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Run Away 04-24-2016 09:44 PM

Run Away's '69 C10 LWB Project Log
Hey all!
My name is Ben, I'm 28 years old and I live in Winnipeg, Manitoba, Canada.
I've always wanted an old Chevy truck ever since I was a kid, but it never really happened. January 2015 I went to look at a crashed '68 LWB at a local insurance auction, and really liked it. Unfortunately the bidding went over what I was prepared to pay. After losing the auction I spent a lot of time following eBay auctions and realized I probably should have bid higher on that crashed truck. I started throwing out last minute bids on trucks with reserves not met, in a sort of "I shouldn't buy this, but really want to" fashion. To my suprise, I ended up winning an auction for this '69 LWB in Arkansas. Here's some photos from the ebay auction:

It was advertised as a good running truck with a 305, factory A/C, a fresh clear coat of paint all over to preserve the patina, new springs and shocks, new carpet, dash pad, and seat upholstery.

After talking to the seller (a shop) on the phone he told me the truck drove nice and probably could make the 1000 mile trip straight north with minimal work. This sounded like a perfect "Roadkill" trip!

I bought a plane ticket, packed a checked bag full of tools and spare parts, and flew down on a friday morning. The plan was to pick up supplies and address any issues the truck had, then hit the road and cannonball it home. I was supposed to be at work Monday morning.

My first view of my new truck:

Here's a thread I started with some of the details of the trip:

A few highlights:
-brake master cylinder bad when I arrived, replaced in parking lot
-2 qts low on oil
-blew one tire 1hr into the drive, put the spare on and got a room for the night. Replaced all 4 tires the next morning
-couple hours after getting back on the road the heater core blew, looped the lines
-running hot and boiling the coolant is a consistant problem, limped it to LMC truck just outside Kansas City
-replaced heater core in truck stop parking lot in Kansas City
-cannonball'd the remaining 820 miles in 19.5 hrs, including a 2hr nap and customs.

Some pictures from the trip:

Run Away 04-24-2016 09:45 PM

Re: Run Away's '69 C10 LWB Project Log
The next Tuesday I brought it to work and gave it a good look over. Here's what I found:

Hanger bearing is shot

Did I just drive 1000 miles on an oil filter than was last replaced when the engine was painted? Yikes!

Rusty floors

There was only 1.5 bolts holding in the seat!

Rusty cowl

Yikes, time for new brakes too!

The whole heating system was just packed with these. I was getting blasted in the face with debris over every bump!

More than I bargained for

And so with the amount of rust I discovered, it wans't going to be able to pass a safety inspection so I parked it and started planning.

Run Away 04-24-2016 09:49 PM

Day #1
It sat in my yard for a bit over a year, but now that spring is almost here in Winnipeg I'm starting the work on the truck. The plan is to pull the cab, have it sandblasted, order patch panels where I need them, weld them all in, epoxy primer, paint, and re-assemble. I'd like to keep the patina'd look of the truck so just the cab rust is being fixed. The doors and cowl will go back on as-is (they're in good shape actually).

This thread is just to help me document my progress.
This afternoon I started pulling the front clip off in one piece.

Once the cab is off, I'll put it on a dolly. When it comes back from blasting I'll wheel it into my tiny garage and start cutting and welding.
How did this thing make it 1000 miles again?

Can anyone help identify this Edelbrock carb? It needs a rebuild. I'm much more comfortable around fuel injection....

Worrisome bits

The firewall panel is separating from the floor panel

Is this an original column? The paint doesn't match

As I left it for the day.

The front clip is ready to come off in one piece. I just need to drain and remove the radiator, disconnect the trans cooler lines, disconnect the a/c lines, and pull the column. As it sits now I can lift each corner up a couple inches.

Run Away 05-08-2016 04:25 PM

Re: Run Away's '69 C10 LWB Project Log
Front clip off in one piece!
And some shots of the damage uncovered. I'm not sure if I should be looking at getting a new firewall or not, the bottom section is pretty gone. They only make non-a/c firewalls too. The goal is to have the rust all repaired by the time snow hits, pretty ambitious for a first timer. So whatever makes for a faster and easier repair will be worth it.

