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What did you get done? July 4th edition!
Instead of lounging around the pool and enjoying a long holiday weekend like most people, I worked. Since I was out of town last week, I had to get caught up. That meant giving my guys the day off, but I had to work till late in the evening on Friday.
Saturday morning I looked at my pool and marveled at it's lovely color of emerald green. My wife didn't appreciate the tropical lagoon look so I spent the morning cleaning my filter grids. I followed that with a thorough brushing of the pool, along with a round of shock. I ran a few service calls, then met friends for dinner. Today I spent more time working on the pool. I discovered why the waterfall wasn't flowing properly and moved some rocks that were being used as baffles. Nothing gets your heart pumping like reaching in a dark hole filled with water and feel something slimy run across your hand. Fortunately it was only a toad frog that found out the hard way he couldn't tread water forever. I spent the rest of the day at friends house hanging out around their pool. What did you get done? http://images.intheswim.com/images/cat_image/T0030.jpg |
Re: What did you get done? July 4th edition!
Watched fireworks Friday night. Nothing truck related.
Re: What did you get done? July 4th edition!
took my cousin for a ride in the '71 and donated a substantial amount of "rubberized protective coating" to the county roads. He saw the truck in 1995 and even hooked me up with a front end rebuild kit but hadn't seen it since. Other than that, spent several days working on the annual familty 4th shin-dig.
Re: What did you get done? July 4th edition!
Did a lot of prep work, I get my control arm parts back from the machine shop Monday and I needed to make my jigs for welding them together. Other then that started putting the steering back together, I bought an aftermarket steering dampener from Moog and they shorted me half the bushings, bastards. Oh well I’d rather have Poly bushings anyways. I did get enough of the steering put back together to fire the engine up (the steering wheel vibrates violently when there is nothing past the steering box). It’s been up on jack stands for over a month new so it was good to run it for a little bit.
Re: What did you get done? July 4th edition!
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we didnt get to do anything as i didnt get upstate to where my truck is parked but we decided to go to Atlantic City for a couple of days and i didnt hit any jackpots but we had a good time
my step daughter didnt have too good a time and got peeved at one of my buddys who took her pic lol cell phone pics dont work so good |
Re: What did you get done? July 4th edition!
I partied in Oklahoma City all weekend!! Drove to Frisco,TX on Saturady to shop at IKEA and delivered a sport bumper to Peter "friscocrownie" while I was there. I had a good time visiting with him... great guy! Dropped by on a Casino on the way back to the city... did okay there... and drove back home today!!
Re: What did you get done? July 4th edition!
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I camped out at Joe Pool Lake saturday night. Sleep most of the day today. Sprayed weed killer and bought a 1984 3/4 diesel that runs and drives for $475. Some hickeys, but not bad. I buffed the right front fender. Hauled it home beacause the tires were junk! I love craigslist.
Re: What did you get done? July 4th edition!
Finally got my truck out of the painters and moved to the trim shop for the full inside treatment, nice to see some progress. No pics as the weather was ****e.
Re: What did you get done? July 4th edition!
Re: What did you get done? July 4th edition!
Went to the paint shop and saw the truck painted I love it but it have some things that I don't like it... pics soon
Re: What did you get done? July 4th edition!
I spent my weekend back in the Chevy world, working on a buddy's Jeep with a 350 - it gots some parts that are pretty unusual for a mostly stock engine (roller rockers, expensive reusable gaskets, and such), but when we pulled the pan drain plug what came out first was not oil, but water so clean I could probably drink it with no ill effects. Once that was gone the oil poured out too, and after we pulled the pan and later the camshaft there we no bearing damages present, so hopefully we got off the hook easy... will see for sure next weekend. |
Re: What did you get done? July 4th edition!
I spent Friday on the river all day, drinking and watching fireworks. Saturday I helped a buddy get his fresh 350 running in his '78 Regal and took it for a test drive today, the thing hauls a$$ and pulls real hard. Today was a bust, miserable weather.
Hopefully in the next few weeks I can get my cab and set it on the swb frame, maybe pick up a 6.0 shortblock, who knows. I just need more $$. |
Re: What did you get done? July 4th edition!
I hit the Stoked Out Specialties shop again to see if everything was complete w/the cars we're taking to GoodGuys Columbus. Suprisingly..... they're ready to go. I think the 'main' car they've been working on (67 Camaro) will definitely be a hit w/the crowd.
