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aussiejohn 07-28-2011 04:46 AM

G'day from Down Under

I've just joined the site, as I want to learn more about my truck that I purchased (a '67 GMC pickup ) in March this year. I've been around the C3 Corvette Forum for several years and own a '74 coupe four speed. I'm fitting headers and some "bling" to the engine at the moment and have to fit a new exhaust system to connect to the headers.

The truck will also get some headers and some mild customising but it will have to wait until the Vette is finished. I'll be mainly looking at this website to get some ideas over the next few months.

I'm coming to LA in late October to visit Classic Industries to buy some parts for both vehicles and then go to the SEMA Show in Vegas. Then a trip to the Grand Canyon and up to 'Frisco to catch up with some Corvette friends before heading home mid November.

One mod. I want to do is get rid of those big round taillights and fit some more modern lights, even LEDs, that mount almost flush into the rear fenders, so I'll be looking at what others on here have done.

Cheers for now.

Regards from Down Under. :gmc2::b69:


Lippyp 07-28-2011 10:24 AM

Re: G'day from Down Under
Welcome to the forum, from another foreigner!

truckster 07-28-2011 10:28 AM

Re: G'day from Down Under

Pictures are always appreciated. ;)

Southcity 07-28-2011 10:39 AM

Re: G'day from Down Under
Welcome and like Truckster says, pics are always welcome. I used to own a 67 Chevy Stepside and one of the mods I used (and others have done before) is to use a pair of 64 Chevy Impala tailights, they mold into the rear fenders well and provide a good look that is still Chevy. Two on each side, as one set has the white reverse lens. A helpful link below:

I will try to locate some pics for you and post them up. BTW, I'm 5 minutes from Frisco, my stomping grounds.

Stocker 07-28-2011 10:49 AM

Re: G'day from Down Under
Welcome to the board from N. California!

Classic Heartbeat 07-28-2011 11:11 AM

Re: G'day from Down Under
Welcome from Washington. We will be working on a 72 stepside for a customer that has had Cadillac taillights frenched into the fenders. I will try to remember to post pictures as we go. We will be doing a lot of assembly and wiring on it using the parts that we sell. WES

CParnell 07-28-2011 11:19 AM

Re: G'day from Down Under
Welcome to the forums. Got any pictures of your truck? :burnout:

RenoKeene 07-28-2011 12:30 PM

Re: G'day from Down Under
Welcome from Central Florida!
Lets see that 67.......

LockDoc 07-28-2011 02:02 PM

Re: G'day from Down Under
:welcoem:.. from the Corn State. Lots of good info here and a bunch of great guys & gals...


jugernot 07-28-2011 05:16 PM

Re: G'day from Down Under
Welcome, You have found a great place for information regarding chevy truck. There is also a regional section with other Aussies and Kiwis. I'm an Aussie transplant living here is the US.

aussiejohn 07-29-2011 01:20 AM

Re: G'day from Down Under
G'day mates,

Thanks for the nice welcome. Just ten minutes ago, I connected and fired up my new Apple iMac with a 21.5" screen. After twenty odd years with a range of PCs, I have finally seen the light!:lol: A good buddy kinda levered me a bit, and has offered to show me how to organise and send photos.

I've got several hundred from my last three trips to the USA, but don't seem to be able to set any up on the Corvette Forum, other than my avatar, and I can't remember how I fluked that!!!:metal:

However, I will supply photos as soon as I know how. Then I'll post some others on the Corvette Forum for the non-truckin' guys and gals.

Last night I read the first 25 pages of Drew's custom crew cab pickup, fascinating!! Than man knows no barriers. I wouldn't even dream about doing what he's done. Full marks to you Drew, if you read this.

Today my brother and I spent several hours loading a couple of old cars that had been sitting on my front lawn for a few years onto his trailer and took them to a wrecking yard. I picked up $350 (about ten thousand US$ :lol:) for them, so that will go to the truck for its taillights.

I'm looking forward to seeing a few photos of custom lights as mentioned in the above posts. Bear in mind that in Australia our laws require a separate amber indicator lens to the stop/tail lights. Plus a reversing light. Considering that the truck is LHD, and that we drive on the left side of the road, the easier I make it for following drivers to see me, the less chance there will be of any fender benders.

Cheers for now.