Run Away 05-08-2016 04:27 PM

Re: Run Away's '69 C10 LWB Project Log
May 1st:
Got the dash pad, brake pedal, wiring, ebrake assembly, wiper motor, heater box, ducting, heater controls, glove box, and gauges out. Basically almost completely stripped the cab, with the exception of a few little odds and ends and the gas tank.

I'm going to need a little bit from a doner cab, I don't think I can re-create this. Wiper motor mounting, viewed from below.

Daylight everywhere!

Run Away 05-08-2016 04:44 PM

Re: Run Away's '69 C10 LWB Project Log
May 6th, Friday evening. My dad came over to give me a hand.
Scribed the door hinge placement, pulled the doors off.

Up and away!

A little later we had a dolly built

Cab sits nicely on it, and there's room for the engine hoist to fit under. I may add some bracing at the bottom for transportation, but the bits that give it height are actually pretty stable.

Saturday the 7th I shuffled cars around

And rolled it into the garage

A tight fit, but it all fits

Next is to pull the glass, and call around for some media blasting quotes. I also want to swap out the two straight wheels on the dolly for another pair of locking swivel casters so it's easier to move around.

Run Away 05-27-2016 10:02 PM

Re: Run Away's '69 C10 LWB Project Log
Not too much work on this as I've been focusing on cleaning and organizing the garage for the past week or two. I've been treating it as a storage container for the past 3 years basically and just tossing stuff on the shelves and floor, there was no room to work. I'm pretty much done that now, so I've been working on the truck.

My girlfriend gave me a hand and we got the windows out. I also swapped the casters on the dolly so all four are swiveling and locking.

I also started taking the dash out as the A pillar rust extends up under the dash. This is a bit tricky as it's welded in all along the base of the windshield pinch weld.

The last spot weld holding on basically came apart by itself.

Dash out

The problem areas
I'm clearly in over my head now.
It's like the truck is rusting from the inside out at the seams. I really should be looking for a better cab but I'm fairly certain I don't find anything locally and shipping is a gamble. I've put a ad up on kijiji (what we use locally instead of craigslist).

It's only metal right? It's fixable, I'm just not sure I can successfully do that on my first attempt.

junksaver 05-27-2016 11:48 PM

Re: Run Away's '69 C10 LWB Project Log
If possible I think you should look for a better cab. Anything is fixable, but it may be more work than it is worth.
Keep your head up. You have to look at it as a long term project. It's a shame you went so far to pick that one up, but it is always a learning experience.
Good luck and keep posting your progress.

Run Away 06-04-2016 10:24 PM

Re: Run Away's '69 C10 LWB Project Log

Originally Posted by junksaver (Post 7607531)
If possible I think you should look for a better cab. Anything is fixable, but it may be more work than it is worth.
Keep your head up. You have to look at it as a long term project. It's a shame you went so far to pick that one up, but it is always a learning experience.
Good luck and keep posting your progress.

Thanks for the encouragement! I agree that a better cab would be the smart choice....

Run Away 06-04-2016 10:25 PM

Re: Run Away's '69 C10 LWB Project Log
I put out a wanted post on the local kijiji (think craigslist) and facebook groups for a cab or someone parting out a cab. I got a reply from a semi local guy with a cab for sale and after going to look at it, I bought it.

It's a '72 with no title, and it's been blasted and epoxy primered.
It was delivered Thursday night.

The plan is to use panels from this one to patch my cab. Before anyone gets mad at me for cutting up a good cab, here's some of the bad parts:

The whole passenger rear corner has been poorly grafted from another truck at some point, in addition to a couple cab corner patches.

Holes in the roof skin and windshield frame.

The floors and rockers have rotted out, patched, rotted again and patched again.

I got the dash out of the parts cab today though. Here's what I'm after:

I have many many many hours of drilling spot welds ahead of me....My poor cordless drill is taking a beating so I picked up my dad's corded drill. Probably won't be many updates until I've got the two cabs all apart.

