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MrBlue 09-22-2009 09:12 PM

We are almost finished with the Orange Beast!
As this is becoming my son's daily driver, senior in high school, I am concerned that knowing the ease of entry we want to add some deterrents.
We are thinking of making a locking hood deadbolt, installing a locking gas cap along with an alarm. Does anyone have other suggestions?

chevyndn 09-22-2009 09:57 PM

Re: Security
put some hidden kill switch's on it, with removable keys

71swb4x4 09-22-2009 10:06 PM

Re: Security
If they want it, they will get it. Now of course don't take that to mean that you do nothing but hope no one takes it. I would do hidden kill switches. If it's really nice, I would invest in Lojack. A good alarm will help, but make sure it's one where the key fob tells you when there is a problem. No one but you will pay attention to your alarm.

As far as security from other high schoolers, simply don't leave valuable things in the truck. If there is nothing valuable in there, they won't enter it. When I was a Junior in high school there was one day where six cars were broken into. It was only the cars that everyone knew had high dollar stereo systems in them. They were begging to have their cars broken into.

unclewatts 09-22-2009 11:32 PM

Re: Security
If you're gonna install a fancy radio in it, put it in a locking glovebox. You are right these trucks are super easy to break in.

texanidiot25 09-22-2009 11:55 PM

Re: Security
Kill switch in the bed-light switch (hard wire the bed light to always come on). I love making OE switches kill switches in just about anything. Did a friend's S10 Blazer's rear hatch switch this way too. Fired a relay to run the ign on and off.

Also a manual choke, and keep it shut when parked. How many theves know how to work a choke, or think to open it when starting a car and it only putters a time or two before flooding?

mclairmo 09-23-2009 12:21 AM

Re: Security
I've used the Club with good luck. Also have a fused coil wire. Can pull the fuse and take with you.

Indyuke 09-23-2009 01:34 AM

Re: Security
Kill switches for the ignition system dont work. I've forgotten my keys before... and so I've had to "steal" my own truck a couple of times, and I've bet my friends who have kill switches and all kinds of alarms that I could be sitting behind the wheel of their truck with it running in less than 20 seconds.

I try not to make it a habit to loose my keys though, because running a hot wire from the battery to the coil is 12+ volts. It requires 6 volts, but it will do just fine for a thief.

The hard part is to prevent the thief from putting a hot wire to the coil unless you have a hood lock. So the next best thing is to prevent the thief from actually spinning the engine somehow. It won't start if he can't spin it.

texanidiot25 09-23-2009 01:50 AM

Re: Security
Also have ways to kill power to the whole cab... Thus, no lighting works.

Fuel shut off is an option.

DANTIP 09-23-2009 05:03 AM

Re: Security
I like the combination of locking the hood along with a disconnect at the battery. You could tow the truck but driving it away quickly is not an option.

Good Luck!

highperf4x4 09-23-2009 06:14 AM

Re: Security

Originally Posted by texanidiot25 (Post 3533139)
Kill switch in the bed-light switch (hard wire the bed light to always come on). I love making OE switches kill switches in just about anything. Did a friend's S10 Blazer's rear hatch switch this way too. Fired a relay to run the ign on and off.

Also a manual choke, and keep it shut when parked. How many theves know how to work a choke, or think to open it when starting a car and it only putters a time or two before flooding?

You sound like my brother in laws friend that uses a cigarette lighter for a kill switch. You take the lighter with you when you get out. I have no idea how it works though.


Originally Posted by Indyuke (Post 3533258)
Kill switches for the ignition system dont work. I've forgotten my keys before... and so I've had to "steal" my own truck a couple of times, and I've bet my friends who have kill switches and all kinds of alarms that I could be sitting behind the wheel of their truck with it running in less than 20 seconds.

I think you just posted a "how to" for my neighbors to come and steal my truck. Could you drop the details? I didn't even know it myself.


Originally Posted by texanidiot25 (Post 3533272)
Also have ways to kill power to the whole cab... Thus, no lighting works.

Fuel shut off is an option.

Fuel shut off is the best imo.

Bottom line is, if they get it, you want to get it back ASAP so have a "lojack" installed so the police can find it for you.

rwolf9653 09-23-2009 06:24 AM

Re: Security
All of these are good suggestions, but sadly the trend in my area is broad daylight a tow truck hooks up and tows your ride away. Can be done in front of everybody and nobody questions it.
That being said I would suggest a tracking system in conjunction with kill switch, and use good judgement on where the truck is parked or driven through.

Indyuke 09-23-2009 09:14 AM

Re: Security
:lol: Ok, I edited it.

