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clemdaddy 01-12-2012 09:58 AM

razorback red... buildup
2 Attachment(s)
the plan is to build a smooth running, nice looking long bed that is decked out in arkansas razorback colors. the ultimate tail-gating truck for football games.

i found a long-bed, big window donor 66 that was sitting for years and had rotted through in all the wrong places. the cab had bad floors, bad corners, rockers, floor braces... and those were natures damage. the owner had cut out the firewall so he could run a hei dist., he had smashed the left air horn and door hinge pillar. he was very drill happy, there had to be 20 different holes drilled in the dash and inner cab. so, all in all, the cab was a hand full, but hey... it is a big window.

first pics are firewall repair and some extra cabs that had the replacement parts for the buildup.

clemdaddy 01-12-2012 10:12 AM

Re: razorback red... buildup
3 Attachment(s)
more shots of rust and repair...

1963c-10 01-12-2012 11:15 AM

Re: razorback red... buildup
Looks like you did a great job on fixing the rust issues. Who did you get the panels from? Any problem with fitting them?

clemdaddy 01-12-2012 11:39 AM

Re: razorback red... buildup
[QUOTE=1963c-10;5118224]Looks like you did a great job on fixing the rust issues. Who did you get the panels from? Any problem with fitting them?


i had a pile of aftermarket panels. none of which fit right, so if i didn't use real stuff from donor cabs i diced the panels to fit. the best replacement parts are from chevy cabs and a sawsall's my friend.

Narxoleptic Customs 01-12-2012 02:05 PM

Re: razorback red... buildup
Cool! Don't get rid of the extra cabs, I got an idea for one but it needs to b a small window...

We need to get together soon, I need a good reason to drive the old truck to Fayetteville from bentonville.
Posted via Mobile Device

kenmel 01-12-2012 04:19 PM

Re: razorback red... buildup
Now I know why there are no 60-66 cabs available around Arkansas :bann::haha::haha::bann:

clemdaddy 01-12-2012 05:23 PM

Re: razorback red... buildup
2 Attachment(s)
fast forward about 2 months or 60 hours of cuttin, grinding and welding. the cab is solid and reasonably straight... time to blast some doors and get going on the frame.

Narxoleptic Customs 01-12-2012 06:01 PM

Re: razorback red... buildup
You can transport into the future?!
Posted via Mobile Device

C@rnut001 01-13-2012 12:51 AM

Re: razorback red... buildup
Looking good...keep it up!

kenmel 01-13-2012 01:14 AM

Re: razorback red... buildup

Originally Posted by Narxoleptic Customs (Post 5118930)
You can transport into the future?!
Posted via Mobile Device

Only if he hits 88 mph...:burnout::bomb: I only hope my new 64 is in that good of shpe lol

clemdaddy 01-13-2012 09:24 AM

Re: razorback red... buildup

Originally Posted by kenmel (Post 5119928)
Only if he hits 88 mph...:burnout::bomb: I only hope my new 64 is in that good of shpe lol

still presently trapped in the past... I should of never put the capacitor in a blast cabinet. :lol:

clemdaddy 01-13-2012 10:45 AM

Re: razorback red... buildup
3 Attachment(s)
here we go... time travel on the frame.
straightened and front and rear crossmembers replaced, blasted, etched primed and painted gloss black enamel.

clemdaddy 01-13-2012 10:56 AM

Re: razorback red... buildup
2 Attachment(s)
ok, now we are very close to the present. like 2 weeks ago.
cab was undercoated with gatorguard bed liner and bolted down.
frame was built with new napa replacement parts except for an adjustable track bar and one of the captains ps adapters. nothing fancy here, just common sense stuff.

Captainfab 01-14-2012 02:28 AM

Re: razorback red... buildup
You've done some very nice work on your truck :thumbs:

That is quite the gantry you have there!

clemdaddy 01-30-2012 09:02 AM

Re: razorback red... buildup
2 Attachment(s)
it's been a couple of weeks... plus the 2 weeks i spent in the past and most of my time was spent on my wife's vw.
the stuff that got done on the truck during the month was the doors were patched, edges blasted and sprayed with etch. also a lot of various parts were scraped, cleaned, blasted and etched.

clemdaddy 01-30-2012 09:10 AM

Re: razorback red... buildup
3 Attachment(s)
I got time to get the trans all cleaned up. along with a '72 350 motor that i've had for a while, that part is done...

