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Chrispbrown36 04-02-2016 02:49 PM

Pardon me while I rant
This weekend was going to be perfect! I had been watching the weather for a week waiting to see if everything would hold out like they said it would. By Friday morning when I got off of was holding up. I had finally gotten the rotor hub assemblies, bearings, etc, etc. and would finally have the time to get the truck back up and running. I ran and picked up some odds and ends to get the job done and picked up a pair of exhaust manifolds I found on a local classifieds site for $20...things were looking great.
And then it all started going down hill. First wheel comes off, then the lockout and that's when I remember I forgot to get the spindle nut socket I had told myself over and over to buy. Well crap. Ok, I will mess around with the new exhaust manifolds until I can run and get the socket. Pull out the manifolds and realize they just don't look right. Mine, on the passenger side they dump out the back....on the drivers side they dump an inch or two before that. On the new ones both side dump straight out the back, like the passenger side on mine. Oh well, it's only 20 bucks. So I sat back down to see if I could come up with another way to get the spindle nut off without the socket. That's when I take a look at the tie rods that I had just put on in November....both sides the rubber boots had blown out on and they were as loose as they were before I replaced them. Crappy cheap parts.
So off to the computer I go to see what I can get locally this weekend. I decide since I couldn't get AC Delco I would go with Moog. Call up O'Reilly's armed with the parts number and staring at the website. Kid answers and I tell him I have an 87 Chevy V10. Kid laughs and says, "Uh....chevy doesn't make a V10" in a nice smart a** tone. I say, "Actually it's the model number not the motor." Kid laughs again and I say just look it up. Kid say, "Oh, yeah....I knew that...." Yeah ok. So I tell him I want Moog not the Master Pro. "Well, we have the Master Pro here." Don't care, I say, order the Moog. We then had a discussion about what part I actually needed....he was pretty sure I needed this part, but from looking at the website I could clearly see that it was not the tie rod end he was talking about it was the drag link. He protested. I insisted. Finally I convinced him that I did not want the part he kept trying to say I did. The part was here Saturday morning at 10:30.
11 am, I walk into o'Reilly's, looking forward to getting the part and getting the job done. Tell the guy I had ordered some Moog tie rod ends. He asks for my phone number and looks it up. "Ok, we have em.....wait did you say Moog?" Yes....yes I did. "Oh, well these are the Master Pro's....will that be ok?" You have got to be kidding me! I told the guy that I was very specific when I ordered them and that I didn't want to mess with house brands. He said, "Well, I can have them by Monday." At this point I told him I was done with it and walked out. Came home and ordered some AC Delco's that will be here Wednesday.
So the truck is sitting out there looking all sad and I have the urge to burn down every O'Reilly's I pass....

Oberon67 04-02-2016 03:45 PM

Re: Pardon me while I rant

Originally Posted by Chrispbrown36 (Post 7545440)
...I have the urge to burn down every O'Reilly's I pass....

Doncha hate it when you have to argue with the guy at the store about what you want to buy from him?

"I am here to buy Part X. If you do not have Part X I have no reason to be here. Period."

RandyP 04-02-2016 03:46 PM

Re: Pardon me while I rant
If I can not find the part(s) I need by using their online thing for installers (I own a shop), I buy it elsewhere. If I can find it and see it is in stock etc, I will order it and have it delivered or set it up for a counter pick up. If I have to pick up the phone and call them ... I'd rather stab myself in the face with a fork.

I oh so feel your pain. My tech is the same way, he'll walk and find the correct part himself before trying to order it on the phone. Most say it is lucky for us O'Reillys is just 2 doors down. If they only knew.

Chrispbrown36 04-02-2016 04:16 PM

Re: Pardon me while I rant
I had originally called hoping that, by some miracle, they might have some in stock. What really gets me is that these kids think because they turned a wrench in shop class or their dad's garage they are experts on everything automotive. I by no means know it all, but I know what I own and generally will do my research so that I know exactly what I need to fix it. Sure there are plenty of customers that come in there and only know gas makes it go, but don't assume you are smarter than everyone that walks in the door. Especially when I name my model and you have never heard of the model! I keep saying kids but I have ran into plenty of old guys that just know they are smarter than you. I have found that Napa is the worst of them all. I don't know what it is, but every Napa I have ever been in has at least one guy that knows everything about cars.

