crzydmnd72 |
08-30-2004 12:14 AM |
Motor Mount question
Hi everyone. I am new to posting here although I have lurked for about a year. Great place:)
My 1981 Silverado was the reciepent of a diesel to gas conversion, they simply plopped an Olds 350 in place of the diesel. Good enough for now. I had been experiencing an oil leak that was getting worse, started poking around and noticed that the driver side motor mount bolts had worked loose from the engine block and allowed the mount to slide down under the oil pan. It damaged the flange of the pan pretty good but a hammer fixed that up.
I got new mounts, pulled the old ones and the oil pan, replaced the gasket and mounts, and I canNOT get the new mounts to seat. The passenger side one seated great, bolt went right thru. The drivers side is stuck up too HIGH and just wont drop any further. I can raise it and lower it, even got desperate enough to start the engine and put it in gear a few times, thinking it would just DROP in. Nope, no luck there either. Any suggestions?