] Dang, I would sometimes purposefully read threads I wouldn't have read before just because Jeremy had replied to them, just to see if he had pushed anyone's buttons.
[/devil's advocate]

:devil: :devil: :devil: :devil: :devil:

seriously, thats a good attitude to have! :burnout:

chevychic 06-03-2004 01:17 AM

Jeremy, from as much as we've talked off the boards, I know you to be a pretty upstanding and caring guy. I've always seen right through the sarcastic remarks and sometimes got a laugh at them. It did seem to be occuring more frequently lately but we all tend to get ourselves into a habit of talking that we don't see how others react, especially in an online environment.
You've definitely shown your responsibility and maturity by stepping up like you have. It can be hard to take criticism, but you've taken it very gracefully and are doing something about it.
Props to you dawg!!
*dang....that American Idol show kinda got to me* :lol:

apstguy 06-03-2004 01:24 AM

I'm pretty sarcastic myself. I have not always agreed with you and let you know and you let me know back. Harsh truth is something some people can't stand. I like it. Besides, who else would keep us in line here? Cranktoe??? :rolleyes:

79BIG10 06-03-2004 01:44 AM

Glad to hear you realize you are confronting your problem and tackling it. This is of course the first step in any problem and now it's only up from here. You're definately needed around here and a great assest. Good luck and let me know if I can help. :)

1974ChevyC10 06-03-2004 02:21 AM

i know how you feel man in that i can be a sarcastic person myself and at times my comments-not so much on this board have rubbed people the wrong way even though it wasnt intended to do so.i dont know what happened exactly to cause you to apologize to the people in question but i can say it takes alot to swallow your pride and to do that-ive had to do it a number of times myself.i personally for the most part to find some of your comments in posts to be funny.i know there are going to be people out there who are going to be offended and mad about things no matter what you was said before sometimes people cant handle reality and the truth.underneath all of the BS you seem to a smart guy with alot to offer this board so dont let the people who dont like your posts get to you.

Phuloi68 06-03-2004 08:14 AM

I am not really sure what the issues are here, but from what I have seen of your posts since I have been on this board, you are basically saying what most of us are thinking. Maybe sometimes it's not as diplomatic as the next person would do it but thats no big deal. We ALL say some things or do some things that might be taken wrong by some one but no harm was intended.
Just for information, I recently had a chance to deal with Jeremy on something. I met him, was at his house, met some of his family. He was very friendly and helpful. I am sure, in the future, I will have dealings with him again. He seems to know a lot about the chevy trucks.
Don't pay attention as much to how he says something but listen to what he is saying.
This is one atta-boy for Jeremy!

Liz 06-03-2004 08:39 AM

Everyone has pretty much summed it up already. I am a pretty sarcastic person at times myself, BUT there is a fine line between playing and sounding hateful. Most of us may know Jeremy and his ways, but there are many new people and other members who do not. As I said to you last night Jeremy, good luck in your quest......

1980 Chevy 06-03-2004 10:39 AM

I see you are a Hoosier...that could explain a lot. (Kidding ;) )...I am originally from the E'ville area myself. Heading there tonight. Best of luck to you Jeremy.

Captkaos 06-03-2004 10:47 AM

I feel left out! I haven't ever felt offended by you. Could you PM me something offensive. ;) Seriously though, I haven't been offended by anything you have said, but I don't take anything personally, and am not easily offended. I hope whatever is going on in your life sorts itself out, and I will say a prayer for you too.

1FaastC10 06-03-2004 05:19 PM

Nick, thanks for the kind words. in response to your post, it was a pleasure doing business with you as well.