I'll be measuring everything closely on my cab and likely creating a temporary cage/brace inside mine with bolt-on attachments points at fixed locations such as the brake master holes, the cab mount bolts/studs, etc to keep it square when it's all in pieces and to give a reference point for where I'll put the replacement panels as it goes back together. That's the plan anyways....

junksaver 06-04-2016 11:58 PM

Re: Run Away's '69 C10 LWB Project Log
Stay at it and keep posting your progress.

swamp rat 06-05-2016 01:23 AM

Re: Run Away's '69 C10 LWB Project Log
Resurrection from the dead at its finest, i love watching the seemingly impossible actually happen! Good luck it can be done! I have a couple bookmarked threads to prove it. :)

raggedjim 06-05-2016 12:36 PM

Re: Run Away's '69 C10 LWB Project Log
This reminds me of the first chevy truck I bought. A 69 in about the same shape.

Good luck and hang in there!


Run Away 06-05-2016 11:43 PM

Re: Run Away's '69 C10 LWB Project Log
Thank you for the comments, junksaver, swamp rat, and raggedjim!

Today I got the firewall out.

Lots of spot welds all around, then sawsall across the floor. Made sure to leave the firewall as intact as possible in case I re-use it, and only cut the braces that run under the floor, and not the little bits that extend up the firewall.


I also dug out all the bits I need to convert my welder from flux core to MIG. Going to check if the gas solenoid is already installed tomorrow (welder is at work) and get a tank.

Run Away 06-12-2016 03:15 PM

Re: Run Away's '69 C10 LWB Project Log
Slowly chipping away at the parts cab.

Went to the junkyard yesterday, explored the domestic yard. Never been there, I've always gone to the import side (same junkyard, two lots across the street from each other). Found an early GMC truck. Straight 3 and manual.
Not much left of it, but it has an uncut dash.

And all the bits I needed were intact on it. Oh well, I don't see how I would have got it all apart at the yard as power saws are not allowed.
Decent backup plan though.

Got the cowl off

The little brackets and channels they have underneath aren't very well thought out IMO. Don't drain very well and any larger debris gets trapped. They came off next.

Little bit of a patch will be needed here, it's a nice and easy flat spot though.

Then the inner cowl

Then the scoop things under the kick panel vents.

Run Away 06-12-2016 03:16 PM

Re: Run Away's '69 C10 LWB Project Log
Then the passenger side wing

And that's where I left it for the night as dinner was ready. Just need to get the drivers side wing off and I'm pretty much done with this cab.

I've switched from drilling a pilot hole and the fancy spot weld bits to just a carbide burr. The drilling takes forever, have limited access to some areas, and I was chewing through bits at a record pace. The grinding bit doesn't leave as nice panels, but it's twice as fast and far cheaper.

I'd be out there now grinding away on it but it's raining pretty hard. Building a brace for my cab is next. I'll recycle a bunch from the parts cab.

swamp rat 06-13-2016 01:08 AM

Re: Run Away's '69 C10 LWB Project Log
The plot thickens... or, the cutting gets deeper.. :)

raggedjim 06-15-2016 10:29 PM

Re: Run Away's '69 C10 LWB Project Log
You're in deep water! I did some really shady work on the first one I had, but it looked good after it was painted. Sold it to a buddy in the Navy.

Keep after it, Rg

Sicksty8 06-15-2016 11:15 PM

Re: Run Away's '69 C10 LWB Project Log
And I thought I had lots of rust! Glad to see another Winnipegger on the net. :metal: I've picked a few parts off of that truck at bucks this last year too :lol: I've got a parts truck 69 here in the city if your looking for something give me a pm. Good luck on the truck I'd like to see how it works out for ya.

Run Away 06-16-2016 10:37 PM

Re: Run Away's '69 C10 LWB Project Log
Thanks guys!

I finished scavenging what I needed from the parts cab. The last wing is out, along with the bracing I'll be re-using for mine. Just need to get some shielding gas for my welder, load some wire and change out the liner and I'll be ready to start bracing.