Regards from Down Under. :b69:


aussiejohn 07-29-2011 01:29 AM

Re: G'day from Down Under
I will try to locate some pics for you and post them up. BTW, I'm 5 minutes from Frisco, my stomping grounds.[/QUOTE]


I have a good friend in Fremont, and was staying at the Motel 6 cnr. 880 and Mowry for a few weeks last month. What a pity I didn't know you then, we could have caught up for a brew or two. I'll be back there in mid November after attending the SEMA Show, so maybe then. Thanks for the link to the taillights, but I don't think that round ones will fit nicely. I want to blend or "french" them in to the fenders. So they need to be tall and narrow. I'll go out and have another look at the truck, you may well be right. Remember, I'm the newby.

aussiejohn 07-29-2011 01:31 AM

Re: G'day from Down Under

Originally Posted by aussiejohn (Post 4816565)
I will try to locate some pics for you and post them up. BTW, I'm 5 minutes from Frisco, my stomping grounds.


I have a good friend in Fremont, and was staying at the Motel 6 cnr. 880 and Mowry for a few weeks last month. What a pity I didn't know you then, we could have caught up for a brew or two. I'll be back there in mid November after attending the SEMA Show, so maybe then. Thanks for the link to the taillights, but I don't think that round ones will fit nicely. I want to blend or "french" them in to the fenders. So they need to be tall and narrow. I'll go out and have another look at the truck, you may well be right. Remember, I'm the newby.[/QUOTE]

Forgot to say,

Regards from Down Under. :b69:

VA72C10 07-29-2011 01:57 AM

Re: G'day from Down Under
Welcome! Looking forward to seeing your truck and what your plans are...

tantrumpipeline 07-29-2011 02:04 AM

Re: G'day from Down Under
welcome aboard, looking forward to seeing your truck

Ray Rust 07-29-2011 04:14 AM

Re: G'day from Down Under
G'day Mate ,
there's a few of us Skippies lurking around here , I'm in Pakenham one mates in upper Pakenham another two in Berwick , and we all own chev pickups ( I've got three 69 / 65 and a 51 ), so just remember your not alone and welcome to the board ... Ray

as far as the indicators go ,pre 69 you don't have to change them for full rego

aussiejohn 07-29-2011 04:29 AM

Re: G'day from Down Under

Thanks, I know about the pre-'69 thing, but 99% of Aussie drivers ( 99.999%???) don't know about the red brake light indicators, and I don't want to be rear ended or T-boned just 'cause some bozo thought I was playing with the brake pedal when I was wanting to go left ( or right ).

What do you run on your trucks?

Regards from Down Under.:b69:


Ray Rust 07-29-2011 04:59 AM

Re: G'day from Down Under

Originally Posted by aussiejohn (Post 4816671)

Thanks, I know about the pre-'69 thing, but 99% of Aussie drivers ( 99.999%???) don't know about the red brake light indicators, and I don't want to be rear ended or T-boned just 'cause some bozo thought I was playing with the brake pedal when I was wanting to go left ( or right ).

What do you run on your trucks?

Regards from Down Under.:b69:


John they are more worried about where the driver is , on the 51 I'm running all in one oval LED's ,an on the 69 I'm setting up 3 a side 4" round LED's ,, Ray

TONY2000 07-29-2011 05:35 AM

Re: G'day from Down Under

Originally Posted by Ray Rust (Post 4816668)
G'day Mate ,
there's a few of us Skippies lurking around here , I'm in Pakenham one mates in upper Pakenham another two in Berwick , and we all own chev pickups ( I've got three 69 / 65 and a 51 ), so just remember your not alone and welcome to the board ... Ray

as far as the indicators go ,pre 69 you don't have to change them for full rego

Hi I'm from England but now live in Frankston south in Victoria
Posted via Mobile Device

Andy4639 07-29-2011 05:48 AM

Re: G'day from Down Under
Welcome to the board.

Sorry your going to spend all your time out west and miss all this heat and humitity out here on the East coast!

Ray Rust 07-29-2011 05:56 AM

Re: G'day from Down Under

Originally Posted by TONY2000 (Post 4816690)
Hi I'm from England but now live in Frankston south in Victoria
Posted via Mobile Device

G'day Tony , good to hear from you , we do a sunday morning coffee and bull**** session on the 3rd Sun of the month , if your interested let me know ... always good to catch up .... Ray

aussiejohn 07-29-2011 06:42 PM

Re: G'day from Down Under

Originally Posted by Ray Rust (Post 4816696)
G'day Tony , good to hear from you , we do a sunday morning coffee and bull**** session on the 3rd Sun of the month , if your interested let me know ... always good to catch up .... Ray

Ray, Tony,

Looks like I've missed the third Sunday of July, but there's always August 21. However, I'm having a hernia op. on the 19th., so I'm pretty sure that I'm gonna be lying in bed for the next several days. September should be good though.