Originally Posted by Captkaos
I feel left out! I haven't ever felt offended by you. Could you PM me something offensive. ;) Seriously though, I haven't been offended by anything you have said, but I don't take anything personally, and am not easily offended. I hope whatever is going on in your life sorts itself out, and I will say a prayer for you too.

how about i just publicly offend you?

oh crap, i cant think of anything bad to say about you... anybody wanna help me out here? :confused: dont want anyone to feel left out. :lol:

gldevall 06-03-2004 06:56 PM


Originally Posted by 1FaastC10
oh crap, i cant think of anything bad to say about you... anybody wanna help me out here? :confused: dont want anyone to feel left out. :lol:

Well there is always the Halloween pic when he dressed up as Charlie Brown.

rolson1039 06-03-2004 07:10 PM

jeremy youve always been nice to me ( Bob , Old Rusty C10) but hey we are all human and sometimes we mess up being a true gentleman and nice guy is when ya admit when ya messed up! You , sir, are a gentleman

KIILew 06-04-2004 01:41 AM


Offhand, I don't know what episode or occasion you are referring to, Jeremy, but I am struck by your acceptance of constructive criticism, candor and commitment to self improvement! Too often, my own ego conveniently finds a way to reassign my weaknesses to my accuser or, even worse, to an innocent bystander. Next time I start to slip into this bad habit, I hope I think of your example and follow it instead.

If you feel that your sarcasm is an issue by all means work on it; I know I have some similar demons to eradicate, so I really understand. Sometimes it seems we are all just trying to inch along a tightrope of virtue (well, hopefully we are trying :p ), and it is impossibly difficult to stay on. But after reading your post, I suspect you have a strong safety net to break any future falls, and that "net"- -and its associated ladder for the climb back up- -appears to be an uncommon measure of inner class.

Good luck, and thanks for the inspiration!

Ken Lewis

bigd65 06-04-2004 07:33 AM

Well FASTC10, one thing I have noticed throughout the years is MOTORHEADS are MOTORHEADS and they have a different attitude from everyone else, I have grown up around them and am one myself, thats just the way it is and has been. YOU HAVE NEVER OFFENDED ME, I know how we are. In this day an age, you just about have to watch what you say to anybody for fear of offending someone, that just comes with this FREE country we live in. Well I'm not gonna get on a soap box, NO YOU HAVE NOT OFFENDED ME, in fact, you have helped in some problems I have had in the past.

Captkaos 06-04-2004 12:05 PM


Originally Posted by 1FaastC10
how about i just publicly offend you?

oh crap, i cant think of anything bad to say about you... anybody wanna help me out here? :confused: dont want anyone to feel left out. :lol:

Sure, that would be just peachy. :D
I am sure N2TRUX can help you out just fine as could Swervin and Jeff.....


Originally Posted by gldevall
Well there is always the Halloween pic when he dressed up as Charlie Brown.

WEAK Gary. ;) I was Pig Pen. I believe Mike's Bird rescue Story that N2TRUX and Mike hammered me on on was more embarrasing...

rich-white 06-04-2004 09:15 PM

Jeremy Good luck. I have talked to you in the past and have seen your postings. I have been there and had to learn some hard lessons about controling what I say and when I say it. (You can ask my ex-wife she was usually on the receiving end hense the ex part) As with Chris will say a prayer for you and remember...YOUR A Indiana Hoosier so we can expect as attitude. Peace Chevy Brother we are with you man.

1FaastC10 06-04-2004 11:54 PM

so rich, you're saying just because i'm a Hoosier, a little attitude is a given? why do i sense that somehow that stereotype is linked to Bobby Knight? :confused:

rich-white 06-07-2004 07:54 PM

Bobby Who? Oh yea that hot head from Texas? Oh NO, NO STEREOTYPES HERE....I leave that to the experts... State Police. A little attitude is a good thing.

gchemist 06-08-2004 03:37 AM

Can I just biach slap ya??? :p

It takes a big man to admit mistakes. So stand up so I can swing nice and good. :metal:

1FaastC10 06-08-2004 05:04 PM


Originally Posted by gchemist
Can I just biach slap ya??? :p

It takes a big man to admit mistakes. So stand up so I can swing nice and good. :metal:

speaking of making mistakes... "swing nice and good" would be a pretty big one. how big a boy are ya? it aint nothin for me to whup a boys @$$. :lol:

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