But why would you NOT want to know the details... if you understand the problem, you can design a system that would beat the thief. I also know some guys whose cars and trucks just can't be stolen short of towing it like rwolf has said. It just can't be done, and I know it's because they've thought through every trick a thief could use and came up with a system that would beat them all.

I think it would be cool if someone came up with a way to make it so the truck only starts when you or anyone you designate is within 3ft of it. Like a micro transmitter in someone's watch or the sole of their shoe. Course then you'd have to take that shoe with you wherever you go. :haha:

highperf4x4 09-23-2009 09:20 AM

Re: Security

Originally Posted by Indyuke (Post 3533476)
:lol: Ok, I edited it.

But why would you NOT want to know the details... if you understand the problem, you can design a system that would beat the thief. I also know some guys whose cars and trucks just can't be stolen short of towing it like rwolf has said. It just can't be done, and I know it's because they've thought through every trick a thief could use and came up with a system that would beat them all.

I think it would be cool if someone came up with a way to make it so the truck only starts when you or anyone you designate is within 3ft of it. Like a micro transmitter in someone's watch or the sole of their shoe. Course then you'd have to take that shoe with you wherever you go. :haha:

It's kind of a catch 22 huh?

highperf4x4 09-23-2009 09:22 AM

Re: Security

Originally Posted by texanidiot25 (Post 3533272)
Also have ways to kill power to the whole cab... Thus, no lighting works.

I'm way ahead of you. I worked that out long ago. It's called factory wiring.

I recommend a different approach.............

I'm just sayin.


big_al_71 09-23-2009 10:08 AM

Re: Security
"Hagerty Collectors Insurance" and insure it for the highest amount that they will allow.

I have a kill switch that it is so bad ass that I dont care who you are you wont be able to turn the motor on.

SWEET7T 09-23-2009 10:33 AM

Re: Security
Not only the thieves, but how about some dillhole keying the truck...

I drove a '73 Challenger to school a few times. I chose my parking spots wisely so hopefully nobody would get next to it and ding it (on the street versus the parking lot a few times), or I would have my buddies park next to it so some girl didn't whack it with her door.

The easiest way to get in the cab is to pocket knife the vent window latch open... Secure this location!

b-rad 09-23-2009 12:46 PM

Re: Security

Originally Posted by mclairmo (Post 3533180)
I've used the Club with good luck. Also have a fused coil wire. Can pull the fuse and take with you.

dude the club sucks it tacks like 2 sec to get by a club

toddtheodd 09-23-2009 12:58 PM

Re: Security
Pipe bomb strapped to gas tank that is wired to a prepaid cell phone that is set up to only be able to receive calls from one phone number, like your personal cell phone number.
Than insure the crap out of it.
They may take it... but they won't get to enjoy it... long...

FRENCHBLUE72 09-23-2009 12:59 PM

Re: Security
I have an alarm and the grant removable wheel..

leddzepp 09-23-2009 12:59 PM

Re: Security
Alarms, clubs, ignition kills, etc. All of them are deterrents. If a car thief wants your ride they are gonna get it, period.

b-rad 09-23-2009 01:09 PM

Re: Security

Originally Posted by leddzepp (Post 3533759)
Alarms, clubs, ignition kills, etc. All of them are deterrents. If a car thief wants your ride they are gonna get it, period.

ding ding ding we have a winner all they do is keep a honest thief honest

toddtheodd 09-23-2009 01:13 PM

Re: Security

Originally Posted by leddzepp (Post 3533759)
Alarms, clubs, ignition kills, etc. All of them are deterrents. If a car thief wants your ride they are gonna get it, period.

Yes... but with my suggestion, they may get it, but they'll also get a surprise. :devil:

leddzepp 09-23-2009 01:15 PM

Re: Security

Originally Posted by toddtheodd (Post 3533776)
Yes... but with my suggestion, they may get it, but they'll also get a surprise. :devil:

I like your suggestion! :metal:

texanidiot25 09-23-2009 01:35 PM

Re: Security

Originally Posted by toddtheodd (Post 3533755)
Pipe bomb strapped to gas tank that is wired to a prepaid cell phone that is set up to only be able to receive calls from one phone number, like your personal cell phone number.
Than insure the crap out of it.
They may take it... but they won't get to enjoy it... long...

:lol: **** my trucks gone! -boom- ahh, found it!