Regards from Down Under. :b69:


Ray Rust 07-29-2011 06:48 PM

Re: G'day from Down Under
John and Tony I'll send you a message when the next one's on ... it's in Beaconfield on the old HWY in the Hub carpark ,, john good luck with the Op ..


aussiejohn 07-29-2011 06:56 PM

Re: G'day from Down Under

Originally Posted by Classic Heartbeat (Post 4815181)
Welcome from Washington. We will be working on a 72 stepside for a customer that has had Cadillac taillights frenched into the fenders. I will try to remember to post pictures as we go. We will be doing a lot of assembly and wiring on it using the parts that we sell. WES


Thank you for the welcome. I was in Washington last month, in Walla Walla, and drove along the Columbia River to Bonneville Falls, then back to the Hood River Road and down 97 to Bend, Oregon where I stayed the night. The next day, I visited crater Lake - WOW!!! - and then onto Lodi CA. where I overnighted with friends there.

You sure have got some picturesque scenery in the northwest, I'd really like to spend some more time there. Look forward to the photos.

Regards from Down Under. :b69:


aussiejohn 07-29-2011 06:59 PM

Re: G'day from Down Under

Originally Posted by Ray Rust (Post 4817702)
John and Tony I'll send you a message when the next one's on ... it's in Beaconfield on the old HWY in the Hub carpark ,, john good luck with the Op ..


Thanks Ray,

How many of you guys turn up to these GTGs? I'm guessing that there's a restaurant there for coffee and pancakes, etc. And do you vary the venue at all?

Regards from Down Under. :b69:


stich626 07-29-2011 07:08 PM

Re: G'day from Down Under
well, hello from the east coast of the U S of A

Ray Rust 07-29-2011 07:13 PM

Re: G'day from Down Under

Originally Posted by aussiejohn (Post 4817720)
Thanks Ray,

How many of you guys turn up to these GTGs? I'm guessing that there's a restaurant there for coffee and pancakes, etc. And do you vary the venue at all?

Regards from Down Under. :b69:


Coffee and Breakfast Avail , numbers vary during the cooler months around a dozen or so , then from Oct we go to Fri nite during daylight saving and get good numbers , Nah we stick to the one spot it's more the fun cruising there and back , any excuse to get on the road ...also it's not just trucks we get a good x section of rod and customs as well... Ray

TONY2000 07-30-2011 03:35 AM

Re: G'day from Down Under

Originally Posted by Ray Rust (Post 4817702)
John and Tony I'll send you a message when the next one's on ... it's in Beaconfield on the old HWY in the Hub carpark ,, john good luck with the Op ..


Cheers drop me a line when its due !
Dont think ill make the next one in the truck as mine needs some work for RWC and im struggling !
Looking for some proffessional help on mine !
Ive done lots of small bits but have a steering column issue to sort and some other stuff !

Ray Rust 07-30-2011 03:52 AM

Re: G'day from Down Under
mate this forum has most of the answers to most of the problems , if you ask the questions , you can guarantee you'll get some how to advice from other members ... Ray

TONY2000 07-30-2011 04:15 AM

Re: G'day from Down Under
Took some time to try and clear up the wiring mess and see why the column was a little sloppy only to find out its mounted pretty poor and is not original, Fabrication required !

RCbowtie69 07-30-2011 09:19 AM

Re: G'day from Down Under
Hey from N.C. & welcome to the forum,hope to see pictures of your project.Keep on Truckin' :metal:

Krooked Kustoms 07-31-2011 08:04 AM

Re: G'day from Down Under
G'day Ray Rust and Tony2000 kickin it in oz myself, im from langwarrin. Keen to see your trucks. You guys keen for one more bloke at the meet? My trucks in bits so I'll have to bring the old Holden. Cheers fellas.
Posted via Mobile Device

ChevLoRay 07-31-2011 08:38 AM

Re: G'day from Down Under

Originally Posted by Southcity (Post 4815139)
Welcome and like Truckster says, pics are always welcome. I used to own a 67 Chevy Stepside and one of the mods I used (and others have done before) is to use a pair of 64 Chevy Impala tailights, they mold into the rear fenders well and provide a good look that is still Chevy. Two on each side, as one set has the white reverse lens. A helpful link below:

I will try to locate some pics for you and post them up. BTW, I'm 5 minutes from Frisco, my stomping grounds.

