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kickinasphalt 04-29-2004 06:32 PM

Can someone please tell me what size lift and tires are on this GMC???

jamesjones 04-29-2004 07:03 PM

Looks like 4" and 35's to me but I could be wrong.

JIMs70GMC 04-29-2004 08:09 PM

I'd have to agree.

toddol1971 04-29-2004 09:05 PM

4" w/ 35's. just talked to the guy. just sold it 4 days ago. I have this deal with my phone company for 43$ a month i get unlimited local & unlimited long dist on my land line so i called for ya. Im thinking of going that route myself, but may get a 2.5" w/ 33's.

kickinasphalt 04-29-2004 10:54 PM


Originally posted by toddol1971
4" w/ 35's. just talked to the guy. just sold it 4 days ago. I have this deal with my phone company for 43$ a month i get unlimited local & unlimited long dist on my land line so i called for ya. Im thinking of going that route myself, but may get a 2.5" w/ 33's.
Hey thanks I appreciate that. I really like the stance on that pickup but from what I've read, a 4" lift and 35" tires can cause some rubbing. Thats why I'm leaning toward 6".

JIMs70GMC 04-30-2004 05:28 AM

Board member Richard Morgan just installed 35" BFGs and 6" superlift lift on his 72. Did you see the pics?

ALASKA ALUMINUM BEAR 05-04-2004 04:05 AM

hi guy
everyone is rite on with their tire and lift size--and the only thing i can help with is to try to suggest you go with the 6'' lift rite off....for 30 years i have only driven 4x4 burbs---and i started off with giving them a 2/12'' lift---then 4'' then---a 6''---which is the only real way to go-and you will hardly notice the differance in looks---but when you turn sharp on the trails---with a 6'' you won't cut up those tires....and never not ever--use blocks--or a skyjacker soft ride lift---they not only break- but the ride su-ks bigtime....

anyway i hope this helps

can any one direct me to jims-new lift talk about here-i'd love to see it,,,

JIMs70GMC 05-04-2004 07:10 AM

I'll see if I can find it and post a link.

Pont 05-04-2004 06:39 PM

Ouch! That sucks to read about the Skyjacker Softride. So far, I've been very pleased with mine.

sakohntr 05-05-2004 08:57 AM

I have to agree with pont. My skyjacker softride wont ever be leaving my shortbox. In other shortbox's i was constantly bouncing off the ceiling cause the suspension was too stiff. And since were on the subject I would not recommend any Rancho products. Piss Poor Technical Support......

Destructo 05-05-2004 10:39 AM


Originally Posted by sakohntr
I have to agree with pont. My skyjacker softride wont ever be leaving my shortbox. In other shortbox's i was constantly bouncing off the ceiling cause the suspension was too stiff. And since were on the subject I would not recommend any Rancho products. Piss Poor Technical Support......

Rough Country springs are VERY stiff also. I have them on my 85, 4" springs and I steer clear of major bumps, going down the highway isn't too bad, nice firm ride but once you hit the big bumps you better hold on.

ALASKA ALUMINUM BEAR 05-05-2004 02:50 PM

Sorry Skyjacker Guys
SORRY about the skyjacker-softride comments....and for your application they make work very well...

but for me--this company is the biggest rip off going in the truck world...infact sevaral shops that used to praise skyjacker-up and loath them and have since drop their entire line....much for the same reasons as myself....

when i first got my 4'' softride from them it wasn't supposed to have lift blocks and be able to tow a trailer without--sagging....well in came with 2 inch blocks--and sagged alomst to the ground even with a load leveler hitch---with 15,000 lb the first week-the springs broke...then they would not replace it untill i paid for new springs....i did and they broke;;both times with out a trailer attached--not that it should make a you know what it's like to break springs 1000miles from home.....thank god for procomp-add a liefs--cause they got me back up and after they got me for over 1,200 dollars....i could never get anyone back on the phone to pay me back.....and after 18 months of trying to get some kind of satisfaction. they finally told me they didn't care--in the least and a few unhappy customers they could live with....even though they admitted they were wrong--they were not about to correct it....they even went so far to admit that aweakened batch of softride springs had gone out in 2001 and they were not about to call them all back....the shops that left them had these types of problems and more to the extent--they would never honor-any part after it went out the door....and allways blame the installer....ya rite...

so while i am truley glad your skyjacker softride works for you guys- iknow all to many folks it dosen't work for,,,and whats saddest of all is that even when they admitt--somethings wrong--they won't help fix my advice is never by skyjacker-anything-for all they want is all the money they can get from your pocket....again sorry guys---best of luck nothing ever breaks...

also sorry to thread jump--did not want to trail off on someone elses thread...

alaska aluminum bear


Pont 05-05-2004 10:16 PM

Thanks for your input AABear, it's always nice to hear other peoples experiences about products they have ran and whether or not customer service is what it should be.

This is my first time using Skyjacker products and I'm only running their front springs. They do not offer a rear for my truck so I had to have some custom made. Overall performance on my front springs is great. They don't ride too stiff or soft and they haven't sagged in the last 2 1/2 years under my big block. Hopefully, I will never have the issues that you had with Skyjacker.


ryanroo 05-05-2004 10:42 PM

i have 8 inch skyjacker springs in my 72, no blocks.

my only complaint is that it is a little unlevel setting front high, granted the engine is not in it, but even when it is it is a little nose high. this is also due in part to the lack of bumper and whatnot on springs that are designed for trucks for heavy bumpers and winches(that is what i was told). i put my lift on in the summer of 2000, hopefully my springs won't break. they haven't yet, but they have only 300 miles or so on them...

sakohntr 05-05-2004 11:44 PM

Mr Bear, sorry to hear of your nightmare. Was it the main leaf that broke and did it do any damage? If you were'nt 3000 miles away from the factory they'd probably get a closeup of there fine product. I have'nt had any problems with either the front or back. And to be honest i used them because nobody else at the time had a kit without blocks. My suspension was also nose hi but i later used a GM cast iron block to level it out. Can anybody recommend a better product that will stand up to abuse and not use any blocks? I am in the market for some K30 leafs.....

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