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tbolt427 06-02-2002 12:49 PM

Rear Suspension Choice ,,, Coil or Leaf
Wich one do you prefer

Fast68Chevy 06-02-2002 01:05 PM

wow, i actually participated in a poll for once, we all know that coils rule; both in better ride, less traction hop problems, and more load hauling capabilities, those who say leaves haul more in stock 1/2 ton form have never hauled weight in a coil rear truck to its maximum capabilities, why GM discontinued using trailing arm rear is anyones guess,... may have something to do with nascar, maybe they bought the design or something,

Low69CST 06-02-2002 01:58 PM

I'd say GM quit using the coil spring set up because its cheaper and easier to use leafs than coils. With the a leaf set up, your spring is also your locating devices and its more compact. Also, you don't have to have 2 different rear bracket systems for 4x4 and 2x4 trucks.

68SWB4x4 06-02-2002 02:52 PM


Super Chevy 06-02-2002 02:59 PM

Im with Shaggy on this one


Josh 06-02-2002 05:13 PM

I like my coils

HvyChevy454 06-02-2002 06:14 PM

well for me it depends on a 2wd I prefer coils but on a 4WD i would prefer leafs.

thood 06-02-2002 06:19 PM

thank-you I feel much better now.
that is one of the best things about these trucks! nice ride.:cool: :cool: :bowtie: :flag:

JHickson6 06-02-2002 06:22 PM

Coils all the way!!!


Gee_Emm 06-02-2002 07:35 PM

Leafs or coils
Which did your truck come with?

tbolt427 06-02-2002 08:24 PM

1st truck coils 2nd truck coils 3rd truck leafs...

Gordo 06-02-2002 08:36 PM

IMO,,,,coils for cruisin',,,,leafs for totin'.

Longhorn Man 06-02-2002 08:43 PM

I've had leaf, then coil, then leaf.
For the hot rodder in me, coils all the way, but for the tow rig/parts hauler...I prefer the HD set up in the Longhorn.

racedvl 06-02-2002 10:13 PM

Coils are like heaven..............:confused:

Gee_Emm 06-02-2002 10:36 PM

This should be an interesting poll if enough people vote.

lofly'a 06-02-2002 10:55 PM

coils all the way, but i know the leaf lovers will say otherwise. leaf setups are better for hauling in my opinion,....but thats it. i've seen a many coil set-ups with broken shock mounts and bent beds from hauling heavy loads. :) :flag:

mikep 06-03-2002 12:15 AM

Ive got heavy 3/4 ton coil springs in the 68 C20 and my last truck was a 69 c10 with 3/4 ton coil springs. Both have hauled huge loads without any problem and had excellent ride characteristics. I'm sold on them.

gmc-rob 06-03-2002 01:15 AM

I have one of each and like the ride of the coils much better. I also thought the leafs were able to haul more weight but noticed some 1972 GMC 2500 3/4 tons with coils and a 1971 GMC 2500 3/4 ton camper special with coils and was suprised they did not have leafs as these tucks are meant to haul heavy loads, so what is gong on here?? ROB:confused:

shadetree 06-03-2002 01:19 AM

Rear coils was a reason for my choice of 67-72 Chevy truck. If I can't have rear coils, I might as well have a Dodge! (J/K, please don't shoot me) :) ;)

68SWB4x4 06-03-2002 03:14 AM

if anyone noticed i merged these two threads, they were very similar...... but the polls didnt merge, so some votes were lost, sorry i was experimenting

tbolt427 06-03-2002 05:14 AM

Thanks SHAG good lookin out ...From what I read somewhere ,,, Chevys came coil sprung ... The Generals trucks came leaf sprung ... But !!! Could be ordered with others suspension...

okietruck 06-03-2002 10:08 AM

I've run both and definately prefer coils.

Yellow Cheyenne 06-03-2002 10:41 AM

Both have their place. Coils for ride, leafs for towing.

Project1970 06-03-2002 11:11 AM

Can't say I've ever ridden much in a coil I voted leaves because I can. ;)

FWIW, I believe some of the SUVs have returned to the coilspring suspension. Trucks haven't yet...

DennyB 06-03-2002 11:40 AM

Who needs a 4 link...

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