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80chevyshortbox 06-10-2009 06:05 PM

1980 short box
Hey i am a new member to this form, so i figured i would post up my build thread and some history on my 80 chevy.

trucks history-

this truck has been in my famley for about 5 years now. my dad bought it for my brother as a birthday gift for his 16th birthday. so he drove it for about 1 years then he bought a newer truck.

so after my brother bought his new truck he gave the truck to my dad. so for the last 2 years it has sat in my backyard doing nothing. my old man thought about selling it one day but it never happed, so one day me and my old man decided to start to rebuild it.

so me my dad and my grandpa got right to rebuiding it. i have been i love with cars and trucks my whole life and saving to do a build like this my whole life.


so we puled the truck around into the garage and started riping it apart.

so after we had the motor out one day my uncle came buy and did some body work. he got quite a bit done.

my grandpa and i decided to put a lowering kit on it. so he came over we riped of the box and stared to put in the 2 1/2 inch drop spindles and the shackles.

figured i would paint up the rear end well we had the box off so hear is pics of the truck with the shackes and 1 leaf spring token out.

after that we instaled the spindels.

painting parts

spindels in

80chevyshortbox 06-10-2009 06:06 PM

Re: 1980 short box
back on solid ground

then we got the motor back

and as of right now all that i am doing is smoothing down the firewall so i can paint it and put the motor back in.

fiyaweed06 06-10-2009 06:24 PM

Re: 1980 short box
never mind the spelling man,its ok we're gear heads not english teachers and i hate to re read some of my post.(lol)

LiveAnimals 06-10-2009 07:34 PM

Re: 1980 short box
I dont see a motor anywhere in those pics

80chevyshortbox 06-10-2009 08:11 PM

Re: 1980 short box

Originally Posted by fiyaweed06 (Post 3353381)
never mind the spelling man,its ok we're gear heads not english teachers and i hate to re read some of my post.(lol)

lol thanks man.

80chevyshortbox 06-14-2009 08:12 PM

Re: 1980 short box
so we did some more work on the truck today. my uncle (the guy who is doing the work on the bodywork.) came back today and we got quite a bit of sanding done we also started to replace the cab corners.

cut out the rust
then we put in the new peace.
then me and my grandpa decided to pull of the fender and pull the rad suppoort back into shape so the fender would line up right. (the old owner drove it into the ditch and bent it.) you see how its bent.

we ended up getting it fixed and all back together but i dont have pics ATM. but all uploade them latter.
thanks for looking

tvblazer78 06-14-2009 08:47 PM

Re: 1980 short box
Motor is looking good! If I was you I would take the front clip off and paint the frame and inners good. It will make it pop!

80chevyshortbox 06-14-2009 09:27 PM

Re: 1980 short box
thanks man. ya you make a good point that would make it pop alot more.

JohnC 06-16-2009 05:17 PM

Re: 1980 short box
Looks good man, I'm subscribing. :agree: with tvblazer. If you already have one fender off, you might as well pull the other one and paint it all while it's all apart. Keep it up man!

80chevyshortbox 06-16-2009 06:45 PM

Re: 1980 short box
thanks man ya i am starting to think the same way with all the money i spent on the motor lol.

menace121978 06-17-2009 09:48 AM

Re: 1980 short box
nice progress bud. keep it up and you'll have something your proud of.

by the way, love the looks of that motor. whats the specs?

80chevyshortbox 06-17-2009 05:32 PM

Re: 1980 short box

Originally Posted by menace121978 (Post 3364846)
nice progress bud. keep it up and you'll have something your proud of.

by the way, love the looks of that motor. whats the specs?

it the original 350
i took it down to a local shop
they did i hole mild rebuild on it
cam,ported heads,edelbrock high rise intake,edelbrock 750cfm carb
i got the receit and they got a bunch of other goods on there.
some where around 300-350 hp

JohnC 06-18-2009 07:53 AM

Re: 1980 short box
That should be a pretty nice run around motor!

menace121978 06-18-2009 08:41 AM

Re: 1980 short box
thats pretty nice #. i would like to know what heads and cam he went with if you have time. thanks Dennis

80chevyshortbox 06-18-2009 02:35 PM

Re: 1980 short box
ya no problem. i am heading out to garage now to do some more work on the engen bay. all check and get back to you tonight.

80chevyshortbox 06-19-2009 04:04 PM

Re: 1980 short box
so i was working on the truck for awhile yesterday. i got alot done on the firewall and also did some sanding on the doors and the box. i am uploading pics right now all have them up in like a half an hour.

also i went to go check the recet to figure out what cams and heads he ended up putting in and i couldent read his writing at all lol. if you guys want to know tho i can uplode a pic of the recet and you guys can attempt reading it lol.

80chevyshortbox 06-19-2009 04:30 PM

Re: 1980 short box
fender back together.

JohnC 06-19-2009 04:35 PM

Re: 1980 short box
All that sanding looks good man. The cleaning will really be evident when it's all back together! :thumbs: What color are you going with in the engine bay?

