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Longhorn Man 05-29-2005 06:49 PM

Gmc Junkie Is Brokendown/stranded
Just got a call from Jodie about 30 min ago when I was headed to the junk yard, she is stranded in louisiana. She has no battery power at all.
The truck was cruising just fine, a suddne surge of power, then 2 backfires. (didn't ask if it was through the carb or out the pipes) and now nothing. No 4 ways, no cranking, nothing.
I had her look for burnt wires around the battery, and all she found was some corrosion on the main positive cable. We have no test light, so she was unable to tell me if the battery was stone dead, or if it was the red wire going to the junction block. She said other than the corrosion, nothing looked out of place to her.
I have her Cell # here, she said she was going to call tripple A, but no idea where to, nor what she's going to do next.
I want to say she's close to Lafaette...but I may be mistaken. I'm going to try and get ahold of a couple ppl, and then I'll probably call her up.
Anyone able to help her, PM me. I'll be getting an exact location as to where she is.
Who was doing the thread 6 months ago about collecting names and numbers of ppl willing to help in this situation?

Mudder 05-29-2005 06:59 PM

Its a wire that runs from the battery to the alt that is burnt. Maybe her alt is wasted????? Shes goon try to replace the wire but I'm afraid it will burn again when she gets it started. AAA is on the way.

Longhorn Man 05-29-2005 07:00 PM

I was wondering about that wire, but was unsure if that would kill to the whole vehicle.
I found the road side assistance poll I was lookin for.

Mudder 05-29-2005 07:01 PM

Shes just inside of La.

Mudder 05-29-2005 07:03 PM

She got ahold of one of the guys wife that is on here but the wife cant get ahold of him on his cell. I'm afraid she will have a dead battery. Shes in a bad spot, just hope she gets off the freeway.

Longhorn Man 05-29-2005 07:04 PM

You know, thinking about it, I'll bet she's overcharging. The surge of power may have come from the HEI getting megga voltage to create a helluva spark, then the wire burned up....
It's an idea.

I'm thinking she still has the old external regulated set up. We'll find out when she replaces the wire, if it burns up again, then something is up.

Mudder 05-29-2005 07:11 PM

I was thinking maybe it got against something hot and shorted out. Hard to say being 10 hours north.

Longhorn Man 05-29-2005 07:13 PM

Well, Rodney, the tow truck driver is being very helpfull. They are replacing the wire right now. I asked her if she has a good amp guage, but she doesn't think it is acurate. I did mention my over charging concern, but with her low battery on her phone, I didn't get to ask what kind of alt she has in there.

Randy, once she gets the truck running and charges up her cell a little, she'll be calling you.

Longhorn Man 05-29-2005 07:14 PM

Good call on the long distance troubleshooting.

Mudder 05-29-2005 07:15 PM

Cool I was just getting ready to call her again..........

Longhorn Man 05-29-2005 07:45 PM

She is on the road. All is well.
Turns out, when she put her radiator in, she pinched the wire Mudder was talking about up there, the alt to battery one. Rodney fixed her up, and charged a tow to the tripple A so it was no $$ out of pocket.

old Rusty C10 05-29-2005 07:53 PM

im glad to hear she is ok... im not looking to start any kind of trouble here but is there a place to join the board version of AAA here? id gladly go help someone stranded out my way in NJ or NY

Longhorn Man 05-29-2005 09:11 PM

Rusty, that was attempted, but it was canned due to privacy concerns.

GloryHound 05-29-2005 09:28 PM

I had that same wire cook in my 69 GMC. I cut up my perfectly good jumper cables and used a double run as a replacement till I could get to the store and buy a heavy duty wire meant for those High output alternators. Lucky for me some one was nice enough to give me a jump that had thier own cables.

VetteVet 05-29-2005 09:30 PM

It seems to me like it was Putter who was talking about setting up an emergency assistance forum. I have senior moments too so it could have been someone else. I'm glad to hear Jody is ok. I thought she may have blown a fusible resister. I fried an alternator wire once on a Dodge Valiant on the way from Michigan back to Charleston S.C. and I managed to rip the red wire off the alternator before it burnt up the harness. I drove about 400 miles on the battery and when dark came the lights were pretty dim by the time I got to the base.

Randy70C-10 05-29-2005 10:39 PM

You're a good man Andy!! :metal:

Liz 05-29-2005 11:22 PM

we were going to start one, but noone was sure of who what where when etc.. We CAN start one within the board (ie the board runs it) with privacy to a point, IF we have an admin or two agree to help. It is way to much for one person to do alone. Seeing this happen to Jodie, and Mac's close calls a few months ago, along with anyone else .. I'd like to see this happen, we just need to work out a few details.

Jodie I am so sorry you had problems but am glad you had a few to lean on even with distance..

Longhorn Man 05-29-2005 11:23 PM

MHC, if we can do this, I'd like to assist in running it. I'm not an admin...but I used to be, does that count?

lolife99 05-29-2005 11:26 PM

This board is amazing! What a great bunch of people. I commend all of you. Thanks for the post longhorn man.

68C15 05-29-2005 11:30 PM

I am PC illeterate so I think that may count me out on the admin area. but I am MORE than willing to help out when needed. all my personal info is available to board members.