clemdaddy 01-30-2012 09:20 AM

Re: razorback red... buildup
3 Attachment(s)
yesterday, rolled out the cab and frame to spray bed liner on the floors and front and back walls. since there's bed liner under the cab this should seal the floors up for the next century, maybe longer.

clemdaddy 01-30-2012 09:38 AM

Re: razorback red... buildup
1 Attachment(s)
last but not least... got the fenders, bed sides and inners in a pile to begin the processes on them. that's it for this month. now it's back on wife's vw.

glendale 01-30-2012 02:35 PM

Re: razorback red... buildup
Great start! The motor looks great. Where did you pic up the aircleaner? That is exactaly what i am looking for.
Posted via Mobile Device

clemdaddy 01-30-2012 02:53 PM

Re: razorback red... buildup

Originally Posted by glendale (Post 5155657)
Great start! The motor looks great. Where did you pic up the aircleaner? That is exactaly what i am looking for.
Posted via Mobile Device

it's called a mushroom air cleaner. there's one on e-bay right now...
i think honest charlie may sell them also.

clemdaddy 02-08-2012 10:09 AM

Re: razorback red... buildup
1 Attachment(s)
been doing a lot of the basic paint and fit of little parts lately. but thanks to hilandr451 doing a line drawing of the side view, i was able to play with color choices and this is what i decided on. static drop and woooo pig sooie.

jimmydean 02-08-2012 10:49 AM

Re: razorback red... buildup
That's hawt!

clemdaddy 03-02-2012 09:46 AM

Re: razorback red... buildup
2 Attachment(s)
The weather here in NW Arkansas was most agreeable during all of February and the wifes VW got pushed out the paint booth. So, in went razorback red.

Got the interior prepped for paint. Sanded, scuffed, primed, sanded, sealed and in color, you know the drill... Just finished on the 29th and will post pics on the outcome after pulling the tape...

Here's some from the past. Like Sunday or Monday after work.

clemdaddy 03-02-2012 10:29 AM

Re: razorback red... buildup
2 Attachment(s)
I had a lot of time in Feb. doing some un-fun stuff. sand blasting the edges of the fenders, hood and bed sides. then sanding the flat areas down to bare metal. patched in metal in a few places and put a heavy coat of etching primer.
Core support, cowl corners, and a few other pieces got the treatment also... Mostly boring to look at but, closing in on paint.

clemdaddy 03-02-2012 10:59 AM

Re: razorback red... buildup
3 Attachment(s)
have a pile of old heaters and was able to take 3 different deluxe units and put together a good one. new blower motor from NAPA (big armature version for 67-72 suburban air). flushed brass and copper core and pressure tested. all I could find new in heater cores was aluminum and that didn't look right to me. All new seals and paint job and its ready to go.

losthope 03-02-2012 01:11 PM

Re: razorback red... buildup
Just read your whole thread, looks like your doing a quality build! Love the rendering! What year is your wifes VW? Mine drives a 73 Its her first stickshift shes still learning.....pretty funny to watch actually.

198plus 03-02-2012 03:28 PM

Re: razorback red... buildup
Nice job !!!!!!!!!

C@rnut001 03-02-2012 10:56 PM

Re: razorback red... buildup
Your progress is looking great. Keep it up and good luck with it.

sigshooter 03-04-2012 11:01 PM

Re: razorback red... buildup
Great build, I gotta come see you soon!

clemdaddy 03-05-2012 08:59 AM

Re: razorback red... buildup
2 Attachment(s)
thanks guys!!! still a long way to go...
i don't get much time to get on the site during weekends and the home computer is slow and makes funny noises. but to finish the February report here is the interior colors so far. Some may not like the dash color but give it time it might grow on you. kinda of a metallic chocolate with a bunch of flattening agent dumped in. the floor and walls are fawn beige and i think it will work with the dark razorback red exterior and black top.

clemdaddy 03-05-2012 09:14 AM

Re: razorback red... buildup
2 Attachment(s)

Originally Posted by losthope (Post 5225224)
Just read your whole thread, looks like your doing a quality build! Love the rendering! What year is your wifes VW? Mine drives a 73 Its her first stickshift shes still learning.....pretty funny to watch actually.

