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old Rusty C10 01-10-2010 06:58 PM

What did you get done 1/10/2009 edition
Well me and the wife didnt do much this week, we did decide it was time for a new car so we went and shopped for that on saturday and hopefully we will get the new car on Wednesday. It is her birthday this weekend so last night we went out for dinner. tomorrow she gets her chemo again
We did nothing truck related except for to ise our 4X4 Ford as a trade in
How about you all?

73step 01-10-2010 07:29 PM

Re: What did you get done 1/10/2009 edition
Nice birthday present lol. I swapped out my q-jet to my Holley only to find that the bottom gasket on the spacer must be shot because i can put my hands over the top of the carb and the engine speed up lol. This means i get to drive the wife's bubble car to work tomorrow.:banghead:

bigarmzz 01-10-2010 07:36 PM

Re: What did you get done 1/10/2009 edition
swept snow off the burb, and shoveled i hate snow:devil:

hot trux 01-10-2010 07:50 PM

Re: What did you get done 1/10/2009 edition
3 Attachment(s)
got the seat put in todayAttachment 533355

Attachment 533356

Attachment 533357

travo77 01-10-2010 07:50 PM

Re: What did you get done 1/10/2009 edition
went to a local car show today an meet a couple of members with beautiful trucks f.monroe and n2trux it was a good turn out with alot of cars despite the cold weather just wish i would have brought my camera

pat386 01-10-2010 08:01 PM

Re: What did you get done 1/10/2009 edition
hmmmmm where do I start..

this is how it looked monday morning

when I got home from the airport I noticed my wheel spacers arrived. So I put the wheels on. My brother and I went to the junkyard and we got a chrome bumper and a 1 piece back glass, and installed it. Middle of the week my left power window went out. so we replaced that motor, and put junkyard chrome door handles on, and lowered the front and rear more. we ended up replacing the right window motor yesterday,and i had to splice new plugs in. I really think thats all we did to it, and this is how it sits now...

cochino12 01-10-2010 08:08 PM

Re: What did you get done 1/10/2009 edition

Originally Posted by pat386 (Post 3722660)
hmmmmm where do I start..

this is how it looked monday morning

when I got home from the airport I noticed my wheel spacers arrived. So I put the wheels on. My brother and I went to the junkyard and we got a chrome bumper and a 1 piece back glass, and installed it. Middle of the week my left power window went out. so we replaced that motor, and put junkyard chrome door handles on, and lowered the front and rear more. we ended up replacing the right window motor yesterday,and i had to splice new plugs in. I really think thats all we did to it, and this is how it sits now...

wow, what a difference wheels makes. Nice truck

pat386 01-10-2010 08:09 PM

Re: What did you get done 1/10/2009 edition

Ceeten 01-10-2010 08:53 PM

Re: What did you get done 1/10/2009 edition
Nothing until it warms up. I need to install my tailgate skin and handle flip but it's too cold to spray epoxy.

Driveway Dreams 01-10-2010 09:02 PM

Re: What did you get done 1/10/2009 edition
I sat around the house with the family this weekend. Made a lot of plans to get stuff done on my truck, and a couple others as well. That and found out that our Good-guys here gets autocross this year. :metal:

1LowToy 01-10-2010 09:15 PM

Re: What did you get done 1/10/2009 edition
Got a lil sanding done.

I was delayed by a broken pipe in the wall behind the water heater in the house:waah:
As it turns out someone put a galvanised pipe to the copper pipe when is should have been a brass pipe. So my pipe rusted though and did a bit of damage that I really didn't need right now.

1great68 01-10-2010 09:18 PM

Re: What did you get done 1/10/2009 edition
I finally shimmed up my crooked bed and cleaned up the garage.

softballnrd27 01-10-2010 09:35 PM

Re: What did you get done 1/10/2009 edition
I found out why the truck wouldn't turn over from the ignition. Turns out the junction block on the firewall is bad or I did something wrong when I put it in. I should have it running next weekend.

N2TRUX 01-10-2010 09:45 PM

Re: What did you get done 1/10/2009 edition

Originally Posted by hot trux (Post 3722639)
got the seat put in today

WOW! That turned out nice. I love the color.


Originally Posted by travo77 (Post 3722641)
went to a local car show today an meet a couple of members .... i would have brought my camera

It was great to meet you and the other guys. Enjoyed chatting with you, Frank, and Greg.
My first time to make this run, but not the last for sure.

