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in over my head?
my truck is presently in my schools auto shop getting worked on by me as well as some others. As i'm working on this, i take a look up at it, from underneath while it's on the lift and can't help but get really discouraged. My truck is pretty rough but it's not easily replaceable. Dad's had it for 20 years and ive wanted it since i was little. Dont know what to do...................
Re: in over my head?
rough as in what rust ?
or in need of new parts? |
Re: in over my head?
how about some pics and that will help us see what your seeing, What may look bad to you may not really be all that bad after all. let us have a look and Then we can help you better judge what you have gotten into.
Re: in over my head?
Yeah more info needed...........
Re: in over my head?
old rotted rocker.
new one install |
Re: in over my head?
rust as well as new parts needed. i will get pics. It just seems like everywhere i look i see another problem. everything from, body rusted(cab corners are gone, like seeing the road gone) to rocker panels to suspension being bad. It doesnt seem that bad to me when i think about it, but when i start to look around and see what is all gone to pot on it, it hits me that this is rough. i wouldnt know where to start on the cab corners. (lack of welder/ people teaching me how to do it right)
Re: in over my head?
Don't think of it as all of this work to do now that you don't know how to do.
Think of it as a bunch of different projects that you will get to do over the next few months or years (whatever your time frame is). Who cares if you don't know how to weld now, or anything else that you may not know how to do. Imagine everything you will have learned when you are done. It's tough to put a price on that. It's not only the technical things either, it's the accomplishment. Not everyone can stick through things to the end. Keep your head high, and keep truckin!! |
Re: in over my head?
Don't give up.Im doing all of my own work.I bought a welder and Im teaching myself how to use it.I just put up a 30x28 carport to keep my 67 under.I did all the welding and Im really proud of myself .My 67 is going to be a good looking truck at least thats what I keep telling myself.Go for it.
Re: in over my head?
This thing you're goin through right now is normal!I just got over a similar "pit in the stomach"hopeless type attack the other day when I noticed a few more rough spots on my project.
I just remind myself that I can do this so long as I do it one step at a time and not try to build rome in a day. What I recommend is to find some pics of some really sweet finished trucks and have a good look at them to help keep fresh in your mind why you are doing this.Try to break it down into small jobs and do your homework on each task before attempting it.Remember that this site is a gold mine of information and talent,we all are here to help each other! Figure out what part of the build you are best at and enjoy most.When things aren't going good on one of the other phases,walk away from it for a little while and work on one of the other areas that you excel at. Don't get too hung up on deadlines if at all possible either.I really believe that they are more harmful than helpful.I want mine done asap like anyone else,but I'm not gonna sacrifice quality or go into the poor house to meet a deadline ya know? Don't give up,remember that whatever problems you are having with your project,someone else on the board is having the same or worse problems with theirs!;) |
Re: in over my head?
I usually like to do things that make a project easier to drive first. It's easy to loose interest if it's not a driver. Also, the mechanical stuff isn't as hard and doesn't require as many specialized tools. You can do a lot of repairs on these old trucks with just a basic tool set. More involved repairs can still be done with loaner tools from the parts store. Once you have been driving and enjoying something for a while, it makes it easier to take things further and go for harder bodywork-type repairs.
Re: in over my head?
:gi: :agree:
Drive this truck. Fix what goes drasticly wrong, and drive it some more. Everyone is right so far. We have all looked at a project truck and tried to calculate time and money and it seems impossible. (This is not a good thing to share with your wife) Move forward and do something that will make you smile. Clean something till it shines even if it is only the mirror or the radio buttons. A little glitter will make you smile every time you notice it while driving. Read the stuff guys post here often. Make this a place that you get your encouragement from. Lots of guys are working their way through the same problems and some may even have less skill than you. Drive it. |
Re: in over my head?
All spoken like true restores!!
Abraham Lincoln said "Listen and heed the advise of your elders, the wisdom they share with you came to them at great expence, but comes absolutly and fruitfully free to you" Not necessarly "elders" but those of us that have had our minds in the gutter like yours as we stared at our projects. The key is EXACTLY what all these guys are saying - take each little project from A-Z, drive it as often as you can.. and never, i repeat never, let it beat you.. That truck will be your best friend if you take control... It'll be your worst enemy if you let it have control... Ask any of these fellows they will tell you the same... You take that one cab corner- you research it, you go to a body shop and ask questions, you try it, and try it again, and again-- until its right.. but when its finally right - let me tell you, the feeling you get,,,,,,,,it'll lead you to the next thing with 101 octane!! If it doesn't it never will and its just not in your blood. Good luck to you PS. I guaranty you that most of these guys would GIVE you parts rather than see you give up on it. |
Re: in over my head?
Dont worry it can be intimidating but dont let the truck win...It sometimes feels like an uphill battle especially if you a young person. But patience is very important. Post up some pics and let the board be of some support to you. These guys are some of the best encouragement.
-Jake- |
Re: in over my head?
another thing, tackle one projet at a time. Do not get half way through one thing and start something else. You get too many thigs going at once and you will feel very over whelmed. beleive me I know. take your time and relax, On a good note look at the bright side you can cuss and yell at her when things dont go right and she wont talk back.......