her's is a morph of a 67 convert and a 68 baja. there is about 30 body mods so far with added louvers, shaved handles and wipers and all windows. the windshield was chopped 2.5" and a 40 ford divider bar added. has a disc brake suspension from a karman and a 1835 crate motor.
totally a fair weather car. thinking a full tonneau cover with zip-out driver area.

anyway it has been kicking my butt in the time department but it's what she wanted and what can i do, she is in charge of the groceries, and you gotta eat.

here's a couple of quick pics so you can enjoy my pain... and sorry about the off topic vehicle but i'm thinking some of you guys like the bugs.

clemdaddy 03-29-2012 08:04 AM

Re: razorback red... buildup
3 Attachment(s)
its been almost a month and March was another beautiful one here in the Ozarks. had pretty good progress this month and its time to update with news and views.

got 2 gals of razorback red paint. the paint store had the formula pre-figured out. i guess when you live in a college town, the school colors are a given...
the first color was laid down on the firewall so some of the fun assembly stuff could happen.

clemdaddy 03-29-2012 09:02 AM

Re: razorback red... buildup
2 Attachment(s)
noticed on the engine install that the top of the turbo 350 touched the flange between the firewall and the floor tunnel. i don't know if most of you guys grind down that flange or drop the trans a little to miss it. but with standard mounts and crossmember i was definately having a rubbing problem. keeping in mind that the intake needs to be as level as possible I opted to use a junk crossmember from the parts pile. trimmed it down and drilled for chevy mounts. worked great... but now my chevy has a ford part.

clemdaddy 03-29-2012 09:20 AM

Re: razorback red... buildup
2 Attachment(s)
the fender rear braces is one of the places where the years show up on these trucks. both mine had a collection of mud, road-tar and wasp nests in them. I STRONGLY DISLIKE rust, my wife tells me not to use the hate word... and then she says 'its metal, you can fix it". cut... blast... weld-thru primer... and stitch it up.

every part on this one needed blasting. must have been on a lot of dirt roads in its past. oh yeah, this is arkansas...

losthope 03-30-2012 01:35 AM

Re: razorback red... buildup

Originally Posted by clemdaddy (Post 5231384)
her's is a morph of a 67 convert and a 68 baja. there is about 30 body mods so far with added louvers, shaved handles and wipers and all windows. the windshield was chopped 2.5" and a 40 ford divider bar added. has a disc brake suspension from a karman and a 1835 crate motor.
totally a fair weather car. thinking a full tonneau cover with zip-out driver area.

anyway it has been kicking my butt in the time department but it's what she wanted and what can i do, she is in charge of the groceries, and you gotta eat.

here's a couple of quick pics so you can enjoy my pain... and sorry about the off topic vehicle but i'm thinking some of you guys like the bugs.

Wow Thats gonna be one neat bug! Gotta keep momma happy;)


Originally Posted by clemdaddy (Post 5281700)
I opted to use a junk crossmember from the parts pile. trimmed it down and drilled for chevy mounts. worked great... but now my chevy has a ford part.

If you didnt say anything just glancing at the pictures i thought you just took a stock crossmember and drilled the rivets and took the up right mounts off...

looking good Clem!, looking forward to more updates!

clemdaddy 05-07-2012 07:55 AM

Re: razorback red... buildup
2 Attachment(s)
it's been a while since an update, but we've been busy.
lots of body work...

clemdaddy 05-07-2012 08:06 AM

Re: razorback red... buildup
3 Attachment(s)
got the cab to paint after many hours of bodyfun. i can't remember when i have laughed out loud so much. nothing like the smell of lacquer thinner in the morning and nothing better than an air file in your hand. sorry about the sarcasm but bodywork is the least fun way to spend a weekend. if you're lucky, the result will be worth it.

clemdaddy 05-07-2012 08:11 AM

Re: razorback red... buildup
1 Attachment(s)
got started on the seat this weekend. blasted and etched. took apart a couple of seats to get extra springs to stiffen up and replace rusted or broken ones.

redledsled 05-07-2012 09:12 PM

Re: razorback red... buildup
That's looking nice! I've got similar plans for my baby, so it's nice to see yours looking so good.

Hogsophist 05-07-2012 09:29 PM

Re: razorback red... buildup
Looking great man. I drive by your place daily. Always wanted to just stop and gawk!
Posted via Mobile Device

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