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tommygfunk 12-16-2004 02:29 PM

My Splatered S10
well i finally got pics. see them at

now i have to deal with the ins co. yea

Bamm 12-16-2004 05:53 PM

Looks like you bent up near bout every panel on the truck. Did they total it?

mocwon 12-16-2004 06:03 PM

I thought the hand-built casket was cool.

tommygfunk 12-16-2004 06:04 PM

but the insurance co. will only cover $7200 of the $9500 we owe

Longhorn Man 12-16-2004 07:46 PM

Tom...what was it insured for?
it's been a while since I had to have full coverage, (also in another state) but I insured it for the sticker price, and as far as the insurance company went, it was worth 10,500 untill the day we dropped the full coverage. (minus 500 deductable)

Blue Beard 12-16-2004 08:31 PM

What will you replace it with?

ts71281 12-17-2004 12:08 AM


I'll give you a killer deal on a 2003 GMC Sonoma SLS, reg cab short box truck. Only has 18,000 miles on it. I'm in MN and since buying my silverado I have no use for the Sonoma. $9,000 takes it :) I can send pics if you're interested. I wouldn't be selling this truck if I fit in it better (6' 2" 300 lbs) Truck is perfect, no dings-scratches-nor has anything ever been set in the truck box. Let me know if you're interested.


arkracing 12-17-2004 12:29 AM

thier saying it's totaled??? do they write to a certain percentage of the value of the truck....

damage doesn't look...all that bad, i've seen worse (i'm an adjuster/appraiser for an inusrance company) - of course i can't tell just by pictures

i'm guessing you don't have gap coverage if you owe that much and they are only covering the 7k (value??)

what did they tell you the ACV was? "Actual Cash Value"

does you bank note have gap coverage on it??

tommygfunk 12-17-2004 12:48 AM

I’m mot sure what I’m going to do. The truck’s a.c.v. is only $7300.00 and I owe $9500.00 and the insurance company did not offer gap insurance and neither did the dealership. I have had the worse luck on this road. Two years ago I totaled a 99 G.M.C.when bambi’s big brother jumped in front of me. I’m thinking of buying something really big like a crew cab or a

68w/sbc406 12-17-2004 01:34 AM

thats pretty good when you can hit your drivers side on the guard rail, did you slide across the lanes?
edit ::D MY 1000TH POST :D

tommygfunk 12-17-2004 04:08 AM

no slid sideways into the rail d/s first [kinda like east bound in the north bound lane, went airborn and spun round

arkracing 12-17-2004 08:29 AM

can't fix it your self and have a buddy throw some paint on it for you?

Dealership should give you 25% off list price or so...if you compalin enough or say that you work for a shop or something...99% of bodyshops get 25% off parts (unless they don't pay thier bills)

from the pics i would say it is pushing the 5k-6.5k mark in repairs at any normal body shop (depending on the labor rate in your area??) which is why they are totaling it. ins. companies ususally total at 75%-85% of a vehicles value. sometimes as high as 95% but that is on older cars that "somebody wants to save"

see if you can get the ins company to contract repair it with a shop...i.e. the shop does it for "X" amount and won't call them back for any supplements...and if you don't take a rental car the ins. might be more willing to help you out.

just some suggestions to get around the extra money that you owe on the loan...tricks/tips of the business.

any other questions feel free to PM me and i'll see if i can answer - but i won't be back till sunday afternoon

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