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Tx Firefighter 12-02-2012 11:41 AM

The Hillbilly Deluxe dually build
If you're a country music fan, the name Hillbilly Deluxe will make sense.

I'm a very small town guy so in my world there are a lot of guys who build duallys and other heavy duty trucks.

I needed a heavy truck to pull my trailers and haul hay for my animals with so I spent a long time looking for just the right truck. I wanted simple, cheap and strong. I finally found this truck local for cheap. Real cheap.

My criteria were
-Heavy duty cab and chassis with a nice flat bed
-Big block
-Fuel injected
-Proper color (I'm a white truck guy)
-Standard transmission

And it was real cheap.

It's an 88 model R30 with a 454 TBI engine, Muncie SM465 transmission and 4.56 geared locker rear end. As soon as my buddy saw all of that he said "You don't often need to pull a church off it's foundation, but when you do, you won't even have to break off idle". It's pulls like all of my old diesel pickups used to, up to about 60 miles per hour, when it gets gear bound. But, let me say it again, it was cheap. I bought it for what the engine core alone would be worth.

It's a local Texas truck with very few miles on it so it's mostly solid already...

I've never owned a heavier spec'd truck than this one. Heavy springs, big brakes, 4.56 gears, heavy cooling system, all of that. It surprised me that it even has air bags in the front coil springs.

Glove box sticker for the air bag option....

That will be the last time I use the words "air bags" in this thread. If that's your thing, along with semi wheels and all of that, you're in the wrong thread, just hit the back button right now. As far as I'll be going with this is to lower it statically and add some 16 inch Alcoas. That's as trick as it will be.

What this thread will be is very heavy of basic nuts and bolts tech stuff. I refuse to own a vehicle that leaks, drips or seeps any fluid at all, so that's first step on this build. There has been a whole lot of pressure washing and leak fixing going on first thing.

I'm a normal guy with a very normal income who has two daughters in private school, so the budget is the main factor that controls progress. But, that said, I have been attempting to use as many Made in USA parts as possible (and have been doing very well in that area), and will only use the best part available on the market. There is very little local parts store generic stuff on this build. I have been ordering most everything so I can get premium stuff like Gates, Felpro, Moog etc for the best prices.

Much, much more to come.

lolife99 12-02-2012 12:06 PM

Re: The Hillbilly Deluxe dually build
Signing up!
I'd like to have this same truck, except with a dually bed.

cochino12 12-02-2012 12:11 PM

Re: The Hillbilly Deluxe dually build
Nice truck! Signed up

darkhorse970 12-02-2012 12:11 PM

Re: The Hillbilly Deluxe dually build
Sounds cool, I'm in!
Posted via Mobile Device

ryanroo 12-02-2012 12:30 PM

Re: The Hillbilly Deluxe dually build
Ill watch!

Tx Firefighter 12-02-2012 12:32 PM

Re: The Hillbilly Deluxe dually build
First step, like all journeys, is to do your homework and get your ducks in a row.

I bought these from a guy here on the parts board. He cut me a real solid deal and shipped
them within minutes of getting my paypal.

72BlckButy 12-02-2012 09:20 PM

Re: The Hillbilly Deluxe dually build
Glad to see you back on TF!

Tx Firefighter 12-03-2012 08:35 AM

Re: The Hillbilly Deluxe dually build
I'm fortunate to own a pretty decent pressure washer. Over the course of the first week of owning this truck, I went through 3 full tanks of gas in the washer trying to get the goop off this thing so I could see what I had to work with. I'd pressure wash the engine bay and chassis very thoroughly, then let it dry for a day and do it again. Finally after a week, it got down to where I could get under there and take stock of what I had to work with and not have grease on everything.

First thing I noticed was that some yay-hoo had pulled this thing with a chain some time in the past and used the sway bar bracket as an anchor point.

This picture is taken after removing the sway bar obviously.

I am lucky to have a good buddy that is a very long time parts guy at a local dealership. Having his help makes building these old trucks so much easier. Looking up annoying little parts for me doesn't bother him.

I wrote a sway bar article years ago which is an FAQ here on the board. At that time, I recommended getting Moog brand sway bar bushings locally when you need them. Well, over the years, that has changed. I have a shop account at my local O Reilly Auto Parts so I get a decent discount, but Rock Auto still beat the local guy's price by 20 bucks on these things, including delivery charges. They are urethane just like the Moog, but are black instead of blue. Rock Auto sells tons of different brands and colors of these, all of them cheaper than local parts houses. Pick your favorite flavor.

While I was waiting on my bushings to arrive, I detailed and powdercoated all of the sway bar and clamps. I use this silver vein texture powder with a coat of clear on top. Some folks may not like it, but the textured powder really obscures any pits and gouges in the parts.