Jeramy 04-02-2016 05:22 PM

Re: Pardon me while I rant
This is the thing i hate to see and hear. As a parts store salesman these idiots that do this give us all a bad name. Then again the number of customers i get in one day that do not even know the year, make, model, or engine size of their own vehicle still amazes me.

Regardless this mouth breather fails to understand that his job is NOT to sell you what you need but to sell you exactly what you Ask for. In this case the idjit should have been knocked up side his head.

Reason why you get these people is everyone wants low prices. I get to listen to it day after day. What most people forget is cheap prices are gotten buy driving down company cost. So you end up with kids fresh out of high school willing to work for peanuts and that is what they give in service. Part time employees that have no interest or care in doing their job. Just a body there to take up space and collect a check. Most of which have absolutely no mechanical experience.

The other reason that you get to deal with these idiots is the good ones are usually tied up five jobs deep hunting down stuff like a fuel pump for a 1950 Desoto. (carter m847 by the way) and the "filler" people end up playing answering service for them. I would recommend stopping by a few shops in town and find out who they ask for when they call then use that person.

my point being is if you had called me and asked for a certain moog part number that is exactly what you would have picked up. We are not all complete morons.

Chrispbrown36 04-02-2016 06:00 PM

Re: Pardon me while I rant
I try my best to avoid gross generalizations....obviously sometimes I fail. I agree 100% that there are certainly some that work at autoparts stores that can and will help you out and know what they are doing...I just didn't get any of them this weekend, unfortunately. I am also sure you deal with some customers that are morons too. I worked for a fair amount of years at a hotel as a desk clerk and I know first hand how bad it can be dealing with customers. I also agree and understand that part of the reason walmart, lowes, autozone, etc. keep their prices down is by hiring those willing to work for little and that knowledge is sacrificed when this is done. It's a shame really. I am old enough that I can remember going into the local True Value or Western Auto and the guy behind the counter knew just about everything in the store. The world we live in is not good to people that care and because of that we all suffer in many ways.
Didn't mean to step on any toes.

Jeramy 04-02-2016 06:52 PM

Re: Pardon me while I rant
Sorry i wasn't to clear, i was agreeing with you just got caught up in the run lol.

I was mad at him for giving us all a bad name and ended up rambling on. I would make a suggestion of speaking with the store management next time you have any problems with your service. If you don't speak up they just assume every thing is fine and will carry on the same. If they will not correct the problem move up the chain. I can promise you the company cares alot more than the counter guy. We actually have our district managers cell phone number framed and on the wall behind the counter.

I DO NOT WORK FOR O'REILLY'S. just to be clear.
hope next time you call or go you get the professional

Chrispbrown36 04-02-2016 07:18 PM

Re: Pardon me while I rant
The manager was actually standing there while this all happened and didn't seem overly concerned about it. I am not afraid to call corporate numbers for complaints (I also try to call and give praise's only fair). As a matter of fact, just Friday I called Tractor Supply to let them know that when their cashiers treat other customers badly people will walk out.....ask me how I know this. Now I am making myself sound like I complain all the time....I really don't....I just hate seeing bad customer service and I the older I get the more I let people know about it.

Jeramy 04-02-2016 08:23 PM

Re: Pardon me while I rant
im finding the same thing myself

mongocanfly 04-02-2016 09:23 PM

Re: Pardon me while I rant
Yep..been there done that

andrewmp6 04-03-2016 03:18 AM

Re: Pardon me while I rant
Stuff like that is why i love this one napa i found in my town,Its all older guys working there and they ain't stupid.I rather drive out of my way to go see them vs some of the others close to me that would treat me just like you was.And i won't lie i have ordered stuff from rockauto a few times but if i need it today or the price different isn't that big i go to that napa i like.

cadillac_al 04-03-2016 10:13 AM

Re: Pardon me while I rant
This is how you weed out the bad stores from the good stores. I have been dealing with new kids in the parts store for 20 years or more. You have to be a little patient with the newbs though because they all have to start somewhere, but it is definitely frustrating. I have 5 parts stores to choose from and I already know who works at all of them. Some of the newbs have gotten pretty smart after a couple years on the job. I still like dealing with old guys (and girls).