80chevyshortbox 06-19-2009 04:39 PM

Re: 1980 short box
i am not to shure yet. i am thinking just black, but everyone keeps telling me do it the same as the truck. so im not shure what im gona do yet but every one is starting to make sense cuse i have two years before the truck has to be runing and it would make it look way better.

what do you guys think i should do.

JohnC 06-19-2009 04:50 PM

Re: 1980 short box
I like both ways. The black will go with just about any color, and that orange engine will really POP. The advantage of painting it the same color as the truck is that it tends to flow better. What color are you going with again?

menace121978 06-19-2009 04:50 PM

Re: 1980 short box
body color imo. but... some guys like to go black to hide the wiring and make the heater/fan box blend in better.

menace121978 06-19-2009 04:52 PM

Re: 1980 short box
oh yea, with what ever you decide its gonna look killer w/ that motor sitting in there.

80chevyshortbox 06-19-2009 04:54 PM

Re: 1980 short box

Originally Posted by JohnC (Post 3369129)
I like both ways. The black will go with just about any color, and that orange engine will really POP. The advantage of painting it the same color as the truck is that it tends to flow better. What color are you going with again?

i am going with speedway blue.

JohnC 06-19-2009 04:57 PM

Re: 1980 short box
Wow that's a great color. Like I said before I think both ways would look good. If you aren't going to paint it for a while you could always paint it black now, and then when you paint the truck paint it the body color then. It's more work, but a maybe an option.

80chevyshortbox 06-19-2009 04:57 PM

Re: 1980 short box

Originally Posted by menace121978 (Post 3369133)
oh yea, with what ever you decide its gonna look killer w/ that motor sitting in there.

thanks man. ya i cant wate tell it goes back in. i am also so jacked to hear it run.

80chevyshortbox 06-19-2009 04:59 PM

Re: 1980 short box

Originally Posted by JohnC (Post 3369149)
Wow that's a great color. Like I said before I think both ways would look good. If you aren't going to paint it for a while you could always paint it black now, and then when you paint the truck paint it the body color then. It's more work, but a maybe an option.

ya that could work. i think im just gona do it black tho it will save me lots of truble.

80chevyshortbox 06-21-2009 10:26 PM

Re: 1980 short box
body man came back yesterday and today and got alot done. he finished the cab corner on the right side of the truck he also finished the whole right side of the truck.
then me and my dad ripped out the sun roof and also the front window.
firewall is pritty much ready for primer we are painting it next weekend.

JohnC 06-22-2009 02:56 PM

Re: 1980 short box
He did a great job on that cab corner!

80chevyshortbox 06-23-2009 01:36 PM

Re: 1980 short box
ya man it came out awsome. i am jacked on progress i cant wate to see it all done and painted.

80chevyshortbox 07-05-2009 07:58 PM

Re: 1980 short box
so i havent updated this in a long time. we have gotten lots done in the last cupple of days.

so first thing i finaly got the firewall done so my uncle came and sprayed some primer.

then we got most of the can done and ready for primer still need to do the roof and the box but it almost there now.

then i cleaned up and painted some pullys, tranny lines and my water pump.

menace121978 07-05-2009 08:10 PM

Re: 1980 short box
nice progress! the body and fire wall looks great man...

80chevyshortbox 07-05-2009 08:13 PM

Re: 1980 short box
thanks man. im very happy with how it looks two.

JohnC 07-06-2009 08:38 AM

Re: 1980 short box
Looks great man. You have made some great progress. The firewall turned out nice. You'll be glad you took the time to clean up all the engine compartment while the engine was out. Keep the updates coming.

80chevyshortbox 07-06-2009 06:26 PM

Re: 1980 short box
so a long time ago my grandpa bought some racing seats for 25 bucks at a garage sale. so he gave them to me for my truck, so today we kinda mocked up a console and one seat.

80chevyshortbox 08-03-2009 12:07 PM

Re: 1980 short box
so i havent updated this in a while so hear it is. i have been doing quite a bit of work on the truck in my free time, we got the seats all bolted in and we made a center consol (still needs to be wraped in vinal), i orderd some 4 point racing seat belts, i painted in side the wheel wells with asphalt under coating, i sanded down the whole interior and fire wall so they are all ready for paint now.
and a pic of the motor agen cuse its about to go back in once the engen bay is all painted. im gona order the paint soon.

JohnC 08-03-2009 04:28 PM

Re: 1980 short box
Looks good man. Little bits at a time! It is coming along nicely.

80chevyshortbox 08-04-2009 07:07 PM

Re: 1980 short box
thanks man ya slowy things start to come together and starts to look great lol.

manimal 08-06-2009 11:25 AM

Re: 1980 short box
looks good. Is your engine a 305?

80chevyshortbox 08-06-2009 12:59 PM

Re: 1980 short box
thanks its a 350.

GMC Guy 08-28-2009 01:56 AM

Re: 1980 short box
how's the truck coming along? lookin really good so far!

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