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matthufham 12-31-2005 10:46 PM

tell me if this is safe
when i bought the truck the p/o had put a keg in the bed used for a gas tank. it had 3/8 hose to the fuel pump and worked fine. i now have a blazer tank but i still want to keep the keg. the blazer thanks has 5 fittings on it, here's what i have.
1)filler 1 1/4"
2)vent 5/8"
3)open 3/8"
4)charcoal canister (capped)
5)sending unit to pump

i was thinking i could use that 3/8 fitting by running hose to the keg and then i can use it as an auxilary tank. what i want to be able to do is fill the blazer tank and fill the keg with gas. the keg will gravity drain into the tank until all it's gas is gone, then the blazer tank's gas will be used. i can then go twice as far without filling up.

Is this safe? the keg is way stronger and better fit to hold gas than the blazer tank and i don't think it'll leak at all, so it seems safe but my dad says it's dangerous. i'm pretty sure he just doesn't want the keg to go back in the truck when all is said and done though.

so i ask the experts. :gi: or :crazy:

i found a pic

Green Machine 12-31-2005 11:01 PM

Re: tell me if this is safe
The gas level in the full keg will likely be much higher than the fill neck on the blazer tank, unless you have a completely sealed cap on that, gas will leak out around the fill neck. Or if you happen to remove blazer cap before keg is empty, you will have a big mess. Listen to your father:agree: :lol:

pebbleboy 12-31-2005 11:04 PM

Re: tell me if this is safe
Listen to dad :o

I would have prefered the keg when it was full of coors :metal:

matthufham 12-31-2005 11:24 PM

Re: tell me if this is safe
hmm ok i can see that happening, pulling the fill cap and releasing gas everywhere. i have a 77 c10 filler with a locking/vented cap but it would make no difference if i remove it with a full keg, unless i have some sort of 1 way filter something on it. anybody else?

possibly put a valve on the keg to control when it flows, or maybe an electric pump.

Americanrider 12-31-2005 11:25 PM

Re: tell me if this is safe
Reading this made me think of Hank Just install a selector switch that will shut off the gravity drain to the blazer tank. When the blazer tank is empty flip the switch and run the keg tank. Everything you need you can find on a camper special truck in a wrecking yard. I found an electric tank switch in a 76 with dual tanks, it mounts to the frame rail and it works great.

matthufham 12-31-2005 11:35 PM

Re: tell me if this is safe
i actually had a selector switch, but i think i threw it away. the 77 it came from had 1 tank but used to have 2 so it had the swith but that's all that remained except a vacent fuel door. i'm thinking of an electric fuel pump on a switch, and a fuel pressure gauge so i know when to shut it off. then as you said when the tank is low, fill it up, and no gravity feed.

matthufham 01-01-2006 12:14 AM

Re: tell me if this is safe
ok here's another idea to make this silly thing work. when at the gas station, if the fuel gauge says full, fill up the keg, if it's half empty, fill the blazer tank til it's full, and then cap and fill the keg. this is using the gravity feed system.

Longhorn Man 01-01-2006 12:43 AM

Re: tell me if this is safe
Personally, I'd forget the whole thing.
Go down to your corner inspection station and see what they have to say.

pebbleboy 01-01-2006 12:52 AM

Re: tell me if this is safe

Originally Posted by Longhorn Man
Go down to your corner inspection station and see what they have to say.

Thats part of the reson I bought a 70.

When the manager comes out intyroduces himself and says there is no way were even looking at this vheicle you know life is good :metal:

70short/step 01-01-2006 01:25 AM

Re: tell me if this is safe
The Keg will work and is safe with the ideas that were offered here, Just mount it without using those 2X4s that are in the pic!

Longhorn Man 01-01-2006 01:27 AM

Re: tell me if this is safe
Come to inspection at all. :D


Originally Posted by pebbleboy
Thats part of the reson I bought a 70.

When the manager comes out intyroduces himself and says there is no way were even looking at this vheicle you know life is good :metal:

Blazer1970 01-01-2006 08:42 AM

Re: tell me if this is safe
I don't know why you would want that keg taking up space in your bed. It will be in the way all the time. Just stop at the gas station more often. They are always open and willing to sell you fuel. If you have to keep the keg, plumb it like a normal dual tank set-up with a selector.

special-K 01-01-2006 09:05 AM

Re: tell me if this is safe
I wouldn`t put beer in a gas tank.So,I wouldn`t put gas in a keg.I put cargo in the bed and install auxilary tanks for extra fuel under the truck.I`d rather have the original gas tank.I would definately use a tranfer switch for more than one tank.

