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lakeroadster 02-19-2011 01:08 PM

Gun Rack in a 60-66 Truck
Back when I was growing up in the midwest it seemed like nearly everybody that had a pickup had a gun rack in it.

Anybody got one in their 60-66? How about some photos?

shrunken66stroker 02-19-2011 01:22 PM

Re: Gun Rack in a 60-66 Truck
Mine had one. It's not there anymore but I still have it on the shelf. I was thinking about hanging it on the wall putting tools on it.

protrash64 02-19-2011 05:57 PM

Re: Gun Rack in a 60-66 Truck
I pulled one out of a square to put in my truck!!:lol: Havent done it yet.

shrunken66stroker 02-19-2011 06:49 PM

Re: Gun Rack in a 60-66 Truck
Found one. The pic even shows my custom back window.:lol: That's all I had when the camper came off, so I went with it. The inoperable fire extinguisher is peaking out next to the window too.

shrunken66stroker 02-19-2011 06:50 PM

Re: Gun Rack in a 60-66 Truck
1 Attachment(s)
The pic might help.

jbgroby 02-19-2011 07:29 PM

Re: Gun Rack in a 60-66 Truck
I had the holes for one, but sealed them up. I'm not sure but I think gun racks were state Mandated is you lived south of the Mason Dixon line ;)

knuckledragger 02-19-2011 10:18 PM

Re: Gun Rack in a 60-66 Truck
Mine came with one and will go back in after the glass is resealed.

Surfdaddy 02-19-2011 10:23 PM

Re: Gun Rack in a 60-66 Truck
I had one in my 63 GMC and in my Ford. Now days you get thrown in jail if you have anything on them.

DPowers 02-19-2011 10:27 PM

Re: Gun Rack in a 60-66 Truck
2 Attachment(s)
Same way when I was growing up in Ohio. It wasn't an uncommon sight to see them in the HS school parking lot- especially during deer season.
Have the rack, but is holding my new door sills right now.

andyh1956 02-19-2011 11:26 PM

Re: Gun Rack in a 60-66 Truck
mine has one, removed until later for now. when i was a teenager i had a '57 chevy 210 that i , uh, raced a lot & it had no back seat. it was the perfect place for my gun rack. back in those days we hunted a good swamp next to the ball field at school. MANY times we came outta the swamp & tied our dogs up & hung our rabbits on the back of the ticket house & set our shotguns inside & went right on in & watched the game. back in those days you didn't DARE even THINK about causing trouble not for the law getting after you, but what would happen to you when your folks found out about it at home. was a different world back then.

billybaloo 02-20-2011 12:05 AM

Re: Gun Rack in a 60-66 Truck
Times sure have changed. When I was in grade school we lived in rural Oklahoma. 4-H was a big deal in those days. We were too pour for me to have a prize animal to show, so I did a presentation on gun safety. I actually received permission from the principle to transport my 4-10 shotgun on the school bus. I was 10 years old. Any of you old timers remember the Cheech and Chong skit with the phrase "Comes complete with your easy-rider-rifle rack, with room for, not one , but three of your favorite rifles". :smoke:

N2TRUX 02-20-2011 12:24 AM

Re: Gun Rack in a 60-66 Truck

Originally Posted by billybaloo (Post 4498758)
Times sure have changed.....

The really have. My Dad had a 64 with a gun rack just like those pictured. Any time he went to the lake, it had a boat on top of the camper and a shotgun or two in the gun rack. We "never" locked the doors, and had no concern that the guns would be stolen.

These days if they weren't stolen right away, you would find yourself with a swarm of LEOs surrounding you with weapons drawn.

LostMy65 02-20-2011 02:28 AM

Re: Gun Rack in a 60-66 Truck
RedNeck Drivers Licsense Application.