Originally Posted by pat386 (Post 3722660)
hmmmmm where do I start....this is how it looked monday morning

Dude that is a HUGE transformation. Those wheels set it off just right.

thrtsxchambers 01-10-2010 10:24 PM

Re: What did you get done 1/10/2009 edition
NOTHING!! Lazy day, too cold to work on the truck. WatchNFL playoffs and college hoops.

draggin86 01-10-2010 10:30 PM

Re: What did you get done 1/10/2009 edition

Originally Posted by hot trux (Post 3722639)

WOW that is freaking a perfect interior! i love it!

Driveway Dreams 01-10-2010 10:45 PM

Re: What did you get done 1/10/2009 edition

Originally Posted by pat386 (Post 3722660)
this is how it looked monday morning...and this is how it sits now...

Looks great man! Specs on those new wheels?

f.monroe 01-10-2010 10:49 PM

Re: What did you get done 1/10/2009 edition

Originally Posted by hot trux (Post 3722639)
got the seat put in today

That looks great . I can picture myself sitting right behind the steering wheel .


Originally Posted by travo77 (Post 3722641)
went to a local car show today an meet a couple of members with beautiful trucks f.monroe and n2trux it was a good turn out with alot of cars despite the cold weather just wish i would have brought my camera

Nice meeting you Travis . I wish I had a camera also .

Originally Posted by N2TRUX (Post 3722922)
It was great to meet you and the other guys. Enjoyed chatting with you, Frank, and Greg.

It wa nice to meet you Ken . I finally got to lay eyes on the Cheyenne in person . Unbelieveable truck . I think it is one perfect truck ! The paint is slick as is the engine compartment , suspension, detail , etc .

Anyone else within driving distance should make the run next year .

tswore 01-10-2010 10:57 PM

Re: What did you get done 1/10/2009 edition
Thursday drove to vegas for the CES show. planned on leavin at 7am at the latest, ended up leaving at noon. Rolled into vegas after dark, hit the sheets. Friday: meetings peppered throughout the day, walked around a lot, and finished with some amature mma fights. Pretty good fights Ryan Coture (randy coture's son) fought. My sister got her pic taken with Randy! saturday more meetings, more walking. Sunday: drive home. We left at 8, rolled in at 5:30. Time for bed.

slugish 01-10-2010 11:43 PM

Re: What did you get done 1/10/2009 edition

Originally Posted by hot trux (Post 3722639)

wow!! BEAUTIFUL:metal:

STOCKISH 01-10-2010 11:49 PM

Re: What did you get done 1/10/2009 edition
2 Attachment(s)
My truck started it's 6.0 swap this weekend. Will finish pulling the engine and trans tomorrow when I get home from work. Will run a 6.0 and a 700r4 that is built very stout. That way I can keep my factory cluster and save a few hundred bills.

texasfunk 01-11-2010 12:00 AM

Re: What did you get done 1/10/2009 edition
3 Attachment(s)
well, i started the molding in of my tailights friday, coming along nicely:D

flamingbig10 01-11-2010 12:21 AM

Re: What did you get done 1/10/2009 edition
fixed a few mess ups I did, battery cable was rubbing against a sharp point on the transmission so covered it with plastic conduit, also used it on the wires to the starter were exposed, moved the tail light wires that were on the outside of the frame to the inside, and greased the front end parts

Panelman55 01-11-2010 04:01 AM

Re: What did you get done 1/10/2009 edition
I parked the 86 GMC in the basement and pulled the rear tires off sandblasted the drums and painted them. I plan to pull the rear end out Mon\Tues if I get time the kids are sick so who knows.

draggin86 01-11-2010 04:28 AM

Re: What did you get done 1/10/2009 edition

Originally Posted by texasfunk (Post 3723296)
well, i started the molding in of my tailights friday, coming along nicely:D

not to rain on your parade but whats going on here? im confused are you shaving the lights or just molding them in?

texasfunk 01-11-2010 04:58 AM

Re: What did you get done 1/10/2009 edition

Originally Posted by draggin86 (Post 3723615)
not to rain on your parade but whats going on here? im confused are you shaving the lights or just molding them in?

molding them in, then going to clear coat over them

S10Fan 01-11-2010 06:09 AM

Re: What did you get done 1/10/2009 edition
Finished up my battle with an inferior product Autoloc=Junk.

Installed the new wheels my daughter picked out for her Honda.

Dear God, please send me an additional 40 degrees.