1774btcrew 04-03-2016 05:44 PM

Re: Pardon me while I rant
I have all of the same complaints. I am fortunate enough to actually have a REAL parts store close which is a rarity in Phoenix. When I say REAL, I a mean a small non chain shop that mostly focuses delivering to businesses and has guys behind the counter that know how to and are willing to use ACTUAL paper catalogs if they can't find what you need on a computer. If they don't have the part I need in stock, they will have it there in a couple hours(the main hub is close) They also tend to sell a better quality part than most of the chain stores.

Jake Wade 04-03-2016 07:23 PM

Re: Pardon me while I rant
Visit Rock Auto, look up and order your own parts......problem solved.

Deerslayer239 04-03-2016 09:03 PM

Re: Pardon me while I rant
rock is half the price as any local parts store on those too!!

Chrispbrown36 04-03-2016 09:19 PM

Re: Pardon me while I rant
I have been hearing a lot of complaints about Rock's accuracy on what you order. I agree, on most things, they are much cheaper than anyone else.

Deerslayer239 04-03-2016 09:26 PM

Re: Pardon me while I rant
i haven't had any problems out of my dozen orders yet... Knock on wood!!!! I always make sure the exact part# too cause I want to have the right part. Nobody wants to be down more than possible!!

lkfldredneck 04-03-2016 09:38 PM

Re: Pardon me while I rant
At the parts store in my town, there is two people that work there. A woman and a man.

The man, no one in the world likes to deal with, the woman, my parents long time friend, has worked there since my dad owned it back in 96. She knows almost everything, and if you tell her a part number she will get you that exact part unless from their many suppliers they cant.

Most of the time, if shes busy or doesnt know the random hard parts im usually looking for, i am able to go behind the desk and search it for myself. Thats why i go there instead of Partsource, Canadian tire, or Napa. Its much simpler to look for the part myself with people i know instead of some random kid who thinks he knows more than a mechanic.

One time i was looking for a cam for my 94 Chevy 350. Was near part source so i went there just for a shoot. The guy asked me what kind of motor after i just told him it was a 350 TBI out of a 94 chevy silverado. Duh! "A mild performance cam for a chevy 350" So he looks up a cam for it. Tells me about a stock cam. No, not a stock cam. Tells me it was $400 for a stock cam for it. That is not right. Could you show me the cam you are looking at? Nope. Ok then, you just lost all of my business. There is absolutely no point in being a super mechanic, thinkin you know more than a young kid. As i was 16 at the time. I knew what kind of cam i was looking for, i knew what it would be roughly priced, but the guy probably thought i was just there screwing his time. Shoulda asked if it was a flat tappet or roller tappet and seen what he said :lol:

Bomp 04-03-2016 10:04 PM

Re: Pardon me while I rant

Originally Posted by RandyP (Post 7545474)
I'd rather stab myself in the face with a fork.

I've felt that way before but never knew how to put it into words. Priceless.

Deerslayer239 04-03-2016 10:13 PM

Re: Pardon me while I rant
Yes that was one of my points too... If you know exactly what you need no point and dealing with someone that has done parts for less than 90 days.. And you can usually find it cheaper!!

andrewmp6 04-04-2016 02:00 AM

Re: Pardon me while I rant
I'll mess with then and ask for things they can't have like a timing chain for a rx7,Or radiator hoses for a vw beetle.

cadillac_al 04-04-2016 09:14 AM

Re: Pardon me while I rant

Originally Posted by Deerslayer239 (Post 7546885)
rock is half the price as any local parts store on those too!!

The shipping from rockauto usually puts the price about the same as I would pay downtown. If everybody shops at rockauto then our local parts store will go under and we will have to get used to waiting 3-5 days for all of our auto parts. I buy at rockkauto a few times a year when the local price is just way out of range.