68C15 01-01-2006 09:12 AM

Re: tell me if this is safe
if you have to ask then it probably isnt safe. whats gonna keep the keg in place in an accident?

not being mean, just giving my .02

LSGarage 01-01-2006 11:48 AM

Re: tell me if this is safe
Like special-K said, beer, gas and truck beds have their own places in this world.

matthufham 01-01-2006 08:33 PM

Re: tell me if this is safe
to clear things up and continue the thread...
1) i have a spare tire on the right side of the bed, and i want the keg on the left
2)no inspection for antique vehicles registered vehicles in texas
3)if i get t-boned where i plan to mount the keg, i've got more problems than an explosion or rupture.
4)if i run a fuel tank selector, the keg has no sending unit and i'll never know when to fill up. That's why i wanted to plumb it into the blazer tank.
5) the 2X4's raise the keg, so the drain fitting doesn't touch the floor. it's lower than the mounting flange, but overall, a sturdy package with the 2X4's.

so even though today isn't the thinking man's day to be thinking, anybody else got an idea.

low'n slow 01-01-2006 08:40 PM

Re: tell me if this is safe
No reason to have a sending unit. If you're determined to run the thing. Just run it dry and switch to the other tank. Myself, I think I'd listen to the majority on this thread.

matthufham 01-01-2006 08:53 PM

Re: tell me if this is safe

Originally Posted by low'n slow
No reason to have a sending unit. If you're determined to run the thing. Just run it dry and switch to the other tank. Myself, I think I'd listen to the majority on this thread.

yea that's how old farmer ricky ran it, the truck came with a fuel gauge about 4 feet long (a wooden dipstick).

i'm destined to not use it as an auxilary tank, but i'm putting it in the truck no matter what, it might as well have a function.

70short/step 01-01-2006 09:10 PM

Re: tell me if this is safe
Use something else besides wood 2X4's to space it above the floor. Make some steel brackets, but I would not use wood!

krue 01-01-2006 09:18 PM

Re: tell me if this is safe

Originally Posted by 70short/step
Use something else besides wood 2X4's to space it above the floor. Make some steel brackets, but I would not use wood!

Properly mounted I don't see a problem. BTW I've got one just like that I'm gonna use for a gas tank for my rail buggy. Seen them used for years, never heard of a problem.

FormerMember 01-01-2006 09:18 PM

Re: tell me if this is safe
People have done this for years. "Rat Rod" is function over form. I don't have a problem with the keg's strength, take a look at most of the gas tanks out there {plastic}. If it's mounted sturdily, then a vehicle impact has a ton of frame to go through to get to it.

My only issue would be abraision on the rubber fuel lines causing a leak.

My last diesel truck had a 55 gallon home fabricated tank in the bed that would trickle into the fill neck of my main tank. Perhaps you could do that, with a cut off /check valve?

dwaite72lnghrn 01-02-2006 08:45 AM

Re: tell me if this is safe
Personally I think it's a bomb just waiting to go off... The gas tanks made of plastic and tin are ment to expand and it ruptured they will leak yes and spill gas but that tank will hold and violently explode. Yes they used them in the old dune buggies and rat rods but today there is better things to use. You as the driver/owner are responsible for any damage done by your not complying with federal transportation laws.
You lend your truck to someone or sell it and they do something stupid and it blows up you have to live with and pay for it. If you want it be aware just because you have no inspections you are still required to obey the laws governing these things. be safe disconnect it, polish it make it look good but don't put fuel in it.
My opinion. Better to be SAFE than SORRY.

LUV2XCLR8 01-02-2006 08:51 AM

Re: tell me if this is safe
Wow, as usual, opinions are like you know what, everyone's got em :hm:
I say run it if that's what you want, but I also agree with the majority.

Longhorn Man 01-02-2006 11:56 AM

Re: tell me if this is safe
I say look into the legality. If Tx says go for it and tells you to use a fuel tank that is not D.O.T. aproved, then when something happens, you can file charges again's the state after the victoms of the accudent get you for all you are worth.

matthufham 01-03-2006 11:44 AM

Re: tell me if this is safe

Slammed66 01-03-2006 12:06 PM

Re: tell me if this is safe
:ww: Why not use the blazer tank for a blazer tank and the beer keg for a beer keg?

all of a sudden your the life of the party???:ww:

DangerBoy 01-03-2006 01:23 PM

Re: tell me if this is safe
This is somethin me and a friend of mine were going to do once. If you do decide to use it as a gas tank definately put a rubber grommet in the hole you run your lines through so you don't bust a fuel line.