Much more progress to come. I'm slow but very steady on my work ethic. I only spend truck money as I earn it too, so there's no pulling from my bank account or using a credit card to get a bunch of nice stuff all at once. I gave up the credit card deal years ago. It sucks to build your truck one part at a time, but it works best for me and keeps me sleeping soundly at night without worry.

72BlckButy 12-03-2012 02:34 PM

Re: The Hillbilly Deluxe dually build

Originally Posted by Tx Firefighter (Post 5736984)
Much more progress to come. I'm slow but very steady on my work ethic. I only spend truck money as I earn it too, so there's no pulling from my bank account or using a credit card to get a bunch of nice stuff all at once. I gave up the credit card deal years ago. It sucks to build your truck one part at a time, but it works best for me and keeps me sleeping soundly at night without worry.

Unfortunately it takes many to long to learn that and it can cause a world of hurt to a family.

I was just about to ask if you were still powdercoating and the first update to the thread shows a pc'd sway bar. Ha!

So how's the PC business?

Tx Firefighter 12-03-2012 10:37 PM

Re: The Hillbilly Deluxe dually build
After getting everything cleaned up, I spent some time evaluating the under hood stuff as to what needed attention. The engine itself is solid but most of the stuff around it needed attention.

-Hydroboost unit leaking
-Steering box leaking
-Power steering pump squalls even when full of fluid. Suspect the two leaks above caused it to be run dry too many times.
-Radiator leaks
-Water pump wobbles and is nosiy
-Hoses are oil soaked and swollen
-Wiring harness needs a lot of attention. Lots of bare wires, messed up connectors, missing looming
-Battery cables junk. Nice big new battery but it doesn't fit the battery box properly

I combined the leaky power steering box, leaky hydroboost unit and noisy PS pump into one big project since it's all one connected system. The plan is to reseal the steering box input shaft and pitman shaft seals and replace the p/s pump and hydroboost unit with rebuilt ones from Rock Auto.

Stoney 12-04-2012 11:17 PM

Re: The Hillbilly Deluxe dually build
Didn't you have a red truck,too?

Tx Firefighter 12-04-2012 11:21 PM

Re: The Hillbilly Deluxe dually build

Originally Posted by Stoney (Post 5740507)
Didn't you have a red truck,too?

Good memory. Yes, I had a 78 dually. I never built it though, and wound up giving it to another member on here. The cab was so rusty that it needed a full swap and it had some suspension issues. I just couldn't make the money work in my head to build that truck.

Tx Firefighter 12-04-2012 11:33 PM

Re: The Hillbilly Deluxe dually build
Another update while I'm here....

While doing the power steering pump, I also did the full cooling system at the same time and did a bunch of cleaning and powdercoating of all the front end engine stuff while I had it off.

-Had the radiator done at my local shop. Leak repaired, cleaned and resealed
-New water pump
-FelPro Printoseal t-stat gasket (Made in USA)
-All new hoses, heater, radiator, and bypass (Gates Made in USA)
-Thermostat (Made is USA)

The truck had some kind of goofy little fan that the fan shroud just swallowed up. I wound up taking it off and replacing it with a full size fan from one of my parts trucks.

Heater shut off valve I used. It's actually a PEX ball valve from Home Depot.

Restored the fan shroud.

All new hydroboost hoses to replace the old cracked leakers (Gates made is USA).

New hardware for the fan shroud.

Tx Firefighter 12-04-2012 11:35 PM

Re: The Hillbilly Deluxe dually build
The fan and accessory brackets are semi gloss black powdercoat and the other stuff is full gloss powdercoat. I like the contrast between the two to give it a hint of detail. The water pump is just painted though. Even I'm not OCD enough to disassemble a brand new water pump just to powdercoat it.

Still to come is the top end of the engine, resealing, rebuilding the EFI harness and throttle body, and building my own exhaust system with some neat parts.

manimal 12-05-2012 12:30 PM

Re: The Hillbilly Deluxe dually build
Nice job! Love the truck.

Tx Firefighter 12-05-2012 09:14 PM

Re: The Hillbilly Deluxe dually build
At this point, the cooling system is all better than new and all of the nagging leaks have been fixed. New power steering stuff and hydroboost etc...

So, on to the top of the engine.

-TBI rebuild
-Wiring harness repair
-Reseal valve covers

Even though the truck ran well enough, I suspected the throttle body could use some attention. I was not wrong. Made in USA rebuild kit

The victim...

I found my fast idle issue (cracked baseplate gasket)

This thing was horrible inside. Easily the worst one I have ever seen.

Notice the goop on the injector that was inside the screen area.

Much cleaning to get it all proper again...

Tx Firefighter 12-05-2012 09:20 PM

Re: The Hillbilly Deluxe dually build
Wiring harness was a mess everywhere. I had to do a whole lot of wire replacement, terminal replacement, soldering and heatshrinking.

