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hemifalcon 02-24-2013 03:43 PM

Am I missing something on my heater assembly?
So, here's my '65 suburban cabin air box/diverter assembly.. It's all cleaned up and re-painted--but I'm wondering if this little square hole is supposed to have something inserted in it?? Any ideas?? (I'm talking about the square hole on the inlet portion prior to the diverter)

PoDuck 02-24-2013 03:53 PM

Re: Am I missing something on my heater assembly?
Looks like the spot for your blower motor resistor.

Reyals Bemus 02-24-2013 03:58 PM

Re: Am I missing something on my heater assembly?
The blower motor resistor mounts on the inside of that duct. But maybe some were different?

PoDuck 02-24-2013 04:12 PM

Re: Am I missing something on my heater assembly?
On my '62, it mounts through a hole almost exactly like that on the duct. That setup is different than mine though, so I am mostly guessing. That hole appears to be on the front side of the duct, where mine is on the back, almost directly opposite.

jbgroby 02-24-2013 04:59 PM

Re: Am I missing something on my heater assembly?
Blower moter resistor goes in that hole.

hemifalcon 02-24-2013 06:51 PM

Re: Am I missing something on my heater assembly?
Blower motor resistor is on the opposite side--
Posted via Mobile Device

tincan1966 02-24-2013 06:58 PM

Re: Am I missing something on my heater assembly?
If memory serves, there is/was a small little sheet metal diverter that clips in there to direct a small amount of air to the floor on the pass side. When that assy is installed, that hole is directly above the passengers feet. I could be wrong, as I recall only ever seeing one or two that were still intact.
The blower resistor does mount on the back, or firewall side of the ducting.

markeb01 02-24-2013 07:06 PM

Re: Am I missing something on my heater assembly?
I’ve never seen one of these duct assemblies with that hole in the front. Perhaps it was added by a previous owner for convenience of replacing the resistor. Does your duct already have a resistor mounted on the opposite side in the same location? I’ve also never seen a diverter with the extra outlet tack welded on the left front pointing toward the driver’s feet. That may also have been added for better heat distribution.

hemifalcon 02-24-2013 08:41 PM

Re: Am I missing something on my heater assembly?
I'm QUITE certain that hole is stock--it's got pristine edges from the cutout stamping.. And there is no "molestation" evident on this entire assembly---there was a piece of duct tape over it when I bought it--but THAT us not going back on... I can't imagine this is a "special" heater--
Posted via Mobile Device

rideblue00 02-24-2013 09:04 PM

Re: Am I missing something on my heater assembly?
I think its for a deluxe heater. Unfortunately i dont have any pics. But the blower resister goes on the backside of this unit. Which is opposite of this hole.

j.kirn 02-24-2013 10:45 PM

Re: Am I missing something on my heater assembly?
i have 3 with the same hole and a nos heater complete with the hole as showed

Captainfab 02-25-2013 01:03 AM

Re: Am I missing something on my heater assembly?
That hole is a factory hole, which I have seen on every Deluxe or Thrift Air heater I have seen. I believe it is there to direct warm air onto the passenger. There could have been a deflector on there originally, but I have not seen one.

hemifalcon 02-25-2013 01:22 AM

Re: Am I missing something on my heater assembly?
dang... I just want to see what it's supposed to look like....

slorio 02-25-2013 04:56 PM

Re: Am I missing something on my heater assembly?
Mine has the same hole. I have a 1966 GMC with the deluxe heater (I don't have the nice paint job, however). It looks like there is a flapper that opens and closes off that hole inside the box with one of the three levers on the control panel. I think what you have is all there should be. I think Captainfab has the right answer.

New Orleans

ChevySixty6 02-25-2013 06:25 PM

Re: Am I missing something on my heater assembly?
I think mine has this mystery piece on it. I'll check tonight when i get home. If so i'll get a pic of it.

Reyals Bemus 02-25-2013 06:29 PM

Re: Am I missing something on my heater assembly?
For the record, my Thrift Air system does not have that hole.