Professor 01-03-2006 03:21 PM

Re: tell me if this is safe
Isn't that a steel pipe and steel cap used as the filler? Isn't steel (ferrous metal) more likely to cause a spark (on top of several gallons of gas) than a DOT approved filler and tank?
Also, where is the vent system? What happens when you fill up some cool morning, park it in the sun, and as the gas expands it pushes gas through your system (fuel lines, pump, and carb, and into your cylinders)? ...especially when the truck is not running?

ozzyracing 01-03-2006 03:42 PM

Re: tell me if this is safe
I agree that a keg is for beer, a gas tank is for gas. You may be the best driver in the world but when the other person hits you (drunk or not and at fault or not) and your bomb, I mean keg damages other property or better yet injurs or kills someone, your ass will be poor (likely to be sued) and most likely sore (if someone is injured and you are charged with endangerment, unsecure load, negligent manslaughter, etc. you will be in the POKEY). Good luck with what you decide to do.

Everyone has choices in life, its the choices you make that affect your life.

72 Cheyenne402 01-03-2006 04:10 PM

Re: tell me if this is safe
Kegs are for beer!!!

matthufham 01-03-2006 05:07 PM

Re: tell me if this is safe
@ professor, there's 2 tiny holes in the side of the cap, maybe 1 mm or so. it's a cap the farmer had lying around the oil field.

and would my underage friends really enjoy a glass of beer that tastes like gasoline?

screamin_c102 01-03-2006 05:18 PM

Re: tell me if this is safe
I would not use it as a fuel tank. I would however mount it, cut the center section into a lid hinged at the top, polish it, fill it with ice and beverages for tailgate parties. That would be one cool ass ice chest!!! When it isn't being used as a mobile beverage cooler, you could safely store, a jack, fire extinguisher, jumper cables, spare fluids, etc. in it......:metal:

Best of both worlds....Bill

matthufham 01-03-2006 06:06 PM

Re: tell me if this is safe

Originally Posted by screamin_c10
I would not use it as a fuel tank. I would however mount it, cut the center section into a lid hinged at the top, polish it, fill it with ice and beverages for tailgate parties. That would be one cool ass ice chest!!! When it isn't being used as a mobile beverage cooler, you could safely store, a jack, fire extinguisher, jumper cables, spare fluids, etc. in it......:metal:

Best of both worlds....Bill

good idea, i was wondering where i could store all my tools, they'd vibrate under the seat with all the bass, and that seems like a use for it. how would i go about cutting the tank since it's had gas in it?

gringoloco 01-03-2006 06:13 PM

Re: tell me if this is safe

Originally Posted by screamin_c10
I would not use it as a fuel tank. I would however mount it, cut the center section into a lid hinged at the top, polish it, fill it with ice and beverages for tailgate parties. That would be one cool ass ice chest!!! When it isn't being used as a mobile beverage cooler, you could safely store, a jack, fire extinguisher, jumper cables, spare fluids, etc. in it......:metal:

Best of both worlds....Bill

Or... cut it in half, hinge it and make a charcoal grill out of it. Better yet, run some gas burners for propane. Great for tailgate partyin'. That would be pretty cool, me thinks...

GMC AMI 01-03-2006 06:24 PM

Re: tell me if this is safe
Ditch the keg idea and buy a nice toolbox with a built in SAFE gas tank if you want extra capacity.

matthufham 01-03-2006 09:30 PM

Re: tell me if this is safe

Originally Posted by Mike Files
Ditch the keg idea and buy a nice toolbox with a built in SAFE gas tank if you want extra capacity.

can i have $1000 for that? yea my point too.

Slammed66 01-03-2006 11:10 PM

Re: tell me if this is safe
Easy TURBO!!!!

matthufham 01-03-2006 11:24 PM

Re: tell me if this is safe

Originally Posted by Slammed66
Easy TURBO!!!!

if you're talking about filling the keg with racing fuel, i'm too poor.

GMC AMI 01-04-2006 07:15 AM

Re: tell me if this is safe
2 Attachment(s)

Originally Posted by matthufham
can i have $1000 for that? yea my point too.

At what price do you value your safety? I never saw one for 1000.:crazy:
You asked for comments on the safety factor then slam me for my comment.:rolleyes: Do what you will as you would anyways. There are enough gas stations to use the in the cab tank without a problem without the keg.:blah: :blah:

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