Blessed66 04-04-2016 09:30 AM

Re: Pardon me while I rant

Originally Posted by Chrispbrown36 (Post 7545440)
...I have the urge to burn down every O'Reilly's I pass....

Me too! For entirely different reasons.

But I understand where you're coming from, man. I had a phrase I would use when I was training people (not around them or to other employees - mainly for venting to my wife) that goes a little something like this;

"I can train anyone to find parts, sell parts, handle money, greet people, answer phones, control inventory, file paperwork and open and close a store... but I can't train common sense into people."

If I could write a book about the things I have seen, I would. Sell like hot cakes, too.

Gmc.guy 04-04-2016 11:08 AM

Re: Pardon me while I rant
I went to the Canadian tire here for some vacuum hose because it was Sunday and everything else was closed at noon. Figured I could find a ten foot chunk in a pack or something. I got the "1/8 inch vacuum hose? Hahahahahaha there's no such thing hahaha. You need 3/8 fuel hose and I have the better high pressure stuff, little more expensive but it will set you up" Just something about a guy that's 18 with a red Mohawk laughing at you because you are "confused" I hit the oil filter and tire sales (a big no to install on tires!) and buy nothing else there and avoid talking to anyone. Napa gets all my parts money instead of most of it now.

I still give everybody the benefit of a doubt. It's too easy now to judge a place on one experience. Sometimes you have to look at the hand cleaner for 20 minutes until the person pops back behind the counter haha. End of my rant

weider1717 04-04-2016 11:29 AM

Re: Pardon me while I rant can walk in tell them you need a WHATEVER for an 87 Silverado 350 and in ALL cases you get "that two wheel or 4 wheel drive?" "350?" etc...

Looks like after awhile even the least handy guy would catch on some items it doesn't matter.........but nope!

MalibuSSwagon 04-04-2016 11:45 AM

Re: Pardon me while I rant
Oreillys I go to all the time and they are pretty cool since they know me and will take a part number I have or look up anything I need without issue. But a couple weeks ago I needed rear drum adjusters for my truck. Looked it up on oreilly's website before I went in, forgot the part number tho. The "manager" who was new and I never seen before, tries to look it up, then after a few minutes says "I don't think we have them bud sorry". I'm say, "I need them and know you have them". Looked it up on his computer, and what do ya know they they are! In stock. :lol:

Chrispbrown36 04-04-2016 12:32 PM

Re: Pardon me while I rant
It kills me every time I go in there looking for something suspension, wheel, etc. and they ask me what motor I have. Why does it matter when I am looking for tie rod ends? Because their computer tells them it does. Ha ha. I ran into Autozone today to pick up a spindle nut socket and got another young kid that thought he knew it all. He told me I was looking for the wrong tool and I humored him. He went to the all mighty computer and started typing....."Year? Make? Model? 2 or 4 wd?"....the usual. As he is typing it all in quickly I notice he went to I have to give him credit that he knew the R10 designation. I mention it but he ignores me and continues to type. Suddenly he says, "Well according to this you don't need that." At which point he grabs a catalog. Another guy walks up and asks what I was looking for and guy #1 says (in a pretty smarta** tone), "He thinks he needs a spindle nut socket for an 87 Chevy truck." The other guy looks at me and says, "V10 or R10?" FINALLY! I say V10 and he says, "Oh yeah, right back here man. I can't remember if for the half ton you need the big one or the small one, but we have em both."
These are the cases when I wish they worked on commission...I would have gladly given the second guy my money.

Jeepwm69 04-04-2016 01:41 PM

Re: Pardon me while I rant

Originally Posted by Jeramy (Post 7545638)

I DO NOT WORK FOR O'REILLY'S. just to be clear.

You're in Arkansas so if things are consistant with my 100 mile radius if you know what you're doing you work for Napa or a local mom and pop/ non chain store..

You guys should try buying Jeep parts from the AMC era. They had such a hodgepodge of different stuff that the computers at the cheap chain stores can't keep up.

Couple that in with common swaps like replacing the stepper motor BBD nightmare with a MC2100 carb and it makes you want to go postal when you walk in to get a part.

"I need part number 12344. Carb kit"

"What vehicle is that for?"

"You don't need to know the vehicle. I just gave you the part number. Go get it."

