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kcsa75 02-14-2013 04:13 PM

It just quit
Driving home from work last night, out of the blue the engine just quit running. Not sputtering or spitting first. It just died. I was able to start it right back and go on, but it happened several times.

I figured it must be electrical, but after sleeping on it I'm not so sure. I had a Quadrajet rebuilt and put on last week. The truck has been running like a sewing machine until last night. And it started up and ran fine this morning on the way to work.

Any ideas?

twich3136 02-14-2013 07:08 PM

Re: It just quit
start with the basics, air, spark, fuel.
air should be pretty obvious. -next lol

spark. i lean more this direction seeing how it completely shut off.
check the cond. of the coil wires. is it getting steady voltage?
distributer - how do the points look? or hei -hook up a dwell meter and make sure its not doing anything odd. check connections. also the main coil wire to cap. check the inside of the cap and rotor for any damage.

check the pressure, is it steady? getting enough psi? check your float levels again make sure that little valve isnt sticking. also check your fuel filter.

lots of little stuff but it should help narrow your search. hope this helps

myyamr7 02-14-2013 08:52 PM

Re: It just quit
My 71 would do that, just shut off with no warning, and would start back up after a little bit. It started up as if it was flooded though, which it was. I was leaning to a carb problem, but it ended up being the coil. I repalced the old points/coil with a new HEI and it never happeend again

big mike71 02-14-2013 09:46 PM

Re: It just quit
When mine did that it was the control module.

steelhorse 02-14-2013 10:36 PM

Re: It just quit
If you have HEI it sounds like the module.

Russ.W. 02-15-2013 12:31 AM

Re: It just quit
My Dodge recently had this trouble. Died on me a few times. Sometimes starting right back up, other times needing a tow home - until it eventually shut off and would never start.

Determined the problem was very little spark coming from the coil. Replaced the coil, and it fired up immediately. The entire ignition system was a mish-mash of brands, so after that I decided to replace it all with an entire system from one company - distributor, coil pack, leads.

Now runs like a dream.

70c10stepside 02-15-2013 02:16 AM

Re: It just quit
Mine done the same, it was the hei module. Pop a fresh one in, and it'll probably be good. You can get a new one for under $20 at advance typically.

piecesparts 02-15-2013 03:59 AM

Re: It just quit
If you have an HEI, I agree it could be the module. However, there is a pickup coil around the distributor shaft UNDER the advance plate. You have to pull the dizzy shaft to replace it. I had one of those go away on me before.

If that doesn't work, check to see if the crankshaft pulley is turning or the valves are moving when your turn the engine over. I also had a crank break right behind the timing chain gear and the timing chain no longer was turning, you could have lost your timing chain. This usually results in bent pushrods for the valves.

kcsa75 02-15-2013 09:50 AM

Re: It just quit
It has Delco Remy HEI. Correct me if I'm wrong, the "module" is inside the disti cap? Photos?

By they way, I had no problems yesterday. We'll see what today brings.

TBONE1964 02-15-2013 10:32 AM

Re: It just quit
Keep in mind when this happens. Is it wet or damp outside? Is the engine at operating temp? How long running before it quits? Are you accellerating or coasting?

Usaully but not always, HEI modules will fail after they get hot but have no problem cold. HEI ignition ciols usually go bad and that's it, they are done.

Maybe a fuel problem. Did you have any problems before the carb rebuild? Was there a problem with the carb before it was rebuilt?

All these questions will help figure out the root cause of your problem.

midniteblues 02-15-2013 10:41 AM

Re: It just quit
the module will do that sometimes before it gives up completely
we recently had a ignition switch do the same thing as it turned out it mustve been getting worn on the inside and would only stay running if key was held there in the run postion.

that was tough too figure out:lol:

Ackattack 02-15-2013 11:30 AM

Re: It just quit
My initial thought before reading all of the comments were also HEI control module.

Good luck!

1970 CST STEP 02-15-2013 12:27 PM

Re: It just quit

Originally Posted by 70c10stepside (Post 5889910)
mine done the same, it was the hei module. Pop a fresh one in, and it'll probably be good. You can get a new one for under $20 at advance typically.


CC69Rat 02-15-2013 12:57 PM

Re: It just quit
Probably the module .. :D :lol:

(kidding, but I do agree)

Longhorn 70 02-15-2013 01:11 PM

Re: It just quit
While you are replacing the module replace the capacitor-harness, too. I had one that was cracked on the bottom of the connecteor that would do the same thing. I replaced the module and was happy for ....a month or so. When it did it again, I inspected more closely and found the crack. It allowed the signal from the module to ground out for just a few seconds and that was it.