GmtGmt 01-11-2010 07:00 AM

Re: What did you get done 1/10/2009 edition
got the engine mounted in the chassie, changed rear main seal, mounted clutch and preped tranny for paint

78-5.3 01-11-2010 08:46 AM

Re: What did you get done 1/10/2009 edition
i got my body mouldings installed !!!

lolife99 01-11-2010 08:58 AM

Re: What did you get done 1/10/2009 edition

Originally Posted by texasfunk (Post 3723621)
molding them in, then going to clear coat over them

What's the plan for changing the bulbs?

STOCKISH 01-11-2010 09:06 AM

Re: What did you get done 1/10/2009 edition

Originally Posted by lolife99 (Post 3723712)
What's the plan for changing the bulbs?

I was just wondering that too. Gonna be pretty neat.

pat386 01-11-2010 09:32 AM

Re: What did you get done 1/10/2009 edition

Originally Posted by Driveway Dreams (Post 3723113)
Looks great man! Specs on those new wheels?

thanks guys :metal: they are chrome 20x8 coys c57's. had to put spacers in the rears, but I plan on getting 20x10's out back. Not a fan of chrome, but didn't want to pass up $400 on craigslist!

texasfunk 01-11-2010 01:36 PM

Re: What did you get done 1/10/2009 edition

Originally Posted by lolife99 (Post 3723712)
What's the plan for changing the bulbs?


Originally Posted by 1972SuperCheyenne (Post 3723717)
I was just wondering that too. Gonna be pretty neat.

i cut out an access panel in the bed, i had to get some glue behind the lense anyways, bt afterwards i have some hinges i am going to weld on, and then use some quick release screw like they have on drag car hoods to keep it shut

SSC's76 01-11-2010 03:15 PM

Re: What did you get done 1/10/2009 edition
Worked sat some nice OT then came hose cleaned the house up a bit for my late birthday party. I drank way to much sat night. Sunday it was requested that I fix the turn signals and tail lights on my soon to be uncle in laws mini van that he had diagnosed at a local shop a few weeks ago. Last monday night the mulitfunction switch I replaced at his request of course it dident fix the issue. So sunday I was nice although hungover replaced the fuse which dissapered from the fuse box which put power back to the lights. He took it out he said lol. Then pulled the plugs off the rear harness cleaned the typical burnt garbage off plugged em back in and they all fired to life. Sad thing is he paid that shop $90 to have them look at it and they took 3 hours to come up with a part that wasent bad and dident even see the missing fuse,

Rollinsqrbdy 01-11-2010 03:24 PM

Re: What did you get done 1/10/2009 edition
They only truck related thing i did this weekend was, look at it. My wife had me doing honey-do's all weekend and probally for the next couple weeks as we are remodeling the house.

Mr.Scary 01-11-2010 03:50 PM

Re: What did you get done 1/10/2009 edition
2 cold here on the weekends to do anything really so the only thing i did truck related was put new battery terminal connecters on cause one of my other ones decided to take a dump on me and break and he out a friend and install sport mirriors on his 84' came out lookin pretty good, maybe i should put my sport mirriors back on LOL!!

Slick17 01-11-2010 04:23 PM

Re: What did you get done 1/10/2009 edition
Well truck related was just wish that I was putting my steps on the beast. Didn't get around to it. Might do it tomorrow though (half day at work). This coiming week I'm going to the International Bike Expo in D.C. That should be cool.

Twisted78SS 01-11-2010 05:15 PM

Re: What did you get done 1/10/2009 edition
I finally did get out to my shop and do some work on one of my trucks. The 71 4x4 I bought awhile back had an inop heater, so I dug into it and found both a bad switch and a frozen cable. I decided to pull out the entire assembly and clean it while I repaired it, but I found once I got it out, that all the rivets holding it together were toast and it was falling apart. I had another control set from my Blazer, so after cleaning and lubricating all the cables and testing the switch on it, I installed it back in the truck.. Nice to have working heat!! I also began to clean up the NP 205 in preparation for new seals and a transplant from 4 spd to automatic. Now I just have to gather up my flex plate, starter, and a few other goodies..

dan76 01-11-2010 06:38 PM

Re: What did you get done 1/10/2009 edition

Originally Posted by GmtGmt (Post 3723642)
got the engine mounted in the chassie, changed rear main seal, mounted clutch and preped tranny for paint

What transmission are you using?

Getting parts to Denmark must be expensive. Having spent a few years in your area, I know what the taxes, import fees and shipping fees are.

Where did you get this truck? It's a rare vehicle to see in Europe.

Good luck.

Justins76 01-11-2010 10:20 PM

Re: What did you get done 1/10/2009 edition
Got my defroster working, changed the oil and put in a new speedo gear.

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