Big Fenders 02-25-2013 10:28 PM

Re: Am I missing something on my heater assembly?
I'll jump in with resister hole is a 7/8 inches by 15/16ths. Also has what I call ears to hold the resister in place...,

64shortbed 02-25-2013 11:34 PM

Re: Am I missing something on my heater assembly?
I checked both of my deluxe heater vent the one i have in the pickup and the one on the shelf. Both have the hole but neither have anything on or over the hole. Andi was the first to remove them from the pickups and i don't remember anything over that hole.
Posted via Mobile Device

ChevySixty6 02-26-2013 10:31 AM

Re: Am I missing something on my heater assembly?
Well i looked at mine, and i don't have that piece. I'm with "tincan1966", i've seen that piece before. Maybe i'm thinking of my old '69 pickup, i don't remember. I did a search for heater pictures/diagrams and only saw one picture that showed the hole, but not anything in it.

tincan1966 02-26-2013 10:37 AM

Re: Am I missing something on my heater assembly?

Originally Posted by ChevySixty6 (Post 5913811)
Well i looked at mine, and i don't have that piece. I'm with "tincan1966", i've seen that piece before. Maybe i'm thinking of my old '69 pickup, i don't remember. I did a search for heater pictures/diagrams and only saw one picture that showed the hole, but not anything in it.

You may be exactly right, it culd have been on my '69 C-30 that I saw that. Every one of these '64-'66's I get all have duct tape over that hole or nothing at all.
Sorry if I sent anyone on a wild goose chase.
Altho, now I am thinking of making a piece for mine......:lol:

jsdoyle 02-26-2013 11:37 AM

Re: Am I missing something on my heater assembly?
The resistor is definitely on the opposite side. I restored one back in the summer and off the top of my head I can't remember what goes in that hole (if anything). I'll look tonight though and get back to you unless someone beats me to it.

64fleetside 02-26-2013 11:47 AM

Re: Am I missing something on my heater assembly?
There was a tiny deflector that fit into that hole, it was simply a friction fit. I've only seen it on a couple of trucks-was prone to fall off easily and get lost.

hemifalcon 02-26-2013 01:15 PM

Re: Am I missing something on my heater assembly?
If anyone has a picture of that little deflector, please post it. I will probably make a little one out of aluminum or something that will NOT fall out...

Vernski 02-27-2013 01:16 AM

Re: Am I missing something on my heater assembly?
I am with the rest that have a hole cut there, and the resister is on the opposite
side. On a 65 GMC custom...Vernski:lol:

PoDuck 02-27-2013 04:26 AM

Re: Am I missing something on my heater assembly?
Since this question was asked, I have seen the hole in a few pictures in build threads. They have all been empty. It would be interesting to see one in place.

tincan1966 02-27-2013 08:41 AM

Re: Am I missing something on my heater assembly?
Does anyone have a picture or diagram from an assembly manual?

65chevysub 02-27-2013 11:01 AM

Re: Am I missing something on my heater assembly?
Sorry to break in on this thread, but can I change from a Thrift-Air heater to the deluxe setup on my '65 Suburban, and how hard would it be to do this?

1963c-10 02-27-2013 11:05 AM

Re: Am I missing something on my heater assembly?
Not hard as long as you have all the parts. The conversion will take an hour or two. I did the opposite conversion a few months ago. Went from a deluxe to the standard heater to make room for a big block. You will have to get the extra levers for the dash or just get a deluxe control panel, everything from the diverter box to the dash is the same, pretty much the extra cables and deluxe heater control box is what will be needed. You will not need the two delete plates....and will have to remove a piece of insulation for the deluxe heater to pass through the firewall.

65chevysub 02-27-2013 12:46 PM

Re: Am I missing something on my heater assembly?
Thanks 1963 C-10. I'll look for a lever set and start working on it.