After talking about my stuff that afternoon, I decided to go home & swap the ralleys out for the Coys C-5's I've had sitting in the garage. They looked pretty good on the ol' truck but the drop is too much for the 255-40-20's up front so they rubbed baaaaaaaaad as I drove it out to Kellers burgers on Sat night. They'll come back off tomorrow & maybe the TT2's will find their way back on. Today was spent over @ my GF's parents for a birthday party/cook-out. I did get some pics of the 74 w/the Coys before we went over there. I'll get them loaded up tomorrow & post some. |
Re: What did you get done? July 4th edition!
Friday: Replaced sway bar bushings in my 79 LB down at my buddy's body shop, where he's working on repainting it. His only helper hurt his back last week, so that put my project behind. He's leaving for his annual Canadian fishing trip on Thursday and won't be back until the 26th, so my truck won't be done until early August. The upshot is that I can spread out the financial damage a bit so it doesn't hurt the wallet so bad.
Saturday: drove 130 miles round trip to score a pair of NOS 73-80 fenders for $195. I was quite pleased ;) Sunday: Took it easy until 4pm, then I went in to work for 4 hours to help pay for all this stuff :D |
Re: What did you get done? July 4th edition!
Spent part of Friday hitting the 80 with a rattle can paint job. My body guy wanted to get a good look at it so the black rattle job will show every little dent. The truck has to be stripped anyway. Also installed the cab trim, figured it was safer on the truck than sitting in the garage, and it will be hard for me to lose the clips with them on the truck.
Watched it rain all day Saturday. Spent Sunday at a friends shop working on my S-10, new 2400 stall converter, and buttoned up some exhaust issues. |
Re: What did you get done? July 4th edition!
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Taught my GF to ride a motorcycle, she learned on the F-Bomb (1996 cbr600F3...missing some plastic and has a bicycle speed-o). Watched some fireworks. Filled both tanks on the C-10 for $100 and realize that i could have bought new shock all the way around, or tint, or spindles, or a flip kit, or an h-pipe, or a whole lot of other things. So basically what im saying is I can drive my truck or I can fix it up, but not both.
Re: What did you get done? July 4th edition!
I stayed close to home all weekend.I always have lots of yard work to do.I need to stop planting stuff.Sunday got back on the truck.Hooked up a pressure gauge on the 700R4 and made the TV adjustment and check PSI's in all gears.The new carb TV cable bracket and adjustable cable did the trick.The truck has never shift so good.I have to install the new Adjustable Vacuum advance and timing tape.And set the timing up.
Re: What did you get done? July 4th edition!
Friday: Spent the day at the lake with some buddies and a 50 foot rope swing.
Saturday: Spent the day swearing about how sore I was. Sunday: Spent the day busting arse picking up hay bales for my GF's parents. Hey, at least I made $50! |
Re: What did you get done? July 4th edition!
I had a great weekend,we did absolutely nothing!
Re: What did you get done? July 4th edition!
Was camping in Deer Lodge, Tennessee all weekend. Friday a good ole hillbilly party, Saturday hiking at Bill's Creek outside Jamestown, TN, Sunday the dreaded long drive back to Indiana.
Re: What did you get done? July 4th edition!
Did some material strength test on the rear-end parts I’m designing, and worked on getting the laser patterns finished up to cut. Went on some good rides on the Harley to watch fireworks at a few different places. Filled in at the local midnight drag races for the announcer, that was a blast. And the highlight of the weekend was the sweet 16 party that we threw for my little sister, complete with live band, 50ft slip-and-slide, dirt bikes, bikers, beer (for the adults), fireworks, and more all around a good weekend.
Re: What did you get done? July 4th edition!
NOTTA DAD GUMMED THANG!!! Fracking rained all weekend here.
Re: What did you get done? July 4th edition!
Argh. Spent $400 on the daily driver - brake job and a vehicle speed sensor that's on national backorder because the part comes from Japan. Spent the weekend as "home base" check-in for my family. My folks live in Santa Barbara and got evac'ed because of fires on the 3rd, so that was excitement of the wrong kind.
Re: What did you get done? July 4th edition!
got yelled at by the wife
o.k. so in the last 3 weeks I bought three trucks first was the 83 short bed no engine absolutely rust free so then found a sweet running 84 with cold air and lots of rust to put two together to make one good one then I see a very straight cold air 88 suburban with the typical bad roof rust with a 350 so now its buy three to make two I already had a sweet 82 long bed so now four trucks in the yard and the weekends are gonna be busy 500 bucks a piece isn't bad is it Mark |
Re: What did you get done? July 4th edition!
Had a 3 day weekend.. went to the wifes parents house to chill out a bit and get her kids for the weekend.. Saturday, worked on the truck, fixing little things here and there, cleaned the engine, painted the engine bay. Sunday, worked on the truck some more, painted the inside of the bed, the grille and the underside of the hood, sprayed the floors and cleaned the carport.. and I thought the weekends were for rest!