Re: in over my head?
None of it has to be done in a day. That's why God gave us "tomorrow"...
Re: in over my head?
Just keep working on it as everyone says. I am the second owner of my 69 SWB and bought it back in the early 80's. It still has the original paint. I have only done little things mechanical and prime here and there to keep it from rusting. Hope to paint some day, but enjoy driving it and don't care what people think about the camo looking paint job. I know what I got underneath and what it will be some day.
Re: in over my head?
Trust me man, I felt the same way about my 80 -- And guess what? 14 months later I can see the light at the end of the tunnel :)
Hang in there! Its not like its gotta be done tommorow. There have been months where I haven't touched the 80 at all, and other days where I got half a month's worth of work done in a single afternoon, lol |
Re: in over my head?
These guys will steer you right. Like Cypress said pick one thing at a time, take your time and study what you are about to do, ask questions then go do it. If you mess up the first time, do it again. It was already broke before you started (some people here are different though).
I just rebuilt the wiring harnesses on my truck. I had never had that much stuff torn out of a vehicle at one time. Everybody I knew thought it would never run again. All I did was ask a few questions and study a wiring diagram for a few days before I started. It was a great feeling to get in back in and everything works. Don't let it get you down and ask as many questions as you need. Most of all enjoy it and remember all the times you and your Dad went for a drive in it and how some day your son will want it. |
Re: in over my head?
Within weeks of finishing our first frame off on my 68, we started the frame off resto on our 70. (must be nuts !!!) When we we doing the 68 I was wondering what I had got myself into, but it alll went back together and is really nice. Even after doing the first one, I am still wondering if the 70 will ever run again but I know it will get back together, hopefully by this summer, so just keep on plugging, it will get done somehow.
Re: in over my head?
Hey gey, I just bought a truck that is rotten as hell in the cab like you just described, the cool thing about these pickups is that they repop damn near every piece for these trucks. My first project come spring time is going to be to replace the floors, cab corners, inner/outer rockers and cab supports, then im going to add a 99' and up silverado bucket setup, fix the mirrors sell my 7MPG 95' F150 and enjoy!! Id hope you do the same. Just think man, your already a thousand bucks up on anyone whose ever bought a decent truck, yours is free! You can buy ALOT of stuff for a thousand bucks. Say a front end rebuild kit, the cab repair panels, a 350 dollar lincoln wire feed welder and Efabs video series. With some elbow grease and cuss words youll be on track!
Re: in over my head?
thanks all for the encouragement. I know i am never going to sell the truck, its always been my dream. I think i am just getting discouraged because of the lack of experienced help by my side. The board is great but nothing beats having someone who knows what they're doing by your side, willing to help. Novaguy, let me know how the cab repairs go, thats a big problem for me.
Re: in over my head?
Im with you in the overwelmed catagory but I will tell you this is one of those things were common sense and just out lasting it will help you make it through. Krue told me about a video series from a guy named Ebfabman. I went to his website and it looks like they would be a good investment for the first timer. I currently have 4 trucks all in different stages of restoration and I am trying to get all the practice on my 69 shortstep, my 63 shortwide, 64 shortwide so when I get to MY 1956 Bigwindow Shortstep I will be ready for anything. I would suggest getting some scrap metal about the same thickness of the metal your going to weld and practice before you weld on your truck. Good luck with your project.
Re: in over my head?
What a great thread. The best part about it is that it all sounds like experience here. I think we've all been there to some degree, but it's good to here from so many people.
We're up to are butts in a frame up ourselves, and it sure does get old some days. I've often thought "I must be nuts for trying to fix this" but it's pretty cool when you're done that piece!! I just fixed some fenders and saved a bunch, now we can get something else needed... (D) |
Re: in over my head?
you wont be disappointed with Ebfabmans'videos.
even for a beginner they are very easy to follow, but show a true step-by-step of every procedure. Go for it Kid!!!!!!!!!!!!! We'll back ya up! |
Re: in over my head?
Don't get down man, I give you credit that your getting into trucks/cars vs. getting into trouble. Well thats what I am hoping. I have a 68 gmc long bed that I am going to start restoring. I am normally a car man and this is my first truck as well. It tough being 16 now a days I imagine. Relax, it all takes time. Pm me and maybe when I get started on mine you can check out whats going on. Ya, I know, your saying how can I do that! Easy, I live in Milwaukee. Oh, I also worked in a bodyshop for nine years so most of this stuff is nothing new. Maybe we can help each other. Don't get me wrong. I am not going to restore your truck, But may be able to help out or offer some guidence seeing this thing up front. I also have a buddy just starting with this stuff. We all were or are in the same boat. Any overall pics of truck? I also have a connection with a local place for sheetmetal parts. No need to pay shipping etc. Plus this the sheetmetal for these trucks is pretty cheap. Talk to ya soon.
Re: in over my head?
Hang in there bro, it's your dads ride....so by law you have to make it sweet again.:banghead:
Re: in over my head?
Don't ever give up on it. I have had mine now since 1986 and still haven't finished it. Fix what has to be fixed to make it safe, #1 is your safety and other's who ride with you are who meet you on the road. Fix things as you can after that. Keep your faith and head both up and it will happen.
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