Hottrucks 09-23-2009 01:58 PM

Re: Security
if you park with the nose in and wheel turned to the stop, it makes towing a PIA since when they grab and go it runs into the car next to it..yea I know no locking colunm but its a start the other thing is maybe a lock on the E brake set lock it at least this will slow them down....

as far as vent window yea you could weld it shut I'm still thrownng a rock threw the window or if I need to be quiet then a spring center punch and the glass falls on the and gone

I think french has the best Idea no wheel makes them hard to drive and an alarm that by passes the ingnition would be the best thing to slow a thief down or make them move on maybe a newer locking colunm would help.... you would need 2 keys to move it and I'm sure you could wire it so both needed to in the on pos.

what we need to do is make a list of the vonerable make the list and I'll tell yea if I could get by it

mclairmo 09-23-2009 02:59 PM

Re: Security

Originally Posted by b-rad (Post 3533733)
dude the club sucks it tacks like 2 sec to get by a club

I did not intend to imply that the Club would prevent theft, only that it has worked for me. I believe it is also a deterrent. My old 71 Mustang was stolen from my driveway on the one night I forgot to put the Club on and did not put my car cover on with cable lock. Clearly, the thieves were watching for me to screw up. Not every thief wants to waste time trying to defeat the Club when there are many other vehicles that are easier pickins.

toddtheodd 09-23-2009 03:14 PM

Re: Security

Originally Posted by texanidiot25 (Post 3533805)
:lol: **** my trucks gone! -boom- ahh, found it!

I've wanted to do the same thing with speaker boxes.
Figured I could wire the phone into the wires for the amp to keep it charged, and put the pipe bomb phone combo inside the box.

My stereo was stolen out of my car the night of the only day I actually left it on coming into the apartment complex (always turned it off a mile away before that). I found it interesting that it was that very night... like 5 hours after getting home.
I always wondered if one of the neighbors apartments would've went boom... Would've served them right.

Steal Todd's stuff, and boom... no trial, no probation... just boom.

Hottrucks 09-23-2009 03:22 PM

Re: Security
ok heres some tools all you have to do is defeet them to keep your trucks safe

bolt cutter
hack saw
3 feet wire (aligator clip on one end spade on the other)....
pocket knife
flat screwdiver
paper clip......trying to save your truck..
personal fav is an old screw in dent puller

none of these tools require breaking anything that couldn't be fixed in a couple min

keep in mind none of us I hope is a pro thief but if you can get into your truck and drive it of so can we can hope for is to deter them so they move to the next poor person ..... as far a tracking it if it get stolen I never want to see it again!!

I'm sorry if this offends some but I dabble in repos so I know easy picken's the worse thing is when they crank and won't start... its hard to driveaway with the alarm sounding if it won't start!! so I would say fuel shut off is a good place to start locking it down because we all know what makes and HEI work and how close the battery is

toddtheodd 09-23-2009 03:24 PM

Re: Security
Fuel shut off would need an electric pump right?
Or is there some way to do it with the mechanical pump.

I thought repo people just towed the things...

Hottrucks 09-23-2009 04:38 PM

Re: Security
how about just using a fuel selector before the pump one side to the tank the other side to NOTHING.......hard to get to far with no fuel

no our job is to get who ever there property back by the best and safest method some times we just knock on the door and get the keys other times we have can imagine???????????

6772owner 09-23-2009 05:06 PM

Re: Security
I would just bag it to lay frame and take the key that shuts off the airbag switches! :lol: You cant steal it, tow it or move it if the frame is laying on the ground and you cant access the understand to chain it up and get it on a flat bed. :metal:

Oh and using the starter disable that comes with the alarm will prevent turning the engine over if they want too.

Indyuke 09-23-2009 05:44 PM

Re: Security
Hmmmm... you make life hard hottrucks. Now I've got to think about how to make my truck as bulletproof as a tank.

I still say if you can lock the engine somehow to keep it from spinning over unless you're the one starting it, then you're close. Towing trumps that though.

I would install an isolation circuit for the starter and hide it between the frame rails. Not just the control circuit, but the heavy pos feed as well so the thief doesn't simply jump the solenoid with a new hot wire from the battery. IF its a manual, he's then left with push starting.

Fuel shutoff is a very good idea. It's also harder to install and hide compared to an isolation circuit, but probably more foolproof if it can't be found. All the crucial circuits of our trucks can be bypassed with just a few wires and within a couple of seconds.

Someone else mentioned a brake valve that locks down tighter and tighter every time the brake is pushed. Activate that and they won't get far even if they can get the truck running.