Question #5
Do you have a GunRack?
(if no, please explain)

Yep! I got me one in my this here truck. : :sexy:

kalirodding 02-20-2011 02:39 AM

Re: Gun Rack in a 60-66 Truck
My brother says he's gonna get one and put a bat in it. I guess he really likes baseball.:lol:

k1rodeoboater 02-20-2011 02:42 AM

Re: Gun Rack in a 60-66 Truck
I'm seriously considering grabbing a set the next time I'm at the junkyard....and whenever my dad and I would make a trip to the gun range I'd have no qualms about driving there with 2 M1 Garands in the rack and the 1911 I built on my hip....of course there'd also probably be another 10 guns in the bed along with about 1000rds of ammo, targets, stands, and other misc gear.

...and that's what we take for a short range session.

erock805 02-20-2011 09:00 AM

Re: Gun Rack in a 60-66 Truck
I love em as well. We had them in our old PU's. Never locked the truck and left the keys in the ignition in wyoming.

jonzcustomshop 02-20-2011 09:42 AM

Re: Gun Rack in a 60-66 Truck
3 Attachment(s)
most of my trucks have the hole from a gun rack in the past.

they put a gun rack in the pink freak, which I think is a comical touch....

LostMy65 02-20-2011 01:16 PM

Re: Gun Rack in a 60-66 Truck

Originally Posted by billybaloo (Post 4498758)
Times sure have changed. When I was in grade school we lived in rural Oklahoma. 4-H was a big deal in those days. We were too pour for me to have a prize animal to show, so I did a presentation on gun safety. I actually received permission from the principle to transport my 4-10 shotgun on the school bus. I was 10 years old.

Yes, and in High School I took Gun Shop.
All of us had guns in that class. :D
We'd take our guns on the bus, lock them in the locker until class, and then carry them to Gun Shop class. :D
I loved that class.

And yes, I took 4H.
My sister was FFA for years.

Posted via Mobile Device

kieth 02-20-2011 03:25 PM

Re: Gun Rack in a 60-66 Truck
I am going to build a hidden rack behind the seat where the gas tank used to be. It would not be illeagal since you could not access the rifle when in the vehicle. It is the only place to put a shotgun or AR15 in the vehicle. As long as they are not loaded I do not think it is Illegal, but really do not care. I would rather be tried by 12 than carried by 6. I do have a concealed carry.......Kieth

Turkey 02-20-2011 09:58 PM

Re: Gun Rack in a 60-66 Truck

Originally Posted by jbgroby (Post 4498024)
I had the holes for one, but sealed them up. I'm not sure but I think gun racks were state Mandated is you lived south of the Mason Dixon line ;)

ha! you better believe it.

lakeroadster 02-20-2011 10:18 PM

Re: Gun Rack in a 60-66 Truck

Originally Posted by LostMy65 (Post 4499625)
My sister was FFA for years.
Posted via Mobile Device

I learned more "truly usable information"' in high school FFA than I did in college earning my Mechanical Engineering degree.

Not to mention Ag was always a ton of fun. :clap:

andyh1956 02-21-2011 12:20 AM

Re: Gun Rack in a 60-66 Truck
amen on ag class! there were two girls in our class. we went to the farm once to learn how two castrate hogs. you would not believe the ZEAL with which those two girls cut those pigs! the rest of us boys steered clear of them. (the girls)

p.s.- i thought i knew ALL the Cheech & Chong stories! now i gotta go look this one up!

jbgroby 02-21-2011 09:39 AM

Re: Gun Rack in a 60-66 Truck
...."you would not believe the ZEAL with which those two girls cut those pigs! the rest of us boys steered clear of them. (the girls)"

MUCH to the delight of thier father I'm sure!

karlbenz 02-28-2011 10:06 PM

Re: Gun Rack in a 60-66 Truck

Originally Posted by Surfdaddy (Post 4498450)
I had one in my 63 GMC and in my Ford. Now days you get thrown in jail if you have anything on them.

dang, glad I don't live in california

karlbenz 02-28-2011 10:07 PM

Re: Gun Rack in a 60-66 Truck

Originally Posted by N2TRUX (Post 4498806)
you would find yourself with a swarm of LEOs surrounding you with weapons drawn.

or texas :(

lakeroadster 03-01-2011 09:16 AM

Re: Gun Rack in a 60-66 Truck

Originally Posted by Surfdaddy (Post 4498450)
I had one in my 63 GMC and in my Ford. Now days you get thrown in jail if you have anything on them.