"I have to have the make and model."

"Well it's a carb from a 78 Pinto with 6 cylinder, but it's going on an '85 Jeep CJ-7 with 6 cylinder"

(blank confused stare from clerk, and I expect his head to explode at any moment)

Then he looks up the part, brings me a carb kit for the factory Jeep Carter BBD carb....and argues with me that it's what I need.


Then we get to do the whole thing over again when I request a cap, rotor, and plug wire set for a 1982 Ford F150 for the same Jeep.

I like to support local businesses, but shopping online is SO much easier.

My local Napa is good. When I lived in NW Arkansas there was NO good place to buy auto parts. They were all morons.

flashed 04-04-2016 02:41 PM

Re: Pardon me while I rant
My O'Reiley's is pretty good .

kalbert 04-04-2016 03:28 PM

Re: Pardon me while I rant
Parts guy used to be a career, somewhere in about the last 20 years it became a job, and as of the last 10 or so years it is a part-time minimum wage job. It's a shame none of the parts houses are willing to pay people enough to make it worth giving a damn about.

lilpoindexter 04-04-2016 09:34 PM

Re: Pardon me while I rant
I hate going to most auto parts stores. At an autozone, i could see a bag with 10 feet of 5/8 heater hose behind the counter...i tell the lady i wanted that bag of 5/8 heater hose...when she asks the same stupid WHAT YEAR MAKE AND MODEL question everybody else gets....i just walked behind the counter, grabbed the bag, and said THIS.
If i want moog or something, i just order it off Summit...

slotard 04-05-2016 07:36 PM

Re: Pardon me while I rant
The napa near me is quite a bit better than the oreilly but oreilly but I tend to walk 5 minutes to oreilly rather than a couple miles to napa. If it's big enough that I need to drive, napa it is. At least around here napa is a franchise and they're mostly small business while oreilly is corporate owned and you can tell.

68Timber 04-05-2016 10:04 PM

Re: Pardon me while I rant

Originally Posted by kalbert (Post 7547804)
Parts guy used to be a career, somewhere in about the last 20 years it became a job, and as of the last 10 or so years it is a part-time minimum wage job. It's a shame none of the parts houses are willing to pay people enough to make it worth giving a damn about.

Yep. Pretty soon we'll probably see kiosks where WE tap on the computer and figure out what we want, then one of a few runners goes back and pulls it off a shelf to bring it to us, then we self-checkout. That's pretty much the way rockauto works. The Autozone near me is pretty good, the same manager has been there at least since my boys were little, maybe longer. She must treat everyone there pretty good, there's several more that have been there a long time. Even so, I used to think parts houses were a cool place to go but I avoid them now best I can.

andrewmp6 04-06-2016 07:19 AM

Re: Pardon me while I rant
68timber the napa i love is the same way all the guys been there years and the youngest one is maybe mid 30s.

kalbert 06-19-2017 04:11 PM

Re: Pardon me while I rant

Originally Posted by 68Timber (Post 7549680)
Yep. Pretty soon we'll probably see kiosks where WE tap on the computer and figure out what we want, then one of a few runners goes back and pulls it off a shelf to bring it to us, then we self-checkout. That's pretty much the way rockauto works.

In the past year I've been pretty much doing that, treating the local Advance guys like parts pickers at a warehouse. Order online, pick up in store. Almost hassle free, except for when I ordered 5 spark plugs for my Colorado, the high school kid there had tossed a 6th one on the order. I told him I only needed 5, he told me I should replace them all, I said I am, he said what's that on, must be a Saab or something? I said it was for an Audi Quattro and thanked them for the concern.

1774btcrew 06-19-2017 04:15 PM

Re: Pardon me while I rant
Well, the parts store that was so great here in Phoenix closed without warning so I am stuck with O'reilley , Autozone and Napa. I suppose it is a sign of the times but it was a sad day for me. Those guys really knew their stuff!

aharper33 06-20-2017 08:27 AM

Re: Pardon me while I rant
I cant complain about the O'Reileys where I'm at. Granted we have WYO Tech here so we tend to get some good "gearhead" type people working in there.

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