DANTIP 02-15-2013 01:14 PM

Re: It just quit
I've had an electronic module do that when it had a loose wire. When the engine would warm up it would intermittently die. Tightened up the module wire and it never happened again.

BBCamaro 02-15-2013 01:22 PM

Re: It just quit
Check coil if you have points system.. or the control module if you have an HEI..Ive had the same problems in the past and thats what it was..

Longhorn 70 02-15-2013 01:22 PM

Re: It just quit
just a note, though the capacitor pictured says it is a "Radio Antenna Module Capacitor" it is inside the distributor and conects module to cap.

xman 02-15-2013 04:37 PM

Re: It just quit
I had the same thing happen to me on my 72 burb and it turned out to be a bad ign switch while driving it just died and would restart without issues so I replaced it and never happened again

Hawghauler 02-16-2013 12:25 PM

Re: It just quit
Usually when something needs troubleshooting, look to what was changed just before the problem. If your truck was fine before the carb was rebuilt, I would be looking at the carb since it was what was recently changed. It can get expensive to just start replacing everything that has caused others to get the same problem you're currently having.
You could have a sticking float, float adjusted too low so it doesn't fill bowl enough thereby draining it before it can catch up, debris in the inboard filter, etc.
good luck.:smoke:

steelhorse 02-16-2013 05:58 PM

Re: It just quit
Keep us posted. What fixed it?

danheit 02-16-2013 06:04 PM

Re: It just quit
Yeah, WHAT FIXED IT??? I just posted on having the exact same issue with a 71 I bought last night!

kcsa75 02-16-2013 09:39 PM

Re: It just quit

Originally Posted by steelhorse (Post 5892904)
Keep us posted. What fixed it?

So far nothing. It hasn't acted up again once since the other night.

Though I'm not really qualified to comment, I think it was electrical in nature. When it died, it just stopped, no sputtering, spitting, rough idle or anything.

It's supposed to be nice (high 50s) on Sunday so I'm going to pull the module and see if I can find someone to test it.

Stay tuned.

bigwheel15 02-17-2013 02:38 AM

Re: It just quit

Originally Posted by kcsa75 (Post 5893241)
So far nothing. It hasn't acted up again once since the other night.

Though I'm not really qualified to comment, I think it was electrical in nature. When it died, it just stopped, no sputtering, spitting, rough idle or anything.

It's supposed to be nice (high 50s) on Sunday so I'm going to pull the module and see if I can find someone to test it.

Stay tuned.

You can take the module up to any auto parts store and they can test it for you.

kcsa75 02-20-2013 11:44 AM

Re: It just quit
OK, so yesterday it quit again. I pulled the control module, had it tested and replaced it. Still won't start.

When I was taking the module out, the plastic "plug" for the pigtail that connects to the capacitor and connects to the coil at the top of the dizzy broke. The wiring appeared to be solid, so I connected the individual wires on the module. I can replace the capacitor assembly. Do you think that would make a difference?

Longhorn 70 02-20-2013 06:53 PM

Re: It just quit
I know if I wiggled the one on my truck hard enough it used to kill the engine. I used to have sypmtoms that felt like it was out of gas too.....Just bog to a stop. It'd start right up most times after that but.....not always. Replaced the capacitor assy and it hasn't done it for the past 2 years.

kcsa75 02-24-2013 02:40 PM

Re: It just quit
We got 13 inches of snow here this week so today was my first chance to get back to get back outside try to resolve this problem. I've replaced the control module and the capacitor and pigtail that connects to the coil at the top of the dizzy. It acts like it wants to start -- sounds like it's getting spark -- but won't. I pulled the fuel filter and didn't see any apparent problems there. The carb is getting gas.

I'm stuck. Any other ideas?

ChevLoRay 02-24-2013 03:56 PM

Re: It just quit
I had a problem with the HEI in my '69. What I noticed was that I would let off of the gas as I approached a corner, and it would die. I'd throw it into neutral and it would fire right up. I also suspected the module and had it replaced, but it continued to happen. So, I drove it. Again, I'd let off of the gas and it might die. One New Years Day, it happened and I knew it wasn't going to start. I had it towed to the house, bought a new ACCEL Hei (reman) and fixed the problem of it dying.

An inspection of the distributor revealed that the wire to the pickup coil had a break in it. When I let off of the gas, the breaker plate would move via action of the vacuum advance. Sometimes, it was just enough movement to break the electrical connection and it would die.

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