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R@nger 05-30-2005 06:36 PM

Where do I go from here?
Ok I'm sure by now most of you have been following or at least seen my distributor troubles. Well in my last post I got the truck started and everything was great until a few hours later when I tried to start the truck and it wasn't even producing a spark. Now I tested the power to the distributor with a digital multimeter and it showed no power at all.

Today was the first time I've gotten to work on the truck since and I noticed a few things. I tested it again with the digital and no power but then I tested the battery and it showed no power which I knew was incorrect. I got out a little analog multimeter and it showed that there WAS power to the battery and the battery connection to the distributor and it was 12.30 or so at the distributor.

So my problem now is since I do have the power needed for the distributor why am I not getting any spark to the plugs? I hooked up my timing light to each of the spark plug wires and none of them are getting spark as the timing light isn't going off at all.

Could it be my pickup coil?

I'm speechless..I'm without speech. I just don't understand how right after I got it running not but a couple hours later its not even producing spark...ugh! not fair.

Once again I come to you guys totally baffled by this. Any suggestions would be greatly appreciated.

dwaite72lnghrn 05-30-2005 07:56 PM

The last post you said the last thing you did was hook up the tach and it would not start!
I would pull the top off the distrib and check the power connection inside the cap. The pressure of putting the tach on might have loosened the power connection. You would have power right up to the cap but not inside. Just a quick thought.

R@nger 05-30-2005 08:00 PM

Yes I thought that exact thing and checked for that but thats not the case. I also took of the cap and tested for power on the battery wire of the coil and there was 12+ V of power there to so it is getting a good connection.

I R confused :confused:

JimKshortstep4x4 05-30-2005 08:06 PM

I would suspect the module more than the pickup coil but the pickup coils do go bad.

If you have an ohm meter disconnect the coil from the module and check the resistance. It should be around 800 ohms if it is good.


dwaite72lnghrn 05-30-2005 08:12 PM

The wires and connector looks good on the 3 wire's going to the base?

R@nger 05-30-2005 08:13 PM

Ok I actually just did that a couple minutes ago and with it disconnected from the module and both my leads on the connections for the pickup coil my ohm meter was just above 800.

Man oh man I don't mind fixing things I actually enjoy it but I hate not knowing what to fix. I guess I'll never be a head mechanic hehe. I would make a good peon though hehe.

And to dwaite yes the wires seem to be ok. I also just went out and tested the resistance on all three of those wires and they all resulted with 0 resistance so thats golden.

68Stepbed 05-30-2005 10:18 PM

This may sound strange, but it happened to me a couple months ago. My engine would turn over, I had a spark when I grounded a plug, and I was definitely getting gas, but no fire. I changed my battery, wires and alt. It worked good for a day, then nothing again. My wife, of all people, asked about the starter. I said it couldn't be the starter. It was turning the engine over. I tried it one more time while jumping it off and smoke came from the starter. I replaced it and it's been fine since. As it turns out, the starter was draining so much energy just to turn that there wasn't enough spark at the plugs even though it had spark.

This may not be your problem, but you can give it a shot. Good luck

GlennBrittain 05-30-2005 10:19 PM

I just had the same problem. Connected a meter to the hot wire to the distributor and to ground. I had 12 volts and 9 when turning the starter. The HEI needs at least 9 volts to the coil when turning the starter. I am not going to go through all I did trying to find the problem just the end. I ran a wire directly from the battery to the distr., fired up the first try. Started removing all of the tape on the wire bundle the hot wire was in checking the hot wire for damage as I went along. I found that the hot wire was damaged under the insulation, only one stand of wire was left intact. This one strand allowed the 9 volt reading but would not allow enough amp's to go thru. Try making a jumper wire from the positive connection on the distrib. to the positive side of the battery and see what happens

R@nger 05-30-2005 10:46 PM

Something I just noticed as I was tracing the wire back was there was a 1cm section where the insulation had been melted or something because the wire was exposed. I guess I could try to run a wire from the ign unfused on the fusebox directly to the dizzy..or directly from the battery like you suggested.

68 I don't think thats the problem because the starter is very new and plus I'm not even getting spark in the wire. I won't total rule it out though, knowing my luck it could be absolutely anything. Plus I checked the volts when cranking and they were at 10.

GlennBrittain 05-30-2005 11:23 PM

My wire problem may also have been due to a meltdown. I plan to remove to wiring block on the fire wall and the fuse panel to run a heavier gauge wire. The HEI coil may be pulling a lot more amps than the stock coil on 36 year old wire.

djracer 05-30-2005 11:36 PM

one more thing to check! I had a truck with a grounded out tach wire and it wouldn't fire at all! try un hooking the tach if you haven't done this yet!

R@nger 05-31-2005 12:32 AM

Ok I've had the tach unhooked and I'm also not giving it any power. I've had it this way since it wouldn't start because I thought the same thing you did dj.

I went to Lowes tonight got my 12gauge wire. I made my wire with inline 30amp fuse hooked it up to the distributor and then to the ignition unfused in my fusebox. Tried starting up my truck nothing. I had an assistant(my sister lol) crank the truck while I checked for spark in the wires with my timing light, which resulted in NO spark in the wires. I then checked the volts while being cranked and I have 10 volts while cranking.

Could the module have blown..even though I JUST had it checked before this problem happened?