I had to un-pin the injector connectors and build an entire new injector harness.

Old battery cables were pure trash so I converted to boat type of terminal ends and had new cables made.

The new cables aren't cheap, but they're 2 ought welding cable and copper prices aren't cheap anymore. You got to have garden hoses to get the electricity to that big block starter. I hate hard to start trucks,

Also rebuilt the battery tray. It's kind of ghetto really. The truck came with a nice new battery that was too big for the box. Plus the tray was rusty also. So, I grabbed a scrap piece of plate steel and just built a new base for the battery to sit on. Afterwards powdercoated it gloss black.

Boat battery terminals.

Ghetto fab work

ryanroo 12-05-2012 09:28 PM

Re: The Hillbilly Deluxe dually build
Looks really good, what did you use to make that TB looks so nice? is there a product you use on the AL to make it look fresh again?


Tx Firefighter 12-05-2012 09:31 PM

Re: The Hillbilly Deluxe dually build

Originally Posted by ryanroo (Post 5742217)
Looks really good, what did you use to make that TB looks so nice? is there a product you use on the AL to make it look fresh again?


I have an old crock pot with Yamalube carburetor cleaner in it. I boil it for an hour or so to get the goop off the parts, then rinse it off and soda blast all of the aluminum to get the clean bright look.

cory d 12-05-2012 09:37 PM

Re: The Hillbilly Deluxe dually build
yamalube huh? thats what i run in my honda

Tx Firefighter 12-05-2012 09:44 PM

Re: The Hillbilly Deluxe dually build
I'm mainly a motorcycle restore guy so Yamalube stuff is what I'm comfortable with. You mix it 1:1 with water in a crock pot. Dunk your parts and boil for a while and they come out astonishingly clean. When you get done, put the lid on the crock pot and slide it back under the workbench for next time you need it. I do a lot of motorcycle carbs in my shop and get about a year out of a bottle before replacing. If you keep it covered to cut down on evaporation, you can use it for a long time.

You'll never use that Berryman's gallon dip stuff from the auto parts store again after you use Yamalube.

darkhorse970 12-05-2012 10:17 PM

Re: The Hillbilly Deluxe dually build
Very nice work! Your builds always teach me new methods and products.
Posted via Mobile Device

Tx Firefighter 12-05-2012 10:22 PM

Re: The Hillbilly Deluxe dually build

Originally Posted by darkhorse970 (Post 5742336)
Very nice work! Your builds always teach me new methods and products.
Posted via Mobile Device

Thank you for the kind words.

I'll be looking forward to drinking coffee with you fellows at Pate this year.

darkhorse970 12-05-2012 10:54 PM

Re: The Hillbilly Deluxe dually build
Sounds like a plan...maybe we can get together for supper one night too.
Posted via Mobile Device

Tx Firefighter 12-06-2012 03:47 PM

Re: The Hillbilly Deluxe dually build
While I was doing the top end of the engine I went ahead and detailed the air cleaner and all of the little brackets that bolt to the manifold.

The base is semi gloss black powdercoat and the lid is full gloss. I think the contrast between the two really makes it look nice.

The valve covers were looking pretty bad too so I cleaned them up. New Felpro Printoseal permadry gaskets and rubber grommets too.

Notice the exhaust manifolds are off the truck in those pictures. That's a painful story and will unfold in the next update.

silvereagle07 12-06-2012 04:36 PM

Re: The Hillbilly Deluxe dually build
Nice work. I just saw a similar truck here on Craigslist this morning. The contrast color looks good too.
Posted via Mobile Device

Stoney 12-06-2012 05:28 PM

Re: The Hillbilly Deluxe dually build
I just A/C

Tx Firefighter 12-06-2012 06:39 PM

Re: The Hillbilly Deluxe dually build
Yes sir. Big block 4 speed and pretty much nothing else. It doesn't even have a dome light. Rubber floor mat and manual windows and locks, just a stripped down company truck that was originally bought and ordered by the electric company.
Posted via Mobile Device

Primered_69 12-06-2012 06:55 PM

Re: The Hillbilly Deluxe dually build
So when ar you going to do some Balcksmith Work on it? Ayers Garage in Metal Script...break out the forge and anvil

Tx Firefighter 12-06-2012 07:33 PM

Re: The Hillbilly Deluxe dually build
I've got a long way to go Michael. I still haven't touched the interior or suspension. The first priority though is to find a bell housing. This one is cracked about half way around with pieces missing out of it. Don't know how the trans hasn't fallen out of this thing yet.
Posted via Mobile Device

68Timber 12-06-2012 08:21 PM

Re: The Hillbilly Deluxe dually build
I like your approach to the truck, subbed. Prices on SM465 bell housings swing high and low, you shouldn't have much trouble finding one in the $50 to $75 range.