Originally Posted by Sicksty8 (Post 7626414)
And I thought I had lots of rust! Glad to see another Winnipegger on the net. :metal: I've picked a few parts off of that truck at bucks this last year too :lol: I've got a parts truck 69 here in the city if your looking for something give me a pm. Good luck on the truck I'd like to see how it works out for ya.

Sweet! I just read your full thread, it pretty much mirrors what I've been planning. Knowing what you know now, would you do the full floor again or patch? I keep flip flopping as to what direction I want take. Patch or replace the whole thing.

Sicksty8 06-17-2016 12:23 AM

Re: Run Away's '69 C10 LWB Project Log

Originally Posted by Run Away (Post 7627387)
Sweet! I just read your full thread, it pretty much mirrors what I've been planning. Knowing what you know now, would you do the full floor again or patch? I keep flip flopping as to what direction I want take. Patch or replace the whole thing.

I think I'd do the full floor because it meant less spot welds to cut out but at the point that you are at, I dont think it would make much of a difference. When I bought the floor it was also cheaper than buying all the patches, braces, and supports individually. The only bad part was getting it to fit right because I didn't take enough measurements. Kinda biased because I havent done the patch panel method but for me it made more sense.

Run Away 07-07-2016 09:40 PM

Re: Run Away's '69 C10 LWB Project Log
I haven't updated in a while, but I've been working on it!

First up was welding in some braces. Got a tank of argon/CO2 mix and converter my welder. Found the regulator was stripped so that was taken care of.
New threads

Though I was losing my marbles when I couldn't thread on the new tip. Turns out I grabbed one that was machine wrong, no threads just bands.....

Once I figured out I had to flip the wire feed roller and a couple practice I was able to make this:
I won't lie, I was very impressed with myself after that. Welding with gas is fantastic! I've never made welds so nice. Remember, I'm a complete beginner....

Put some bracing in
Welder is turned all the way up, wish it went a little hotter for the 1" square tubes


Drilled out the outer cowl

Then the inner wings/kick panels. I'm going to have to graft bits of the a pillars from the parts cab.

Run Away 07-07-2016 09:43 PM

Re: Run Away's '69 C10 LWB Project Log
Separated completely here

Cut the rockers off
The remains

Added some more bracing
I should have done this before separating the cowl from the A pillars. All that's left to lift the cab off the floor is the spot welds along the back of the cab and the rear bolts. I can lift the front corners up right now, no need to unbolt them as the A pillars have rotted in two.

The plan is to roll the dolly out this weekend and separate them, and maybe buy a little utility trailer so I can tow the cab to get sandblasted. I also placed an order with GMC Paul's today for:
-new cowl
-new firewall
-complete low hump floor with braces
-outer rockers
-cab corners
-a pillar patches
-kick panel patches
-rad support, cab, and bed mounting kit
-full truck weatherstripping
-a few other odds and ends
Once it arrives at the border I'll make the 3hr round trip to go pick everything up.

swamp rat 07-08-2016 11:09 AM

Re: Run Away's '69 C10 LWB Project Log
My eyes are glued! This is gonna be a fun build to watch!

t300 07-08-2016 11:30 AM

Re: Run Away's '69 C10 LWB Project Log
Yikes thats a lot of repair there! Did you price out the body parts @ Walker in Winnipeg? I was going to order inner fenders from the US / to the border and Walker's price was better and they have them in stock as well. Tri-Plus brand I believe.

Run Away 07-09-2016 04:16 PM

Re: Run Away's '69 C10 LWB Project Log

Originally Posted by t300 (Post 7646999)
Yikes thats a lot of repair there! Did you price out the body parts @ Walker in Winnipeg? I was going to order inner fenders from the US / to the border and Walker's price was better and they have them in stock as well. Tri-Plus brand I believe.

I priced out the parts I needed locally from Keystone/LKQ/Pro body. Decent pricing, but they were out of stock on the full floor pans. I called to see when they'd be back in stock and was told there was no ETA, so probably 2-3 months. I wasn't willing to wait that long.

