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FRENCHBLUE72 11-26-2004 09:34 PM

Ned starting help...
I need some help getting my 69 to start correctly I can start it with the key in the on position and jumping a screwdriver on the starter.. The starter and soilinoid are brand new any help would be great...

jhow66 11-26-2004 09:46 PM

Auto? If so check neutral safety switch. Do you have the wires correct on starter? (Purple to "S" post-one next to block) Yellow (if still points) to "R" post. (This yellow wire goes back up and connects to the + side of coil (if still points).

FRENCHBLUE72 11-26-2004 10:08 PM

Looks like I have a purple wire going to the hei ...And just a red wire going to the starter.. Yes its auto.. No neutral saftery switch... What color wire should go to the hei???

Robert1970C20rstbukt 11-26-2004 10:14 PM

Make sure your purple wire that goes to the starter solenoid is on the "S" terminal.

Longhorn Man 11-26-2004 11:21 PM

HEI can be any color, it is a wire you need to add to the system.
Follow that purple wire on the HEI and see where it goes.
You need to have a wire on the S terminal (normally closer to block, but not always). It is supposed to be purple. If it is there already, then you need to find out why it isn't getting power when you turn the key.
You say no neutral safety switch, is that becouse it's a manual, or becouse it's been bypassed?
If it was bypassed, you need to verify that it is still bypassed.
After those checks, i would lay on the floor with my head on the tranny hump (feet hanging out the drivers door) and shine a flashlight behind the ignition switch. Unplug the harness from the switch. It may be a PITA, if I remember right, there ios 3 little locking tabs that you have to depress to unplug it.
Once you have it unplugged, drop it down and look at the terminals on the inside of the plug. You are looking for corrosion, or more likely, burned connections.

FRENCHBLUE72 11-27-2004 01:35 PM

Andy the safety switch was bypassed because as far as I can tell the truck never had (did manuals have one??) I wired the purple wire to the starter still no clicky with the key... Gonna try the ignition switch next.. Just a question off topic but what color wires go to the little junction block on the passenger side fender??? I will keep you guys posted...

Longhorn Man 11-27-2004 01:42 PM

You are right, manual trucks did not have the safety switch.

Robert1970C20rstbukt 11-27-2004 04:01 PM

There should be a wire coming off the battery, and then a fusible link that goes to that little junction block on the pass. side fender. I think it's for the charging system. You should have power going to that purple wire, it's what engages the starter. You might wanna get a test light and see if you're getting power to it.

FRENCHBLUE72 11-27-2004 04:31 PM

Well after unwrapping nine miles of e-tape I found that the wire going to the hei was indeed yellow I cut it off and ran a new wire fron the fuse box.. The wire going to the starter is indeed purple.. I am not getting power to the purple wire gonna crawl under the dash.. I do have another harness that I can swap out if need be.. When I was unwrapping the harness I did find some light green wires bundled up in the tape job any idea's on what these go to .. They are located on the passenger side of the motor???

Robert1970C20rstbukt 11-27-2004 05:18 PM

I looked at a wiring diagram and the only light green wires I found were for the headlights and taillights.

FRENCHBLUE72 11-27-2004 08:23 PM

1 Attachment(s)
I got the starter problem fixed after I pulled out the whole harness now it starts with the key and everything works'''' Heres a pic of the problem.

Robert1970C20rstbukt 11-27-2004 08:38 PM

Cool that you fixed it. How could the taillight gasket be the problem, shorted wiring/bulb socket?

FRENCHBLUE72 11-27-2004 08:41 PM

Not too sure I guess I must have put up the wrong pic?????

FRENCHBLUE72 11-27-2004 08:47 PM

1 Attachment(s)
Heres the problem....

Robert1970C20rstbukt 11-27-2004 09:43 PM

Whoa now I get it!

Longhorn Man 11-28-2004 01:20 AM

Is that the pruple wire on the back of the ignition switch?
Green wires, couold that go to an A/C clutch?

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