Tx Firefighter 12-06-2012 08:26 PM

Re: The Hillbilly Deluxe dually build

Originally Posted by BRUISER (Post 5744070)
I like your approach to the truck, subbed. Prices on SM465 bell housings swing high and low, you shouldn't have much trouble finding one in the $50 to $75 range.

Lord I wish. I'm seeing 250 average price. Remember I have the hydraulic bellhousing....

If I'm on crack, set me straight. I'd love to pay 75 for one.

68Timber 12-06-2012 08:32 PM

Re: The Hillbilly Deluxe dually build
Ah, chit. I didn't realize you had the later 465 w/hydraulic clutch. The retrofitters drive the price up on those. If I see one at a decent price I'll PM you.

Tx Firefighter 12-06-2012 08:34 PM

Re: The Hillbilly Deluxe dually build
Please do. I'd sure appreciate it.

ryanroo 12-06-2012 09:20 PM

Re: The Hillbilly Deluxe dually build

Originally Posted by Tx Firefighter (Post 5744086)
Lord I wish. I'm seeing 250 average price. Remember I have the hydraulic bellhousing....

If I'm on crack, set me straight. I'd love to pay 75 for one.

I may have one. if i do, its yours. ill let you know.


Tx Firefighter 12-06-2012 09:22 PM

Re: The Hillbilly Deluxe dually build

Originally Posted by ryanroo (Post 5744211)
I may have one. if i do, its yours. ill let you know.


If you do have one, I'd be happy to buy it from you. This one is bad, real bad. It's actually cracked about 2/3 of the way around. There is one hole that I can stick my thumb through.

Tx Firefighter 12-07-2012 08:11 AM

Re: The Hillbilly Deluxe dually build
I had mentioned the exhaust part of this truck had been painful. What I meant was that it took a larger chunk of money than I'd hoped for.

I knew right up front that the exhaust was beat and would need replacing. It had giant sections rusted out, a crappy muffler and one of those old restrictive catalytic converters.

The cat

Rusted out round canister type of muffler

The rest

So I cut all of that junk off obviously to start with. I figured I'd go ahead and pull the manifolds off and do some work on them too so I'd have a nice system front to back. The truck previously had smog pump fittings on the left manifold which had been cut off short and welded closed. I knew I wanted to fix that more proper and also replace all of the studs.

Here is where it gets painful.

Previously welded ears on the passenger side manifold.

Driver's side manifold had previously cracked basically in half and been welded by someone. The welds were cracked right through again already.

So, off to Rock Auto. I ordered new Dorman manifolds. It pains me to say, they are made in China. But, they fit real well and are significantly thicker in a lot of areas than the original GM ones were.

The factory Y pipe was in plenty good enough shape so I just cleaned it up and reused it. These big block Y pipes are much nicer than small block ones are. They have a decent transition like a "Y" and not a "T" like so many factory ones were.

Now, here's the rub about where I live. I don't have to pass an emissions test for my yearly inspection, but I have to pass a visual test for the equipment being in place (regardless of how well it does or doesn't work). So, I need a catalytic converter to use in my new exhaust.

So, since I like improved fuel mileage and performance, I found a place on the internets that sells a real "hi flow" converter and they're cheap too, so I ordered one in 3 inch size.

It looks like a catalytic converter...

But inside it's a bit different than most converters...

Also got a nice big Magnaflow in 3 inch size from Summit, a stick of 3 inch tubing and a band clamp.

Magnaflow is still doing it right.

I only tack welded that rear piece of pipe in place as you can see. I figure in the future if I ever go to a muffler shop to have tail pipe(s) hung under this truck, they can just knock that tack weld off and have a good place to slide the new pipe into the rear of the muffler to work with.

I got a couple of clamps and hangers from the parts store and the final product is super strong and hung nicely.

So, all said and done I have new manifolds into a refurbished factory Y pipe then into a single 3 inch system. Damn it sounds good too. The catalytic converter shaped device obviously doesn't change the sound any so I got the true 3 inch Magnflow sound. Very raspy and not a drone like Flowmasters or other chambered mufflers.

maxxxy 12-09-2012 04:50 AM

Re: The Hillbilly Deluxe dually build
Tx Firefighter I've been on the site a couple of years now, not to mention the year lurking as a guest, and I've seen your posts in various random threads. I've always wondered about your avatar. It wasn't until last night that I realized what it is. I think it's hilarious!
Posted via Mobile Device

Stoney 12-09-2012 10:50 AM

Re: The Hillbilly Deluxe dually build
I've always wondered, and still haven't figured it out.

THE "10" SILVERADO 12-09-2012 12:01 PM

Re: The Hillbilly Deluxe dually build

Originally Posted by Stoney (Post 5748443)
I've always wondered, and still haven't figured it out.

This might help you out. It's Lawrence from Office Space.

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