I also phoned and email'd Bill's Truck Shop in Ontario, they had the floor in stock but didn't reply to my email for a total, even though they were expecting it (sent the email about an hour after talking on the phone). Maybe it never got delivered, who knows.

I wanted a few things (like the Precision weather strip) that GMC Paul's offered, and price-wise they were very good too so I just bought it all from them. Decent communication so far, my only gripes are they charged me $450 USD for shipping..hoping they will refund some of that when the actual shipping costs are figured out. It's truck freight but all the sheetmetal is going on one shipment so I would think it would be cheaper than that. They also email'd me and said their last 69-90 firewall had damage, I opted to put the order on hold until a good one comes in. That should be the 20th.

Run Away 07-09-2016 05:24 PM

Re: Run Away's '69 C10 LWB Project Log
Drilled out the back wall of the cab

Removed the rear bolts, some fiddling with the car corners and it's free

My dad came over this afternoon and helped me lift it off, then back on

Run Away 07-09-2016 05:28 PM

Re: Run Away's '69 C10 LWB Project Log
I was concerned with this area before separating the cab

My plan was to cut the A pillar in half and use the front half from the parts cab

But it's worse than I thought inside. The inner reinforcement has rusted away from the A pillar on both sides.

I didn't take a good shot from further back on the parts cab, but this is how it's supposed to look. This is the inside of the driver's A pillar at the base of the windshield.

Cleaned up the garage and pushed it back in to mull over my options.

I'd need to have it blasted to know for sure, but I suspect the metal in the A pillar is too thin to be saved. My biggest issue is keeping it all square. If I cut the A pillars off I don't have a good way of properly placing their replacements. Really wishing now I had left the parts cab alone and simply cut the A pillars halfway down the windshield , then grafted the front end onto my cab.
Which brings me to my next though. Currently, I'm thinking the best plan of action is to:
-blast/wire wheel/treat all the bits of the parts cab I removed removing all rust that wasn't reached when it was blasted all assembled
-re-install the panels back onto the parts cab. I should be able to line up everything pretty easily just by matching the spot welds drill holes.
-cut back the floor of the parts cab where it meets the firewall to allow room for...
-tack new firewall onto parts cab along the cowl and A pillars
-cut the A pillars of the parts cab about halfway down the windshield, and cut the base of the A pillars away from the floor and rockers
-after lots of measuring, tack the assembled front half of the cab on to the remains of my "good" cab
-test fit windshield, hang and test fit doors to confirm measurements
-weld A pillars together in solid with some sort of internal fish plating or sleeve
-fit new floor pan to the cab at the back, slice and dice as needed to join firewall to floor.

Opinions? Hoping someone has a better plan (other than buy another cab...)
I am so over my head it's not even funny. :thud:

swamp rat 07-12-2016 08:22 PM

Re: Run Away's '69 C10 LWB Project Log
You can keep your eye on the parts board for someone dissecting a cab and find the proper A pillar patch panels you need? I know i'm not much help.

Stuntmonkey 07-13-2016 12:44 PM

Re: Run Away's '69 C10 LWB Project Log

tucker69 07-13-2016 01:14 PM

Re: Run Away's '69 C10 LWB Project Log
Hey buddy, good work on the tear down. Welcome to a truck from the south. I thought I had a lot to repair/replace. wish I had known in advance I had a few original pcs you could have used. Anyway, good luck and keep up the good.....Casey

trac209 07-13-2016 10:07 PM

Re: Run Away's '69 C10 LWB Project Log
Wow that's a lot of cab repair,in fact that's the most I've ever seen, good to see a fellow winnipeg person on here,there's a couple on here now finally.

Run Away 07-17-2016 12:19 PM

Re: Run Away's '69 C10 LWB Project Log
Thanks for the words, all!

I think I'm going to continue with fixing this cab. It's a matter of $$ vs time vs space for me.
Using the A pillars from my parts cab will cost me zero dollars, zero space, but a bunch more time measuring and fitting. Before I was going to do all the cab repairs on the dolly, with replacing the A pillars I think a couple of rounds with the cab on the chassis hanging doors and the front clip will be the best way to go to ensure proper fitment.

