old Rusty C10 |
12-30-2004 10:43 PM |
73-87 burb and pickup parts
I want to start off this listing by saying that Im not making ANY kind of money from this post, im posting this after speaking with a moderator and asking their opinon of this before posting.
As some of yall know i have a couple of 73-87 trucks and ive been restoring them over the years from time to time. After moving to NJ ive found a junkyard where ive become friends with the owners. Recently they have brought in several 73-87 chevy picjups all different models including a 3=3 3500 series GMC duallie long bed pickup. This truyck has many nice parts in it including the bed, hips,an aftermarket rear bumper dual tank set up etc etc. They also have a white 81-91 burb in nice shape they will sell whole for $900 or so there are several other burbs and pickups and these people have sold me parts for rediculous amounts of money.. i just got a brand new dash pad for $25 without a single crack on it... tires $20 on rims etc etc so i wanted to let yall know where to go and maybe you guys can score some deals..... the guys name is Jimmy and he runs Aberdeen Auto Salvage in Aberdeen NJ He does have a web site but if you call there and mention this site and my name he says he will take care of you. He has no problem shipping and he is a very honest and nice guy/ Ive bought parts there for my sons car when hes wrecked it not needed them all on further inspection and hes refunded my money.Jimmy is a real nice guy and so is the other owner John
Its Aberdeen Auto Salvage 222 Texas Road Morganville NJ07751 and the numbers are(732) 566-9899 or 732-290-0943 I dont have the web address but hey im sure ya can google it or something