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nroden 05-31-2002 12:37 AM

Favorite Place to Get Parts
What is your favorite place to get parts. Choose 1.

nroden 05-31-2002 12:41 AM

Sorry, woulda given you more choices but I can only have 10 so I tried to put the most popular.

nroden 05-31-2002 01:31 AM

Hey, who added Mother Truckers? Whoever did it, thanks!!!

jostrans68 05-31-2002 02:39 AM

Wes is a fountain of Info and always a blast to BS with Gotta get down and see the new shop. I have used mother truckers and Paul but I like the ability to drive 30 mi to look at what i want....My .02. Had Big troubles with Chevy Duty.......:bowtie:

Project1970 05-31-2002 05:58 AM

My vote is going to go to Rick's Pickup Parts if a mod can add that option to the poll. ;)

Durwood 05-31-2002 07:55 AM

Mane's is my first choice but I didn't see it in the list at first, so Chevy Duty is my second choice even though that's what I picked. I too like to see what it is I'm buying, so local is the way to go. It seems that everything I've bought from LMC has been their cheapest crap made by child-labor shops in the middle of Indonesia. Not much motivation for quality there.

Mane's rules.

For used parts I vote CPNE. He's always had the best parts for the best prices, is very friendly, and very helpful.

Randy70C-10 05-31-2002 08:37 AM

I can't pick one, I've had great service from GMCPauls, WES, LMC, Kingparts, and a couple of others.

nroden 05-31-2002 08:53 AM

I like GMCPauls the best. Good prices, best quality, and comes right to my door.

I have gotten some things from Ron Manes but the thing about him is having to get to Raytown. His prices are as good as GMCPauls but sometimes his quality is a little iffy. I do like his little gang that hangs out there by the door and counter.

And then I think all of you have heard of my to-short brake line experience with LMC... it was before I knew of GMCPaul, Manes, or even Chevy Duty or Jim Carter.

imaindianoutlaw 05-31-2002 09:00 AM


kevins67gmc 05-31-2002 11:15 AM

Wes at classicheartbeat would have to be my first choice always been pleased with his prouducts and prices plush he's a local boy .GMCPaul is also good to buy from never had a problem its hes a little father away and waiting on shipping and shipping costs more then theres the boneyards sometimes get a good deal and the parts board theres a few good people selling used parts i've had good luck with . Kevin

bouncytruck 05-31-2002 11:40 AM

Recently, I have delt with Pickups NW in Snohomish, WA (about 10miles from my house.) They are very helpful and willing to order anything.

COBALT 05-31-2002 12:27 PM

I'd have to say WES since he's so close. I'm sure that PICKMUP will have something to say here if he ever logs back on...

Of course I've spent most of my time at NAPA recently...

Rod 05-31-2002 05:41 PM

Junkyard, scrap yard, farmers field, etc... :D

Tim Christian 05-31-2002 08:56 PM

You left off Bill (Pickupman) Shenandoah Truck Parts and He is a very helpful guy that helps a lot of people on this board I don't see LMC,Goldenstate, and ect. on here helping out. I have been on this board a long time and one thing I will do is help those who help me For example Kingparts, GMCPauls, Classic Heartbeat,Mothertruckers, or Shenandoah Truck Parts, All these guys are GREAT if you have not tried them you may want to!!!!

slam33 05-31-2002 08:56 PM

Depends on the parts, I use GMCP, LMC,Classic Ind. But I do pretty darn good on EBay for the tough stuff:bowtie:

thood 05-31-2002 09:28 PM

who to suport
I chose ECE because they are the best I have seen yet. I think this board is the 2nd best to deal with! I look forward to dealing with GMCpaul. I think it is importent to suport the guys that help on the board!!!! It would take alot to get me to buy from someone I don't see here:flag:

68SWB4x4 06-02-2002 03:45 AM


jhwkns 06-02-2002 12:56 PM

I go to Tuckers... they're local here in Vegas

Super Chevy 06-02-2002 04:12 PM

Gmc Pauls

because,Ive talked to him before and he's alwas asking what parts should be added and what we all think of his service. I think the other parts dealers on this board are like that too,but he is the only one ive spoken to before...

:flag: :bowtie: :flag:

Blue_71 06-02-2002 04:32 PM

i voted GMCPauls, but hes the only one ive ever dealt with before


BIG ORANGE 06-05-2002 01:10 AM

KINGPARTS has supplied the TRUCK SHACK with its aftermarket parts and has been a key player with sucess and growth of the TRUCK SHACK.
KINGPARTS also was the person that told me about this board and that has been a plus for the TRUCK SHACK also.

thanks alot:Donnie Snipes

SWINGSAX68 06-05-2002 10:42 AM

Right now I've only use LMC....but I'm considering going through Chevy Duty also.......some have better prices on things, but others are REDICULOUS....I'd rather just try to get something from the 'other' truck out back and fix that!!!!Cost about the same...DIG?

Mixup 06-05-2002 02:45 PM

I buy some stuff from Tuckers they are in las vegas.

gregsplace 06-05-2002 10:11 PM

The shed next to my shop, second floor of my shop, west stall, bus body out back....etc...etc.. those of you Kansas members that have been here know what I'm talking about, lol when I need to buy new, gmcpauls gets my vote(only because he's the only one I've used so far!!

okietruck 06-06-2002 09:05 AM

I have only ordered from LMC and Chevy Duty. We have Classic Chevrolet Parts here in OKC, so I ususally buy from them. They aren't the cheapest, but since I don't have to pay shipping, it usually averages out the same.

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