I'm really ready to buy a totally new distributor and be done with it.

knsmodels 05-31-2005 12:43 AM

Modules are very unpredictable....I have had brand new ones be bad right out of the box.....I would try the module....if that doesnt work do you have an extra dizzy you could throw in and see if it starts then?? Good luck...Paul

R@nger 05-31-2005 01:16 AM

Unfortunately I don't have an extra distributor. I'll go have the distributor checked tomorrow.

krue 05-31-2005 04:25 AM

BTW IF you do buy another module make them check it before you leave the store.

chickenwing 05-31-2005 10:21 AM

When you installed the coil in the cap. Any chance you pinched a wire or let the ground slip off? I've had more problems with modules goin out after they warm up. Still, take it out and have it tested at the parts house. Regardless of the results it will narrow down 1 more thing.

R@nger 05-31-2005 08:11 PM

Ok I just got back from autozone and the module tested fine....which stinks, I was really hoping it would be bad that way I could replace it and have a running truck.

So now I R really confused.

As I'm pretty sure I've checked or replaced everything now...*sigh*

Oh and to chickenwing I was really easy on the wires when putting the coil in and I'm possitive the grounds are in correctly.

WRMZ71 05-31-2005 08:55 PM

I had my pickup coil go bad one time. They are usually one of the last things you think as the ignition module and coil usually go first. If I remember right they don't test these but if you've replaced everything else and have had the ignition module tested then I'd just replace the pickup coil. It really isn't to hard and I think I paid about 15-20 bucks for mine. I changed mine out on the side of the road with a pair of pliers and a nail i found sticking out of some flower box at a local business to knock the set screw out. Good luck with it!!

knsmodels 05-31-2005 10:03 PM

I am with WRM.......Change out the pick up.....what else do you have left??....had a similar problem with my Chevelle and it ended up being the pick up....Good Luck....Paul K

chickenwing 06-01-2005 09:55 AM

Can anyone look up for him how to TEST the pick-up coil? I know the procedure is in my clymer book. I'm at work though and have no access to it.

djracer 06-01-2005 11:13 AM

you should be able to take an analog volt ohm meter and set it on ohms test your settings by touching the leads together and the meter should peg. test the wires from the pickup (I think they are green and White)and turn the dist! the meter should peg as you turn the dist shaft!

Hope this helps

R@nger 06-01-2005 04:41 PM

Ok I'll try that dj. I read how to test it...they say to put your meter on the two leads and it should read be a constant number somewhere between 500-1500 with an external vacuum source sucking air from the vacuum advance. When I just hook it up without a vacuum it reads 800 but I have no way to put a vacuum on the vacuum advance.

I'll try turning the distributor and see if it "pegs" my meter. By "pegs" do you mean zero resistance or infinite?

djracer 06-01-2005 05:10 PM

Yes that's what I mean I use just the magnetic pickup to trigger a MSD Box!

Super Duck 06-01-2005 06:17 PM

suck on the hose to create vac. its not ideal but it works.

R@nger 06-01-2005 07:52 PM

Ok dj I loosened the distributor hooked my multimeter to the pickup coil leads and it read 950-1000(somewhere in there) and then I turned the distributor but nothing happened, the number stayed the same. Is this good or bad?

I also sucked really hard on the hose and the reading stayed the same. However I don't know if that was providing enough vacuum. Right now I'm going to go get a drink because i have the worst taste in my mouth after sucking on that hose(I'm sure that sounded good :lol: ).

Super Duck 06-01-2005 08:21 PM

I have an extra hei i will send you if you need it. $20 plus ride.

WRMZ71 06-01-2005 08:23 PM

They have a tool called a vacuum tester gauge. You just pull the trigger back like a caulking gun and it does the sucking for you. It even has a hand dandy little gauge on there to let you see if your loosing pressure when you shouldn't be.

krue 06-01-2005 08:28 PM


Originally Posted by WRMZ71
They have a tool called a vacuum tester gauge. You just pull the trigger back like a caulking gun and it does the sucking for you. It even has a hand dandy little gauge on there to let you see if your loosing pressure when you shouldn't be.

Yeah, the Mity-vac. It's worth it's weight in gold.:D Good for checking vacuum, pulling a vacuum, bleeding brakes, etc.

djracer 06-01-2005 09:47 PM

sounds like a bad pickup to me!

R@nger 06-01-2005 10:04 PM

Well I'm buying ducks distributor off him, but while I'm waiting for that I'll change the pickup...if that doesn't work then I have a different distibutor on the way so I can rule out anything being wrong with the distributor.

Thanks again duck.

GlennBrittain 06-01-2005 10:05 PM

Have you tried running a temorary hot wire directly from the positive battery post to the positive distr. connection. I had some extra wire ends, that made it easy to plug my jumper in on the distr. and used a clip type connector for the battery end.
Battery and amperage are two entirely different components of electricity. I also had adequate voltage going to my coil, but not enough amp's. I also went through all the same steps you have before I ran the jumper. I should have tested my amperage to begin with but it has been to long ago that I took basic electricity and electronics and also a long time time since I have used it.

R@nger 06-01-2005 10:19 PM

I guess I could try just seems so weird that it worked for so long before and JUST work a couple days ago and then in a matter of hours it didn't work and still won't.

GlennBrittain 06-14-2005 11:12 PM

I repaired the white wire to my dizzy, truck ran fine, that was at the end of May. Today I found it melted again, this time I ran the 12 g wire directly from a ignition post on the fuse block to the dizzy with a inline fuse. Fired right up, should have ran the new wire the first time.

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