Longhorn Man 05-29-2005 11:31 PM

I'll try to help pretty much anyone if I am able. Since I wasn't really able, I posted hoping some one else could help.
It's all a brotherhood here anyways, right?

67chevemall 05-29-2005 11:32 PM

I know I plan on traveling and that would be cool to have a safe place to fix a problem
and get going again.
ps How do you get 28 0000 posts?man?

Longhorn Man 05-29-2005 11:40 PM

no life at all...that's how.
Untill we can get our traveler's list put together, when ever you plan a road trip, you can post about it and the route you'll be taking in the general discussion asking for contact info of members along the way. If I remember correctly, Jodie had to do this once before, mac had a close call on a trip he did a few months back(truck broke the day after his trip), Jewels needed assistance assistance about 2 summers ago and shade tree jumped out of bed to help out... and I woulda used some assistance once too, but that was before my board days.
This place can be a real asset.

krue 05-29-2005 11:43 PM

I'm always game if someone needs help. Andy would be a good one to run it in my opinion.

GloryHound 05-29-2005 11:47 PM


Originally Posted by 67chevemall
ps How do you get 28 0000 posts?man?

Don't let Longhorn man fool you, he's helped alot of people on the board! Just this one incident and he's taken the time to post 10 times so far to get to an answer. Dedication and probably a computer in his garage. :rolleyes: Being a member since god created the earth helps a little too.

Longhorn Man 05-29-2005 11:57 PM

oh heck, there's 1956 ppl with more time on here than me...and it was already like 2 years old when I showed up.

I'm normally willing to help...

If I had a garage, I'd put a computer in there...and probably my bed too. ;)

oldiron 05-30-2005 12:37 AM

I have a idea. If we set up someone who will accept e-mails from board members who would like to help others with a phone number location (no addresses) and then send out the list to members who request this list. This way the list isn't on the internet for all to see. Mabe a set amount of post will be needed so some spammer wouldn't get the list. Just an idea.

Josh 05-30-2005 12:56 AM

It's already in motion guys, I'll post the particulars tommorow night.

oldiron 05-30-2005 01:08 AM

Thanks Josh

barn9 05-30-2005 01:21 AM

Just saw this, great job Andy and everyone else! That is just another example of why this board not only ROCKS, but is almost like family! When I posted about my recent trip to Chicago, I had 9 board member contacts along the route send me their info in case I should need help, that was very cool, and took some of the worry out of the trip. I thought Jodie had a similar list for her trip, but evidently not.
Having a help network is a good idea though, none of us ever know when trouble will rear it's ugly head. Again, good job Andy and everyone involved!

68w/sbc406 05-30-2005 01:22 AM

id be intrested in being in or apart of the list. let me know what info you need or if you need any help

Homeboy 05-30-2005 02:01 AM

The National Street Rod Association (NSRA) has a book called the "Fellow Pages" that is mailed out to members yearly. Anyone that wants to volunteer provides their name and phone number, and they are organized by State and City. Works great to have in the glovebox in case of an emergency.

dtlilly 05-30-2005 02:29 AM

Andy/Randy, thank you for coming to the rescue for a fellow board member. You guys are the greatest!

1STtimePRo'71 05-30-2005 02:52 AM

If there is anyway that I can help out I would be more than happy to.

LUV2XCLR8 05-30-2005 08:11 AM

This idea has been brought up several times before, since I am damn near
right in the middle of the freakin US of A I have said before and will say it
again, I would be willing to help out in anyway I can, Just ask about any
of the people who have posted road trip threads, If there was a chance
they were even coming close to this spot I sent them a Pm for support. ;)

Palf70Step 05-30-2005 08:54 AM

Be looking forward to this info and will definitely volunter my services. I'm at the bottom of the earth here and not a mechanic by trade, but at least I could go and help them stare at the engine. I'm a good coffee fetcher too. :D

Longhorn Man 05-30-2005 09:51 AM


at least I could go and help them stare at the engine
Now THAT is funny!

hotrodmtodd 05-30-2005 10:11 AM

Western PA is Covered
Guys and gals,
I can offer you safe passage through the left side of PA (minimum). You have ME, pretty much covering the tri-state area of PA, WV and OH. I know David (Gloryhound) would take care of anybody on the East side of Pittsburgh (when he's actually in our state) You have SUPER guys like Brian (Burnsman) up North, you got Bill (Chevydad) down South in little Washington, Jim (Jims69) by the airport (just to name a few), all guys that would do as MUCH as they possibly could for you. Having a network is a SPECTACULAR idea, I know you can count the folks in Western PA in. I just bought a '68 Burb down in Glen Burnie MD this weekend that I will be bringing back here in the coming weeks. I hope some folks will have MY back in case it is needed. Thank you for including ME in the family, Mike

special-K 05-30-2005 10:26 AM

Thanks for being on the ball,Handy Andy.This is what it`s about.I`d help anyone.

GloryHound 05-30-2005 10:31 AM

I'm more than willing to help when I'm home, but my job has me travelling all over the US and out of the country over 60% of the year. That means I would not count myself dependable and available.

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