You may get hassled but here in America we all still have the right to bear arms. If the long gun is on the rack, in clear sight (not concealed) then you have not broken any laws.

That's why the "window rack" was developed, to keep the firearm in a non-concealed location.

Indian113 03-01-2011 09:23 AM

Re: Gun Rack in a 60-66 Truck
In Iowa it has to be in a case or broken down. It had better not be loaded even in the case.

lakeroadster 03-01-2011 10:46 AM

Re: Gun Rack in a 60-66 Truck
Good point. Four states in the United States: Minnesota, Wisconsin, Iowa and Illinois have laws that regulate the use of gun racks.

Additionally the possession (including in a vehicle) of a firearm is illegal within a certain distance of a school or public building

aerotruk63 03-01-2011 05:04 PM

Re: Gun Rack in a 60-66 Truck
I've seen contractors with Levels and such on them.

66Z71 03-01-2011 07:44 PM

Re: Gun Rack in a 60-66 Truck
I always had a gun or fishin pole in mine... probably won't be puttin it back in though. I really miss livin in a small town.

Indian113 03-01-2011 07:59 PM

Re: Gun Rack in a 60-66 Truck
I have a friend that was a prison guard here in Iowa,he was suspended for having a BOW in his gun rack at work.

LostMy65 06-29-2011 11:02 PM

Re: Gun Rack in a 60-66 Truck
Rockdrillers '63 K1000
Has GunRack :D

J.Cagle 06-30-2011 06:20 AM

Re: Gun Rack in a 60-66 Truck
Did this just for fun,lol. People tend not to tail gate you as bad!

Shorty Cox 06-30-2011 08:18 AM

Re: Gun Rack in a 60-66 Truck
Back in the '60's, when I was in high school in SE Okla, every pickup at school had a gun rack with a 30-30 & cattle "hot shot" hanging on it. The pickup was unlocked and, most of the time, window down. The thought of using the gun on a fellow student never crossed our mind. What went wrong with society?


kieth 06-30-2011 09:39 AM

Re: Gun Rack in a 60-66 Truck

Originally Posted by J.Cagle (Post 4763999)
Did this just for fun,lol. People tend not to tail gate you as bad!

One thing you might do is point the business end of the AR15 the other way. I know its unloaded but as they say unloaded guns are the ones that kill. It is legal to carry a rifle this way in Oklahoma, a long gun cannot legally be concealed, if in a car it should be unloaded and in the trunk, but since you do not have a trunk in a pickup having it unloaded and in plain sight is the only legal way to transport a rifle. Kieth :gmc2:

Hottrucks 06-30-2011 11:30 AM

Re: Gun Rack in a 60-66 Truck
when I lived in Conn. I was heading to vermont hunting had my 308 hung in the rear window and headed out..well about 1/2 way to Vt In Mass I passed a state cop..he pulled out got behind me and the blues came on...he pulled me over and then asked me if I knoew why..with a dumb look I said speeding ( again) he said nope "whats in the back window??" ummmm nothing he said "look Again" I sad you mean my gun..."yep you know its Illegal to have a fire arm in Mass without a permit?? " I told him I was on the way to VT to go hunting he said "No Matter" that was just before he escorted me back to Conn....

the correct way is to call Mass State police and they will take it at the boarder and transport it at there convinece to the VT line for you....Yea Like that will happen

kieth 06-30-2011 02:15 PM

Re: Gun Rack in a 60-66 Truck
Put the darn thing under the seat and to heck with them. We do have a right to bear arms. Keith

Hottrucks 06-30-2011 02:38 PM

Re: Gun Rack in a 60-66 Truck
^^^ AGreed^^

J.Cagle 07-01-2011 06:04 AM

Re: Gun Rack in a 60-66 Truck
Here in god's country( kansas, lol) we can carry a concealled loaded firearm. You just can't carry one during hunting season if it is intended for hunting purposes

Hottrucks 07-01-2011 06:32 AM

Re: Gun Rack in a 60-66 Truck
across the river in VT no permit required if you carry it in the open

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