Re: What did you get done? July 4th edition!
Replaced the steering gear in the 99 between rain storms. Entertained friends from New York for 3 days. Begain the mold killing process in the basement and detrimmed the next room on the rebuild list. Cleaned enough garage to get out my motor stand and get the 700R4 off the floor. That allowed me to get to the tractor parts that are next on the paint stripping list.
Wife made me do nothing on Sunday. Sucked. |
Re: What did you get done? July 4th edition!
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spent the week end listening to awesome Music in Rothbury MIchigan. I haven't had this much fun in a long time...
Here is some more pictures.... http://www.mlive.com/grgallery/galle....ata?g_id=7749 |
Re: What did you get done? July 4th edition!
Well my weekend started early on Thursday. I am the "pit boss" at work when we do cook outs for the employees. Me and my 3 guys did burgers for 400 people across 3 shifts starting Wednesday night. We finished at 1pm Thursday and got to go home. Local fireworks were on Thursday night, saw that with the kids and my bosses family. Friday, spent time catching up on sleep, went and got my boys from camp that evening, came home and went to the next door for the neighborhood get together and more fireworks.
Saturday, spent time working around the house, fixed my small push mower, my folks came over for awhile and kept the kids while my wife and I went out to dinner and to get more things for the house. Spent like $700 for blinds for 2 windows...she owes me...I got to be nice since I get a new shop this fall/winter.:metal: Sunday, slept late, installed stuff from Lowe's on the house, FINALLY got to do what I wanted and I washed my Truck. Did not get tot he interior, but the outside is clean looks better, I need to clay the paint and polish/wax it but it got dark. I recently had the bed repainted after installing a roll pan and welding up the stack pockets and flipped the tailgate handle, the tailgate is still at the painter, he screwed it up:devil:...should have it back this week. |
Re: What did you get done? July 4th edition!
Packed up the truck and said good bye as it was picked up yesterday...
Bye truck, by America... Afghanistan by Friday! :chevy: |
Re: What did you get done? July 4th edition!
Kurt, Is the truck going with you?
Re: What did you get done? July 4th edition!
Chris, I think he's sending the truck to his parents place.
Re: What did you get done? July 4th edition!
Re: What did you get done? July 4th edition!
Gotcha. I guess I was reading too much into it.
Thank You for your Service Kurt and God be with you. |
Re: What did you get done? July 4th edition!
KMK have fun over there and watch for my brother in his UH60.. He is the guy at Bagram who is running RC trucks arent and building stuff from scrap lumber for his BTN. His Blackhawk is the one with gun in the doors...
I bought a couple electric weed whackers and knocked down the 4' high grass and weeds in my yard. Cheaper than fixing the mower and they dont use gas. Buffed the front end on the 98 Formula, and watched some fireworks. This week I am trying to get anything done on the trucks, cars and house. Already broke and its only the 9th! I should get the 76 drivable so I can move cars and stuff. |
Re: What did you get done? July 4th edition!
Kenny USN Vet First Gulf War |
Re: What did you get done? July 4th edition!
Had wedding rehearsal Fri. and got married Sat. Yeah, nothing truck related was done...
actually that's not entirely true... I did actually open the truck sna checked to see how the door panels come off so I can see what's up with the locks not working. There are no handles on the inside on the back doors and no push knob to lock and unlock the back. The push knob appears to have the rod attached to it ont he front doors but won't move up or down. I'll figure it out when I get the panels off. Gotta go get one of those tools to remove the door handles first. :D While looking, I did discover that the front and back doors have two different door panels. Front has manual windows and locks, backs have power windows and locks. Gonna have to get a matching set at some point. Thanks to the gentlemen leaving for Afghanistan soon. Your service for all of our safety and freedom is appreciated deeply! C-ya |
Re: What did you get done? July 4th edition!
Cooked at a 4th of July fireworks parade for SanJacinto. And started getting ready for the Brothers Show-n-Shine the 13th. See you guys there. Cant miss me I be where it says..."SMOKEY BONES BBQ"
-Lance |
Re: What did you get done? July 4th edition!
HI everyone havent posted on here in couple years but i started my 86 this weekend for the first time in two year and it ran great. im kinda exicted to get back to work on it becuase i got it when i was 15 and broke now im 19 and money is alittle easier to come by. and babyjay i live near jamestown. what a small world.
Re: What did you get done? July 4th edition!
Went to a great 4th of July party at a friend's place in the country on Friday. I got to do some fishing on Saturday. The two of us caught and cleaned 36 smallish catfish. Sunday was spent recovering from Friday and Saturday. I did nothing to any of the vehicles...
Slonaker |
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