As far as actually preventing someone from breaking into the cab, I got nothin'. A good start would be to lock the vent windows, but other than that...

anyone else got any ideas?

mclairmo 09-23-2009 05:47 PM

Re: Security
My truck has a weird lever on the floor right to the left of the bench seat that seems to be going to a fuel diverter valve of some sort. Truck used to have a camper and I am guessing that there must have been more than one gas tank in its past and this lever allowed the driver to switch between the two gas tanks. Could be used as an anti theft fuel shut off valve I assume.

Thealien 09-23-2009 05:51 PM

Re: Security
I like the brake idea?

MickMc 09-23-2009 05:51 PM

Re: Security makes a solenoid that can be triggered many different ways that shuts off all of the power to the truck.
No power and now the thief needs to find the solenoid and trigger it, good luck.
But if there is no power, no lights, no turn over, maybe the thief will go away.

If someone wants you vehicle, its gone. I just want to slow down the average thief. So, if I go to Homedespot I can feel confident that my truck will still be right where I left it when I return.


Hottrucks 09-23-2009 05:55 PM

Re: Security

Originally Posted by 6772owner (Post 3534150)
I would just bag it to lay frame and take the key that shuts off the airbag switches! :lol: You cant steal it, tow it or move it if the frame is laying on the ground and you cant access the understand to chain it up and get it on a flat bed. :metal:

Oh and using the starter disable that comes with the alarm will prevent turning the engine over if they want too.

ok we have a winner I would have to think about that one pretty hard but even without laying frame if I dump my bags the headers are on the ground so that wil help

Indy I think a fuel tank switch mounted under the tank like they use for trucks with 2 tank would work if you wires it to a a switch that was hidden some where you could make it switch to the tank ( instead of nothing) then you could drive away

I was thinking abut the cig lighter as a switch and it would be pretty easy...the center post on the back of the lighter is conected to ground when you push it in completing the curcuit if you have a electric fuel pump or fuels tank switch then wire up the pos side and use the lighter as ground..unless it was pushed in there would be no completed curcuit...Nice idea... be sure to short out the heating element before you use it so it doesn't keep popping out...lmao

mclairmo 09-23-2009 05:59 PM

Re: Security
You can also mount the battery in a locked box under the cab on the frame and then install a Ford style starter solenoid in there, too. That would keep the postive battery cable to the starter dead until you turn on the ignition switch. I assume this would prevent or at least make it very hard to hot wire from under the hood since you would have no easy access to 12 volts. This is how my Camaro is set up, battery in trunk with Ford solenoid in there.

leddzepp 09-23-2009 06:02 PM

Re: Security

Originally Posted by mclairmo (Post 3534233)
My truck has a weird lever on the floor right to the left of the bench seat that seems to be going to a fuel diverter valve of some sort. Truck used to have a camper and I am guessing that there must have been more than one gas tank in its past and this lever allowed the driver to switch between the two gas tanks. Could be used as an anti theft fuel shut off valve I assume.

That is for dual dealer add-on saddle tanks. I have the same set-up on my 3/4 ton.

Hottrucks 09-23-2009 06:14 PM

Re: Security

Originally Posted by mclairmo (Post 3534260)
You can also mount the battery in a locked box under the cab on the frame and then install a Ford style starter solenoid in there, too. That would keep the postive battery cable to the starter dead until you turn on the ignition switch. I assume this would prevent or at least make it very hard to hot wire from under the hood since you would have no easy access to 12 volts. This is how my Camaro is set up, battery in trunk with Ford solenoid in there.


easy one wire alt?? go from alt to coil back feed system ..jump starter...bye bye

Mcliarmo your on the right track in the late 60's I think the went to an electric switch that you could make do he same thing

vectorit 09-23-2009 07:17 PM

Re: Security
When I lived in a crapy hood in an apartment complex, my tricked out 4x4 Toyota was broken into numerous times. Everytime they tried to take it, they could not start it. I had a cleverly hidden kill switch.
The last time they tried, they ripped the ignition cylinder out of the column and jammed screw driver in it to turn the motor. They did this after pushing it down the street, and into an alley where they wore out the battery trying to start it. After that I would just leave the doors unlocked, so that they wouldn't keep ruining the locks or glass.

Kill switches work for the average crack head car thief, but if they have the skills and means to get a tow truck. Then you are screwed... Best bet then is to have a lo jack or some other locator installed, then hope that you notice it gone soon enough to get it before it crosses the border or is stripped.

My burb on the other hand has a kill switch for those homie depot stops, but if it's parked for any length of time I take the coil wire off and take it inside with me. But then I don't tend to leave my burb un attended for long periods in public places just because it's so easy to steal.

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