1963c-10 02-27-2013 01:59 PM

Re: Am I missing something on my heater assembly?
If you look under the thread "all about heaters", there are some factory diagrams to help out. I believe they are the 60-63 cab, but the conversion is almost identical.

pdxhall 02-28-2013 04:03 AM

Re: Am I missing something on my heater assembly?
5 Attachment(s)
I have my truck in thousands of pieces right now so I got the heater assembly out and took a few pics. This is a completely stock, unmolested original with nothing missing. The hole is just a diverter for the air. There is a baffle in there just like the one for the floor/defrost baffle. One of the cables from the panel controls it. Pics are with is open and closed. I hope this helps. Anything else I can get you pics for, just ask.

rideblue00 02-28-2013 08:29 PM

Re: Am I missing something on my heater assembly?
I agree with pdxhall. My 66 C20 is also unmolested as well. And it looks like pdxhall's pics.

jbgroby 02-28-2013 09:28 PM

Re: Am I missing something on my heater assembly?
Ok Do either of you have a pressed board with a hearter relay still on your units?

rideblue00 02-28-2013 09:36 PM

Re: Am I missing something on my heater assembly?
Yea. Ive got 3 of the heater units and they all have that.

pdxhall 03-01-2013 04:50 AM

Re: Am I missing something on my heater assembly?
1 Attachment(s)
Yeah, my relay is still on mine also.

VictoriaHardware 03-01-2014 03:53 PM

Re: Am I missing something on my heater assembly?
1 Attachment(s)
This is in the 1964 section of the Assembly Manual. It shows (4) Deflector, p/n 3843950, for RPO C42 (Deluxe Heater). There are no other pictures of it. So apparently there WAS a part. Whether it was later cancelled or easily fell out, who knows? I appears to be plastic. Anybody got one of these?

BLK65K10 03-02-2014 12:09 AM

Re: Am I missing something on my heater assembly?
victoriahardware thanks for posting that. I have had over 40 trucks most with deluxe heaters and I don't believe I have one of those but I will be on the lookout for one and share if I come across one.

65 C20 03-02-2014 04:33 PM

Re: Am I missing something on my heater assembly?
Well it looks like I may have the only deluxe heater with the original deflector.
I just looked at mine and it is still there.
It is made of plastic and it has 2 ears on it that are a friction fit in the slot on the left. One ear up and the other down. After that it slightly angles out from the side of metal box.
It is covered on the top and front, with the bottom and right side open.
Deflects heat down to passenger feet. It is a rather loose fit and I can see why most are missing. Acidently hit it with your foot and break off one of those plastic ears your done. I don't see why it couldn't be made up of thin sheet metal and a screw.
I know, I know you all want pictures.
I am not that good on this computer and will try to post something later.

65 C20 03-06-2014 02:49 PM

Re: Am I missing something on my heater assembly?
3 Attachment(s)
Attachment 1223780

Attachment 1223781

Attachment 1223782

Well now lets see if this works.
This is the elusive plastic deflector for the deluxe heater.
This is what it looks like installed.
I have more of it out, will add to next post.

65 C20 03-06-2014 03:21 PM

Re: Am I missing something on my heater assembly?
5 Attachment(s)
Attachment 1223785

Attachment 1223786

Attachment 1223787

Attachment 1223788

Attachment 1223789

Sorry it took so long, but this is my first try at adding pictures.
I have been watching this forum for some time now and am glad that I can contrbute something. I have learned a lot and now my turn to share.
In the pictures there is a gray swirl in the black plastic that I thought was a scratch or stress mark but it goes thru to the other side so part of the mould process. You can see those 2 small tabs that would be easy to accidently hit with your foot and break off.
Not sure if this could be made with one of those new 3-D printers.
If I was going to replicate this I would use thin sheet metal.
I would have a tab that goes in under the hole on the left slot on heater box, over the existing metal that is in between the two holes.
I checked and the angle that it flares out is 45 degrees.
The part that would be bent over for the top I would leave an extra 3/8 by 3/8 tab that could be bent up to go inside the right hole right side top.
The deflector is open on the bottom and right side so could get a screwdriver in there to bend it up to hold it in place.
Hope this all makes sense. I am going to try making one up myself and will post a template of it later.
I was surprised that of all the people that posted to this thread could not come up with an original.
I wonder if any of those Lambert trucks had any.
On another note I have noticed while looking at varios engine bays on this forum that a lot of people are missing the heater core outlet support brackets. I have recently purchased 2 from a member in this thread.
Hope this makes sense and can help out some members.
Certainly looks better that a piece of duct tape.

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