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guyryan100 03-21-2005 11:26 AM

starter fried?
Did I destroy my new starter? I was trying to bolt up the flexplate to the torque converter - so I put in the first bolt, disconnected the spark wire, and fired up the starter so I could rotate the engine and get to the next bolt. I heard a strange sound (sounded like a proper starter noise but with a resonating ring sound like a bell), so I double-checked the starter.

It turns out that when I put one bolt in the flexplate I skewed the plate so the starter ring gear on the flexplate was no longer lined up properly with the starter. Now I get zero response from the starter on turning the key. Not a peep. Did I burn up the starter or could a fuse have blown or maybe a very low battery? I tried charging the battery but still get no audible response from the starter. I'm just surprised that it makes no sound or movement at all!

Help!!! :confused:

Fred T 03-21-2005 02:14 PM

You didn't say what vehicle this is on, but. Do any of the electrical accessories work, such as headlights? I not, check the small wire coming off the positive battery cable. It should go into a fuse or fusible link, which can be replaced. If the accessories do work, sounds like the starter is toast.

guyryan100 03-21-2005 02:57 PM

I have no accessories installed yet - those are next. But my dash generator light and temp light (I think that's the one - bottom right on the circle) lights up when I turn key to run and then to start. So there's definately SOME power getting to the cab.

guyryan100 03-21-2005 03:05 PM

Anybody ever bought the starter repair kit for $10 and have any luck? Or replaced the starter solenoid itself (sounds like the solenoid may be my problem - twas a brand new starter until yesterday)

shifty 03-21-2005 05:20 PM

Do you hear anything when you turn the key forward? A single click or anything like that?

If the solenoid is not new, it could very well be the problem. I don't know how to test it, though.

guyryan100 03-21-2005 07:41 PM

new solenoid, zero sound.

VetteVet 03-21-2005 10:11 PM

I'm curious as to why you skewed the flexplate that much. The torque converter should have just moved forward against it and tightened when you snugged the bolt. If you had left the bolt loose it might have bound it against the block when you turned the engine over. Can you rotate the engine by hand in either direction? The solenoid would still engage unless You have blown a fuse. You can jump the solenoid with a remote starter switch by hooking the leads to the large positive wire on the solenoid and the inside terminal on the solenoid. I think it's where the purple wire goes.
this bypasses the fused circuit and the solenoid should click and the starter may rotate so be careful if you do this.
If you had a test light or a volt ohmeter you cold check to see if you had power at the solenoid and having some one turn the key to start and see if you have 12 volts there. That would tell you if the fuse is bad from the key switch. Before you buy a new solenoid or starter you need to find out if the control circuit is good.

jhwkns 03-21-2005 10:19 PM

You should take the starter back to where you bought it, and have it bench tested before you buy any parts. You never know?

Good Luck

guyryan100 03-22-2005 09:56 AM

Well, I took the starter out, bench tested it, and it worked fine. I put it back in and it works wonderfully. The only thing I can think of it maybe it was bound up in the engaged position (didn't look like but but who knows) and my removing it freed it up. The flexplate was askew only a small amount but it looked like enough to cause trouble.

Now that my starter is working I'm putting the flexplate bolts in and not cranking them down one-by-one. Instead I'm tightening each little by little so that the plate pulls up evenly. Appears to work much better.

krue 03-22-2005 10:33 AM

You can also grab the flexplate and turn it by hand, don't need to use the starter anyways.

nathank 03-23-2005 04:50 PM

Where is the solonoid located on the 67-72 trucks?

shifty 03-23-2005 05:30 PM

My solenoid is right on top of the starter. Here's a pic:

nathank 03-23-2005 05:34 PM


Originally Posted by shifty
My solenoid is right on top of the starter. Here's a pic:

Ahhh ok, i see... thanks!!

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