Here are the two possibilities locally if I were to start on another cab:
I'd need to pay someone to haul them home for both, and I don't have the space at home unless I want to work on grass.

Here's some better shots of the A pillars on the parts cab.

I haven't done any more work on the truck really, been looking for a little utility trailer to buy so I can cart the cab(s) around to get blasted. Also rolled the chassis around, got the tarps out from under it and cut the grass. My girlfriends father donated a bunch of 2x2 patio stones and I bought a few more, going to lay down some landscaping cloth and hopefully make a little parking pad for the chassis/bed/front end so it's not over grass.

Aus69c20 07-17-2016 08:02 PM

Re: Run Away's '69 C10 LWB Project Log
A very thorough tear down. I don't think the rust has got any place left to hide.
Look forward to seeing you piece this one back together.
Great job so far and good luck with the rest.

jjlett69 07-18-2016 07:08 PM

Re: Run Away's '69 C10 LWB Project Log
Let me tell you im following this, you Sir are definitely fearless! Cant wait to see this done!

Run Away 07-23-2016 01:41 PM

Re: Run Away's '69 C10 LWB Project Log

Originally Posted by Aus69c20 (Post 7656227)
A very thorough tear down. I don't think the rust has got any place left to hide.
Look forward to seeing you piece this one back together.
Great job so far and good luck with the rest.

Don't jinx it, I haven't torn into the roof yet.....:help: :lol:

Originally Posted by jjlett69 (Post 7657521)
Let me tell you im following this, you Sir are definitely fearless! Cant wait to see this done!

I'd say more "doesn't know what he's getting into" over fearless!!

Not too much progress.
Made a pad to park the truck on so it's off the grass, just paving stones over landscaping fabric.

Also bought a small trailer to cart cabs and engines and stuff around.

I've also bought a little sandblaster that supposedly only uses 2 cfm at 50psi so I should be able to run it off a tiny little compressor my dad has. Just for spot clean up.

And my sheetmetal from GMC Paul's has shipped, I may be picking it up next weekend.

Run Away 08-06-2016 02:03 PM

Re: Run Away's '69 C10 LWB Project Log
Not too much going on. Life is busy and it seems like every time I've got a spare couple hours it rains.

Purchased a new cab

Shuffled it onto the dolly. Juuuust barely enough room for two.

The cab needs floor work, cab corners, rockers, and floor extensions but it otherwise in very nice shape. Someone has already worked on the passenger side.

Pretty impressive option list

There's some title issues with this cab however so I'm not going to work much on it until I know definitively what's going on with that.

Drove down to the border to pick up my parts. My timing was terrible with border crossing on a long weekend, took about 5 hours round trip. Part of that was repacking the shipment as it was originally packaged like this

Fits a lot better like this

All the goodies layed out. Not pictured is the full floor as it was too heavy to wrestle around by myself.

Run Away 08-06-2016 02:05 PM

Re: Run Away's '69 C10 LWB Project Log
Bought a cheap sandblaster for $40 and tried it out with my dad's tiny little 2.6 cfm compressor. Cleaned up the inner A pillars on the parts cab

Coated everything with this

have to fix up this crack before I use the pillar

So I think my next step is to get my original cab blasted to see how bad the roof is. If the roof is done, then I think I'm throwing in the towel with it.

tommys72 08-07-2016 11:22 AM

Re: Run Away's '69 C10 LWB Project Log
i havent commented before but have seen this since the beginning. Youre making good work on it. Keep going and there wont be any rust left

Run Away 08-20-2016 10:19 PM

Re: Run Away's '69 C10 LWB Project Log
Brought my cab to be sandblasted

Turned out great! Roof is mint, I was very relieved

Original cab corners only have a few pinholes

And powder coated with zinc primer. I also got 6 other pieces done (cowl and side wings), and they cut me a great deal. Just under $300 for everything.

Some holes near the vin plates and by the door

Drip rail on drivers side

Inside the cab

And a small hole on the passenger side door jamb near the A pillar

Inside the cab corners

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