I was thinking this mod and saw your comment. I second the emotion.

TONY2000 08-19-2011 08:19 PM

Re: G'day from Down Under

Originally Posted by RATYAS 69 (Post 4820113)
G'day Ray Rust and Tony2000 kickin it in oz myself, im from langwarrin. Keen to see your trucks. You guys keen for one more bloke at the meet? My trucks in bits so I'll have to bring the old Holden. Cheers fellas.
Posted via Mobile Device

your pretty close to me ! Im on Olivers Hill Frankston South, Be good to catch up some time when i get mine back together Cruise up together.

aussiejohn 08-20-2011 07:37 PM

Re: G'day from Down Under
Hi guys,

The hernia op went well, from 10 to 11 a.m. Friday 19th. They kept me in hospital until five p.m. and my son picked me up and drove me home. It's really difficult to get in and out of bed and onto and off the couch, but it's a lot easier today (Sunday) than it was yesterday.

I'm thinking of the Aussies meeting at Beaconsfield today but I'll be there next month. Doubly frustrating is that my new toy arrived last Thursday. I bought it in June this year in Washington state and drove it down to 'Frisco to the shipper. The ship was due in Melbourne on August 8 but did not arrive until last weekend (12th/13th) and only cleared Customs on Thursday.

I got to drive it home from Clayton and park it in the garage and the following day, I had my op. Obviously, I am not allowed to drive anything for about a week until I heal sufficiently enough to be able to stomp on a brake pedal without any pain.

So all I can do is look at it and maybe give it a wash. Will post some photos when I know how.

Regards from Down Under. :b69:


Ray Rust 08-20-2011 10:48 PM

Re: G'day from Down Under

Originally Posted by aussiejohn (Post 4855819)
Hi guys,

The hernia op went well, from 10 to 11 a.m. Friday 19th. They kept me in hospital until five p.m. and my son picked me up and drove me home. It's really difficult to get in and out of bed and onto and off the couch, but it's a lot easier today (Sunday) than it was yesterday.

I'm thinking of the Aussies meeting at Beaconsfield today but I'll be there next month. Doubly frustrating is that my new toy arrived last Thursday. I bought it in June this year in Washington state and drove it down to 'Frisco to the shipper. The ship was due in Melbourne on August 8 but did not arrive until last weekend (12th/13th) and only cleared Customs on Thursday.

I got to drive it home from Clayton and park it in the garage and the following day, I had my op. Obviously, I am not allowed to drive anything for about a week until I heal sufficiently enough to be able to stomp on a brake pedal without any pain.

So all I can do is look at it and maybe give it a wash. Will post some photos when I know how.

Regards from Down Under. :b69:


Glad all went well , just got home from cruise great morning good turnup ,once again I think the trucks out numbered rod's and customs , I'll post some Pics later ... speak to ya soon... Ray

jeffg1010 08-20-2011 10:51 PM

Re: G'day from Down Under

Originally Posted by stich626 (Post 4817739)
well, hello from the east coast of the U S of A

You are in Hingham, MA? That's crazy... for eight years, I have been working with a company in the Industrial Park on Derby St., BUT, I live in NC. I am up that way a lot though. I typically stay in Rockland when I am in town.

I always complain when I am up there that there isn't enough old cars running around. Good to see you are the exception.

jeffg1010 08-20-2011 10:56 PM

Re: G'day from Down Under
AND... welcome to our Aussie truck enthusiasts. Great to see you on the forum. It is a great resource!

aussiejohn 10-04-2011 12:14 AM

Re: G'day from Down Under
G'day again,

My apologies for not attending in September, but I have a good excuse. Our car club got a call from the V8 Supercar people early September to provide as many convertibles and T-top Vettes as possible and bring them to Phillip Island for the round of the Touring Car Championship. They needed them to "chauffeur" the Holden drivers around the circuit for a parade lap.

I got Mike Caruso and Marcus Marshall who somehow both fitted into the '74 Vette coupe once the Targa tops and passenger seat were removed. We had an interesting day on the island, but I drove home before it got dark.

So, the next GTG is not October 16, but the Friday night October 14? Is that right? Please let me know and I'll try to make that one.

Regards from Down Under. :burnout::b69:


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